コード例 #1
    def find_markets(self, grid_locations=None, voltage='high'):

        elec_filter_base = [
            {'filter': 'equals', 'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']},
            {'filter': 'startswith', 'args': ['name', 'market for electricity, {} voltage'.format(voltage)]},
            {'filter': 'doesnt_contain_any', 'args': ['name', ['aluminium industry',
                                                               'internal use in coal mining',
                                                               'Swiss Federal Railways',
                                                               'electricity, from municipal waste incineration'

        if grid_locations:
            elec_filter_base += [{'filter': 'either', 'args':
                [{'filter': 'equals', 'args': ['location', x]} for x in grid_locations]

        elec_filter = create_filter_from_description(elec_filter_base)

        elec_list = list(w.get_many(self.loader.database.db, *elec_filter))

        grid_dict = {
            e['location']: ecoinvent_to_image_locations(e['location'])[0]
            for e in elec_list if 'IAI' not in e['location']
                                  and e['location'] not in ['GLO']
                                  and len(ecoinvent_to_image_locations(e['location'])) == 1

        return elec_list, grid_dict
コード例 #2
    def confirm_setup(self):
        print("This is the last page")

        this_filter = create_filter_from_description(parse_filter_widget(self.filter_widget))
        db = findMainWindow().loader.database.db

        this_item_set = [WurstProcess(x) for x in w.get_many(db, *this_filter)]

        #this_item = w.get_one(db, *this_filter)

        item_string = ""
        for n, this_item in enumerate(this_item_set):
            item_string += "{} ({}) [{}]".format(this_item['name'], this_item['unit'], this_item['location'])
            if n != len(this_item_set):
                item_string += "\n"

        if len(this_item_set) > 1:
            self.processDescriptionLabel.setText('Base processes: ')
            self.processDescriptionLabel.setText('Base process: ')

        location_list = ", ".join([x['display'] for x in self.location_widget.checked_items])

コード例 #3
    def classify_technologies(self, elec_list=None):

        if not elec_list:
            elec_list = self.markets

        assert elec_list

        exchange_filter = [{'filter': 'equals', 'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']},
                           {'filter': 'exclude', 'args': [
                               {'filter': 'startswith', 'args': ['name', 'market ']},
        wurst_exchange_filter = create_filter_from_description(exchange_filter)

        exchange_dict = defaultdict(list)

        for x in elec_list:
            exc_list = list(w.get_many(x['exchanges'], *wurst_exchange_filter))

            for e in exc_list:
                e['image_location'] = get_loc(x['location'])[0]
                e['image_classification'] = classify_by_name(e['name'])

            assert not exchange_dict[x['location']]

            exchange_dict[x['location']] = exc_list

        return exchange_dict
コード例 #4
    def find_markets(self, grid_locations=None):

        elec_filter_base = [
            {'filter': 'equals', 'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']},
            {'filter': 'startswith', 'args': ['name', 'market for electricity, high voltage']},
            {'filter': 'doesnt_contain_any', 'args': ['name', ['Swiss Federal Railways', 'label-certified']]},

        if grid_locations:
            elec_filter_base += [{'filter': 'either', 'args':
                [{'filter': 'equals', 'args': ['location', x]} for x in grid_locations]

        elec_filter = create_filter_from_description(elec_filter_base)

        elec_list = list(w.get_many(self.loader.database.db, *elec_filter))

        grid_dict = {
            e['location']: get_loc(e['location'])[0]
            for e in elec_list if 'IAI' not in e['location']
                                  and e['location'] not in ['GLO']
                                  and len(get_loc(e['location'])) == 1

        return elec_list, grid_dict
コード例 #5
    def format(self, recipe_item):
        function = recipe_item['function']
        original_kwargs = recipe_item.get('kwargs', {})
        copy_kwargs = copy(original_kwargs)

        for k, v in copy_kwargs.items():
            if "_filter" in k:
                this_filter = create_filter_from_description(v)
                these_items = list(
                    w.get_many(self.loader.database.db, *this_filter))
                string = '\n'.join([
                    '{name} ({unit}) [{location}]'.format(**x)
                    for x in these_items
                copy_kwargs[k] = string
            elif isinstance(v, list):
                print("{} is a list".format(v))
                if k not in ['database', 'db']:
                    copy_kwargs[k] = ', '.join(v)

        if function == 'transfer_pv':
            if 'factor' in copy_kwargs.keys():
                copy_kwargs['amount'] = copy_kwargs['factor'] * 100
                copy_kwargs['unit'] = "%"
                copy_kwargs['unit'] = ""

        mask = self.masks[function]
        return mask.format(**copy_kwargs)
コード例 #6
def find_possible_additional_electricity_exchanges(process, database, include_transmission=False, include_glo=False):
    assert isinstance(database, FuturaDatabase), "database needs to be a futura FuturaDatabase object"
    assert process['name'].startswith('market') and not process['name'].startswith('market group'), \
        'This function only works with market processes (not market groups or production processes)'

    technosphere_exchanges = [e for e in w.technosphere(process)]

    result = []
    # result_dict = {}

    for g, v in groupby(technosphere_exchanges, lambda x: (x['product'],
        # print(g)
        v_list = list(v)
        names = [e['name'] for e in v_list if e['name'] != process['name']]

        possible_additions_filter = []
        possible_additions_filter += [w.equals('unit', g[2])]
        possible_additions_filter += [w.equals('reference product', g[0])]
        possible_additions_filter += [exclude(w.startswith('name', 'market'))]
        possible_additions_filter += [exclude(w.equals('location', 'RoW'))]
        possible_additions_filter += [w.doesnt_contain_any('name', ['production mix',
                                                                    'petroleum refinery',
                                                                    'blast furnace',
                                                                    'coal gas',
                                                                    'aluminium industry'

        possible_additions_filter += [w.doesnt_contain_any('name', names)]

        if not include_transmission:
            possible_additions_filter += [w.doesnt_contain_any('name', ['transport', 'transmission'])]

        if include_glo:
            possible_additions_filter += [w.either(*[w.equals('location', g[1]), w.equals('location', 'GLO')])]
            possible_additions_filter += [w.equals('location', g[1])]

        possibles = list(w.get_many(database.db, *possible_additions_filter))

        if len(possibles) > 0:
            for p in possibles:
                e = check_exchange_in_activity(process, p)
                if e:
            # result.extend(possibles)
            # result_dict[g] = possibles

    return result  # , result_dict
コード例 #7
    def update_electricity_markets(self, grid_locations=None):
        image_electricity_market_df = self.image_loader.get_mixes(self.year)

        changes = {}
        # update high voltage markets:
        for ds in w.get_many(self.loader.database.db, *self.electricity_filter(grid_locations, voltage='high')):
            changes[ds['code']] = {}
            changes[ds['code']].update({('meta data', x): ds[x] for x in ['name', 'location']})
            changes[ds['code']].update({('original exchanges', k): v for k, v in get_exchange_amounts(ds).items()})
            changes[ds['code']]['pretend'] = pretend_to_add_new_datasets_to_electricity_market(ds, self.loader.database.db, image_electricity_market_df)
            #changes[ds['code']].update({('updated exchanges', k): v for k, v in get_exchange_amounts(ds).items()})
        return changes
コード例 #8
ファイル: filter.py プロジェクト: pjamesjoyce/futura
 def test_filter(self):
     test_filter = self.create_filter()
     db = findMainWindow().loader.database.db
     result = list(w.get_many(db, *test_filter))
     if len(result) == 0:
         message = "No results found!"
     elif len(result) == 1:
         message = "{} result found - {} ({}) [{}]".format(
             len(result), result[0]['name'], result[0]['unit'],
         message = "{} results found, including {} ({}) [{}]".format(
             len(result), result[0]['name'], result[0]['unit'],
コード例 #9
    def restrict_locations(self):
        base_filter = parse_filter_widget(self.filter_widget)
        no_location_filter = [x for x in base_filter if x['args'][0] != 'location']
        this_filter = create_filter_from_description(base_filter)
        no_location = create_filter_from_description(no_location_filter)
        db = findMainWindow().loader.database.db
        this_item = w.get_one(db, *this_filter)
        item_location = this_item['location']
        other_items = w.get_many(db, *no_location)
        other_locations = [x['location'] for x in other_items]

        other_locations = [x for x in other_locations if x != 'RoW']

        locations = list(set(other_locations + [item_location]))


コード例 #10
def pretend_to_add_new_datasets_to_electricity_market(ds, db, df):
    # This function adds new electricity datasets to a market based on image results. We pass not only a dataset to modify, but also a pandas dataframe containing the new electricity mix information, and the db from which we should find the datasets
    # find out which image regions correspond to our dataset:

    image_locations = ecoinvent_to_image_locations(ds['location'])

    # here we find the mix of technologies in the new market and how much they contribute:
    mix = find_average_mix(df.loc[image_locations])  # could be several image locations - we just take the average

    # here we find the datasets that will make up the mix for each technology
    mock_ds = {'name':ds.get('name'),
               'code': ds.get('code'),
    datasets = {}
    for i in mix.index:
        if mix[i] != 0:
            # print('Next Technology: ',i)
            # First try to find a dataset that is from that location (or image region for new datasets):
            datasets[i] = find_ecoinvent_electricity_datasets_in_same_ecoinvent_location(i, ds['location'], db)
            # print('First round: ',i, [(ds['name'], ds['location']) for ds in datasets[i]])

            # If this doesn't work, we try to take a dataset from another ecoinvent region within the same image region
            if len(datasets[i]) == 0:
                datasets[i] = find_ecoinvent_electricity_datasets_in_image_location(i, ds['location'], db)
                # print('Second round: ',i, [(ds['name'], ds['location']) for ds in datasets[i]])

            # If even this doesn't work, try taking a global datasets
            if len(datasets[i]) == 0:
                datasets[i] = find_ecoinvent_electricity_datasets_in_same_ecoinvent_location(i, 'GLO', db)
                # print('Third round: ',i, [(ds['name'], ds['location']) for ds in datasets[i]])

            # if no global dataset available, we just take the average of all datasets we have:
            if len(datasets[i]) == 0:
                datasets[i] = find_ecoinvent_electricity_datasets_in_all_locations(i, db)
                # print('Fourth round: ',i, [(ds['name'], ds['location']) for ds in datasets[i]])

            # If we still can't find a dataset, we just take the global market group
            if len(datasets[i]) == 0:
                print('No match found for location: ', ds['location'], ' Technology: ', i,
                      '. Taking global market group for electricity')
                datasets[i] = [x for x in w.get_many(db, *[w.equals('name', 'market group for electricity, high voltage'),
                                                         w.equals('location', 'GLO')])]

    # Now we add the new exchanges:
    for i in mix.index:
        if mix[i] != 0:
            total_amount = mix[i]
            amount = total_amount / len(datasets[i])
            for dataset in datasets[i]:
                    'amount': amount,
                    'unit': dataset['unit'],
                    'input': (dataset['database'], dataset['code']),
                    'type': 'technosphere',
                    'name': dataset['name'],
                    'location': dataset['location']

    # confirm that exchanges sum to 1!
    sum = np.sum([exc['amount'] for exc in w.technosphere(mock_ds, *[w.equals('unit', 'kilowatt hour'),
                                                              w.doesnt_contain_any('name', [
                                                                  'market for electricity, high voltage'])])])
    if round(sum, 4) != 1.00:  print(ds['location'], " New exchanges don't add to one! something is wrong!", sum)

    return mock_ds
コード例 #11
    def regionalisation_wizard(self):
        print('Starting the wizard')
        rw = RegionalisationWizard()

        if rw.exec_():
            print('Wizard Complete')
            filter_description = parse_filter_widget(rw.filter_widget)
            this_filter = create_filter_from_description(filter_description)
            db = findMainWindow().loader.database.db

            this_item_set = [
                WurstProcess(x) for x in w.get_many(db, *this_filter)

            #this_item = w.get_one(db, *this_filter)

            location_code_list = [
                x['code'] for x in rw.location_widget.checked_items

            if len(this_item_set) == 1:

                recipe_entry = {
                    'tasks': [{
                        'function': 'create_regional_activities_from_filter',
                        'kwargs': {
                            'new_regions': location_code_list,
                            'base_activity_filter': filter_description,


                recipe_entry = {
                    'tasks': [{
                        'function': 'regionalise_multiple_processes',
                        'kwargs': {
                            'locations': location_code_list,
                            'base_activity_filter': filter_description,

            loader = findMainWindow().loader
            executor = FuturaRecipeExecutor(findMainWindow().loader)


            # create_regional_activities(this_item, location_code_list, db)

            no_location_filter_description = [
                x for x in filter_description if x['args'][0] != 'location'
            new_locations_filter_description = [{
                'filter': 'equals',
                'args': ['location', l]
            } for l in location_code_list]
            new_locations_filter_description = [{
            new_locations_filter_description = no_location_filter_description + new_locations_filter_description
            new_locations_filter = create_filter_from_description(
            result = list(w.get_many(db, *new_locations_filter))

                "{} ({}) [{}]".format(x['name'], x['unit'], x['location'])
                for x in result

            message = QtWidgets.QMessageBox()
            message.setText("{} new processes created".format(len(result)))
                "{} ({}) [{}]".format(x['name'], x['unit'], x['location'])
                for x in result

            print('Wizard Cancelled')
コード例 #12
def test_regionalisation(loader):

    database = loader.database

    original_database_size = len(database.db)

    locations = ['GB']
    base_activity_filter = [{
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['database', 'Carma CCS']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']
    }, {
        'args': [{
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'hard coal']
        }, {
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'Hard coal']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['location', 'GLO']
    progress_message = 'coal CCS for GB'

    regionalise_multiple_processes(database, locations, base_activity_filter,

    intermediate_database_size = len(database.db)

    assert intermediate_database_size > original_database_size

    gb_activity_filter = [{
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['database', 'Carma CCS']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']
    }, {
        'args': [{
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'hard coal']
        }, {
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'Hard coal']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['location', 'GB']

    gb = create_filter_from_description(gb_activity_filter)

    gb_list = list(w.get_many(database.db, *gb))

    assert gb_list

    locations = ['DE']
    base_activity_filter = [{
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['database', 'Carma CCS']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']
    }, {
        'args': [{
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'lignite']
        }, {
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'Lignite']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['location', 'GLO']
    progress_message = 'lignite CCS for DE'

    regionalise_multiple_processes(database, locations, base_activity_filter,

    final_database_size = len(database.db)

    assert final_database_size > intermediate_database_size

    de_activity_filter = [{
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['database', 'Carma CCS']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']
    }, {
        'args': [{
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'lignite']
        }, {
            'filter': 'contains',
            'args': ['name', 'Lignite']
    }, {
        'filter': 'equals',
        'args': ['location', 'DE']

    de = create_filter_from_description(de_activity_filter)

    de_list = list(w.get_many(database.db, *de))

    assert de_list
コード例 #13
    def classify_exchanges(self, elec_list=None):

        if not elec_list:
            elec_list = self.markets

        assert elec_list

        exchange_filter = [{'filter': 'equals', 'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']},
                           {'filter': 'exclude', 'args': [
                               {'filter': 'startswith', 'args': ['name', 'market ']},
        wurst_exchange_filter = create_filter_from_description(exchange_filter)

        full_exchange_list = []

        for x in elec_list:
            full_exchange_list.extend(list(w.get_many(x['exchanges'], *wurst_exchange_filter)))

        exchange_tuples = {(x['name'], x['location']) for x in full_exchange_list}

        # return exchange_names

        # assert 0

        convert_dict = OrderedDict()
        convert_dict["import"] = "Imports"
                'coal, post': 'Coal CCS',
                'coal, oxy': 'Coal CCS',
                'coal, pre': 'Coal CCS',
                'lignite, post': 'Coal CCS',
                'lignite, pre': 'Coal CCS',
                'lignite, oxy': 'Coal CCS',
                'gas, post': 'Natural gas CCS',
                'gas, pre': 'Natural gas CCS',
                'gas, oxy': 'Natural gas CCS',
                'wood burning power plant 20 MW, truck 25km, post': 'Biomass CCS',

                'co-generation, biogas': 'Biomass CHP',
                'co-generation, wood': 'Biomass CHP',
                'biogas': 'Biomass ST',
                'biogas': 'Biomass ST',
                'wood': 'Biomass ST',
                'co-generation, hard coal': 'Coal CHP',
                'co-generation, lignite': 'Coal CHP',
                'hard coal': 'Coal ST',
                'lignite': 'Coal ST',
                'hydro': 'Hydro',
                'co-generation, natural gas': 'Natural gas CHP',
                'natural gas, combined cycle': 'Natural gas CC',
                'natural gas': 'Natural gas OC',
                'nuclear': 'Nuclear',
                'co-generation, oil': 'Oil CHP',
                'oil': 'Oil ST',
                'solar': 'Solar PV',
                'offshore': 'Wind offshore',
                'onshore': 'Wind onshore',
                'peat': 'Other',
                'blast furnace gas': 'Other',
                'geothermal': 'Other',
                'coal': 'Coal ST',
                'diesel': 'Other',
                'digester sludge': 'Other',

                'CC plant': 'Other',
                'BIGCC': 'IGCC',

        # translate all exchanges to their IMAGE equivalents

        exchange_dict = {}
        for e in exchange_tuples:
            found = False
            for n in convert_dict.keys():
                if n in e[0]:
                    exchange_dict[e] = convert_dict[n]
                    found = True

            if not found:
                exchange_dict[e] = 'Non-Specified'

        return exchange_dict
コード例 #14
    def update_grid(self, grid_locations=None):

        if not grid_locations:
            grid_locations = self.all_locations

        if isinstance(grid_locations, str):
            grid_locations = [grid_locations]

        assert isinstance(grid_locations, list)

        #get electricity market(s)

        elec_filter_base = [{
            'filter': 'equals',
            'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']
        }, {
            'args': ['name', 'market for electricity, high voltage']
        }, {
            'args': ['name', ['Swiss Federal Railways', 'label-certified']]
        }, {
            'args': [{
                'filter': 'equals',
                'args': ['location', x]
            } for x in grid_locations]

        elec_filter = create_filter_from_description(elec_filter_base)

        elec_list = list(w.get_many(self.loader.database.db, *elec_filter))

        # get exchanges to categorise

        exchange_filter = [
                'filter': 'equals',
                'args': ['unit', 'kilowatt hour']
                'filter': 'exclude',
                'args': [
                        'filter': 'startswith',
                        'args': ['name', 'market ']
        wurst_exchange_filter = create_filter_from_description(exchange_filter)
        full_exchange_list = []
        for x in elec_list:
                list(w.get_many(x['exchanges'], *wurst_exchange_filter)))

        exchange_names = set([x['name'] for x in full_exchange_list])

        convert_dict = OrderedDict()
        convert_dict["import"] = "Imports"
            "coal": "Coal",
            "lignite": "Coal",
            "oil": "Oil",
            "natural gas": "Natural Gas",
            "wood": "Combustible Renewables",
            "biogas": "Combustible Renewables",
            "peat": "Other Combustibles",
            "blast furnace gas": "Other Combustibles",
            "nuclear": "Nuclear",
            "hydro": "Hydro",
            "wind": "Wind",
            "solar": "Solar",
            "geothermal": "Geothermal",

        # translate all exchanges to their IEA equivalents

        exchange_dict = {}
        for e in exchange_names:
            found = False
            for n in convert_dict.keys():
                if n in e:
                    exchange_dict[e] = convert_dict[n]
                    found = True

            if not found:
                exchange_dict[e] = 'Non-Specified'

        last_fm = None

        for market in elec_list:

            stratification_dict = self.aggregated_data.xs(
                market['location'][:2]).to_dict()['Latest Year Total']
            fm = FuturaMarket(market, self.loader.database)

            # create a dataframe of market production volumes by exchange
            pv_df = pd.DataFrame([{
                'input': k,
                'production volume': v['production volume']
            } for k, v in fm.process_dict.items()])

            # add a Group column to classify each exchange to an IEA type
            pv_df['Group'] = pv_df['input'].apply(
                lambda x: exchange_dict.get(x, None))

            grand_total = pv_df['production volume'].sum()

            # figure out how to stratify the data based on the proportion of production within IEA groups
            stratification_data = {}

            for g, v in pv_df.groupby('Group'):
                this_total = v['production volume'].sum()
                stratification_data[g] = {}

                # print(v)
                for row_index, row in v.iterrows():
                    if this_total != 0:
                            'input']] = row['production volume'] / this_total
                        stratification_data[g][row['input']] = 0

            # multiply these proportions by the actual new grid mix sections
            actual_stratification = {
                k: v * grand_total
                for k, v in stratification_dict.items()

            final_dict = {}

            for k, v in stratification_data.items():
                this_pv = actual_stratification[k]
                for x, n in v.items():
                    final_dict[x] = n * this_pv

            # apply the new numbers to the FuturaMarket

            for k, v in final_dict.items():
                fm.set_pv(k, v)


            print('Updated grid mix for {}'.format(
                cc.convert(market['location'], to="short_name")))