コード例 #1
    def entity_pair2is_appendable(
        Param = PriceSkillParameter

        entity_type_pair = lmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2type, entity_pair)
        param_type_pair = lmap(Param.Type.entity_type2parameter_type,

        for param_type in param_type_pair:
            if param_type not in {Param.Type.PORTLIKE, Param.Type.TRADEGOOD}:
                return False

        param_type_1, param_type_2 = param_type_pair
        if param_type_1 != param_type_2:
            return False

        span_pair = lmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2span, entity_pair)
        text_between = StringTool.str_span2substr(
            text, SpanTool.span_pair2between(*span_pair))
        is_fullmatch = RegexTool.pattern_str2match_full(
            Param.pattern_delim(), text_between)
        if not is_fullmatch:
            return False

        return True
コード例 #2
    def table_pagesize2split_OLD(cls, table, ncol_per_page):
        buffer = cls.COUNT_COLHEAD
        ncol_overlap = 1  # overlapping column 1

        n_row = len(table)
        divider = ncol_per_page - buffer - ncol_overlap

        ncol_table = iter2singleton(map(len, table))
        ncol_data = ncol_table - buffer

        n_page = (ncol_data - ncol_overlap) // divider + (
            1 if (ncol_data - ncol_overlap) % divider else 0)

        cols_header = lmap(lambda l: l[:cls.COUNT_COLHEAD], table)
        for i in range(n_page):
            start = buffer + i * divider
            end = buffer + min((i + 1) * divider + 1, ncol_data)

            cols_body = lmap(
                lambda l: SpanTool.list_span2sublist(l, (start, end)), table)

            table_partial = [
                cols_header[i] + cols_body[i] for i in range(n_row)
                if any(cols_body[i])
            yield table_partial
コード例 #3
    def obj_list2uncovered(cls, obj_list, f_obj2se=None):
        if f_obj2se is None:
            f_obj2se = lambda x:x

        se_list = lmap(f_obj2se, obj_list)
        ilist_uncovered = cls.se_list2index_list_uncovered(se_list)
        return lmap(lambda i:obj_list[i], ilist_uncovered)
コード例 #4
    def text2entity_list(cls, str_in):
        logger = FoxylibLogger.func_level2logger(cls.text2entity_list,

        entity_list_1day_raw = DayofweekEntityKo.text2entity_list(str_in)

        entity_list_multiday = cls._text2entity_list_multiday(str_in)
        span_list_multiday = lmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2span,

        def entity_1day2is_not_covered(entity_1day):
            span_1day = FoxylibEntity.entity2span(entity_1day)
            for span_multiday in span_list_multiday:
                if SpanTool.covers(span_multiday, span_1day):
                    return False
            return True

        entity_list_1day_uncovered = lfilter(entity_1day2is_not_covered,

        entity_list = lchain(
            lmap(cls._entity_1day2multiday, entity_list_1day_uncovered),

        return entity_list
コード例 #5
    def data2check_unique(cls, j_colhead_list, str_COL_list_ROW_list):
        # if not cls.ColHead.j_head2is_key(colhead): return

        count_col = len(j_colhead_list)
        j_list_uniq = lfilter(
            lambda j: cls.ColHead.j_head2is_key(j_colhead_list[j]),
        if not j_list_uniq: return

        count_row = len(str_COL_list_ROW_list)

        tuple_ROW_list = lmap(
            lambda row: tuple(map(lambda j: row[j], j_list_uniq)),

        iList_duplicate = sorted(
                              key=lambda i: tuple_ROW_list[i]),
            key=lambda i: (tuple_ROW_list[i], i),
        if not iList_duplicate: return

        column_name_list = lmap(
            lambda j: cls.ColHead.j_head2col_name(j_colhead_list[j]),
        tuple_ROW_list_duplicate = lmap(partial(ListTool.li2v, tuple_ROW_list),

        h_error = {
            "column_name_list": column_name_list,
            "rownum_list_duplicate": lmap(cls._i2rownum, iList_duplicate),
            "tuple_ROW_list_duplicate": tuple_ROW_list_duplicate,
        raise cls.DataUniqueValidatorException(h_error)
コード例 #6
    def obj_list2uncovered(cls, obj_list, f_obj2span=None):
        if f_obj2span is None:
            f_obj2span = lambda x: x

        span_list = lmap(f_obj2span, obj_list)
        i_set_uncovered = cls.span_list2indexes_uncovered(span_list)
        return lmap(lambda i: obj_list[i], i_set_uncovered)
コード例 #7
    def learn_from_transitions(self, transitions):
        states = np.array(
            lmap(lambda transition: transition[0].state, transitions))

        old_state_qs = self.sess.run(self.q,
                                     feed_dict={self.input_tensor: states})

        next_stateQs = self.sess.run(
                    lmap(lambda transition: transition[-1].next_state,

        rewards = np.array(lmap(self.calculate_transition_reward, transitions))
        actions = np.array(
            lmap(lambda transition: transition[0].action.index, transitions))
        next_max_qs = next_stateQs.max(1)
        target = ((self.gamma**transitions[0].n) * next_max_qs) + rewards

        q, predictions, loss, training, summary = self.sess.run(
                self.q, self.predictions, self.loss, self.training,
                self.input_tensor: states,
                self.action: actions,
                self.target: target
        print loss
コード例 #8
ファイル: champ_functions.py プロジェクト: narjes23/CHAMP
def get_expected_edges(partobj, weight='weight', directed=False):
	Get the expected internal edges under configuration models


	:param partobj:
	:type partobj: igraph.VertexClustering
	:param weight: True uses 'weight' attribute of edges
	:return: float

    if weight is None:
        m = float(partobj.graph.ecount())
            m = np.sum(partobj.graph.es[weight])
            m = partobj.graph.ecount()

    # print(m)
    if m == 0:
        return 0
    kk = 0
    #Hashing this upfront is alot faster (factor of 10).
    partobj.graph.vs['_id'] = range(partobj.graph.vcount())
    indices = [partobj.graph.vs['_id'][v.index] for v in partobj.graph.vs]
    if weight == None:
        strengths = dict(zip(indices, partobj.graph.outdegree(indices)))
        if directed:
            strengths_in = dict(zip(indices, partobj.graph.indegree(indices)))
            strengths_in = strengths
        strengths = dict(
                partobj.graph.strength(indices, weights=weight, mode='OUT')))
        if directed:
            strengths_in = dict(
                    partobj.graph.strength(indices, weights=weight,
            strengths_in = strengths

    for subg in partobj.subgraphs():
        # since node ordering on subgraph doesn't match main graph, get vert id's in original graph
        # verts=map(lambda x: int(re.search("(?<=n)\d+", x['id']).group()),subg.vs) #you have to get full weight from original graph
        # svec=partobj.graph.strength(verts,weights='weight') #i think is what is slow
        svec = np.array(
            lmap(lambda x: strengths[subg.vs['_id'][x.index]], subg.vs))
        # svec=subg.strength(subg.vs,weights='weight')
        svec_in = np.array(
            lmap(lambda x: strengths_in[subg.vs['_id'][x.index]], subg.vs))
        kk += np.sum(np.outer(svec, svec_in))

    if directed:
        return kk / (1.0 * m)
        return kk / (2.0 * m)
コード例 #9
    def port_tradegood_lists2blocks(cls, port_tradegood_list, price_dict, lang,
        logger = HenriqueLogger.func_level2logger(
            cls.port_tradegood_lists2blocks, logging.DEBUG)
        logger.debug({"port_tradegood_list": port_tradegood_list})

        if groupby_parameter_type == PriceSkillParameter.Type.PORTLIKE:
            from henrique.main.skill.price.by_port.price_by_port import PriceByPort

            blocks = [
                PriceByPort.port2text(port_codename, lmap(ig(1), l),
                                      price_dict, lang) for port_codename, l in
                gb_tree_global(port_tradegood_list, [ig(0)])
            return blocks

        if groupby_parameter_type == PriceSkillParameter.Type.TRADEGOOD:
            from henrique.main.skill.price.by_tradegood.price_by_tradegood import PriceByTradegood

            blocks = [
                PriceByTradegood.tradegood2text(tg_codename, lmap(ig(0), l),
                                                price_dict, lang) for
                tg_codename, l in gb_tree_global(port_tradegood_list, [ig(1)])
            return blocks

        raise Exception(groupby_parameter_type)
コード例 #10
    def continuous_blank_lines2removed(cls, str_in, blank_line_count_allowed):

        l_line = lmap(cls.str2strip, str_in.splitlines())
        i_list_invalid = IterTool.list_func_count2index_list_continuous_valid(l_line, lambda x:not x, blank_line_count_allowed)
        n = len(l_line)

        # raise Exception({"i_list_invalid":i_list_invalid, "l_line":l_line,})
        return "\n".join(lmap(lambda i:l_line[i], filter(lambda i:i not in i_list_invalid, range(n))))
コード例 #11
    def calculate_transition_reward(self, transition):
        def decay_reward(tup):
            r, i = tup
            return self.gamma**i * r

        l = lmap(lambda t: t.reward, reversed(transition))
        decay = lmap(decay_reward, zip(l, range(transition.n)))
        sumval = sum(decay)
        return sumval
コード例 #12
    def calculate_transition_reward(self, transition):
        def decay_reward(tup):
            r, i = tup
            return self.params.gamma**i * r

        return sum(
                zip(lmap(lambda t: t.reward, reversed(transition[:-1])),
                    range(transition.n - 1))))
コード例 #13
    def _text2entity_list(cls, text_in, lang):
        element_list = TimedeltaElement.text2element_list(text_in, lang)
        if not element_list:
            return []

        span_list_element = lmap(TimedeltaElement.element2span, element_list)

        def timedelta_list2indexes_group():
            gap2is_valid = partial(StringTool.str_span2match_blank_or_nullstr,

            n = len(element_list)
            i_list_sorted = sorted(range(n),
                                   key=lambda i: span_list_element[i])

            indexes_continuous = [i_list_sorted[0]]
            for j in range(1, n):
                i_prev, i_this = i_list_sorted[j - 1], i_list_sorted[j]

                span_gap = (
                if gap2is_valid(span_gap):

                yield indexes_continuous
                indexes_continuous = [i_this]

            yield indexes_continuous

        indexes_list = list(timedelta_list2indexes_group())

        def indexes2entity(indexes):
            span = (

            value = ListTool.indexes2filtered(element_list, indexes)

            entity = {
                FoxylibEntity.Field.SPAN: span,
                StringTool.str_span2substr(text_in, span),
                FoxylibEntity.Field.VALUE: value,
                FoxylibEntity.Field.TYPE: cls.entity_type(),
            return entity

        entity_list = lmap(indexes2entity, indexes_list)
        return entity_list
コード例 #14
    def sorted_by_key_index(cls, l, f_key, ):
        key_list = lmap(f_key, l)
        h = dict(reversed([(key, i) for i, key in enumerate(key_list)]))

        key_obj_list = lzip_strict(key_list, l)

        f_key = f_a2t(lambda key, obj: h[key])
        # key_obj_list_sorted = SortTool.countingsorted(key_obj_list,f_key=f_key)
        key_obj_list_sorted = sorted(key_obj_list, key=f_key)

        l_sorted = lmap(ig(1), key_obj_list_sorted)
        return l_sorted
コード例 #15
    def yaml_envnames2kv_list(cls, json_yaml, envs):
        logger = FoxylibLogger.func_level2logger(cls.yaml_envnames2kv_list,

        key_list = list(json_yaml.keys())
        value_list = lmap(partial(cls.json_envs_key2value, json_yaml, envs),
        m = len(key_list)

        index_list_valid = lfilter(lambda i: value_list[i] is not None,
        return lmap(lambda i: (key_list[i], value_list[i]), index_list_valid)
コード例 #16
    def _text2entity_list_multiday(cls, str_in):
        logger = FoxylibLogger.func_level2logger(
            cls._text2entity_list_multiday, logging.DEBUG)

        entity_list_1day = DayofweekEntityKoSingle.text2entity_list(str_in)

        p_delim = cls.pattern_delim()
        m_list_delim = list(p_delim.finditer(str_in))

        span_ll = [
            lmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2span, entity_list_1day),
            lmap(MatchTool.match2span, m_list_delim),
            lmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2span, entity_list_1day),

        f_span2is_gap = lambda span: cls.str_span2is_gap(str_in, span)
        j_tuple_list = list(
                span_ll, f_span2is_gap))

            "j_tuple_list": j_tuple_list,
            "entity_list_1day": entity_list_1day,
            "m_list_delim": m_list_delim,

        for j_tuple in j_tuple_list:
            j1, j2, j3 = j_tuple

            entity_pair = entity_list_1day[j1], entity_list_1day[j3]
                "j1": j1,
                "j3": j3,
                "entity_pair": entity_pair,

            span = (
            j_entity = {
                tmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2value, entity_pair),
            yield j_entity
コード例 #17
    def data2entity_list(cls, data):
        text_in = TimeEntity.Data.data2text_in(data)

        m_list_hour = TimeEntity.Data.data2match_list_hour(data)
        span_list_hour = lmap(lambda m: m.span(), m_list_hour)

        m_list_ampm = TimeEntity.Data.data2match_list_ampm(data)
        span_list_ampm = lmap(lambda m: m.span(), m_list_ampm)

        spans_list = [
        gap2is_valid = partial(StringTool.str_span2match_blank_or_nullstr,
        indextuple_list = ContextfreeTool.spans_list2reducible_indextuple_list(
            spans_list, gap2is_valid)

        def indextuple2entity(indextuple):
            i, j = indextuple
            m_hour, m_ampm = m_list_hour[i], m_list_ampm[j]

            hour_raw = TimeTool.hour2norm(int(m_hour.group()))
            if hour_raw is None:
                return None

            hour, ampm = AMPM.hour_ampm2normalized(hour_raw,
            if hour is None:
                return None

            if ampm is None:
                return None

            span = (m_hour.span()[0], m_ampm.span()[1])
            value = {
                TimeEntity.Value.Field.HOUR: hour,
                TimeEntity.Value.Field.MINUTE: 0,
                TimeEntity.Value.Field.AMPM: ampm,
            entity = {
                FoxylibEntity.Field.FULLTEXT: text_in,
                FoxylibEntity.Field.TYPE: TimeEntity.entity_type(),
                FoxylibEntity.Field.SPAN: span,
                FoxylibEntity.Field.VALUE: value
            return entity

        entity_list = lfilter(is_not_none,
                              map(indextuple2entity, indextuple_list))
        return entity_list
コード例 #18
    def doc_list2migrated(cls,
        j_doc_list_in = lmap(DocumentTool.doc2meta_keys_removed, doc_list_in)
        result = collection_to.insert_many(j_doc_list_in, **__)
        j_doc_list_out_raw = lmap(MongoDBTool.bson2json, result)

        self_ref_config = cls.j_config2self_ref_config(j_config)
        if not self_ref_config:
            return j_doc_list_out_raw

        return result
コード例 #19
ファイル: hierarchymagic.py プロジェクト: vssousa/noworkflow
 def hierarchy(self, parameter_s=''):
     """Draw hierarchy of a given class."""
     args = parse_argstring(self.hierarchy, parameter_s)
     objects = lmap(self.shell.ev, args.object)
     clslist = lmap(self._object_to_class, objects)
     namelist = lmap(self._class_name, clslist)
     igraph = FoldedInheritanceGraph(namelist, '', width=args.name_width)
     code = igraph.generate_dot('inheritance_graph',
                                    'rankdir': args.rankdir,
                                    'size': '"{0}"'.format(args.size)
     stdout = run_dot(code, format='png')
     display_png(stdout, raw=True)
コード例 #20
ファイル: minimax_tool.py プロジェクト: lbox-kr/foxylib
    def minimaxes_n(cls, l, p, key=None):
        if key is None:
            key = lambda x: x

        k_list = lmap(key, l)
        indexes_min, indexes_max = cls.indexes_minimax_n(

        mins = lmap(lambda i: l[i], indexes_min)
        maxs = lmap(lambda i: l[i], indexes_max)

        return (mins, maxs)
コード例 #21
    def _text2entity_list(cls, text_in, lang):
        match_list_sign = list(cls.Sign.pattern().finditer(text_in))
        span_list_sign = lmap(lambda m: m.span(), match_list_sign)

        entity_list_timedelta = TimedeltaEntity._text2entity_list(
            text_in, lang)
        span_list_timedelta = lmap(FoxylibEntity.entity2span,

        span_lists = [
        gap2is_valid = partial(StringTool.str_span2match_blank_or_nullstr,
        indextuple_list = ContextfreeTool.spans_list2reducible_indextuple_list(
            span_lists, gap2is_valid)

        def indextuple2entity(indextuple):
            i, j = indextuple

            match_sign = match_list_sign[i]
            span_sign = span_list_sign[i]
            sign = match_sign.group()

            entity_timedelta = entity_list_timedelta[j]
            span_timedelta = span_list_timedelta[j]

            value = {
                cls.Value.Field.SIGN: sign,
                cls.Value.Field.TIMEDELTA: entity_timedelta

            span = (
            entity = {
                FoxylibEntity.Field.SPAN: span,
                StringTool.str_span2substr(text_in, span),
                FoxylibEntity.Field.VALUE: value,
                FoxylibEntity.Field.TYPE: cls.entity_type(),
            return entity

        entity_list = lmap(indextuple2entity, indextuple_list)
        return entity_list
コード例 #22
    def match_nodes2groupname_list(cls, m, cls_node_list):
        str_group_list = MatchTool.match2str_group_list(m)

        nodename_list = lmap(cls2name, cls_node_list)
        str_group_list_related = lfilter(
            lambda s: s.split("__")[-1] in nodename_list, str_group_list)
        return str_group_list_related
コード例 #23
def _rec_inner_join_helper(keycols, arr_list):
    '''All the dtype-wrangling and assertions for rec_inner_join'''
    assert len(arr_list), 'You must pass a string and one or more record arrays!'
    assert len(set(keycols)) == len(keycols), 'keycols must not contain duplicates!'
    #if jointype not in ['inner', 'outer', 'left']:
    #    msg = '{} jointype is not implemented. Only inner, outer, and left join are implemented.'
    #    raise Exception(msg.format(jointype))

    names_list = [a.dtype.names for a in arr_list]
    dtypes_list = lmap(get_rec_dtypes, arr_list)
    names_and_dtypes_list = [lzip(names, dtypes)
                             for names, dtypes in zip(names_list, dtypes_list)]
    _nd_dict = dict(zip(names_list[0], dtypes_list[0]))
    key_dtypes = [_nd_dict[name] for name in keycols]

    non_key_names_and_dtypes = [[(name, dt) for name, dt in name_dtype_list
                                            if name not in keycols]
                                for name_dtype_list in names_and_dtypes_list]

    non_key_col_names = fL(non_key_names_and_dtypes)[:, :, 0]
    non_key_dtypes = fL(non_key_names_and_dtypes)[:, :, 1]
    output_dtype = lzip(keycols, key_dtypes) + flatten(non_key_names_and_dtypes)

    # Assertions to ensure bad things can't happen:
    msg = 'Each input array must have all the keycols'
    assert all([not (set(keycols) - set(arr.dtype.names)) for arr in arr_list]), msg

    msg = 'All arrays must have the same dtype for all keycols and may not share any other columns in common'
    _all_names = flatten(names_list)
    expected_num_cols = len(_all_names) - len(keycols) * (len(arr_list) - 1)
    assert expected_num_cols == len(output_dtype) == len(set(_all_names)), msg

    return non_key_col_names, output_dtype
コード例 #24
    def tradegood2text(cls, tradegood_codename, port_codename_list, price_dict,

        n = len(port_codename_list)
        tradegood = Tradegood.codename2tradegood(tradegood_codename)
        str_title = cls.tradegood_lang2title(tradegood, lang)

        def port2price(port_codename):
            price = MarketpriceDict.lookup(price_dict, port_codename,
            if price:
                return price

            price_fake = MarketpriceDoc.price_tradegood2doc_fake(
                port_codename, tradegood_codename)
            return price_fake

        price_list = lmap(port2price, port_codename_list)

        i_list_sorted = sorted(
            range(n), key=lambda i: MarketpriceDoc.key_default(price_list[i]))
        # price_list = sorted(price_list_raw, key=MarketpriceDoc.key_default)

        rows_body = [
            cls._price_lang2text(price_list[i], port_codename_list[i], lang)
            for i in i_list_sorted

        return Rowsblock.rows2text(chain(
コード例 #25
    def countingsorted(cls, iterable, f_key=None,
        l = list(iterable)
        if not l: return l
        if f_key is None: f_key = lambda x: x

        n = len(l)
        key_obj_list = [(f_key(x), x)
                        for x in l]  # O(n)

        key_list = lmap(ig(0), key_obj_list)  # O(n)
        for k in key_list:  # O(n)
            if k < 0: raise Exception()

        m = max(key_list)  # O(n)
        counter = [0] * (m + 1)
        for key in key_list:  # O(n)
            counter[key] += 1

        index_list = [0] * (m + 1)
        total = 0
        for i, v in enumerate(counter):  # O(m)
            total += v
            index_list[i] = total

        l_result = [None] * n
        for key, obj in reversed(key_obj_list):  # O(n)
            i = index_list[key]
            l_result[i - 1] = obj
            index_list[key] -= 1

        #     for i,x in enumerate(l_result):
        #         if x is None: raise Exception(i)

        return l_result
コード例 #26
def _broadcast_arr_list(l, reverse=False):
    '''Helper function to broadcast all elements in a list to arrays with a common shape
       Uses broadcast_arrays unless there is only one box'''
    arr_list = lmap(np.asanyarray, l)
    broadcast = (reverse_broadcast(broadcast_arrays)
                 if reverse else broadcast_arrays)
    return (broadcast(*arr_list) if len(arr_list) > 1 else arr_list)
コード例 #27
def get_first_indices(arr, values, missing=None):
    '''Get the index of the first occurrence of the list of values in
       the (flattened) array

       The missing argument determines how missing values are handled:
       None: ignore them, leave them None
       -1: make them all -1
       'len': replace them with the length of the array (aka outside the array)
       'fail': throw an error'''
    bad_str = """Bad value for "missing", choose one of: None, -1, 'len', 'fail'"""
    assert missing in [None, -1, 'len', 'fail'], bad_str
    arr = np.asanyarray(arr)

    first_inds = dict(zip(*find_first_occurrence_1d(arr)))
    inds = lmap(first_inds.get, values)

    if missing == 'fail' and None in inds:
        raise Exception('Value Error! One of the values is not in arr')
    elif missing == 'len':
        default = arr.size
    elif missing == -1:
        default = -1
        default = None

    if default is not None:
        inds = [default if i is None else i for i in inds]

    return np.array(inds)
コード例 #28
def nd_radial_gradient(shape, offsets=None):
    if offsets is None: 
        offsets = [0] * len(shape)
    grids = np.mgrid.__getitem__(lmap(slice, shape))
    v = [(g + off + 0.5 - s / 2) ** 2
         for s, off, g in zip(shape, offsets, grids)]
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(v, axis=0))
コード例 #29
 def adapt_tags(self):
     if self.tag and self.tag.strip() != '':
             tags = json.loads(self.tag)
             is_hot = tags.get('is_hot', False)
             is_important = tags.get('is_important', False)
             is_discussed = tags.get('is_discussed', False)
             if is_hot:
             if is_important:
             if is_discussed:
                 self.is_comment_hot = True
             # FIXME 比较别扭的逻辑
             hit_keywords = tags.get('sport_ref', [])
             if hasattr(self, 'type') and self.type == EnumItemType.VIDEO:
                 if hit_keywords:
                     keywords = sorted(hit_keywords, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
                     self.tags.extend(lmap(lambda x: make_sport_tag(x[0]), keywords[:3]))
             # TODO 要闻后台人工标签逻辑,目前仅实现去掉要闻标签逻辑,其他功能待产品进一步细化
             if self.manual_tags == [0]:
                 self.tags = lfilter(lambda x: x['id'] != TAG_IMPORTANT['id'], self.tags)
コード例 #30
    def port_list_all(cls):
        h_codename2aliases_en = NamesenSheet.dict_codename2aliases()
        h_codename2aliases_ko = NameskoSheet.dict_codename2aliases()
        h_codename2culture = CultureSheet.dict_codename2culture()
        h_codename2product_list = ProductSheet.dict_codename2products()
        h_codename2comments_ko = CommentsKoSheet.dict_codename2comments()
        # raise Exception({"h_codename2product_list":h_codename2product_list})

        codename_list = luniq(chain(h_codename2aliases_en.keys(),

        def codename2port(codename):
            aliases = DictTool.filter(lambda k, v: v,
                                      {"en": h_codename2aliases_en.get(codename),
                                       "ko": h_codename2aliases_ko.get(codename),

            comments = DictTool.filter(lambda k, v: v,
                                      {"ko": h_codename2comments_ko.get(codename),

            port = {Port.Field.CODENAME: codename,
                    Port.Field.CULTURE: h_codename2culture[codename],
                    Port.Field.ALIASES: aliases,
                    Port.Field.PRODUCTS: h_codename2product_list.get(codename),
                    Port.Field.COMMENTS: comments,
            return DictTool.filter(lambda k, v: v, port)

        return lmap(codename2port, codename_list)
コード例 #31
ファイル: tradegood_entity.py プロジェクト: iceship/henrique
    def h_qterm2j_doc(cls):
        logger = HenriqueLogger.func_level2logger(cls.h_qterm2j_doc,
        j_doc_list = list(TradegoodDocument.j_doc_iter_all())
        jpath = TradegoodDocument.jpath_names()

        h_list = [{
            cls._query2qterm(name): j_doc
        } for j_doc in j_doc_list
                  for name_list_lang in jdown(j_doc, jpath).values()
                  for name in name_list_lang]

                lmap(lambda h: iter2singleton(h.keys()), h_list)),
            jdown(j_doc_list[0], jpath)

        qterm_list_duplicate = iter2duplicate_list(
            map(lambda h: iter2singleton(h.keys()), h_list))
        h_list_clean = lfilter(
            lambda h: iter2singleton(h.keys()) not in qterm_list_duplicate,

        h = merge_dicts(h_list_clean, vwrite=vwrite_no_duplicate_key)
        return h
コード例 #32
    def culture_list_all(cls):
        logger = HenriqueLogger.func_level2logger(cls.culture_list_all,

        h_codename2aliases_en = NamesenSheet.dict_codename2aliases()
        h_codename2aliases_ko = NameskoSheet.dict_codename2aliases()
        h_codename2prefers = PrefersSheet.dict_codename2prefers()

        codename_list = luniq(

        def codename2culture(codename):
            aliases = DictTool.filter(
                lambda k, v: v, {
                    "en": h_codename2aliases_en.get(codename),
                    "ko": h_codename2aliases_ko.get(codename),

            culture = {
                Culture.Field.CODENAME: codename,
                Culture.Field.ALIASES: aliases,
                Culture.Field.PREFERS: h_codename2prefers.get(codename) or [],
            return DictTool.filter(lambda k, v: v, culture)

        list_all = lmap(codename2culture, codename_list)
        # logger.debug({"list_all":list_all})

        return list_all
コード例 #33
def process_args(metric_class, some_ag, load_fun, verify_usage=True):
    '''Unpack the arguments, load any metrics needed for cumputation
       using the load_fun, and compute any ratios requested (tuples).
       If "verify_usage" True, also ensure that the arguments to the
       metric class are acceptable.
       (This is essentially performs the delayed computation as defined
        in the metric_definitions DSL)
    if some_ag is None:
        return [], {}
    # Grab the actual args and kwds
    unpack = partial(_unpack_val, load_fun)
    args, kwds = some_ag
    args = lmap(unpack, args)
    kwds = {k: unpack(v) for k, v in kwds.items()}
    if verify_usage:
        nargs = len(args)
        arg_names, metric_defaults = get_function_arg_names_and_kwd_values(metric_class.__init__)
        metric_args = arg_names[3:] # (ignore first 3 values: self, name, and data)
        max_nargs = len(metric_args)
        min_nargs = max_nargs - len(metric_defaults)
        assert min_nargs <= nargs <= max_nargs, 'Not enough arguments!'
        metrics_kwds_active = metric_args[nargs:]
        assert not set(kwds.keys()) - set(metrics_kwds_active), 'Unknown (or reused) keyword!'
        #kwds_defaults_dict = dict(zip(metric_args[-len(metric_defaults):], metric_defaults))
    return args, kwds
コード例 #34
ファイル: np_utils.py プロジェクト: davidmashburn/np_utils
def box_list(l, box_shape=None):
    '''Convert a list to boxes (object array of arrays)
       with shape optionally specified by box_shape'''
    box_shape = len(l) if box_shape is None else box_shape
    assert np.prod(box_shape) == len(l), 'shape must match the length of l'''
    boxed = np.empty(box_shape, dtype=np.object)
    boxed_flat = boxed.ravel()
    boxed_flat[:] = lmap(np.asanyarray, l)
    return boxed
コード例 #35
ファイル: np_utils.py プロジェクト: davidmashburn/np_utils
def _broadcast_arr_list(l, reverse=False):
    '''Helper function to broadcast all elements in a list to arrays with a common shape
       Uses broadcast_arrays unless there is only one box'''
    arr_list = lmap(np.asanyarray, l)
    broadcast = (reverse_broadcast(broadcast_arrays) if reverse else
    return (broadcast(*arr_list)
            if len(arr_list) > 1 else
コード例 #36
ファイル: tag.py プロジェクト: gems-uff/noworkflow
    def fast_load_auto_tag(cls, trial_id, code_hash, command,
        """Find automatic by code_hash and command.
        Ignore tags on the same trial_id

        Return (typ, tag)
        typ -- int representing the type of tag:
            0: Completely new tag (1.1.1)
            1: Match both code_hash and command (new tag should be x.y.+)
            2: Match code_hash (new tag should be x.+.1)
            3: New code_hash (new tag should be +.1.1)
        tag -- list with the found tag

        trial_id -- id of trial that should be tagged
        code_hash -- code_hash of trial script
        command -- command line

        Keyword arguments:
        session -- specify session for loading (default=relational.session)
        from .trial import Trial
        session = session or relational.session
        ttag = cls.__table__
        ttrial = Trial.__table__
        _query = select([ttag.c.name]).where(
            (ttrial.c.id == ttag.c.trial_id) &
            (ttrial.c.id != bindparam("trial_id")) &
            (ttag.c.type == "AUTO")

        conditions = [
            (1, ((ttrial.c.code_hash == bindparam("code_hash")) &
                 (ttrial.c.command == bindparam("command")))),
            (2, ((ttrial.c.code_hash == bindparam("code_hash")))),
            (3, True)

        info = {
            "trial_id": trial_id,
            "code_hash": code_hash,
            "command": command,

        for typ, condition in conditions:
            results = session.execute(_query.where(condition), info).fetchall()
            tags = [lmap(int, tag[0].split(".")) for tag in results]
            if tags:
                return typ, max(tags)

        return 0, [1, 1, 1]
コード例 #37
ファイル: list_utils.py プロジェクト: davidmashburn/np_utils
 def m1gen(self, x):
     '''m1, but able to handle iterables (lists, tuples, ...) and slices as well'''
     if hasattr(x, '__iter__'):
         return lmap(self.m1gen, x)
     elif type(x) is slice:
         return slice(self.m1(x.start), self.m1(x.stop), x.step)
     elif type(x) is int:
         return self.m1(x)
         print("Not sure what you're feeding me... signed, fancyIndexingListM1.m1gen")
         return self.m1(x)
コード例 #38
ファイル: initializer.py プロジェクト: aliasav/remembrall
	def process_tty_output(self, o):
		""" process 'who' cmd output and return 
		list of active ttys 
		 who cmd output: 'user  console  Jul 13 23:42'

		clean = o.lstrip().rstrip()
		if (type(clean)==type(b'')):
			clean = clean.decode("utf-8")
		clean_list = clean.split("\n")[1:]
		active_ttys = lmap(lambda x: x.split()[1], clean_list)		
		return active_ttys
コード例 #39
def merge_default_values(resource_list, default_values):
    Generate a new list where each item of original resource_list will be merged with the default_values.

        resource_list: list with items to be merged
        default_values: properties to be merged with each item list. If the item already contains some property
            the original value will be maintained.

        list: list containing each item merged with default_values

    def merge_item(resource):
        return merge_resources(default_values, resource)

    return lmap(merge_item, resource_list)
コード例 #40
ファイル: np_utils.py プロジェクト: davidmashburn/np_utils
def cartesian(arrays, out=None):
    '''Generate a cartesian product of input arrays.
        * arrays : list of 1D array-like (to form the cartesian product of)
        * out : (optional) array to place the cartesian product in.

       Returns out, 2-D array of shape (M, len(arrays))
       containing cartesian products formed of input arrays.

       cartesian(([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]))

       array([[1, 4, 6],
              [1, 4, 7],
              [1, 5, 6],
              [1, 5, 7],
              [2, 4, 6],
              [2, 4, 7],
              [2, 5, 6],
              [2, 5, 7],
              [3, 4, 6],
              [3, 4, 7],
              [3, 5, 6],
              [3, 5, 7]])

       Original code by SO user, "pv."

    arrays = lmap(np.asarray, arrays)
    dtype = arrays[0].dtype

    n = np.prod([x.size for x in arrays])
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty([n, len(arrays)], dtype=dtype)

    arr, rest = arrays[0], arrays[1:]

    m = n // arr.size
    out[:, 0] = np.repeat(arr, m)
    if rest:
        cartesian(rest, out=out[:m, 1:])
        for j in range(1, arr.size):
            out[j * m:(j + 1) * m, 1:] = out[:m, 1:]
    return out
コード例 #41
    def update_ports(self, ports, id_or_uri, timeout=-1):
        Updates the interconnect ports.

            id_or_uri: Could be either the interconnect id or the interconnect uri.
            ports (list): Ports to update.
            timeout: Timeout in seconds. Wait task completion by default. The timeout does not abort the operation
                in OneView, just stops waiting for its completion.

            dict: The interconnect.

        resources = lmap(self.__port_with_default_type, ports)

        uri = self._client.build_uri(id_or_uri) + "/update-ports"
        return self._client.update(resources, uri, timeout)
コード例 #42
 def __call__(self, values):
     return lmap(self.split, values)
コード例 #43
def find_first_occurrence_1d(arr, get_keys=True):
    '''Equivalent to find_first_occurrence(arr.ravel()), but should be much faster
       (uses the very fast get_index_groups function)'''
    keys, index_groups = get_index_groups(arr)
    first_occurrences = lmap(np.min, index_groups)
    return (keys, first_occurrences) if get_keys else first_occurrences
コード例 #44
def cartesian_records(arrays, out=None):
    '''Generate a cartesian product of input record arrays,
       combining the results into a single record array with all fields.
       No two arrays can share the same field!

        * arrays : list of 1D array-like (to form the cartesian product of)
        * out : (optional) array to place the cartesian product in.

       Returns out, 2-D array of shape (M, len(arrays))
       containing cartesian products formed of input arrays.

       cartesian_records((np.array([1., 2., 3.], dtype=[('a', np.float)]),
                          np.array([4, 5], dtype=[('b', np.int)]),
                          np.array([6, 7], dtype=[('c', np.int)])))

       np.array([(1., 4, 6),
                 (1., 4, 7),
                 (1., 5, 6),
                 (1., 5, 7),
                 (2., 4, 6),
                 (2., 4, 7),
                 (2., 5, 6),
                 (2., 5, 7),
                 (3., 4, 6),
                 (3., 4, 7),
                 (3., 5, 6),
                 (3., 5, 7)],
           dtype=[('a', np.float), ('b', np.int), ('c', np.int)])

       Original code by SO user, "pv."

    arrays = lmap(np.asanyarray, arrays)
    output_length = np.prod([x.size for x in arrays])

    names_list = [a.dtype.names for a in arrays]
    arr, rest = arrays[0], arrays[1:]
    arr_names, rest_names_list = names_list[0], names_list[1:]
    other_names = flatten(rest_names_list)

    if out is None:
        dtypes_list = lmap(get_rec_dtypes, arrays)

        assert all(names_list), 'All arrays must be record arrays!'
        output_dtype = [(n, d) for names, dtypes in zip(names_list, dtypes_list)
                               for n, d in zip(names, dtypes)]
        msg = 'No duplicate fields can exist between input arrays!'
        assert len(output_dtype) == len(set(flatten(names_list))), msg

        out = np.empty(output_length, dtype=output_dtype)

    m = output_length // arr.size
    for name in arr_names:
        out[name] = np.repeat(arr[name], m)

    if rest:
        cartesian_records(rest, out=out[:m])
        for name in other_names:
            for j in range(1, arr.size):
                out[name][j * m:(j + 1) * m] = out[name][:m]

    return out
コード例 #45
def rec_inner_join(keycols, *arr_list):
    '''Inner join for numpy.
       A version of numpy.lib.recfunctions.join_by
       that always specifies inner product but also allows for
       duplicate key entries (many-to-many relationships)
       and can join two or more arrays simultaneously

       Warning: this function is not terribly efficient, especially if
       the amount of duplication is low.
       Use join_by when NO duplication is present,
       and also consider using pandas.merge

           np.array([('x', 1.), ('x', 2.), ('y', 3.)], dtype=[('s', 'S20'), ('a', np.float)]),
           np.array([('x', 4), ('y', 5), ('x', 0)], dtype=[('s', 'S20'), ('b', np.int)]),
           np.array([(6, 'x'), (7, 'y'), (9, 'z')], dtype=[('c', np.int), ('s', 'S20')]),)
       np.array([('x', 1., 4, 6),
                 ('x', 1., 0, 6),
                 ('x', 2., 4, 6),
                 ('x', 2., 0, 6),
                 ('y', 3., 5, 7),
                ], dtype=[('s', 'S20'), ('a', np.float), ('b', np.int), ('c', np.int)])
    keycols = keycols if islistlike(keycols) else [keycols]

    non_key_col_names, output_dtype = _rec_inner_join_helper(keycols, arr_list)

    keys_list = []
    index_groups_dict_list = []
    for arr in arr_list:
        k, ig = get_index_groups(arr[keycols])
        key = lmap(tuple, k)
        index_groups_dict_list.append(dict(zip(key, ig)))

    # Stay with ONLY inner join for now since it simplifies the resulting
    # calculations (aka, no missing values)

    keys_use = list(keys_list[0])
    for keys in keys_list[1:]:
        keys_use = [k for k in keys_use
                      if k in set(keys)]

    # if jointype == 'left':
    #     pass
    # elif jointype == 'inner':
    #     for keys in keys_list[1:]:
    #         keys_use = [k for k in keys_use
    #                       if k in set(keys)]
    # elif jointype == 'outer':
    #     keys_set = lmap(set, keys_list)
    #     keys_use_set = set(keys_use)
    #     for keys in keys_list[1:]:
    #         for k in keys:
    #             if k not in keys_use_set:
    #                 keys_use.append(k)
    #                 keys_use_set.add(k)

    output_lengths = [np.prod([len(d[k]) for d in index_groups_dict_list])
                      for k in keys_use] # The length of each key group after joining
    output_len = sum(output_lengths)
    output_starts = np.cumsum([0] + output_lengths)

    output_arr = np.empty(output_len, dtype=output_dtype)

    # Copy of each input array where all keycols have been removed
    filtered_arrays = [arr[fields] for arr, fields in zip(arr_list, non_key_col_names)]

    kc_inds = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(keycols)}

    for key, start, length in zip(keys_use, output_starts, output_lengths):
        # For this key, get the associated values from each array
        # But use the filtered arrays so that all columns are unique
        values = [arr[d[key]] for arr, d in zip(filtered_arrays, index_groups_dict_list)]

        output_view = output_arr[start:(start + length)]

        for k in keycols:
            output_view[k] = key[kc_inds[k]]

        # Insert the results of this portion of the join
        # into the output array at the right location
        cartesian_records(values, out=output_view)

    return output_arr
コード例 #46
ファイル: func_utils.py プロジェクト: davidmashburn/np_utils
def lmapf(f):
    '''Just the functional form of lmap:
       lmapf(f)(x) <--> lmap(f,x)'''
    return lambda *args: lmap(f, *args)
コード例 #47
ファイル: cpl_processors.py プロジェクト: rossng/rent-scraper
 def __call__(self, values, loader_context):
     return lmap(lambda x: x*loader_context.get('number_bedrooms'), lmap(self.format_price, values))
コード例 #48
 def __call__(self, values):
     return lmap(self.format_price, values)
コード例 #49
ファイル: detect_anoms.py プロジェクト: tromika/pyculiarity
def detect_anoms(data, k=0.49, alpha=0.05, num_obs_per_period=None,
                 use_decomp=True, one_tail=True, upper_tail=True, verbose=False):
    # Detects anomalies in a time series using S-H-ESD.
    # Args:
    #	 data: Time series to perform anomaly detection on.
    #	 k: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the data.
    #	 alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.
    #	 num_obs_per_period: Defines the number of observations in a single period, and used during seasonal decomposition.
    #	 use_decomp: Use seasonal decomposition during anomaly detection.
    #	 one_tail: If TRUE only positive or negative going anomalies are detected depending on if upper_tail is TRUE or FALSE.
    #	 upper_tail: If TRUE and one_tail is also TRUE, detect only positive going (right-tailed) anomalies. If FALSE and one_tail is TRUE, only detect negative (left-tailed) anomalies.
    #	 verbose: Additionally printing for debugging.
    # Returns:
    #   A dictionary containing the anomalies (anoms) and decomposition components (stl).

    if num_obs_per_period is None:
        raise ValueError("must supply period length for time series decomposition")

    if list(data.columns.values) != ["timestamp", "value"]:
        data.columns = ["timestamp", "value"]

    num_obs = len(data)

    # Check to make sure we have at least two periods worth of data for
    # anomaly context
    if num_obs < num_obs_per_period * 2:
        print("Anom detection needs at least 2 periods worth of data")
        return None

    # run length encode result of isnull, check for internal nulls
    if (len(lmap(lambda x: x[0], list(groupby(ps.isnull(
                       ps.Series([np.nan])])))))) > 3):
        raise ValueError("Data contains non-leading NAs. We suggest replacing NAs with interpolated values (see na.approx in Zoo package).")
        data = data.dropna()

    # -- Step 1: Decompose data. This returns a univarite remainder which will be used for anomaly detection. Optionally, we might NOT decompose.

    data = data.set_index('timestamp')

    if not isinstance(data.index, ps.Int64Index):
        resample_period = {
            1440: 'T',
            24: 'H',
            7: 'D'
        resample_period = resample_period.get(num_obs_per_period)
        if not resample_period:
            raise ValueError('Unsupported resample period: %d' %resample_period)
        data = data.resample(resample_period)

    decomp = stl(data.value, np=num_obs_per_period)

    # Remove the seasonal component, and the median of the data to create the
    # univariate remainder
    d = {
        'timestamp': data.index,
        'value': data.value - decomp['seasonal'] - data.value.median()
    data = ps.DataFrame(d)

    p = {
        'timestamp': decomp.index,
        'value': ps.to_numeric((decomp['trend'] + decomp['seasonal']).truncate())
    data_decomp = ps.DataFrame(p)

    # Maximum number of outliers that S-H-ESD can detect (e.g. 49% of data)
    max_outliers = int(num_obs * k)

    if max_outliers == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "With longterm=TRUE, AnomalyDetection splits the data into 2 week periods by default. You have %d observations in a period, which is too few. Set a higher piecewise_median_period_weeks." %

    # Define values and vectors.
    n = len(data.timestamp)
    R_idx = lrange(max_outliers)

    num_anoms = 0

    # Compute test statistic until r=max_outliers values have been
    # removed from the sample.
    for i in lrange(1, max_outliers + 1):
        if one_tail:
            if upper_tail:
                ares = data.value - data.value.median()
                ares = data.value.median() - data.value
            ares = (data.value - data.value.median()).abs()

        # protect against constant time series
        data_sigma = mad(data.value)
        if data_sigma == 0:

        ares /= float(data_sigma)

        R = ares.max()

        temp_max_idx = ares[ares == R].index.tolist()[0]

        R_idx[i - 1] = temp_max_idx

        data = data[data.index != R_idx[i - 1]]

        if one_tail:
            p = 1 - alpha / float(n - i + 1)
            p = 1 - alpha / float(2 * (n - i + 1))

        t = student_t.ppf(p, (n - i - 1))
        lam = t * (n - i) / float(sqrt((n - i - 1 + t**2) * (n - i + 1)))

        if R > lam:
            num_anoms = i

    if num_anoms > 0:
        R_idx = R_idx[:num_anoms]
        R_idx = None

    return {
        'anoms': R_idx,
        'stl': data_decomp
コード例 #50
ファイル: np_utils.py プロジェクト: davidmashburn/np_utils
def apply_at_depth(f, *args, **kwds):
    '''Takes a function and its arguments (assumed to
       all be arrays) and applies boxing to the arguments so that various re-broadcasting can occur
       Somewhat similar to vectorize and J's rank conjunction (")

       f: a function that acts on arrays and returns an array
       args: the arguments to f (all arrays)
             depending on depths, various subarrays from these are what actually get passed to f
       depths (or depth): an integer or list of integers with the same length as args (default 0)
       broadcast_results: a boolean that determines if broadcasting should be applied to the results (default False)

       Returns: a new array based on f mapped over various subarrays of args


       One way to think about apply_at_depth is as replacing this kind of construct:
       a, b = args
       l = []
       for i in range(a.shape[0]):
           ll = []
           for j in range(a.shape[1]):
               ll.append(f(a[i, j], b[j]))
       result = np.array(l)

       This would simplify to:

       apply_at_depth(f, a, b, depths=[2, 1])

       except that apply_at_depth handles all sorts of
       other types of broadcasting for you.

       Something like this could be especially useful if the
       "f" in question depends on its arguments having certain
       shapes but you have data structures with those as subsets.

       The algorithm itself is as follows:
        * box each arg at the specified depth (box_list)
          See docs for "box" for more details
        * broadcast each boxed argument to a common shape
          (bbl, short for broadcasted box_list)
          Note that box *contents* can still have any shape
        * flatten each broadcasted box (bbl_flat)
          Each element of bbl_flat will be a 1D list
          of arrays where each list had the same length
          (for clarity, lets call these lists l0, l1, l2, etc)
        * map f over these flat boxes like so:
          [f(l0[i], l1[i], ...)
           for i in range(arg_size)]
          or just map(f, *bbl_flat)
          Again, arg0[i] will still be an array that can have arbitrary shape
          and will be some subarray of args[0] (ex: args[0][2,1])
        * Optionally broadcast the results (otherwise
          force all outpus to have the same shape) and
          construct a single array from all the outputs
        * Reshape the result to account for the flattening that
          happened to the broadcasted boxes
          This is the same way that unboxing works.
        * Celebrate avoiding unnecessarily complex loops :)

       This function is as efficient as it can be considering the generality;
       if f is reasonably slow and the arrays inside the boxes are
       fairly large it should be fine.
       However, performance may be a problem if applying it to single elements
       In other words, with:
       a = np.arange(2000).reshape(200, 2, 5)
       do this:
       apply_at_depth_ravel(np.sum, a, depth=1)
       instead of this:
       apply_at_depth(np.sum, a, depth=1)
       The latter is just essentially calling map(np.sum, a)'''
    assert not ('depth' in kwds and 'depths' in kwds), (
           'You can pass either kwd "depth" or "depths" but not both!')
    depths = kwds.pop('depths', kwds.pop('depth', 0)) # Grab depths or depth, fall back to 0
    broadcast_results = kwds.pop('broadcast_results', False)
    depths = (depths if hasattr(depths, '__len__') else
              [depths] * len(args))
    assert len(args) == len(depths)
    boxed_list = lmap(box, args, depths)
    bbl = _broadcast_arr_list(boxed_list)
    bb_shape = box_shape(bbl[0])
    bbl_flat = lmap(np.ravel, bbl)
    results = lmap(f, *bbl_flat)
    results = (results if not broadcast_results else
    arr = np.array(results)
    return arr.reshape(bb_shape + arr.shape[1:])
コード例 #51
def nd_gradient(shape, origin_val, stopvals):
    grids = np.mgrid.__getitem__(lmap(slice, shape))
    ortho_grads = [g * (stop - origin_val) / (s - 1)
                   for s, stop, g in zip(shape, stopvals, grids)]
    return origin_val + sum(ortho_grads)