コード例 #1
    def audit(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for local file inclusion vulnerabilities.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        om.out.debug('localFileInclude plugin is testing: ' + freq.getURL())

        oResponse = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False).getBody()

        #   What payloads do I want to send to the remote end?
        local_files = []
        if not self._open_basedir:

        mutants = createMutants(freq, local_files, oResponse=oResponse)

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('localFileInclude', 'localFileInclude',
                              mutant.getURL(), mutant.getVar()):
                self._sendMutant(mutant, grepResult=False)
コード例 #2
ファイル: xss.py プロジェクト: zxc911/enemy-of-the-state
    def _search_stored_xss(self, mutant):
        Analyze the mutant for stored XSS. We get here because we already verified and the
        parameter is NOT being echoed back.
        @parameter mutant: A mutant that was used to test if the parameter was echoed back or not
        @return: None
        xss_tests = self._get_xss_tests()
        xss_tests = xss_tests[:self._number_of_stored_xss_checks]
        # Get the strings only
        xss_strings = [ i[0] for i in xss_tests ]
        # And now replace the alert by fake_alert; I don't want to break web applications
        xss_strings = [ xss_test.replace('alert', 'fake_alert') for xss_test in xss_strings ]
        mutant_list = createMutants( mutant.getFuzzableReq() , xss_strings , \
                                                    fuzzableParamList=[mutant.getVar(), ])
        # In the mutant, we have to save which browsers are vulnerable to that specific string
        for mutant in mutant_list:
            for xss_string, affected_browsers in xss_tests:
                if xss_string.replace('alert', 'fake_alert') in mutant.getModValue():
                    mutant.affected_browsers = affected_browsers

        for mutant in mutant_list:
コード例 #3
 def is_injectable( self, freq, parameter ):
     Check if "parameter" of the fuzzable request object is injectable or not.
     @freq: The fuzzableRequest object that I have to modify
     @parameter: A string with the parameter name to test
     @return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
     # First save the original wait time
     _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant( freq, analyze=False ).getWaitTime()
     # Create the mutants
     parameter_to_test = [ parameter, ]
     statement_list = self._get_statements()
     sql_commands_only = [ i.sql_command for i in statement_list ]
     mutants = createMutants( freq , sql_commands_only, fuzzableParamList=parameter_to_test )
     # And now I assign the statement to the mutant
     for statement in statement_list:
         for mutant in mutants:
             if statement.sql_command in mutant.getModValue():
                 mutant.statement = statement.sql_command
                 mutant.dbms = statement.dbms
     # Perform the test
     for mutant in mutants:
         # Send
         response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
         # Compare times
         if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time + self._wait_time-2):
             # Resend the same request to verify that this wasn't because of network delay
             # or some other rare thing
             _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant( freq, analyze=False ).getWaitTime()
             response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
             # Compare times (once again)
             if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time + self._wait_time-2):
                 # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, I control the time of the response.
                 v = vuln.vuln( mutant )
                 v.setName( 'Blind SQL injection - ' + mutant.dbms )
                 v.setDesc( 'Blind SQL injection was found at: ' + mutant.foundAt() )
                 v.setDc( mutant.getDc() )
                 v.setId( response.id )
                 v.setURI( response.getURI() )
                 return v
     return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: eval.py プロジェクト: adamdoupe/enemy-of-the-state
    def _fuzz_with_echo( self, freq ):
        Tests an URL for eval() usage vulnerabilities using echo strings.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        oResponse = self._sendMutant( freq , analyze=False ).getBody()
        print_strings = self._get_print_strings()
        mutants = createMutants( freq , print_strings, oResponse=oResponse )

        for mutant in mutants:
            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug( 'eval' , 'eval', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_echo)
コード例 #5
ファイル: xss.py プロジェクト: zxc911/enemy-of-the-state
    def _search_reflected_xss(self, mutant):
        Analyze the mutant for reflected XSS. We get here because we already verified and the
        parameter is being echoed back.
        @parameter mutant: A mutant that was used to test if the parameter was echoed back or not
        @return: None
        # Verify what characters are allowed
            allowed_chars = self._get_allowed_chars(mutant)
        except w3afException:
            # If something fails, every char is allowed
            allowed_chars = self._special_characters[:]
        # Filter the tests based on the knowledge we got from the previous test
        orig_xss_tests = self._get_xss_tests()
        filtered_xss_tests = []
        for xss_string, affected_browsers in orig_xss_tests:
            for char in self._special_characters:
                all_allowed = True
                if char in xss_string and not char in allowed_chars:
                    all_allowed = False
            # Decide wether to send the test or not
            if all_allowed:
                filtered_xss_tests.append((xss_string, affected_browsers))
        # Get the strings only
        xss_strings = [ i[0] for i in filtered_xss_tests ]
        mutant_list = createMutants( mutant.getFuzzableReq() , xss_strings , \
                                                    fuzzableParamList=[mutant.getVar(), ])

        # In the mutant, we have to save which browsers are vulnerable to that specific string
        for mutant in mutant_list:
            for xss_string, affected_browsers in filtered_xss_tests:
                if xss_string in mutant.getModValue():
                    mutant.affected_browsers = affected_browsers

        for mutant in mutant_list:
            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug( 'xss' , 'xss', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):

コード例 #6
    def _fuzz_with_echo(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for eval() usage vulnerabilities using echo strings.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        oResponse = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False).getBody()
        print_strings = self._get_print_strings()
        mutants = createMutants(freq, print_strings, oResponse=oResponse)

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('eval', 'eval', mutant.getURL(),

                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_echo)
コード例 #7
    def _with_echo(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for OS Commanding vulnerabilities using cat/type to write the 
        content of a known file (i.e. /etc/passwd) to the HTML.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        original_response = self._sendMutant( freq , analyze=False ).getBody()
        # Prepare the strings to create the mutants
        command_list = self._get_echo_commands()
        only_command_strings = [ v.getCommand() for v in command_list ]
        mutants = createMutants( freq , only_command_strings, oResponse=original_response )

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug( 'osCommanding' , 'osCommanding', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_echo)
コード例 #8
    def _test_inclusion(self, freq):
        Checks a fuzzableRequest for remote file inclusion bugs.
        @return: None
        oResponse = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False).getBody()

        rfi_url_list = [self._rfi_url, self._rfi_url.urlJoin("\0")]
        mutants = createMutants(freq, rfi_url_list, oResponse=oResponse)

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('remoteFileInclude', 'remoteFileInclude',
                              mutant.getURL(), mutant.getVar()):

コード例 #9
 def _test_inclusion(self, freq):
     Checks a fuzzableRequest for remote file inclusion bugs.
     @return: None
     oResponse = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False).getBody()
     rfi_url_list = [self._rfi_url, self._rfi_url.urlJoin("\0")]
     mutants = createMutants(freq, rfi_url_list, oResponse=oResponse)
     for mutant in mutants:
         # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
         # that has no reported bugs in the kb
         if self._hasNoBug('remoteFileInclude', 'remoteFileInclude',
                           mutant.getURL(), mutant.getVar()):
コード例 #10
ファイル: sqli.py プロジェクト: adamdoupe/enemy-of-the-state
    def audit(self, freq ):
        Tests an URL for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        om.out.debug( 'SQLi plugin is testing: ' + freq.getURL() )

        oResponse = self._sendMutant( freq , analyze=False ).getBody()
        sqli_strings = self._get_sqli_strings()
        mutants = createMutants( freq , sqli_strings, oResponse=oResponse )

        for mutant in mutants:
            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug( 'sqli' , 'sqli', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
コード例 #11
ファイル: eval.py プロジェクト: adamdoupe/enemy-of-the-state
    def _fuzz_with_time_delay( self, freq):
        Tests an URL for eval() usage vulnerabilities using time delays.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        res = self._sendMutant( freq, analyze=False, grepResult=False )
        self._original_wait_time = res.getWaitTime()

        # Prepare the strings to create the mutants
        wait_strings = self._get_wait_strings()
        mutants = createMutants( freq, wait_strings )

        for mutant in mutants:
            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug( 'eval' , 'eval', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):

                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_wait)
コード例 #12
ファイル: sqli.py プロジェクト: zxc911/enemy-of-the-state
    def audit(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        om.out.debug('SQLi plugin is testing: ' + freq.getURL())

        oResponse = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False).getBody()
        sqli_strings = self._get_sqli_strings()
        mutants = createMutants(freq, sqli_strings, oResponse=oResponse)

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('sqli', 'sqli', mutant.getURL(),

コード例 #13
    def _fuzz_with_time_delay(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for eval() usage vulnerabilities using time delays.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        res = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False, grepResult=False)
        self._original_wait_time = res.getWaitTime()

        # Prepare the strings to create the mutants
        wait_strings = self._get_wait_strings()
        mutants = createMutants(freq, wait_strings)

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('eval', 'eval', mutant.getURL(),

                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_wait)
コード例 #14
 def is_injectable( self, freq, parameter ):
     Check if "parameter" of the fuzzable request object is injectable or not.
     @freq: The fuzzableRequest object that I have to modify
     @parameter: A string with the parameter name to test
     @return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
     dummy = ['', ]
     parameter_to_test = [ parameter, ]
     mutants = createMutants( freq , dummy, fuzzableParamList=parameter_to_test )
     for mutant in mutants:
         statements = self._get_statements( mutant )
         for statement_type in statements:
             vuln = self._findBsql( mutant, statements[statement_type], statement_type )
             if vuln:
                 return vuln
     return None
コード例 #15
 def _with_time_delay(self, freq):
     Tests an URL for OS Commanding vulnerabilities using time delays.
     @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
     # Send the fuzzableRequest without any fuzzing, so we can measure the response 
     # time of this script in order to compare it later
     res = self._sendMutant( freq, analyze=False, grepResult=False )
     self._original_wait_time = res.getWaitTime()
     # Prepare the strings to create the mutants
     command_list = self._get_wait_commands()
     only_command_strings = [ v.getCommand() for v in command_list ]
     mutants = createMutants( freq , only_command_strings )
     for mutant in mutants:
         # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
         # that has no reported bugs in the kb
         if self._hasNoBug( 'osCommanding' , 'osCommanding', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
             self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_wait)
コード例 #16
    def _with_echo(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for OS Commanding vulnerabilities using cat/type to write the 
        content of a known file (i.e. /etc/passwd) to the HTML.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        original_response = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False).getBody()
        # Prepare the strings to create the mutants
        command_list = self._get_echo_commands()
        only_command_strings = [v.getCommand() for v in command_list]
        mutants = createMutants(freq,

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('osCommanding', 'osCommanding', mutant.getURL(),
                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_echo)
コード例 #17
    def _with_time_delay(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for OS Commanding vulnerabilities using time delays.
        @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
        # Send the fuzzableRequest without any fuzzing, so we can measure the response
        # time of this script in order to compare it later
        res = self._sendMutant(freq, analyze=False, grepResult=False)
        self._original_wait_time = res.getWaitTime()

        # Prepare the strings to create the mutants
        command_list = self._get_wait_commands()
        only_command_strings = [v.getCommand() for v in command_list]
        mutants = createMutants(freq, only_command_strings)

        for mutant in mutants:

            # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
            # that has no reported bugs in the kb
            if self._hasNoBug('osCommanding', 'osCommanding', mutant.getURL(),
                self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze_callback=self._analyze_wait)
コード例 #18
 def audit(self, freq ):
     Tests an URL for local file inclusion vulnerabilities.
     @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
     om.out.debug( 'localFileInclude plugin is testing: ' + freq.getURL() )
     oResponse = self._sendMutant( freq , analyze=False ).getBody()
     #   What payloads do I want to send to the remote end?
     local_files = []
     local_files.append( freq.getURL().getFileName() )
     if not self._open_basedir:
         local_files.extend( self._get_local_file_list(freq.getURL()) )
     mutants = createMutants( freq , local_files, oResponse=oResponse )
     for mutant in mutants:
         # Only spawn a thread if the mutant has a modified variable
         # that has no reported bugs in the kb
         if self._hasNoBug( 'localFileInclude' , 'localFileInclude', mutant.getURL() , mutant.getVar() ):
             self._sendMutant(mutant, grepResult=False)
コード例 #19
ファイル: xss.py プロジェクト: zxc911/enemy-of-the-state
 def audit(self, freq ):
     Tests an URL for XSS vulnerabilities.
     @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
     om.out.debug( 'Xss plugin is testing: ' + freq.getURL() )
     # Save it here, so I can search for permanent XSS
     self._fuzzableRequests.append( freq )
     # This list is just to test if the parameter is echoed back
     fake_mutants = createMutants( freq , ['', ] )
     for mutant in fake_mutants:
         # verify if the variable we are fuzzing is actually being echoed back
         if self._is_echoed( mutant ):
             # Search for reflected XSS
             # And also check stored
         elif self._check_stored_xss:
             # Search for permanent XSS
コード例 #20
    def is_injectable(self, freq, parameter):
        Check if "parameter" of the fuzzable request object is injectable or not.
        @freq: The fuzzableRequest object that I have to modify
        @parameter: A string with the parameter name to test
        @return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
        # First save the original wait time
        _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant(freq,

        # Create the mutants
        parameter_to_test = [
        statement_list = self._get_statements()
        sql_commands_only = [i.sql_command for i in statement_list]
        mutants = createMutants(freq,

        # And now I assign the statement to the mutant
        for statement in statement_list:
            for mutant in mutants:
                if statement.sql_command in mutant.getModValue():
                    mutant.statement = statement.sql_command
                    mutant.dbms = statement.dbms

        # Perform the test
        for mutant in mutants:

            # Send
            response = self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze=False)

            # Compare times
            if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time +
                                         self._wait_time - 2):

                # Resend the same request to verify that this wasn't because of network delay
                # or some other rare thing
                _original_wait_time = self._sendMutant(
                    freq, analyze=False).getWaitTime()
                response = self._sendMutant(mutant, analyze=False)

                # Compare times (once again)
                if response.getWaitTime() > (_original_wait_time +
                                             self._wait_time - 2):

                    # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, I control the time of the response.
                    v = vuln.vuln(mutant)
                    v.setName('Blind SQL injection - ' + mutant.dbms)
                    v.setDesc('Blind SQL injection was found at: ' +
                    return v

        return None