コード例 #1
ファイル: test_barrier.py プロジェクト: esquires/fw-coll-env
def test_calc_h() -> None:
    bf = make_barrier_func()[1]
    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(-50, 0, 0), th=0)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(50, 0, 0), th=np.pi)
    x = FwState(x1, x2)
    h = bf.calc_h(x)
    assert h < x1.p.dist(x2.p)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_barrier.py プロジェクト: esquires/fw-coll-env
def test_bf_override() -> None:
    avail, bf = make_barrier_func()

    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(21, -1, 0), np.pi)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(-21, 1, 0), 0)
    x = FwState(x1, x2)

    h = bf.calc_h(x)

    assert h < MAX_VAL

    correct_single_ac = FwSingleAction(V, W, 0)
    correct_ac = FwAction(correct_single_ac, correct_single_ac)

    max_evasive_bf_constraint = \
        calc_bf_constraint(bf.calc_dh(x, correct_ac), bf.calc_h(x))
    assert max_evasive_bf_constraint >= 0
    action_index = fw_coll_env_c.FwActionIndex(avail)

    for ac1 in avail.get_all_actions():
        for ac2 in avail.get_all_actions():
            ac = FwAction(ac1, ac2)
            bf_constraint = calc_bf_constraint(bf.calc_dh(x, ac), bf.calc_h(x))
            assert max_evasive_bf_constraint >= bf_constraint

            x_npy = np.asarray(x)[np.newaxis, :]
            ac_idx = np.array([action_index.action_to_idx(ac)])
            safe_u_idx = bf.choose_u(x_npy, ac_idx)
            safe_u = action_index.idx_to_action(safe_u_idx)

            assert calc_bf_constraint(bf.calc_dh(x, safe_u), bf.calc_h(x)) >= 0
コード例 #3
def test_state_getter() -> None:
    env = make_base_env(0)
    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(50, 0, 0), 0)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(-50, 0, 0), 0)
    env.reset(x1, x2, 0.0)

    assert env.t == 0
    assert env.x1 == x1
    assert env.x2 == x2
コード例 #4
def test_collision() -> None:
    env = make_base_env(safety_dist=5)
    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(0, 1, 0), np.pi / 2)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(0, -1, 0), -np.pi / 2)
    env.reset(x1, x2, 0.0)

    uhat1, uhat2 = make_uhat([0])[:2]
    a1 = uhat1.calc(env.x1)
    a2 = uhat2.calc(env.x2)
    env.step(a1, a2)
    assert env.stats.done_collision
    assert env.stats.dist_to_veh == 2
コード例 #5
def test_copy() -> None:
    p = Point(0, 1, 2)
    p2 = copy.deepcopy(p)
    p2.x = 5
    assert p2.x == 5 and p.x == 0

    single_ac1 = FwSingleAction(1, 2, 3)
    single_ac2 = copy.deepcopy(single_ac1)
    single_ac2.v = 5
    assert single_ac2.v == 5 and single_ac1.v == 1

    ac = FwAction(single_ac1, single_ac2)
    ac2 = copy.deepcopy(ac)
    ac2.a2 = single_ac1
    assert ac2.a2 == single_ac1 and ac.a2 == single_ac2

    single_x1 = FwSingleState(p, 0)
    single_x2 = copy.deepcopy(single_x1)
    single_x2.p = p2
    single_x2.th = 1
    assert single_x2.p == p2 and single_x1.p == p and \
        single_x2.th == 1 and single_x1.th == 0

    x3 = copy.deepcopy(single_x1)
    fw_dynamics(1, single_ac1, x3)
    assert single_x1 != x3

    x = FwState(single_x1, single_x2)
    x2 = copy.deepcopy(x)
    x2.x2 = single_x1
    assert x2.x2 == single_x1 and x.x2 == single_x2
コード例 #6
def test_max_time() -> None:
    env = make_base_env(safety_dist=-1)
    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(0, 50, 0), np.pi / 2)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(0, -50, 0), -np.pi / 2)
    env.reset(x1, x2, 0.0)

    uhat1, uhat2 = make_uhat([0])[:2]

    while True:
        a1 = uhat1.calc(env.x1)
        a2 = uhat2.calc(env.x2)
        done = env.step(a1, a2)
        if done:
            assert env.stats.done_time
            assert not env.stats.done_goal
            assert not env.stats.done_collision
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_barrier.py プロジェクト: esquires/fw-coll-env
def test_bf_max_val() -> None:

    avail, bf = make_barrier_func()
    action_index = fw_coll_env_c.FwActionIndex(avail)

    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(5000, 0, 0), 0)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(-5000, 0, 0), 0)
    x = FwState(x1, x2)
    assert bf.calc_h(x) == MAX_VAL

    for ac1 in avail.get_all_actions():
        for ac2 in avail.get_all_actions():
            ac = FwAction(ac1, ac2)
            assert bf.calc_dh(x, ac) == 0

            ac_idx = np.array([action_index.action_to_idx(ac)])
            x_npy = np.asarray(x)[np.newaxis, :]
            assert bf.choose_u(x_npy, ac_idx) == ac_idx
コード例 #8
def test_reaches_goal() -> None:
    env = make_base_env(safety_dist=-1)
    x1 = FwSingleState(Point(0, 50, 0), np.pi / 2)
    x2 = FwSingleState(Point(0, -50, 0), -np.pi / 2)
    env.reset(x1, x2, 0.0)

    uhat1, uhat2 = make_uhat([20])[:2]

    while True:
        a1 = uhat1.calc(env.x1)
        a2 = uhat2.calc(env.x2)
        done = env.step(a1, a2)
        if done:
            assert not env.stats.done_time
            assert env.stats.done_goal
            assert not env.stats.done_collision
            assert env.stats.dist_to_goal1 < DONE_DIST or \
                env.stats.dist_to_goal2 < DONE_DIST
            assert env.stats.dist_to_veh > 100
コード例 #9
def test_pickle() -> None:
    env = make_base_env(safety_dist=-1)
    env.x1.p = Point(1, 2, 3)
    env.x1.th = 4
    env.x2.p = env.x1.p
    env.x2.th = env.x1.th

    orig_x1 = env.x1
    env_pickle = pickle.dumps(env)
    env2 = pickle.loads(env_pickle)
    assert orig_x1 == env2.x1
コード例 #10
def test_point() -> None:
    p1 = Point(1, 2, 3)
    p2 = Point(x=0, y=1, z=2)
    assert np.isclose(p1.dist(p2), np.sqrt(3), atol=1e-9)

    assert p1.x == 1
    assert p1.y == 2
    assert p1.z == 3

    assert p2.x == 0
    assert p2.y == 1
    assert p2.z == 2

    exp_np = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    actual_np = np.asarray(p1)
    assert np.allclose(exp_np, actual_np, atol=1e-9)
    assert np.allclose(p1, Point.from_numpy(exp_np), atol=1e-9)

    p1_unpickle = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(p1))
    assert p1_unpickle == p1
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_barrier.py プロジェクト: esquires/fw-coll-env
def _new_state() -> FwSingleState:
    point = Point(*np.random.uniform(low=(-200, -200, -0), high=(200, 200, 0)))
    return FwSingleState(point, th=np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_barrier.py プロジェクト: esquires/fw-coll-env
import pickle
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

import fw_coll_env_c
from fw_coll_env_c import FwAvailActions, BarrierGammaTurn, FwSingleState, \
    FwState, Point, FwSingleAction, FwAction, FwCollisionEnv

DT = 0.1
V = 15
W = 12
MAX_VAL = 300
GOAL1 = Point(200, 0, 0)
GOAL2 = Point(-200, 0, 0)

def make_barrier_func() -> Tuple[FwAvailActions, BarrierGammaTurn]:
    avail_v = [15, 20, 25]
    avail_w = [-W, 0, W]
    avail_dz = [0]
    avail = FwAvailActions(v=avail_v, w=avail_w, dz=avail_dz)
    bf = BarrierGammaTurn(dt=DT,
    return avail, bf