def AllUser(*_): os.system('cls||clear') global mornitorFilePath global transacFilePath for user in configJson: if == 'nt': print('[For Dev Testing...]') Realtime(user, sendNotify=False) else: try: Realtime(user) except Exception as e: print('\nError To Record ! : {} then skip\n'.format(e)) print('!!!! ==========================') exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print('Error Type {}\nFile {}\n Line {}'.format( exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)) print('!!!! ==========================') while isInternetConnect and not == 'nt': try: if os.path.exists(mornitorFilePath): gSheet.updateFromCSV(mornitorFilePath, 'Mornitor') if os.path.exists(transacFilePath): gSheet.updateFromCSV(transacFilePath, 'Transaction') except: pass else: break time.sleep(10)
def AllUser(*_): os.system('cls||clear') global mornitorFilePath global transacFilePath for user in configJson: if == 'nt': print('[For Dev Testing...]') MornitoringUser(user, sendNotify=False) else: try: MornitoringUser(user) except Exception as e: print('\nError To Record ! : {} then skip\n'.format(e)) continue while isInternetConnect and not == 'nt': try: #print('Uploading mornitoring data...') if os.path.exists(mornitorFilePath): gSheet.updateFromCSV(mornitorFilePath, 'Mornitor') #print('Upload mornitoring data finish') #print('Uploading Transaction data...') if os.path.exists(transacFilePath): gSheet.updateFromCSV(transacFilePath, 'Transaction') #print('Upload Transaction data finish') except: pass else: break time.sleep(10)
def getHistDataframe(*_): print('load history data from google sheet...') sheetData = gSheet.getAllDataS('History') print('row count {}'.format(len(sheetData))) if sheetData == []: allHistPath = dataPath + '/cryptoHist.csv' gSheet.updateFromCSV(allHistPath, 'History') df = pd.read_csv(allHistPath) else: df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(sheetData) return df
def updateGSheetHistory(limit=45000): ticker = kbApi.getTicker() symbols = kbApi.getSymbol() df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.append(getHistDataframe()) date ='%Y-%m-%d') hour = int('%H')) epoch = float(time.time()) minute = int('%M')) second = int('%S')) date_time = str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) #backup hist backupPath = dataPath + '/hist_backup/cryptoHist_{}_{}.csv'.format( date.replace('-', '_'), 0) if hour >= 8 and hour <= 16: backupPath = dataPath + '/hist_backup/cryptoHist_{}_{}.csv'.format( date.replace('-', '_'), 1) elif hour > 16: backupPath = dataPath + '/hist_backup/cryptoHist_{}_{}.csv'.format( date.replace('-', '_'), 2) df.to_csv(backupPath, index=False) #spare backup path backupPath = dataPath + '/hist_backup/cryptoHist_{}_{}.csv'.format( date.replace('-', '_'), 3) # append backup backupList = os.listdir(dataPath + '/hist_backup') backupList.sort() if len(backupList) > 10: backupList = backupList[-10:] for f in backupList: filePath = dataPath + '/hist_backup/{}'.format(f) print('Read [ {} ]'.format(filePath)) try: df = df.append(pd.read_csv(filePath).sort_values( ['dateTime'], ascending=[True]).tail(5000), ignore_index=True) except: print('Can\'t Read {} Column DateTime..'.format(filePath)) else: pass os.system('cls||clear') for data in symbols: sym = data['symbol'] if not sym in ticker: continue print('{} {} Baht'.format(sym, ticker[sym]['last'])) rowData = { 'epoch': epoch, 'date': date, 'hour': hour, 'minute': minute, 'second': second, 'symbol': sym, 'dateTime': date_time } for colName in ticker[sym]: rowData[colName] = [ticker[sym][colName]] df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(rowData), ignore_index=True) # delete duplicate df.drop_duplicates(['symbol', 'date', 'hour', 'minute'], keep='last', inplace=True) #cleanup & sort epoch_limit = time.time() - (((5 * 24) * 60) * 60) df.dropna(subset=['epoch', 'dateTime'], inplace=True) df['epoch'] = pd.to_numeric(df['epoch'], errors='coerce') df['dateTime'] = df['dateTime'].astype(str) df = df[df['dateTime'] != 'nan'] #df.sort_values(['epoch'], ascending=[True]) df.sort_values(['epoch', 'dateTime'], ascending=[True, True]) df.sort_index(inplace=True) df = df.drop(df[(df['date'].str.isdigit() == True)].index) df = df.drop(df[(df['dateTime'].str.isdigit() == True)].index) df = df.drop(df[(df['epoch'] < epoch_limit)].index) #limit row df = df.tail(limit) print('Save Historical Data...') allHistPath = dataPath + '/cryptoHist.csv' df = df[list(rowData)] df.to_csv(allHistPath, index=False) df.tail(5000).to_csv(backupPath, index=False) while isInternetConnect(): try: if not == 'nt': #for raspi print('uploading history data...') gSheet.updateFromCSV(allHistPath, 'History') print('upload history data finish') except: pass time.sleep(10) if gSheet.getAllDataS('History') != []: break
def getSignalAllPreset(): rec_date ='%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') minute = int('%M')) if minute >= 30 and minute < 60: rec_date ='%Y-%m-%d %H:30:00') """ elif minute >= 30 and minute < 45: rec_date ='%Y-%m-%d %H:30:00') elif minute >= 45 and minute < 59: rec_date ='%Y-%m-%d %H:45:00') """ signal_df = pd.DataFrame() # Clear Directory imgPath = dataPath + '/analysis_img/' oldImgFiles = os.listdir(imgPath) for f in oldImgFiles: os.remove(imgPath + f) count = 0 for file in histFileList: quote = file.split('.')[0] count += 1 os.system('cls||clear') print('{}/{} {}'.format(count, len(histFileList), quote)) for ps in presetJson: try: df = getAnalysis(histPath + os.sep + file, ps, saveImage=False, showImage=False) df['Preset'] = ps df['Symbol'] = quote df['Rec_Date'] = rec_date # Condition List entry_condition_list = [ df['SMA_S'][0] > df['SMA_L'][0], #0 df['%K'][0] > df['%D'][0], #1 df['GL_Ratio'][0] > df['GL_Ratio_Slow'][0] #2 ] exit_condition_list = [ df['SMA_S'][0] < df['SMA_L'][0], df['GL_Ratio'][0] < df['GL_Ratio_Slow'][0] ] # Condition Setting filter_condition = ( #df['SMA_L'][0] >= df['Close'].mean() and df['Volume'][0] >= df['Volume'][1] and df['GL_Ratio_Slow'][0] > 1 #True ) entry_condition = (entry_condition_list[0] and entry_condition_list[1] and entry_condition_list[2]) exit_condition = (exit_condition_list[0] and exit_condition_list[1]) # Trade Entry if filter_condition and entry_condition: print('Preset : {} | Entry : {}'.format(ps, file)) df['Signal'] = 'Entry' signal_df = signal_df.append(df.iloc[0]) getAnalysis(histPath + os.sep + file, ps, saveImage=True, showImage=False) # Trade Exit elif filter_condition and exit_condition: print('Preset : {} | Exit : {}'.format(ps, file)) df['Signal'] = 'Exit' signal_df = signal_df.append(df.iloc[0]) getAnalysis(histPath + os.sep + file, ps, saveImage=True, showImage=False) else: df['Signal'] = '' signal_df = signal_df.append(df.iloc[0]) except: pass signal_df = signal_df.sort_values( ['Signal', 'Preset', 'Value_M', 'GL_Ratio'], ascending=[True, True, False, False]) csvPath = dataPath + os.sep + 'signal.csv' if not os.path.exists(csvPath): signal_df.to_csv(csvPath, index=False) # New Signal DataFrame (All Signal Record) new_signal_df = pd.read_csv(csvPath) new_signal_df = new_signal_df[new_signal_df['Rec_Date'] != rec_date] new_signal_df = new_signal_df.append(signal_df) new_signal_df = new_signal_df.sort_values(['Date', 'Rec_Date', 'Signal'], ascending=[True, True, True]) new_signal_df.drop_duplicates(['Rec_Date', 'Preset', 'Symbol'], keep='last', inplace=True, ignore_index=False) new_signal_df = new_signal_df.tail(5000) new_signal_df.to_csv(csvPath, index=False) if not == 'nt': # Update G Sheet gsheet_csvPath = dataPath + os.sep + 'signal_gsheet.csv' new_signal_df.to_csv(gsheet_csvPath, index=False) gSheet.updateFromCSV(gsheet_csvPath, 'SignalRecord')