def _placement_algorithm_execute(self, scenario, reqid): """Executes the placement algorithm for the given scenario.If for some reason the algorithm fails to produce a valid placement (e.g., some constraint is violated), the function still returns the placement, but specific error information is included inside the JSON object which represents the solution. """ cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.configuration) cfg["scenario"] = scenario g = GA(cfg) if g.error: err = g.error_string solution = copy.deepcopy(scenario) else: solution = g.execute() # Check for errors/constrain violations err = None if not solution["solution_performance"]["link_capacity_constraints_ok"]: err = "Link capacity exceeded." if not solution["solution_performance"]["delay_constraints_ok"]: err = "Delay constraints violated." if not solution["solution_performance"]["host_capacity_constraints_ok"]: err = "Host capacity constraints violated." if not solution["solution_performance"]["legal_placement"]: err = "Illegal placement." self._output_solution(solution) # update the record in the database with the new status and the derived solution timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") if err is not None: status = "FAIL" else: status = "SUCCESS" req = self.db_collection.find_one_and_update( {"ReqId": reqid}, {'$set': {"finished": timestamp, "solution": solution, "status": status, "info": err}}, projection={"_id": False}, return_document=pymongo.collection.ReturnDocument.AFTER) # translate solution to the external format translated_solution = translator.translate_solution(solution) req_ext = self.db_collection_external.find_one_and_update( {"ReqId": reqid}, {'$set': {"finished": timestamp, "solution": translated_solution, "status": status, "info": err}}, projection={"_id": False}, return_document=pymongo.collection.ReturnDocument.AFTER) return translated_solution, err
class GaTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.fake_iter_plugin = FakeIterPlugin() self.fake_codec_plugin = FakeCodecPlugin() = GA( [self.fake_codec_plugin], [], [self.fake_iter_plugin], "") def testSetup(self): fake_population = FakePopulation() fake_selector = FakeSelector() self.assertEqual(, fake_population) self.assertEqual(fake_population.selector, fake_selector) # run next self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual( fake_population.codec_plugin, [self.fake_codec_plugin])
def setUp(self): self.fake_iter_plugin = FakeIterPlugin() self.fake_codec_plugin = FakeCodecPlugin() = GA( [self.fake_codec_plugin], [], [self.fake_iter_plugin], "")
net, train_loss, test_loss = trainBP(x_train_scaled.shape[1], hidden_number, 1, learning_rate, epochs, shuffle_seed, BATCH_SIZE, loss_fn, x_train_scaled, y_train_scaled, x_test_scaled, y_test_scaled) plotBP(train_loss, test_loss) plot_net_predict_result('BP ', net, x_test_scaled, target_sc, y_test) #遗传算法参数 popsize = 100 #遗传算法种群数 iter_max = 6 #遗传算法迭代次数 PM = 0.05 #变异概率 PC = 0.7 #交叉概率 input_number = 21#输入维度 output_number = 1#输出维度 # 自适应参数 PM1 = 0.05 # 变异概率下限 PM2 = 0.25 # 变异概率上限 PC1 = 0.5 # 交叉概率下限 PC2 = 0.8 # 交叉概率上限 adga = AGABP(net, input_number, hidden_number, output_number, popsize, iter_max, PM, PC, None, PM1, PM2, PC1, PC2) bestChrom_ga, bestValue_ga, tracematga = adga.adgafun(x_test_scaled, y_test, target_sc) aga_net = adga.recover_net(bestChrom_ga) plot_net_predict_result("AGA ", aga_net, x_test_scaled, target_sc, y_test) gaObject = GA(net, input_number, hidden_number, output_number, popsize, iter_max, PM, PC) bestChrom_ga, bestValue_ga, tracematga = gaObject.gafun(x_train_scaled, y_train_scaled, target_sc) ga_net = gaObject.recover_net(bestChrom_ga) plot_net_predict_result("GA ", ga_net, x_test_scaled, target_sc, y_test)