コード例 #1
ファイル: reads.py プロジェクト: snehitp/server
 def toProtocolElement(self):
     Returns the GA4GH protocol representation of this ReadGroup.
     # TODO this is very incomplete, but we don't have the
     # implementation to fill out the rest of the fields currently
     readGroup = protocol.ReadGroup()
     readGroup.id = self.getId()
     readGroup.created = self._creationTime
     readGroup.updated = self._updateTime
     dataset = self.getParentContainer().getParentContainer()
     readGroup.datasetId = dataset.getId()
     readGroup.description = None
     readGroup.info = {}
     readGroup.name = self.getLocalId()
     readGroup.predictedInsertSize = self.getPredictedInsertSize()
     readGroup.programs = []
     referenceSet = self._parentContainer.getReferenceSet()
     readGroup.referenceSetId = None
     readGroup.sampleId = self.getSampleId()
     if referenceSet is not None:
         readGroup.referenceSetId = referenceSet.getId()
     stats = protocol.ReadStats()
     stats.alignedReadCount = self.getNumAlignedReads()
     stats.unalignedReadCount = self.getNumUnalignedReads()
     stats.baseCount = None  # TODO requires iterating through all reads
     readGroup.stats = stats
     readGroup.programs = self.getPrograms()
     readGroup.description = self.getDescription()
     experiment = protocol.Experiment()
     experiment.id = self.getExperimentId()
     experiment.instrumentModel = self.getInstrumentModel()
     experiment.sequencingCenter = self.getSequencingCenter()
     experiment.description = self.getExperimentDescription()
     experiment.info = {}
     experiment.instrumentDataFile = None
     experiment.library = self.getLibrary()
     experiment.libraryLayout = None
     experiment.molecule = None
     experiment.name = None
     experiment.platformUnit = self.getPlatformUnit()
     experiment.recordCreateTime = self._iso8601
     experiment.recordUpdateTime = self._iso8601
     experiment.runTime = self.getRunTime()
     experiment.selection = None
     experiment.strategy = None
     readGroup.experiment = experiment
     return readGroup
コード例 #2
 def toProtocolElement(self):
     Returns the GA4GH protocol representation of this ReadGroup.
     # TODO this is very incomplete, but we don't have the
     # implementation to fill out the rest of the fields currently
     readGroup = protocol.ReadGroup()
     readGroup.id = self._id
     readGroup.created = self._creationTime
     readGroup.updated = self._updateTime
     readGroup.datasetId = None
     readGroup.description = None
     readGroup.experiment = None
     readGroup.info = {}
     readGroup.name = readGroup.id
     readGroup.predictedInsertSize = None
     readGroup.programs = []
     readGroup.referenceSetId = None
     readGroup.sampleId = None
     return readGroup
コード例 #3
 def toProtocolElement(self):
     Returns the GA4GH protocol representation of this ReadGroup.
     # TODO this is very incomplete, but we don't have the
     # implementation to fill out the rest of the fields currently
     readGroup = protocol.ReadGroup()
     readGroup.id = self.getId()
     readGroup.created = self._creationTime
     readGroup.updated = self._updateTime
     dataset = self.getParentContainer().getParentContainer()
     readGroup.dataset_id = dataset.getId()
     readGroup.name = self.getLocalId()
     readGroup.predicted_insert_size = pb.int(self.getPredictedInsertSize())
     referenceSet = self._parentContainer.getReferenceSet()
     readGroup.sample_name = pb.string(self.getSampleName())
     readGroup.bio_sample_id = pb.string(self.getBioSampleId())
     if referenceSet is not None:
         readGroup.reference_set_id = referenceSet.getId()
     readGroup.description = pb.string(self.getDescription())
     return readGroup