def install_moc(add_lastfm=True): ''' Install the MOC music player ( It will also install lastfmsubmitd ( and set it up to submit your plays ''' apps = ['moc'] if add_lastfm: apps += ['lastfmsubmitd'] install(*apps) if add_lastfm: username = prompt(' username?', validate=lambda v: _validate_not_empty(v, key='username')) password = prompt(' password?', validate=lambda v: _validate_not_empty(v, key='password')) # create lastfm config append('/etc/lastfmsubmitd.conf', '[account]\nuser = %s\npassword = %s' % (username, password, ), use_sudo=True) # add user to lastfm group so we can submit sudo('adduser %s lastfm' % env.user) # setup moc to submit to lastfm on song change (use script from # to only submit # when we're half way through) run('mkdir -p ~/.moc') with cd('~/.moc'): run('wget') run('chmod a+x moc_submit_lastfm') append('config', 'OnSongChange = "/home/%(user)s/.moc/moc_submit_lastfm --artist %%a --title %%t --length %%d --album %%r"' % env)
def install_duplicity(env_name='backup'): '''Install the duplicity backup tool (''' py_env = '~/env/%s' % env_name install_python() install('librsync-dev') run('pip install -E %s boto' % py_env) url = '' run('pip install -E %s %s' % (py_env, url))
def install_memcached_client_python(): 'Install pylibmc (and thus libmemcached) as client libraries for memcached' if not exists('/usr/local/lib/'): install_memcached_client('0.50') install('python', 'python-setuptools', 'python-dev', 'build-essential', 'zlib1g-dev') if hasattr(env, 'virtual_env') and exists(env.virtual_env): run('%(virtual_env)s/bin/pip install pylibmc' % env) else: sudo('pip install pylibmc')
def install_uwsgi(): ''' Install libraries required for uWSGI_ and install uWSGI_ in an test virtualenv .. _uWSGI: ''' install('libxml2-dev') run('pip install -E ~/env/uwsgi_test uwsgi')
def install_solr(): '''Install SOLR:''' install('solr-jetty', 'openjdk-6-jdk') sed('/etc/default/jetty', 'NO_START=1', 'NO_START=0', use_sudo=True) append('/etc/default/jetty', 'JETTY_HOST=', use_sudo=True) # move configuration files to current users dir run('mkdir -p etc/solr/conf') for f in ('etc/solr/conf/schema.xml', 'etc/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml'): run('cp /%(f)s ~/%(f)s' % {'f': f}) sudo('mv /%(f)s /%(f)s~' % {'f': f}) sudo('ln -s ~/%(f)s /%(f)s' % {'f': f})
def install_ruby(): install('ruby1.8', 'libbluecloth-ruby', 'libopenssl-ruby1.8', 'ruby1.8-dev', 'ri', 'rdoc', 'irb') sudo('ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/bin/ruby') # gem install run('mkdir -p src') with cd('src'): run('wget') run('tar xvzf rubygems-1.3.7.tgz') with cd('rubygems-1.3.7'): sudo('ruby setup.rb') sudo('ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem')
def install_dotfiles(repo=''): ''' Install the dotfiles from the given repository. :param str repo: git repository containing the files, default ''' install('git-core') run('mkdir -p src') run('git clone -nq %s src/dotfiles' % repo) run('mv src/dotfiles/.git ~') run('git reset --hard') run('git submodule update --init --recursive') run('rm -rfd src/dotfiles/')
def install_rabbitmq(user, password, vhost): '''Install the RabbitMQ server and add the web management plugin''' from gab.operations import create_rabbitmq_user, create_rabbitmq_vhost l = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq.list' if not exists(l): sudo('echo deb testing main > %s' % l) sudo('wget -O - | apt-key add -') apt_update() install('rabbitmq-server', 'erlang-inets') # create the user & make it the admin create_rabbitmq_user(user, password, admin=True) # create the vhost create_rabbitmq_vhost(vhost, user) # delete guest user for safety sudo('rabbitmqctl delete_user guest') install_rabbitmq_plugins()
def install_memcached_client(version='0.53'): 'Install libmemcached as client library for memcached' if not exists('/usr/bin/memcached'): install_memcached() install('libevent-dev', 'build-essential') run('mkdir -p src') with cd('src'): v = {'version': version} run('wget' % v) run('tar xf libmemcached-%(version)s.tar.gz' % v) with cd('libmemcached-%(version)s' % v): run('./configure') run('make') sudo('make install') if not exists('/etc/'): append('/etc/', '/usr/local/lib/', use_sudo=True) sudo('ldconfig')
def install_tmux(version='1.5'): ''' Get and install the latest tmux :param str version: the tmux version to install. Default: 1.5 ''' install('build-essential', 'libevent-dev', 'ncurses-dev', 'ncurses-term') run('mkdir -p src') with cd('src'): run('wget -O tmux-%(version)s.tar.gz' % {'version': version}) run('tar xf tmux-%s.tar.gz' % version) with cd('tmux-%s' % version): run('./configure') run('make') run('mkdir -p bin') run('mkdir -p share/man/man1/') run('cp ~/src/tmux-%s/tmux ~/bin/' % version) run('cp ~/src/tmux-%s/tmux.1 ~/share/man/man1/' % version)
def install_cdripper(): ''' Install RubyRipper to convert audio cd to MP3/OGG/Flac/... Website: ''' version = '0.5.7' install('build-essential', 'cd-discid', 'cdparanoia', 'flac', 'lame', 'mp3gain', 'normalize-audio', 'ruby-gnome2', 'ruby', 'vorbisgain') run('mkdir -p src') with cd('src'): url = '' % version run('wget %s' % url) run('bzip2 -d rubyripper-%s.tar.bz2' % version) run('tar xf rubyripper-%s.tar' % version) with cd('rubyripper-%s' % version): # default options: gui + command line run('./configure --enable-lang-all --enable-gtk2 --enable-cli') sudo('make install')
def install_nginx(version=None, remove_default=True): ''' Install nginx as a webserver or reverse proxy :param str version: the version of nginx you want to have installed if it's a different version than the repository version. E.g. 1.0.4 ''' # install from the repository to get stable version and initial config install('nginx') default_site = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default' if remove_default and exists(default_site): sudo('rm %s' % default_site) restart('nginx') # if a version is specified, install that and overwrite the repo version if version: stop('nginx') run('mkdir -p src') with cd('src'): run('wget' % version) run('tar xf nginx-%s.tar.gz' % version) # requirements for nginx install('build-essential', 'libc6', 'libpcre3', 'libpcre3-dev', 'libpcrecpp0', 'libssl0.9.8', 'libssl-dev', 'zlib1g', 'zlib1g-dev', 'lsb-base') with cd('nginx-%s' % version): run('''./configure --with-http_ssl_module \\ --with-sha1=/usr/lib \\ --with-http_gzip_static_module \\ --with-http_stub_status_module \\ --without-http_fastcgi_module \\ --sbin-path=/usr/sbin \\ --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \\ --prefix=/etc/nginx \\ --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log \\ ''') run('make') sudo('make install') start('nginx')
def install_memcached(version='1.4.9', daemon=False): 'Install memcached server' if not exists('/usr/bin/memcached'): install('libevent-dev', 'build-essential') run('mkdir -p src') with cd('src'): run('wget' % version) run('tar xf memcached-%s.tar.gz' % version) with cd('memcached-%s' % version): args = ['--prefix=', '--exec-prefix=/usr', '--datarootdir=/usr'] if getattr(env, 'is_64bit', False): args.append('--enable-64bit') run('./configure %s' % ' '.join(args)) run('make') sudo('make install') sudo('mkdir -p /usr/share/memcached') sudo('cp -R scripts /usr/share/memcached') if daemon: sudo('cp /usr/share/memcached/scripts/memcached-init /etc/init.d/memcached') sudo('update-rc.d memcached defaults') start('memcached')
def install_serverdensity(url, key): ''' Install the `Server Density <>`_ software. :param str url: is the chosen url at Server Density: :param str key: the key for the given server. You can find this in the server list at Server Density. ''' l = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/serverdensity.list' if not exists(l): sudo('echo deb lenny main > %s' % l) sudo('wget -O - | apt-key add -') apt_update() install('sd-agent') config = ''' [Main] sd_url: %(url)s agent_key: %(key)s ''' % {'url': url, 'key': key} append('/etc/sd-agent/config.cfg', config, use_sudo=True) start('sd-agent')
def install_dvdripper(): '''Install k9copy as DVD ripper''' if not exists('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list'): sudo('wget$(lsb_release -cs).list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list') apt_update() install('medibuntu-keyring', allow_unauthenticated=True) apt_update() install('libdvdcss2') install('k9copy')
def install_python(type=''): ''' Install Python stuff :param str type: set type to ``dev`` to install extra libraries (to build MySQL-Python and PIL) ''' install('python', 'python-setuptools', 'python-dev', 'build-essential') sudo('easy_install pip') sudo('pip install -U pip virtualenv virtualenvwrapper') if type == 'dev': # extra's to build certain python packages # needed to build MySQL-python install('libmysqlclient-dev') # needed for PIL install('libfreetype6-dev', 'libjpeg-dev')
def install_apache2(type='python'): ''' Install Apache2 as a application backend :param str type: set a type to install some extra apache modules. E.g. ``python``, ``php5``, ``ruby`` ''' install('apache2', 'libapache2-mod-rpaf') if type == 'python': install('libapache2-mod-wsgi') elif type == 'php5': install('libapache2-mod-php5', 'php5', 'php5-mysql', 'php5-gd') elif type == 'ruby': install_ruby() install('apache2-dev') sudo('gem install passenger') sudo('passenger-install-apache2-module') sudo('a2enmod passenger') # enable some extra modules sudo('a2enmod expires') # we want rid of the default apache config sudo('a2dissite default') restart('apache2')
def install_kvm(): '''Install KVM & virsh for virtualization''' install('libvirt-bin', 'qemu-kvm')
def setup_desktop(type=''): setup_base() install_python(type) install_vlc() install('unrar', 'nautilus-open-terminal', 'p7zip-full', 'smbfs')
def install_mysql_server(): '''Install MySQL server''' install('mysql-server-5.1')
def install_mysql_client(): '''Install MySQL client''' install('mysql-client-5.1')
def install_apt_cacher(): '''Install apt-cacher server''' install('apt-cacher-ng')
def install_latex(): '''Install LaTeX''' install('texlive', 'texlive-font*', 'texlive-latex*') if getattr(env, 'editor', 'vim') == 'vim': install('vim-latexsuite')
def install_vlc(): '''Install VLC media player''' install('vlc', 'mozilla-plugin-vlc', 'videolan-doc')
def install_default_packages(): '''Install some default packages''' install('vim', 'screen', 'lynx', 'tofrodos', 'ncurses-term')
def install_wine(): '''Install wine''' install('wine')
def install_systools(): 'Install extra system tools for convenience (htop, iostat, ...)' install('htop', 'iotop', 'sysstat', 'nethogs')
def install_vcs(): '''Install most used VCS (svn, git, hg) ''' install('subversion', 'git-core', 'mercurial')