async def test_library_settings_key(plugin): trove = Mock(spec=TroveGame) drm_free = Mock(spec=Subproduct) key = Mock(spec=KeyGame) type(key).key_val = PropertyMock(return_value='COEO23DN') unrevealed_key = Mock(spec=KeyGame) type(unrevealed_key).key_val = PropertyMock(return_value=None) plugin._owned_games = { 'a': drm_free, 'b': trove, 'c': key, 'd': unrevealed_key } ctx = await plugin.prepare_game_library_settings_context( ['b', 'c', 'd', 'a']) assert await plugin.get_game_library_settings('a', ctx) == GameLibrarySettings( 'a', None, None) assert await plugin.get_game_library_settings('b', ctx) == GameLibrarySettings( 'b', ['Trove'], None) assert await plugin.get_game_library_settings('c', ctx) == GameLibrarySettings( 'c', ['Key'], None) assert await plugin.get_game_library_settings( 'd', ctx) == GameLibrarySettings('d', ['Key', 'Unrevealed'], None)
async def get_game_library_settings(self, game_id: str, context: t.Any) -> GameLibrarySettings: gls = GameLibrarySettings(game_id, None, None) game = self._humble_games[game_id] if isinstance(game, Key): gls.tags = ['Key'] if game.key_val is None: gls.tags.append('Unrevealed') if isinstance(game, TroveGame): gls.tags = [] # remove redundant tags since Galaxy support for subscripitons return gls
async def get_game_library_settings(self, game_id: str, context: Any) -> GameLibrarySettings: gls = GameLibrarySettings(game_id, None, None) game = self._owned_games[game_id] if isinstance(game, Key): gls.tags = ['Key'] if game.key_val is None: gls.tags.append('Unrevealed') if isinstance(game, TroveGame): gls.tags = ['Trove'] return gls
async def get_game_library_settings(self, game_id: str, context: Any) -> GameLibrarySettings: if not context: # Unable to retrieve context return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, None, None) game_library_settings = context.get(game_id) if game_library_settings is None: # Able to retrieve context but game is not in its values -> It doesnt have any tags or hidden status set return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, [], False) return GameLibrarySettings( game_id, ['favorite'] if game_library_settings['favorite'] else [], game_library_settings['hidden'])
async def get_game_library_settings(self, game_id: str, context: Any) -> GameLibrarySettings: if not context: return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, None, None) else: game_in_collections = [] hidden = False for collection_name in context: if int(game_id) in context[collection_name]: if collection_name.lower() == 'hidden': hidden = True else: game_in_collections.append(collection_name) return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, game_in_collections, hidden)
async def get_game_library_settings(self, game_id: str, context: Any) -> GameLibrarySettings: if not context: return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, None, None) else: game_tags = context.get(game_id) if not game_tags: return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, [], False) hidden = False for tag in game_tags: if tag.lower() == 'hidden': hidden = True if hidden: game_tags.remove('hidden') return GameLibrarySettings(game_id, game_tags, hidden)
async def get_game_library_settings( self, game_id: GameId, context: GameLibrarySettingsContext) -> GameLibrarySettings: normalized_id = game_id.strip("@subscription") return GameLibrarySettings( game_id, tags=['favorite'] if normalized_id in context.favorite else [], hidden=normalized_id in context.hidden)
async def get_game_library_settings(self, game_id: str, context: Any) -> GameLibrarySettings: logging.debug("Updating library " + game_id) my_current_game_selected = {} #call function to update for current_game_checking in self.backend.local_game_cache: my_escaped_id = escapejson(current_game_checking["hash_digest"]) if (my_escaped_id == game_id): my_current_game_selected = current_game_checking break game_tags = my_current_game_selected["tags"] logging.debug(game_tags) game_settings = GameLibrarySettings(game_id, game_tags, False) return game_settings
async def test_get_game_library_settings_subscription_external_type( authenticated_plugin, ): """ The privacy settings Origin API is inconsistent about externalType: - for subscription games offerIds are listed in the payload without @subscription suffix - for other `externalType`s id full id is listed e.g. OFR:22@epic """ game_ids = ["OFR:123@subscription", "OFR:001@steam"] context = GameLibrarySettingsContext( favorite=set(["OFR:123", "OFR:001@steam"]), hidden=set(["OFR:123", "OFR:001@steam"])) tags, hidden = ['favorite'], True for game_id in game_ids: assert GameLibrarySettings( game_id, tags, hidden) == await authenticated_plugin.get_game_library_settings( game_id, context)
async def test_get_game_time_success(plugin, read, write): plugin.prepare_game_library_settings_context.return_value = async_return_value( "abc") request = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "3", "method": "start_game_library_settings_import", "params": { "game_ids": ["3", "5", "7"] } } read.side_effect = [ async_return_value(create_message(request)), async_return_value(b"", 10) ] plugin.get_game_library_settings.side_effect = [ async_return_value(GameLibrarySettings("3", None, True)), async_return_value(GameLibrarySettings("5", [], False)), async_return_value( GameLibrarySettings("7", ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"], None)), ] await plugin.get_game_library_settings.assert_has_calls([ call("3", "abc"), call("5", "abc"), call("7", "abc"), ]) plugin.game_library_settings_import_complete.assert_called_once_with() assert get_messages(write) == [{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "3", "result": None }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "game_library_settings_import_success", "params": { "game_library_settings": { "game_id": "3", "hidden": True } } }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "game_library_settings_import_success", "params": { "game_library_settings": { "game_id": "5", "tags": [], "hidden": False } } }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "game_library_settings_import_success", "params": { "game_library_settings": { "game_id": "7", "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"] } } }, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "game_library_settings_import_finished", "params": None }]
async def test_get_game_library_settings(authenticated_plugin, game_id, hidden, favorite, game_library_context): tags = ['favorite'] if favorite else [] result = await authenticated_plugin.get_game_library_settings( game_id, game_library_context) assert result == GameLibrarySettings(game_id, tags, hidden)
}, 'OFB-EAST:109552409': { 'hidden': True, 'favorite': True }, 'DR:119971300': { 'hidden': False, 'favorite': True }, 'Origin.OFR.50.0002694': { 'hidden': True, 'favorite': False } } GAME_LIBRARY_SETTINGS = GameLibrarySettings('OFB-EAST:48217', ['favorite'], False) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_not_authenticated(plugin, http_client): http_client.is_authenticated.return_value = False with pytest.raises(AuthenticationRequired): await plugin.prepare_game_library_settings_context([]) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_prepare_library_settings_context( authenticated_plugin, backend_client, user_id,