コード例 #1
ファイル: geiger.py プロジェクト: afcarl/kalama
def highlights(comments, min_size=5, dist_cutoff=0.5):
    This takes a set of comments,
    clusters them, and then returns representatives from clusters above
    some threshold size.

        | comments      -- list of Commentables
        | min_size      -- int, minimium cluster size to consider
        | dist_cutoff   -- float, the density at which to snip the hierarchy for clusters

    Future improvements:
        - Persist hierarchies instead of rebuilding from scratch (using Hierarchy.load & Hierarchy.save)
        - Tweak min_size and dist_cutoff for the domain.
    v = joblib.load(geiger_path)
    vecs = v.vectorize([strip_tags(c.body) for c in comments], train=False)
    vecs = vecs.toarray()

    log.info('Clustering {0} comments...'.format(vecs.shape[0]))

    # Build the hierarchy.
    h = Hierarchy(metric='cosine',
    ids = h.fit(vecs)

    log.info('Processing resulting clusters...')

    # Build a map of hierarchy ids to comments.
    map = {ids[i]: c for i, c in enumerate(comments)}

    # Generate the clusters.
    clusters = h.clusters(distance_threshold=dist_cutoff, with_labels=False)

    # Filter to clusters of at least some minimum size.
    clusters = [c for c in clusters if len(c) >= min_size]

    # Get the clusters as comments.
    clusters = [[map[id] for id in clus] for clus in clusters]

    # From each cluster, pick the comment with the highest score.
    highlights = [max(clus, key=lambda c: c.score) for clus in clusters]

    # Suppress replies, show only top-level.
    for h in highlights:
        h.replies = []


    return highlights
コード例 #2
ファイル: geiger.py プロジェクト: frnsys/kalama
def highlights(comments, min_size=5, dist_cutoff=0.5):
    This takes a set of comments,
    clusters them, and then returns representatives from clusters above
    some threshold size.

        | comments      -- list of Commentables
        | min_size      -- int, minimium cluster size to consider
        | dist_cutoff   -- float, the density at which to snip the hierarchy for clusters

    Future improvements:
        - Persist hierarchies instead of rebuilding from scratch (using Hierarchy.load & Hierarchy.save)
        - Tweak min_size and dist_cutoff for the domain.
    v = joblib.load(geiger_path)
    vecs = v.vectorize([strip_tags(c.body) for c in comments], train=False)
    vecs = vecs.toarray()

    log.info('Clustering {0} comments...'.format(vecs.shape[0]))

    # Build the hierarchy.
    h = Hierarchy(metric='cosine', lower_limit_scale=0.9, upper_limit_scale=1.2)
    ids = h.fit(vecs)

    log.info('Processing resulting clusters...')

    # Build a map of hierarchy ids to comments.
    map = {ids[i]: c for i, c in enumerate(comments)}

    # Generate the clusters.
    clusters = h.clusters(distance_threshold=dist_cutoff, with_labels=False)

    # Filter to clusters of at least some minimum size.
    clusters = [c for c in clusters if len(c) >= min_size]

    # Get the clusters as comments.
    clusters = [[map[id] for id in clus] for clus in clusters]

    # From each cluster, pick the comment with the highest score.
    highlights = [max(clus, key=lambda c: c.score) for clus in clusters]

    # Suppress replies, show only top-level.
    for h in highlights:
        h.replies = []


    return highlights
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_ihac.py プロジェクト: frnsys/galaxy
class HierarchyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.initial_vecs = [[10], [30]]
        self.h = Hierarchy(metric='euclidean',
        self.initial_leaves = [0,1]
        self.initial_clus   = 2

    def _build_cluster_node(self, num_children=2):
        Just builds a cluster node with two leaf node children.
        children = [self.h.create_node(vec=[i*20]) for i in range(num_children)]
        return self.h.create_node(children=children)

    def test_init(self):
        # The dist and graph matrices are square (nxn).
        self.assertEqual(self.h.dists.shape, (3,3))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.mx.shape, (3,3))

        # The centers matrix is nxm.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.centers.shape, (3,1))

    def test_fit_returns_uuids(self):
        vecs = [[20], [30], [40]]
        new_uuids = self.h.fit(vecs)
        self.assertEqual(new_uuids, [3,4,6])

    def test_save_and_load(self):
        save_path = '/tmp/hierarchy.ihac'

        if os.path.exists(save_path):

        points = generate_random_points()

        ids     = self.h.ids
        graph   = self.h.g.mx
        dists   = self.h.dists
        ndists  = self.h.ndists
        centers = self.h.centers
        avail   = self.h.available_ids



        h = Hierarchy.load(save_path)
        assert_array_equal(graph,   h.g.mx)
        assert_array_equal(dists,   h.dists)
        assert_array_equal(ids,     h.ids)
        assert_array_equal(ndists,  h.ndists)
        assert_array_equal(centers, h.centers)
        assert_array_equal(avail,   h.available_ids)

    def test_create_node(self):
        node = self.h.create_node(vec=[20])

        expected_dists = np.array([[  0., 20., 10., 10.],
                                   [ 20.,  0., 10., 10.],
                                   [ 10., 10.,  0.,  0.],
                                   [ 10., 10.,  0.,  0.]])

        # Distance matrix should be reshaped.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.dists.shape, (4,4))
        self.assertTrue((self.h.dists == expected_dists).all())
        self.assertEqual(self.h.nodes, self.initial_leaves + [self.initial_clus, node])

        # Id should properly be assigned.
        self.assertEqual(node, 3)

        # Params should be passed through.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.centers[node], [20])

    def test_delete_node(self):
        # Create a simple hierarchy to test.
        nodes = [self.h.create_node(vec=[i*10]) for i in range(5)]
        children = nodes[:3]
        siblings = nodes[3:]

        n = self.h.create_node(children=children)
        parent = self.h.create_node(children=siblings + [n])

        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_siblings(n), siblings)
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_parent(n), parent)
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_children(n), children)

        old_ids = [n] + [c for c in self.h.g.get_children(n)]


        # Node should be gone from the hierarchy.
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_siblings(n), [])
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_parent(n), None)
        self.assertTrue(n not in self.h.g.get_children(parent))
        for s in siblings:
            self.assertTrue(n not in self.h.g.get_siblings(s))

        # The node and its children's ids should be available for reuse.
        self.assertEqual(set(self.h.available_ids), set(old_ids))

        # Its children should also be deleted.
        for c in children:
            self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(c), [])
            self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_parent(c), None)

        # The ids should be reused.
        new_nodes = [self.h.create_node(vec=[i*10]) for i in range(len(old_ids))]

        for nn in new_nodes:
            self.assertTrue(nn in old_ids)

    def test_demote(self):
        # If N_i and N_j are sibling nodes,
        # DEMOTE(N_i, N_j)
        # will set N_j as a child to N_i.

        # Build three sibling cluster nodes.
        n_i = self._build_cluster_node()
        n_j = self._build_cluster_node()
        n_k = self._build_cluster_node()
        parent = self.h.create_node(children=[n_i, n_j, n_k])

        self.h.demote(n_i, n_j)
        self.assertEqual(n_i, self.h.g.get_parent(n_j))

    def test_demote_omits_clusters_with_only_childs(self):
        # If demoting causes a cluster node to have only one child, that node
        # should be removed and replaced by its only child node.

        # Build two sibling cluster nodes.
        n_i = self._build_cluster_node()
        n_j = self._build_cluster_node()
        parent = self.h.create_node(children=[n_i, n_j])

        self.h.demote(n_i, n_j)

        # The parent should be removed.
        self.assertFalse(parent in self.h.nodes)

        # n_i should be the root now.

        self.assertTrue(n_j in self.h.g.get_children(n_i))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_parent(n_j), n_i)

    def test_merge(self):
        # If N_i and N_j are sibling nodes under a parent N,
        # MERGE(N_i, N_j)
        # will create a new cluster node, N_k, with N_i and N_j
        # as its chidlren and N as its parent.

        parent = self._build_cluster_node(num_children=3)
        n_i, n_j, n_p = self.h.g.get_children(parent)

        # All three nodes are siblings.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_p), [n_i, n_j])

        self.h.merge(n_i, n_j)

        # The old parent should be replaced.
        n_k = self.h.g.get_parent(n_i)
        self.assertNotEqual(n_k, parent)

        # Now n_i and n_j should be in their own cluster.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_i), [n_j])

        # And that new cluster should be a sibling to the remaining node.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_p), [n_k])

    def test_split(self):
        # If N_k is a cluster node with a set of children S_k,
        # SPLIT(θ, N_k)
        # will split N_k into two new nodes, N_i and N_j, each with a different
        # subset of S_k (S_i and S_j, respectively). S_k is split by disconnecting an
        # edge in N_k's minimum spanning tree (MST).

        n_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.05]))
        n_j = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.08]))
        n_k = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.10]))

        sibs = self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_leaves[0])
        parent = self.h.g.get_parent(self.initial_leaves[0])
        self.assertEqual(sibs, [n_i, n_j, n_k])

        # n_i, n_j, and n_k are all closer to each other than they are to the initial leaf,
        # so we expect them to be in their own cluster.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_i), [n_j, n_k])
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_leaves[0]), [self.initial_leaves[1], self.h.g.get_parent(n_i)])

    def test_restructure(self):
        # This isn't a comprehensive test, but a simple check.

        # As the only two nodes initially, these two are siblings.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_leaves[0]), [self.initial_leaves[1]])

        # Add some new nodes very close to the first leaf node ([10]).
        n_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.05]))
        n_j = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.08]))
        n_k = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.10]))

        # The second leaf node ([30]) should be different enough that it should
        # have moved to its own cluster.
        self.assertNotEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_leaves[0]), [self.initial_leaves[1]])

    def test_ins_hierarchy(self):
        # If N_i is a node in the hierarchy, child to node N,
        # and N_j is a node not yet in the hierarchy,
        # INS_HIERARCHY(N_i, N_j)
        # creates a new node N_k with children N_i and N_j and N as its parent.

        # Build a node with a parent and another node.
        n_i = self.h.g.get_children(self._build_cluster_node())[0]
        n_j = self.h.create_node(vec=[20])

        self.h.ins_hierarchy(n_i, n_j)

        # The nodes should be siblings now.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_i), [n_j])

    def test_incorporate_adds_to_existing_cluster_node(self):
        # A node this close should be added as a sibling.
        node_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([11]))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_leaves[0]), [node_i])

    def test_incorporate_creates_new_cluster_node(self):
        # The cluster node and the new node should be siblings.
        node_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([90]))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_clus), [node_i])

    def test_prune(self):
        self.h.fit([[20], [30]])

        self.assertEqual(self.h.available_ids, [])
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.leaves, [0,1,3,4])


        self.assertEqual(self.h.available_ids, [1,4,5])
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.leaves, [0,3])
        assert_array_equal(self.h.nodes, [0,2,3])

    def test_clusters(self):
        node_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([90]))
        node_j = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([40]))

        clusters = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=14.0, with_labels=False)
        self.assertEqual(clusters, [self.initial_leaves + [node_j], [node_i]])

        clusters = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=71.0, with_labels=False)
        self.assertEqual(clusters, [self.initial_leaves + [node_j, node_i]])

        clusters = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=0.0, with_labels=False)
        self.assertEqual(clusters, [[self.initial_leaves[0]], [self.initial_leaves[1]], [node_j], [node_i]])
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_ihac.py プロジェクト: frnsys/galaxy
class ClusteringTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.h = Hierarchy()

    def test_labels(self):
        points_1 = [np.array([p]) for p in np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)]
        points_2 = [np.array([p]) for p in np.arange(20.0, 21.0, 0.1)]
        points_3 = [np.array([p]) for p in np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)]

        clusters, labels = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=0.5)

        # Expect that the labels preserve the input order.
        num_1 = len(points_1)
        labels_1 = labels[:num_1]

        num_2 = len(points_2)
        labels_2 = labels[num_1:num_1+num_2]

        labels_3 = labels[num_1+num_2:]

        # labels_1 and labels_3 are operating off the same data (points) so they should be equivalent.
        self.assertEqual(labels_1, labels_3)
        self.assertNotEqual(labels_1, labels_2)

    def test_no_cluster_nodes_with_single_cluster_child(self):
        points = [0.30, 0.40, 0.80, 2.70, 0.20, 2.40]
        points = [np.array([p]) for p in points]
        points_1, points_2 = points[:4], points[4:]

        bad_nodes = [n for n in self.h.nodes if self.h.g.is_cluster(n) and self.h.g.get_children(n).size <= 1]

        bad_nodes = [n for n in self.h.nodes if self.h.g.is_cluster(n) and self.h.g.get_children(n).size <= 1]

    def test_many_points(self):
        Test clustering with 160 points.
        This should just execute without error.
        points = generate_random_points()

    def test_fit_uuids_are_unique(self):
        save_path = '/tmp/hierarchy.ihac'
        if os.path.exists(save_path):

        points = generate_random_points()
        points_list = np.array_split(points, 10)

        uuids = []
        for group in points_list:
            uuids += self.h.fit(group)
            self.h = Hierarchy.load(save_path)

        num_uuids   = len(uuids)
        num_u_uuids = len(set(uuids))
        self.assertEqual(num_uuids, num_u_uuids)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_ihac.py プロジェクト: lapulasitu/galaxy
class ClusteringTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.h = Hierarchy()

    def test_labels(self):
        points_1 = [np.array([p]) for p in np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)]
        points_2 = [np.array([p]) for p in np.arange(20.0, 21.0, 0.1)]
        points_3 = [np.array([p]) for p in np.arange(0.1, 1.0, 0.1)]

        clusters, labels = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=0.5)

        # Expect that the labels preserve the input order.
        num_1 = len(points_1)
        labels_1 = labels[:num_1]

        num_2 = len(points_2)
        labels_2 = labels[num_1:num_1 + num_2]

        labels_3 = labels[num_1 + num_2:]

        # labels_1 and labels_3 are operating off the same data (points) so they should be equivalent.
        self.assertEqual(labels_1, labels_3)
        self.assertNotEqual(labels_1, labels_2)

    def test_no_cluster_nodes_with_single_cluster_child(self):
        points = [0.30, 0.40, 0.80, 2.70, 0.20, 2.40]
        points = [np.array([p]) for p in points]
        points_1, points_2 = points[:4], points[4:]

        bad_nodes = [
            n for n in self.h.nodes
            if self.h.g.is_cluster(n) and self.h.g.get_children(n).size <= 1

        bad_nodes = [
            n for n in self.h.nodes
            if self.h.g.is_cluster(n) and self.h.g.get_children(n).size <= 1

    def test_many_points(self):
        Test clustering with 160 points.
        This should just execute without error.
        points = generate_random_points()

    def test_fit_uuids_are_unique(self):
        save_path = '/tmp/hierarchy.ihac'
        if os.path.exists(save_path):

        points = generate_random_points()
        points_list = np.array_split(points, 10)

        uuids = []
        for group in points_list:
            uuids += self.h.fit(group)
            self.h = Hierarchy.load(save_path)

        num_uuids = len(uuids)
        num_u_uuids = len(set(uuids))
        self.assertEqual(num_uuids, num_u_uuids)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_ihac.py プロジェクト: lapulasitu/galaxy
class HierarchyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.initial_vecs = [[10], [30]]
        self.h = Hierarchy(metric='euclidean',
        self.initial_leaves = [0, 1]
        self.initial_clus = 2

    def _build_cluster_node(self, num_children=2):
        Just builds a cluster node with two leaf node children.
        children = [
            self.h.create_node(vec=[i * 20]) for i in range(num_children)
        return self.h.create_node(children=children)

    def test_init(self):
        # The dist and graph matrices are square (nxn).
        self.assertEqual(self.h.dists.shape, (3, 3))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.mx.shape, (3, 3))

        # The centers matrix is nxm.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.centers.shape, (3, 1))

    def test_fit_returns_uuids(self):
        vecs = [[20], [30], [40]]
        new_uuids = self.h.fit(vecs)
        self.assertEqual(new_uuids, [3, 4, 6])

    def test_save_and_load(self):
        save_path = '/tmp/hierarchy.ihac'

        if os.path.exists(save_path):

        points = generate_random_points()

        ids = self.h.ids
        graph = self.h.g.mx
        dists = self.h.dists
        ndists = self.h.ndists
        centers = self.h.centers
        avail = self.h.available_ids



        h = Hierarchy.load(save_path)
        assert_array_equal(graph, h.g.mx)
        assert_array_equal(dists, h.dists)
        assert_array_equal(ids, h.ids)
        assert_array_equal(ndists, h.ndists)
        assert_array_equal(centers, h.centers)
        assert_array_equal(avail, h.available_ids)

    def test_create_node(self):
        node = self.h.create_node(vec=[20])

        expected_dists = np.array([[0., 20., 10., 10.], [20., 0., 10., 10.],
                                   [10., 10., 0., 0.], [10., 10., 0., 0.]])

        # Distance matrix should be reshaped.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.dists.shape, (4, 4))
        self.assertTrue((self.h.dists == expected_dists).all())
                         self.initial_leaves + [self.initial_clus, node])

        # Id should properly be assigned.
        self.assertEqual(node, 3)

        # Params should be passed through.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.centers[node], [20])

    def test_delete_node(self):
        # Create a simple hierarchy to test.
        nodes = [self.h.create_node(vec=[i * 10]) for i in range(5)]
        children = nodes[:3]
        siblings = nodes[3:]

        n = self.h.create_node(children=children)
        parent = self.h.create_node(children=siblings + [n])

        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_siblings(n), siblings)
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_parent(n), parent)
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_children(n), children)

        old_ids = [n] + [c for c in self.h.g.get_children(n)]


        # Node should be gone from the hierarchy.
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.get_siblings(n), [])
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_parent(n), None)
        self.assertTrue(n not in self.h.g.get_children(parent))
        for s in siblings:
            self.assertTrue(n not in self.h.g.get_siblings(s))

        # The node and its children's ids should be available for reuse.
        self.assertEqual(set(self.h.available_ids), set(old_ids))

        # Its children should also be deleted.
        for c in children:
            self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(c), [])
            self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_parent(c), None)

        # The ids should be reused.
        new_nodes = [
            self.h.create_node(vec=[i * 10]) for i in range(len(old_ids))

        for nn in new_nodes:
            self.assertTrue(nn in old_ids)

    def test_demote(self):
        # If N_i and N_j are sibling nodes,
        # DEMOTE(N_i, N_j)
        # will set N_j as a child to N_i.

        # Build three sibling cluster nodes.
        n_i = self._build_cluster_node()
        n_j = self._build_cluster_node()
        n_k = self._build_cluster_node()
        parent = self.h.create_node(children=[n_i, n_j, n_k])

        self.h.demote(n_i, n_j)
        self.assertEqual(n_i, self.h.g.get_parent(n_j))

    def test_demote_omits_clusters_with_only_childs(self):
        # If demoting causes a cluster node to have only one child, that node
        # should be removed and replaced by its only child node.

        # Build two sibling cluster nodes.
        n_i = self._build_cluster_node()
        n_j = self._build_cluster_node()
        parent = self.h.create_node(children=[n_i, n_j])

        self.h.demote(n_i, n_j)

        # The parent should be removed.
        self.assertFalse(parent in self.h.nodes)

        # n_i should be the root now.

        self.assertTrue(n_j in self.h.g.get_children(n_i))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_parent(n_j), n_i)

    def test_merge(self):
        # If N_i and N_j are sibling nodes under a parent N,
        # MERGE(N_i, N_j)
        # will create a new cluster node, N_k, with N_i and N_j
        # as its chidlren and N as its parent.

        parent = self._build_cluster_node(num_children=3)
        n_i, n_j, n_p = self.h.g.get_children(parent)

        # All three nodes are siblings.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_p), [n_i, n_j])

        self.h.merge(n_i, n_j)

        # The old parent should be replaced.
        n_k = self.h.g.get_parent(n_i)
        self.assertNotEqual(n_k, parent)

        # Now n_i and n_j should be in their own cluster.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_i), [n_j])

        # And that new cluster should be a sibling to the remaining node.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_p), [n_k])

    def test_split(self):
        # If N_k is a cluster node with a set of children S_k,
        # SPLIT(θ, N_k)
        # will split N_k into two new nodes, N_i and N_j, each with a different
        # subset of S_k (S_i and S_j, respectively). S_k is split by disconnecting an
        # edge in N_k's minimum spanning tree (MST).

        n_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.05]))
        n_j = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.08]))
        n_k = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.10]))

        sibs = self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_leaves[0])
        parent = self.h.g.get_parent(self.initial_leaves[0])
        self.assertEqual(sibs, [n_i, n_j, n_k])

        # n_i, n_j, and n_k are all closer to each other than they are to the initial leaf,
        # so we expect them to be in their own cluster.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_i), [n_j, n_k])

    def test_restructure(self):
        # This isn't a comprehensive test, but a simple check.

        # As the only two nodes initially, these two are siblings.

        # Add some new nodes very close to the first leaf node ([10]).
        n_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.05]))
        n_j = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.08]))
        n_k = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([10.10]))

        # The second leaf node ([30]) should be different enough that it should
        # have moved to its own cluster.

    def test_ins_hierarchy(self):
        # If N_i is a node in the hierarchy, child to node N,
        # and N_j is a node not yet in the hierarchy,
        # INS_HIERARCHY(N_i, N_j)
        # creates a new node N_k with children N_i and N_j and N as its parent.

        # Build a node with a parent and another node.
        n_i = self.h.g.get_children(self._build_cluster_node())[0]
        n_j = self.h.create_node(vec=[20])

        self.h.ins_hierarchy(n_i, n_j)

        # The nodes should be siblings now.
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(n_i), [n_j])

    def test_incorporate_adds_to_existing_cluster_node(self):
        # A node this close should be added as a sibling.
        node_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([11]))

    def test_incorporate_creates_new_cluster_node(self):
        # The cluster node and the new node should be siblings.
        node_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([90]))
        self.assertEqual(self.h.g.get_siblings(self.initial_clus), [node_i])

    def test_prune(self):
        self.h.fit([[20], [30]])

        self.assertEqual(self.h.available_ids, [])
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.leaves, [0, 1, 3, 4])


        self.assertEqual(self.h.available_ids, [1, 4, 5])
        assert_array_equal(self.h.g.leaves, [0, 3])
        assert_array_equal(self.h.nodes, [0, 2, 3])

    def test_clusters(self):
        node_i = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([90]))
        node_j = self.h.to_iid(self.h.incorporate([40]))

        clusters = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=14.0, with_labels=False)
        self.assertEqual(clusters, [self.initial_leaves + [node_j], [node_i]])

        clusters = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=71.0, with_labels=False)
        self.assertEqual(clusters, [self.initial_leaves + [node_j, node_i]])

        clusters = self.h.clusters(distance_threshold=0.0, with_labels=False)
                         [[self.initial_leaves[0]], [self.initial_leaves[1]],
                          [node_j], [node_i]])