コード例 #1
def test_actionAngleTorus_interppot_freqs():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import LogarithmicHaloPotential, interpRZPotential
    lp = LogarithmicHaloPotential(normalize=1.)
    ip = interpRZPotential(RZPot=lp,
    aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=lp)
    aATi = actionAngleTorus(pot=ip)
    jr, jphi, jz = 0.05, 1.1, 0.02
    om = aAT.Freqs(jr, jphi, jz)
    omi = aATi.Freqs(jr, jphi, jz)
    assert numpy.fabs(
        (om[0] - omi[0]) / om[0]
    ) < 0.2, 'Radial frequency computed using the torus machine does not agree between potential and interpolated potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        (om[1] - omi[1]) / om[1]
    ) < 0.2, 'Azimuthal frequency computed using the torus machine does not agree between potential and interpolated potential'
    assert numpy.fabs(
        (om[2] - omi[2]) / om[2]
    ) < 0.8, 'Vertical frequency computed using the torus machine does not agree between potential and interpolated potential'
    return None
コード例 #2
def test_actionAngleTorus_basic():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential, rl, vcirc, \
        FlattenedPowerPotential, PlummerPotential
    tol= -4.
    jr= 10.**-10.
    jz= 10.**-10.
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential)
    # at R=1, Lz=1
    jphi= 1.
    angler= numpy.linspace(0.,2.*numpy.pi,101)
    anglephi= numpy.linspace(0.,2.*numpy.pi,101)+1.
    anglez= numpy.linspace(0.,2.*numpy.pi,101)+2.
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[0]-rl(MWPotential,jphi)) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant radius for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero radial velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[2]-vcirc(MWPotential,rl(MWPotential,jphi))) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant vT=vc for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical height for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=1.5, using Plummer
    tol= -3.25
    pp= PlummerPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=pp)
    jphi= 1.5
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[0]-rl(pp,jphi)) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant radius for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero radial velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[2]-vcirc(pp,rl(pp,jphi))) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant vT=vc for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical height for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=0.5, using FlattenedPowerPotential
    tol= -4.
    fp= FlattenedPowerPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=fp)
    jphi= 0.5
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[0]-rl(fp,jphi)) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant radius for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero radial velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[2]-vcirc(fp,rl(fp,jphi))) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant vT=vc for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical height for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    return None
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_basic():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential, rl, vcirc, \
        FlattenedPowerPotential, PlummerPotential
    tol= -4.
    jr= 10.**-10.
    jz= 10.**-10.
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential)
    # at R=1, Lz=1
    jphi= 1.
    angler= numpy.linspace(0.,2.*numpy.pi,101)
    anglephi= numpy.linspace(0.,2.*numpy.pi,101)+1.
    anglez= numpy.linspace(0.,2.*numpy.pi,101)+2.
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[0]-rl(MWPotential,jphi)) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant radius for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero radial velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[2]-vcirc(MWPotential,rl(MWPotential,jphi))) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant vT=vc for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical height for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=1.5, using Plummer
    tol= -3.25
    pp= PlummerPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=pp)
    jphi= 1.5
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[0]-rl(pp,jphi)) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant radius for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero radial velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[2]-vcirc(pp,rl(pp,jphi))) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant vT=vc for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical height for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=0.5, using FlattenedPowerPotential
    tol= -4.
    fp= FlattenedPowerPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=fp)
    jphi= 0.5
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[0]-rl(fp,jphi)) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant radius for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero radial velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[2]-vcirc(fp,rl(fp,jphi))) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have constant vT=vc for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical height for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'circular orbit does not have zero vertical velocity for actionAngleTorus'
    return None
コード例 #4
def test_actionAngleTorus_Isochrone_actions():
    from galpy.potential import IsochronePotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    ip = IsochronePotential(normalize=1., b=1.2)
    aAI = actionAngleIsochrone(ip=ip)
    tol = -6.
    aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=ip, tol=tol)
    jr, jphi, jz = 0.075, 1.1, 0.05
    angler = numpy.array([0.])
    anglephi = numpy.array([numpy.pi])
    anglez = numpy.array([numpy.pi / 2.])
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvR = aAT(jr, jphi, jz, angler, anglephi, anglez).T
    # Calculate actions from aAI
    ji = aAI(*RvR)
    djr = numpy.fabs((ji[0] - jr) / jr)
    dlz = numpy.fabs((ji[1] - jphi) / jphi)
    djz = numpy.fabs((ji[2] - jz) / jz)
    assert djr < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        djr * 100.)
    assert dlz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        dlz * 100.)
    assert djz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        djz * 100.)
    return None
コード例 #5
def test_actionAngleTorus_Staeckel_actions():
    from galpy.potential import KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    delta = 1.2
    kp = KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential(normalize=1., Delta=delta)
    aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=kp, delta=delta, c=True)
    tol = -3.
    aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=kp, tol=tol)
    jr, jphi, jz = 0.075, 1.1, 0.05
    angler = numpy.array([0.])
    anglephi = numpy.array([numpy.pi])
    anglez = numpy.array([numpy.pi / 2.])
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvR = aAT(jr, jphi, jz, angler, anglephi, anglez).T
    # Calculate actions from aAI
    ji = aAS(*RvR)
    djr = numpy.fabs((ji[0] - jr) / jr)
    dlz = numpy.fabs((ji[1] - jphi) / jphi)
    djz = numpy.fabs((ji[2] - jz) / jz)
    assert djr < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        djr * 100.)
    assert dlz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        dlz * 100.)
    assert djz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        djz * 100.)
    return None
コード例 #6
def test_actionAngleTorus_isochroneApprox_actions():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    aAIA = actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=MWPotential2014, b=0.8)
    tol = -2.5
    aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014, tol=tol)
    jr, jphi, jz = 0.075, 1.1, 0.05
    angler = numpy.array([0.])
    anglephi = numpy.array([numpy.pi])
    anglez = numpy.array([numpy.pi / 2.])
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvR = aAT(jr, jphi, jz, angler, anglephi, anglez).T
    # Calculate actions from aAIA
    ji = aAIA(*RvR)
    djr = numpy.fabs((ji[0] - jr) / jr)
    dlz = numpy.fabs((ji[1] - jphi) / jphi)
    djz = numpy.fabs((ji[2] - jz) / jz)
    assert djr < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochroneApprox applied to MWPotential2014 potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        djr * 100.)
    assert dlz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochroneApprox applied to MWPotential2014 potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        dlz * 100.)
    assert djz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleMWPotential2014 applied to MWPotential2014 potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (
        djz * 100.)
    return None
コード例 #7
def test_actionAngleTorus_hessian_symm():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    h= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,tol=0.0001,nosym=True)[0]
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs((h-h.T)/h) < 0.03), 'actionAngleTorus Hessian is not symmetric'
    return None
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_interppot_freqs():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import LogarithmicHaloPotential, interpRZPotential
    lp= LogarithmicHaloPotential(normalize=1.)
    ip= interpRZPotential(RZPot=lp,
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=lp)
    aATi= actionAngleTorus(pot=ip)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.05,1.1,0.02
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    omi= aATi.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-omi[0])/om[0]) < 0.2, 'Radial frequency computed using the torus machine does not agree between potential and interpolated potential'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omi[1])/om[1]) < 0.2, 'Azimuthal frequency computed using the torus machine does not agree between potential and interpolated potential'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-omi[2])/om[2]) < 0.8, 'Vertical frequency computed using the torus machine does not agree between potential and interpolated potential'
    return None
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_hessian_symm():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    h= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,tol=0.0001,nosym=True)[0]
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs((h-h.T)/h) < 0.03), 'actionAngleTorus Hessian is not symmetric'
    return None
def setup_sdf(pot,prog,sigv,td,ro,vo,multi=None,nTrackChunks=8,isob=None,
    """Simple function to setup the stream model"""
    if isob is None:
        if True or logpot:
            isob= 0.75
    if False:
        # Determine good one
        ts= numpy.linspace(0.,15.,1001)
        # Hack!
        epot= copy.deepcopy(pot)
        epot[2]._b= 1.
        epot[2]._b2= 1.
        epot[2]._isNonAxi= False
        epot[2]._aligned= True
        estb= estimateBIsochrone(epot,
        if estb[1] < 0.3: isob= 0.3
        elif estb[1] > 1.5: isob= 1.5
        else: isob= estb[1]
        if verbose: print(pot[2]._c, isob,estb)
    if not logpot and numpy.fabs(pot[2]._b-1.) > 0.05:
        aAI= actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=pot,b=isob,tintJ=1000.,
        ts= numpy.linspace(0.,100.,10000)
        aAI= actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=pot,b=isob,tintJ=100.,
    if useTM:
        aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=pot,tol=0.001,dJ=0.0001)
        aAT= False
    except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
    return sdf
コード例 #11
def test_actionAngleTorus_AutoFitWarning():
    from galpy.potential import LogarithmicHaloPotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    lp= LogarithmicHaloPotential(normalize=1.,q=0.9)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=lp,tol=10.**-8.)
    # These should give warnings
    jr, jp, jz= 0.27209033, 1.80253892, 0.6078445
    ar, ap, az= numpy.array([1.95732492]), numpy.array([6.16753224]), \
    #Turn warnings into errors to test for them
    import warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        if PY2: reset_warning_registry('galpy')
        # Should raise warning bc of Autofit, might raise others
        raisedWarning= False
        for wa in w:
            raisedWarning= (str(wa.message) == "actionAngleTorus' AutoFit exited with non-zero return status -3: Fit failed the goal by more than 2")
            if raisedWarning: break
        assert raisedWarning, "actionAngleTorus with flattened LogarithmicHaloPotential and a particular orbit should have thrown a warning, but didn't"
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Should raise warning bc of Autofit, might raise others
        raisedWarning= False
        for wa in w:
            raisedWarning= (str(wa.message) == "actionAngleTorus' AutoFit exited with non-zero return status -3: Fit failed the goal by more than 2")
            if raisedWarning: break
        assert raisedWarning, "actionAngleTorus with flattened LogarithmicHaloPotential and a particular orbit should have thrown a warning, but didn't"
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Should raise warning bc of Autofit, might raise others
        raisedWarning= False
        for wa in w:
            raisedWarning= (str(wa.message) == "actionAngleTorus' AutoFit exited with non-zero return status -3: Fit failed the goal by more than 2")
            if raisedWarning: break
        assert raisedWarning, "actionAngleTorus with flattened LogarithmicHaloPotential and a particular orbit should have thrown a warning, but didn't"
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Should raise warning bc of Autofit, might raise others
        raisedWarning= False
        for wa in w:
            raisedWarning= (str(wa.message) == "actionAngleTorus' AutoFit exited with non-zero return status -3: Fit failed the goal by more than 2")
            if raisedWarning: break
        assert raisedWarning, "actionAngleTorus with flattened LogarithmicHaloPotential and a particular orbit should have thrown a warning, but didn't"
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        # Should raise warning bc of Autofit, might raise others
        raisedWarning= False
        for wa in w:
            raisedWarning= (str(wa.message) == "actionAngleTorus' AutoFit exited with non-zero return status -3: Fit failed the goal by more than 2")
            if raisedWarning: break
        assert raisedWarning, "actionAngleTorus with flattened LogarithmicHaloPotential and a particular orbit should have thrown a warning, but didn't"
    return None
コード例 #12
def test_actionAngleTorus_Staeckel_freqsAngles():
    from galpy.potential import KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    delta = 1.2
    kp = KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential(normalize=1., Delta=delta)
    aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=kp, delta=delta, c=True)
    tol = -3.
    aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=kp, tol=tol)
    jr, jphi, jz = 0.075, 1.1, 0.05
    angler = numpy.array([0.1]) + numpy.linspace(0., numpy.pi, 101)
    angler = angler % (2. * numpy.pi)
    anglephi = numpy.array([numpy.pi]) + numpy.linspace(0., numpy.pi, 101)
    anglephi = anglephi % (2. * numpy.pi)
    anglez = numpy.array([numpy.pi / 2.]) + numpy.linspace(0., numpy.pi, 101)
    anglez = anglez % (2. * numpy.pi)
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvRom = aAT.xvFreqs(jr, jphi, jz, angler, anglephi, anglez)
    # Calculate actions, frequencies, and angles from aAI
    ws = aAS.actionsFreqsAngles(*RvRom[0].T)
    dOr = numpy.fabs((ws[3] - RvRom[1]))
    dOp = numpy.fabs((ws[4] - RvRom[2]))
    dOz = numpy.fabs((ws[5] - RvRom[3]))
    dar = numpy.fabs((ws[6] - angler))
    dap = numpy.fabs((ws[7] - anglephi))
    daz = numpy.fabs((ws[8] - anglez))
    dar[dar > numpy.pi] -= 2. * numpy.pi
    dar[dar < -numpy.pi] += 2. * numpy.pi
    dap[dap > numpy.pi] -= 2. * numpy.pi
    dap[dap < -numpy.pi] += 2. * numpy.pi
    daz[daz > numpy.pi] -= 2. * numpy.pi
    daz[daz < -numpy.pi] += 2. * numpy.pi
    assert numpy.all(
        dOr < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Or at %f%%' % (
        numpy.nanmax(dOr) * 100.)
    assert numpy.all(
        dOp < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Ophi at %f%%' % (
        numpy.nanmax(dOp) * 100.)
    assert numpy.all(
        dOz < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Oz at %f%%' % (
        numpy.nanmax(dOz) * 100.)
    assert numpy.all(
        dar < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for ar at %f' % (
    assert numpy.all(
        dap < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for aphi at %f' % (
    assert numpy.all(
        daz < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for az at %f' % (
    return None
コード例 #13
def test_actionAngleTorus_hessian_freqs():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    fO= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)[:3]
    hO= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz)[1:4]
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(numpy.array(fO)-numpy.array(hO)) < 10.**-8.), 'actionAngleTorus methods Freqs and hessianFreqs return different frequencies'
    return None
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_hessian_freqs():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    fO= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)[:3]
    hO= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz)[1:4]
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(numpy.array(fO)-numpy.array(hO)) < 10.**-8.), 'actionAngleTorus methods Freqs and hessianFreqs return different frequencies'
    return None
コード例 #15
def test_actionAngleTorus_Isochrone_freqsAngles():
    from galpy.potential import IsochronePotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    ip = IsochronePotential(normalize=1., b=1.2)
    aAI = actionAngleIsochrone(ip=ip)
    tol = -6.
    aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=ip, tol=tol)
    jr, jphi, jz = 0.075, 1.1, 0.05
    angler = numpy.array([0.1]) + numpy.linspace(0., numpy.pi, 101)
    angler = angler % (2. * numpy.pi)
    anglephi = numpy.array([numpy.pi]) + numpy.linspace(0., numpy.pi, 101)
    anglephi = anglephi % (2. * numpy.pi)
    anglez = numpy.array([numpy.pi / 2.]) + numpy.linspace(0., numpy.pi, 101)
    anglez = anglez % (2. * numpy.pi)
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvRom = aAT.xvFreqs(jr, jphi, jz, angler, anglephi, anglez)
    # Calculate actions, frequencies, and angles from aAI
    ws = aAI.actionsFreqsAngles(*RvRom[0].T)
    dOr = numpy.fabs((ws[3] - RvRom[1]))
    dOp = numpy.fabs((ws[4] - RvRom[2]))
    dOz = numpy.fabs((ws[5] - RvRom[3]))
    dar = numpy.fabs((ws[6] - angler))
    dap = numpy.fabs((ws[7] - anglephi))
    daz = numpy.fabs((ws[8] - anglez))
    dar[dar > numpy.pi] -= 2. * numpy.pi
    dar[dar < -numpy.pi] += 2. * numpy.pi
    dap[dap > numpy.pi] -= 2. * numpy.pi
    dap[dap < -numpy.pi] += 2. * numpy.pi
    daz[daz > numpy.pi] -= 2. * numpy.pi
    daz[daz < -numpy.pi] += 2. * numpy.pi
    assert numpy.all(
        dOr < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Or at %f%%' % (
        numpy.nanmax(dOr) * 100.)
    assert numpy.all(
        dOp < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Ophi at %f%%' % (
        numpy.nanmax(dOp) * 100.)
    assert numpy.all(
        dOz < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Oz at %f%%' % (
        numpy.nanmax(dOz) * 100.)
    assert numpy.all(
        dar < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for ar at %f' % (
    assert numpy.all(
        dap < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for aphi at %f' % (
    assert numpy.all(
        daz < 10.**tol
    ), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for az at %f' % (
    return None
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_nocerr():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from test_potential import BurkertPotentialNoC
    bp= BurkertPotentialNoC()
        aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=bp)
    except RuntimeError: pass
        raise AssertionError("actionAngleTorus initialization with potential w/o C should have given a RuntimeError, but didn't")
    return None
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_nonaxierr():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import TriaxialNFWPotential
    np= TriaxialNFWPotential(normalize=1.,b=0.9)
        aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=np)
    except RuntimeError: pass
        raise AssertionError("actionAngleTorus initialization with non-axisymmetric potential should have given a RuntimeError, but didn't")
    return None
コード例 #18
def test_actionAngleTorus_nocerr():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from test_potential import BurkertPotentialNoC
    bp= BurkertPotentialNoC()
        aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=bp)
    except RuntimeError: pass
        raise AssertionError("actionAngleTorus initialization with potential w/o C should have given a RuntimeError, but didn't")
    return None
コード例 #19
def test_actionAngleTorus_nonaxierr():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import TriaxialNFWPotential
    np= TriaxialNFWPotential(normalize=1.,b=0.9)
        aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=np)
    except RuntimeError: pass
        raise AssertionError("actionAngleTorus initialization with non-axisymmetric potential should have given a RuntimeError, but didn't")
    return None
コード例 #20
def test_actionAngleTorus_basic_freqs():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import epifreq, omegac, verticalfreq, rl, \
        JaffePotential, PowerSphericalPotential, HernquistPotential
    tol= -3.
    jr= 10.**-6.
    jz= 10.**-6.
    jp= JaffePotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=jp)
    # at Lz=1
    jphi= 1.
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-epifreq(jp,rl(jp,jphi)))/om[0]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Or=kappa for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omegac(jp,rl(jp,jphi)))/om[1]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Ophi=omega for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-verticalfreq(jp,rl(jp,jphi)))/om[2]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Oz=nu for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=1.5, w/ different potential
    pp= PowerSphericalPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=pp)
    jphi= 1.5
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-epifreq(pp,rl(pp,jphi)))/om[0]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Or=kappa for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omegac(pp,rl(pp,jphi)))/om[1]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Ophi=omega for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-verticalfreq(pp,rl(pp,jphi)))/om[2]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Oz=nu for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=0.5, w/ different potential
    tol= -2.5 # appears more difficult
    hp= HernquistPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=hp)
    jphi= 0.5
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-epifreq(hp,rl(hp,jphi)))/om[0]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Or=kappa for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omegac(hp,rl(hp,jphi)))/om[1]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Ophi=omega for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-verticalfreq(hp,rl(hp,jphi)))/om[2]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Oz=nu for actionAngleTorus'
    return None
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_basic_freqs():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import epifreq, omegac, verticalfreq, rl, \
        JaffePotential, PowerSphericalPotential, HernquistPotential
    tol= -3.
    jr= 10.**-6.
    jz= 10.**-6.
    jp= JaffePotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=jp)
    # at Lz=1
    jphi= 1.
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-epifreq(jp,rl(jp,jphi)))/om[0]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Or=kappa for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omegac(jp,rl(jp,jphi)))/om[1]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Ophi=omega for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-verticalfreq(jp,rl(jp,jphi)))/om[2]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Oz=nu for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=1.5, w/ different potential
    pp= PowerSphericalPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=pp)
    jphi= 1.5
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-epifreq(pp,rl(pp,jphi)))/om[0]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Or=kappa for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omegac(pp,rl(pp,jphi)))/om[1]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Ophi=omega for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-verticalfreq(pp,rl(pp,jphi)))/om[2]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Oz=nu for actionAngleTorus'
    # at Lz=0.5, w/ different potential
    tol= -2.5 # appears more difficult
    hp= HernquistPotential(normalize=1.)
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=hp)
    jphi= 0.5
    om= aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)
    assert numpy.fabs((om[0]-epifreq(hp,rl(hp,jphi)))/om[0]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Or=kappa for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[1]-omegac(hp,rl(hp,jphi)))/om[1]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Ophi=omega for actionAngleTorus'
    assert numpy.fabs((om[2]-verticalfreq(hp,rl(hp,jphi)))/om[2]) < 10.**tol, \
        'Close-to-circular orbit does not have Oz=nu for actionAngleTorus'
    return None
コード例 #22
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_hessian():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    fO= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz)[0]
    hO= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(numpy.array(fO)-numpy.array(hO)) < 10.**-8.), 'actionAngleTorus methods hessianFreqs and xvJacobianFreqs return different Hessians'
    return None
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_hessian():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    fO= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz)[0]
    hO= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(numpy.array(fO)-numpy.array(hO)) < 10.**-8.), 'actionAngleTorus methods hessianFreqs and xvJacobianFreqs return different Hessians'
    return None
コード例 #24
def test_actionAngleTorus_hessian_linear():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    h= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,tol=0.0001,nosym=True)[0]
    dj= numpy.array([0.02,0.005,-0.01])
    do_fromhessian= numpy.dot(h,dj)
    O= numpy.array(aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)[:3])
    do= numpy.array(aAT.Freqs(jr+dj[0],jphi+dj[1],jz+dj[2])[:3])-O
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs((do_fromhessian-do)/O)< 0.001), 'actionAngleTorus Hessian does not return good approximation to dO/dJ'
    return None
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_hessian_linear():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    h= aAT.hessianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,tol=0.0001,nosym=True)[0]
    dj= numpy.array([0.02,0.005,-0.01])
    do_fromhessian= numpy.dot(h,dj)
    O= numpy.array(aAT.Freqs(jr,jphi,jz)[:3])
    do= numpy.array(aAT.Freqs(jr+dj[0],jphi+dj[1],jz+dj[2])[:3])-O
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs((do_fromhessian-do)/O)< 0.001), 'actionAngleTorus Hessian does not return good approximation to dO/dJ'
    return None
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_xv():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.,1.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([1.,2.])
    anglez= numpy.array([2.,3.])
    fO= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    hO= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)[0]
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(numpy.array(fO)-numpy.array(hO)) < 10.**-8.), 'actionAngleTorus methods __call__ and xvJacobianFreqs return different xv'
    return None
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_detone():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014,dJ=0.0001)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.,1.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([1.,2.])
    anglez= numpy.array([2.,3.])
    jf= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    assert numpy.fabs(jf[0][0,0]*numpy.fabs(numpy.linalg.det(jf[1][0]))-1) < 0.01, 'Jacobian returned by actionAngleTorus method xvJacobianFreqs does not have the expected determinant'
    assert numpy.fabs(jf[0][1,0]*numpy.fabs(numpy.linalg.det(jf[1][1]))-1) < 0.01, 'Jacobian returned by actionAngleTorus method xvJacobianFreqs does not have the expected determinant'
    return None
コード例 #28
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_xv():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.,1.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([1.,2.])
    anglez= numpy.array([2.,3.])
    fO= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    hO= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)[0]
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(numpy.array(fO)-numpy.array(hO)) < 10.**-8.), 'actionAngleTorus methods __call__ and xvJacobianFreqs return different xv'
    return None
コード例 #29
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_detone():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014,dJ=0.0001)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.,1.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([1.,2.])
    anglez= numpy.array([2.,3.])
    jf= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    assert numpy.fabs(jf[0][0,0]*numpy.fabs(numpy.linalg.det(jf[1][0]))-1) < 0.01, 'Jacobian returned by actionAngleTorus method xvJacobianFreqs does not have the expected determinant'
    assert numpy.fabs(jf[0][1,0]*numpy.fabs(numpy.linalg.det(jf[1][1]))-1) < 0.01, 'Jacobian returned by actionAngleTorus method xvJacobianFreqs does not have the expected determinant'
    return None
コード例 #30
def test_MWPotential_warning_torus():
    # Test that using MWPotential throws a warning, see #229
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential
        aAA= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential)
    except: pass
        raise AssertionError("actionAngleTorus with MWPotential should have thrown a warning, but didn't")
    #Turn warnings back into warnings
    return None
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_MWPotential_warning_torus():
    # Test that using MWPotential throws a warning, see #229
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential
    if PY2: reset_warning_registry('galpy')
        aAA= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential)
    except: pass
        raise AssertionError("actionAngleTorus with MWPotential should have thrown a warning, but didn't")
    #Turn warnings back into warnings
    return None
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_linear():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.5])
    anglephi= numpy.array([1.])
    anglez= numpy.array([2.])
    jf= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    xv= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    dja= 2.*numpy.array([0.001,0.002,0.003,-0.002,0.004,0.002])
    xv_direct= aAT(jr+dja[0],jphi+dja[1],jz+dja[2],
    xv_fromjac= xv+numpy.dot(jf[1],dja)
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs((xv_fromjac-xv_direct)/xv_direct) < 0.01), 'Jacobian returned by actionAngleTorus method xvJacobianFreqs does not appear to be correct'
    return None
コード例 #33
def test_actionAngleTorus_jacobian_linear():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.5])
    anglephi= numpy.array([1.])
    anglez= numpy.array([2.])
    jf= aAT.xvJacobianFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    xv= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    dja= 2.*numpy.array([0.001,0.002,0.003,-0.002,0.004,0.002])
    xv_direct= aAT(jr+dja[0],jphi+dja[1],jz+dja[2],
    xv_fromjac= xv+numpy.dot(jf[1],dja)
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs((xv_fromjac-xv_direct)/xv_direct) < 0.01), 'Jacobian returned by actionAngleTorus method xvJacobianFreqs does not appear to be correct'
    return None
コード例 #34
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_Staeckel_freqsAngles():
    from galpy.potential import KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    delta= 1.2
    kp= KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential(normalize=1.,Delta=delta)
    aAS= actionAngleStaeckel(pot=kp,delta=delta,c=True)
    tol= -3.
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=kp,tol=tol)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.1])+numpy.linspace(0.,numpy.pi,101)
    angler= angler % (2.*numpy.pi)
    anglephi= numpy.array([numpy.pi])+numpy.linspace(0.,numpy.pi,101)
    anglephi= anglephi % (2.*numpy.pi)
    anglez= numpy.array([numpy.pi/2.])+numpy.linspace(0.,numpy.pi,101)
    anglez= anglez % (2.*numpy.pi)
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvRom= aAT.xvFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    # Calculate actions, frequencies, and angles from aAI
    ws= aAS.actionsFreqsAngles(*RvRom[0].T)
    dOr= numpy.fabs((ws[3]-RvRom[1]))
    dOp= numpy.fabs((ws[4]-RvRom[2]))
    dOz= numpy.fabs((ws[5]-RvRom[3]))
    dar= numpy.fabs((ws[6]-angler))
    dap= numpy.fabs((ws[7]-anglephi))
    daz= numpy.fabs((ws[8]-anglez))
    dar[dar > numpy.pi]-= 2.*numpy.pi
    dar[dar < -numpy.pi]+= 2.*numpy.pi
    dap[dap > numpy.pi]-= 2.*numpy.pi
    dap[dap < -numpy.pi]+= 2.*numpy.pi
    daz[daz > numpy.pi]-= 2.*numpy.pi
    daz[daz < -numpy.pi]+= 2.*numpy.pi
    assert numpy.all(dOr < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Or at %f%%' % (numpy.nanmax(dOr)*100.)
    assert numpy.all(dOp < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Ophi at %f%%' % (numpy.nanmax(dOp)*100.) 
    assert numpy.all(dOz < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Oz at %f%%' % (numpy.nanmax(dOz)*100.)
    assert numpy.all(dar < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for ar at %f' % (numpy.nanmax(dar))
    assert numpy.all(dap < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for aphi at %f' % (numpy.nanmax(dap))
    assert numpy.all(daz < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for az at %f' % (numpy.nanmax(daz))
    return None
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_orbit():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.orbit import Orbit
    # Set up instance
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014,tol=10.**-5.)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.05,1.1,0.025
    # First calculate frequencies and the initial RvR
    RvRom= aAT.xvFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,
    om= RvRom[1:]
    # Angles along an orbit
    ts= numpy.linspace(0.,100.,1001)
    angler= ts*om[0]
    anglephi= 1.+ts*om[1]
    anglez= 2.+ts*om[2]
    # Calculate the orbit using actionAngleTorus
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    # Calculate the orbit using orbit integration
    orb= Orbit([RvRom[0][:,0],RvRom[0][:,1],RvRom[0][:,2],
    # Compare
    tol= -3.
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.R(ts)-RvR[0]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in R'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.vR(ts)-RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in vR'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.vT(ts)-RvR[2]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in vT'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.z(ts)-RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in z'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.vz(ts)-RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in vz'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.phi(ts)-RvR[5]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in phi'
    return None
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_isochroneApprox_actions():
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    aAIA= actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=MWPotential2014,b=0.8)
    tol= -2.5
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014,tol=tol)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([numpy.pi])
    anglez= numpy.array([numpy.pi/2.])
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    # Calculate actions from aAIA
    ji= aAIA(*RvR)
    djr= numpy.fabs((ji[0]-jr)/jr)
    dlz= numpy.fabs((ji[1]-jphi)/jphi)
    djz= numpy.fabs((ji[2]-jz)/jz)
    assert djr < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochroneApprox applied to MWPotential2014 potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (djr*100.)
    assert dlz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochroneApprox applied to MWPotential2014 potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (dlz*100.) 
    assert djz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleMWPotential2014 applied to MWPotential2014 potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (djz*100.)
    return None
コード例 #37
def test_actionAngleTorus_orbit():
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
    from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
    from galpy.orbit import Orbit
    # Set up instance
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014,tol=10.**-5.)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.05,1.1,0.025
    # First calculate frequencies and the initial RvR
    RvRom= aAT.xvFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,
    om= RvRom[1:]
    # Angles along an orbit
    ts= numpy.linspace(0.,100.,1001)
    angler= ts*om[0]
    anglephi= 1.+ts*om[1]
    anglez= 2.+ts*om[2]
    # Calculate the orbit using actionAngleTorus
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    # Calculate the orbit using orbit integration
    orb= Orbit([RvRom[0][:,0],RvRom[0][:,1],RvRom[0][:,2],
    # Compare
    tol= -3.
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.R(ts)-RvR[0]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in R'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.vR(ts)-RvR[1]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in vR'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.vT(ts)-RvR[2]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in vT'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.z(ts)-RvR[3]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in z'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.vz(ts)-RvR[4]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in vz'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.fabs(orb.phi(ts)-RvR[5]) < 10.**tol), \
        'Integrated orbit does not agree with torus orbit in phi'
    return None
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_Isochrone_freqsAngles():
    from galpy.potential import IsochronePotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    ip= IsochronePotential(normalize=1.,b=1.2)
    aAI= actionAngleIsochrone(ip=ip)
    tol= -6.
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=ip,tol=tol)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.1])+numpy.linspace(0.,numpy.pi,101)
    angler= angler % (2.*numpy.pi)
    anglephi= numpy.array([numpy.pi])+numpy.linspace(0.,numpy.pi,101)
    anglephi= anglephi % (2.*numpy.pi)
    anglez= numpy.array([numpy.pi/2.])+numpy.linspace(0.,numpy.pi,101)
    anglez= anglez % (2.*numpy.pi)
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvRom= aAT.xvFreqs(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez)
    # Calculate actions, frequencies, and angles from aAI
    ws= aAI.actionsFreqsAngles(*RvRom[0].T)
    dOr= numpy.fabs((ws[3]-RvRom[1]))
    dOp= numpy.fabs((ws[4]-RvRom[2]))
    dOz= numpy.fabs((ws[5]-RvRom[3]))
    dar= numpy.fabs((ws[6]-angler))
    dap= numpy.fabs((ws[7]-anglephi))
    daz= numpy.fabs((ws[8]-anglez))
    dar[dar > numpy.pi]-= 2.*numpy.pi
    dar[dar < -numpy.pi]+= 2.*numpy.pi
    dap[dap > numpy.pi]-= 2.*numpy.pi
    dap[dap < -numpy.pi]+= 2.*numpy.pi
    daz[daz > numpy.pi]-= 2.*numpy.pi
    daz[daz < -numpy.pi]+= 2.*numpy.pi
    assert numpy.all(dOr < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Or at %f%%' % (numpy.nanmax(dOr)*100.)
    assert numpy.all(dOp < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Ophi at %f%%' % (numpy.nanmax(dOp)*100.) 
    assert numpy.all(dOz < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Oz at %f%%' % (numpy.nanmax(dOz)*100.)
    assert numpy.all(dar < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for ar at %f' % (numpy.nanmax(dar))
    assert numpy.all(dap < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for aphi at %f' % (numpy.nanmax(dap))
    assert numpy.all(daz < 10.**tol), 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for az at %f' % (numpy.nanmax(daz))
    return None
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_Isochrone_actions():
    from galpy.potential import IsochronePotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    ip= IsochronePotential(normalize=1.,b=1.2)
    aAI= actionAngleIsochrone(ip=ip)
    tol= -6.
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=ip,tol=tol)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([numpy.pi])
    anglez= numpy.array([numpy.pi/2.])
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    # Calculate actions from aAI
    ji= aAI(*RvR)
    djr= numpy.fabs((ji[0]-jr)/jr)
    dlz= numpy.fabs((ji[1]-jphi)/jphi)
    djz= numpy.fabs((ji[2]-jz)/jz)
    assert djr < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (djr*100.)
    assert dlz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (dlz*100.) 
    assert djz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleIsochrone applied to isochrone potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (djz*100.)
    return None
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_actionAngleTorus.py プロジェクト: jobovy/galpy
def test_actionAngleTorus_Staeckel_actions():
    from galpy.potential import KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential
    from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus, \
    delta= 1.2
    kp= KuzminKutuzovStaeckelPotential(normalize=1.,Delta=delta)
    aAS= actionAngleStaeckel(pot=kp,delta=delta,c=True)
    tol= -3.
    aAT= actionAngleTorus(pot=kp,tol=tol)
    jr,jphi,jz= 0.075,1.1,0.05
    angler= numpy.array([0.])
    anglephi= numpy.array([numpy.pi])
    anglez= numpy.array([numpy.pi/2.])
    # Calculate position from aAT
    RvR= aAT(jr,jphi,jz,angler,anglephi,anglez).T
    # Calculate actions from aAI
    ji= aAS(*RvR)
    djr= numpy.fabs((ji[0]-jr)/jr)
    dlz= numpy.fabs((ji[1]-jphi)/jphi)
    djz= numpy.fabs((ji[2]-jz)/jz)
    assert djr < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (djr*100.)
    assert dlz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (dlz*100.) 
    assert djz < 10.**tol, 'actionAngleTorus and actionAngleStaeckel applied to Staeckel potential disagree for Jr at %f%%' % (djz*100.)
    return None
コード例 #41
def setup_sdf(
    pot: Sequence[Potential],
    prog: Orbit,
    sigv: float,
    td: float,
    ro: float = REFR0,
    vo: float = REFV0,
    multi: Optional[Any] = None,
    nTrackChunks: int = 8,
    isob: Optional[bool] = None,
    trailing_only: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = True,
    useTM: bool = True,
    logpot: bool = False,
    """Simple function to setup the stream model."""
    if isob is None:
        if True or logpot:  # FIXME, "if True"
            isob = 0.75
    if isob is False:  # FIXME, was "if False"
        # Determine good one
        ts = np.linspace(0.0, 15.0, 1001)
        # Hack!
        epot = copy.deepcopy(pot)
        epot[2]._b = 1.0
        epot[2]._b2 = 1.0
        epot[2]._isNonAxi = False
        epot[2]._aligned = True
        prog.integrate(ts, pot)
        estb = estimateBIsochrone(
            prog.R(ts, use_physical=False),
            prog.z(ts, use_physical=False),
            phi=prog.phi(ts, use_physical=False),
        if estb[1] < 0.3:
            isob = 0.3
        elif estb[1] > 1.5:
            isob = 1.5
            isob = estb[1]
        if verbose:
            print(pot[2]._c, isob, estb)

    if not logpot and np.fabs(pot[2]._b - 1.0) > 0.05:
        aAI = actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=pot, b=isob, tintJ=1000.0, ntintJ=30000)
        ts = np.linspace(0.0, 100.0, 10000)
        aAI = actionAngleIsochroneApprox(
            pot=pot, b=isob, tintJ=100.0, ntintJ=10000, dt=ts[1] - ts[0]

    if useTM:
        aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=pot, tol=0.001, dJ=0.0001)
        aAT = False

        sdf = streamdf(
            sigv / vo,
            tdisrupt=td / bovy_conversion.time_in_Gyr(vo, ro),
            vsun=[-11.1, vo + 24.0, 7.25],
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        sdf = streamdf(
            sigv / vo,
            tdisrupt=td / bovy_conversion.time_in_Gyr(vo, ro),
            vsun=[-11.1, vo + 24.0, 7.25],

    return sdf
コード例 #42
def setup_sdf(
    pot: potential.Potential,
    prog: Orbit,
    sigv: float,
    td: float,
    ro: float = REFR0,
    vo: float = REFV0,
    multi: Optional[bool] = None,
    nTrackChunks: float = 8,
    trailing_only: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = True,
    useTM: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[Optional[streamdf], Optional[streamdf]]:
    """Setup Stream Distribution Function.

    pot : Potential
    prog : Orbit
    sigv : float
    td : float
    ro : float
    vo : float
        default None
    nTrackChunks: float
        default 8
        default None
    trailing_only: bool
        default False
    verbose: bool
        default True
    useTM: bool
        default True

    sdf_trailing, sdf_leading: streamdf or None

    if isob is None:
        # Determine good one
        ts = np.linspace(0.0, 150.0, 1001)
        # Hack!
        epot = copy.deepcopy(pot)
        epot[2]._b = 1.0
        epot[2]._b2 = 1.0
        epot[2]._isNonAxi = False
        epot[2]._aligned = True
        prog.integrate(ts, pot)
        estb = estimateBIsochrone(
            prog.R(ts, use_physical=False),
            prog.z(ts, use_physical=False),
            phi=prog.phi(ts, use_physical=False),
        if estb[1] < 0.3:
            isob = 0.3
        elif estb[1] > 1.5:
            isob = 1.5
            isob = estb[1]
    if verbose:
        print(pot[2]._c, isob)
    if np.fabs(pot[2]._b - 1.0) > 0.05:
        aAI = actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=pot,
        aAI = actionAngleIsochroneApprox(pot=pot, b=isob)
    if useTM:
        aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=pot, tol=0.001, dJ=0.0001)
        aAT = False

    trailing_kwargs = dict(
        tdisrupt=td / bovy_conversion.time_in_Gyr(vo, ro),
        vsun=[-11.1, vo + 24.0, 7.25],

        sdf_trailing = streamdf(sigv / vo, **trailing_kwargs)
    except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
        sdf_trailing = streamdf(sigv / vo,

    if trailing_only:

        sdf_leading = None


        leading_kwargs = dict(
            tdisrupt=td / bovy_conversion.time_in_Gyr(vo, ro),
            vsun=[-11.1, vo + 24.0, 7.25],

            sdf_leading = streamdf(sigv / vo, **leading_kwargs)
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            sdf_leading = streamdf(sigv / vo,

    return sdf_trailing, sdf_leading
コード例 #43
    - https://galpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.4.0/actionAngle.html#actionanglestaeckel
    - https://galpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.4.0/orbit.html#fastchar
    - https://galpy.readthedocs.io/en/v1.4.0/actionAngle.html#accessing-action-angle-coordinates-for-orbit-instances

import numpy as np

from galpy.orbit import Orbit
from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014

from galpy.actionAngle import actionAngleTorus
from galpy.potential import MWPotential2014
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..')
import chronostar.traceorbit as torb

xyzuvw_start = [0., 0., 25., 0., 0., 0.]
print('xyzuvw start: {}'.format(xyzuvw_start))

galpy_coords = torb.convert_cart2galpycoords(xyzuvw_start)
print('galpy start: {}'.format(galpy_coords))

aAT = actionAngleTorus(pot=MWPotential2014)

o = Orbit(vxvv=galpy_coords, ro=8., vo=220.)
o.e(analytic=True, type='staeckel', pot=MWPotential2014)

aAS = actionAngleStaeckel(pot=mp, delta=0.4)

# Om= aAT.Freqs(jr,lz,jz)