def lindbladR(self, OmegaP, m=2, **kwargs): """ NAME: lindbladR PURPOSE: calculate the radius of a Lindblad resonance INPUT: OmegaP - pattern speed (can be Quantity) m= order of the resonance (as in m(O-Op)=kappa (negative m for outer) use m='corotation' for corotation +scipy.optimize.brentq xtol,rtol,maxiter kwargs OUTPUT: radius of Linblad resonance, None if there is no resonance HISTORY: 2011-10-09 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(OmegaP, units.Quantity): OmegaP = / units.Gyr).value / freq_in_Gyr( self._vo, self._ro) return lindbladR(self, OmegaP, m=m, use_physical=False, **kwargs)
def lindbladR(self,OmegaP,m=2,**kwargs): """ NAME: lindbladR PURPOSE: calculate the radius of a Lindblad resonance INPUT: OmegaP - pattern speed (can be Quantity) m= order of the resonance (as in m(O-Op)=kappa (negative m for outer) use m='corotation' for corotation +scipy.optimize.brentq xtol,rtol,maxiter kwargs OUTPUT: radius of Linblad resonance, None if there is no resonance HISTORY: 2011-10-09 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(OmegaP,units.Quantity): OmegaP=,self._ro) return lindbladR(self,OmegaP,m=m,use_physical=False,**kwargs)
def lindbladR(self,OmegaP,m=2,**kwargs): """ NAME: lindbladR PURPOSE: calculate the radius of a Lindblad resonance INPUT: OmegaP - pattern speed m= order of the resonance (as in m(O-Op)=kappa (negative m for outer) use m='corotation' for corotation +scipy.optimize.brentq xtol,rtol,maxiter kwargs OUTPUT: radius of Linblad resonance, None if there is no resonance HISTORY: 2011-10-09 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ return lindbladR(self,OmegaP,m=m,**kwargs)
def lindbladR(self, OmegaP, m=2, **kwargs): """ NAME: lindbladR PURPOSE: calculate the radius of a Lindblad resonance INPUT: OmegaP - pattern speed m= order of the resonance (as in m(O-Op)=kappa (negative m for outer) use m='corotation' for corotation +scipy.optimize.brentq xtol,rtol,maxiter kwargs OUTPUT: radius of Linblad resonance, None if there is no resonance HISTORY: 2011-10-09 - Written - Bovy (IAS) """ return lindbladR(self, OmegaP, m=m, **kwargs)