def run(sample_number, resolution): global engine, screen print("hi") screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution if resolution else (600, 600)) engine = Engine(screen) globals()[f"sample_{sample_number}"]() engine.start()
def lint_and_run_game(pylint_args, fullscreen, resolution): """Run pylint, get the output, parse it, initialize the game and run it.""" animal_groups = create_animals(parse(lint(pylint_args))) flags = pygame.FULLSCREEN if fullscreen else 0 if not resolution and not fullscreen: resolution = (600, 600) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0) if fullscreen else resolution, flags) organize_groups(screen, animal_groups) engine = Engine(screen) for animal_group in animal_groups: engine.add_animals(*animal_group) engine.start()
def test_game(): animal1 = Animal(shape="Y", max_health=2, size=40) animal2 = Animal(shape="X", max_health=2, size=40) animal1.also_likes_to_eat(animal2) animal2.also_likes_to_eat(animal1) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600)) animal1.put_relative(30, 30, screen) animal2.put_relative(60, 60, screen) engine = Engine(screen) engine.add_animals(animal1, animal2) engine.start()
class GameWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, menu, players): super().__init__() = menu self.setWindowTitle('Code with Fire') self.setGeometry(200, 50, 800, 650) self.player_names = players self.alive_players = len(players) self.game_engine = Engine() self.game_screen = Screen(self.game_engine) self.score_manager = ScoreManager(self.game_screen) self.setCentralWidget(self.game_screen) self.create_menu_bar() self.start_game(players) def start_game(self, players): if len(players) == 1: start_one_player_game(self, self.game_engine, self.game_screen, self.score_manager) elif len(players) == 2: start_two_player_game(self, self.game_engine, self.game_screen, self.score_manager) self.game_engine.start() def create_menu_bar(self): pause_button = QAction(QIcon(None), '&Pausar Juego', self) pause_button.setShortcut('Ctrl+P') pause_button.triggered.connect(self.game_engine.toggle_pause) quit_button = QAction(QIcon(None), '&Cerrar Juego', self) quit_button.setShortcut('Ctrl+E') quit_button.triggered.connect(self.quit_game) actions = self.menuBar().addMenu('&Menú') actions.addAction(pause_button) actions.addAction(quit_button) # I pass the key events to the game screen widget. def keyPressEvent(self, event): self.game_screen.keyPressEvent(event) def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): self.game_screen.keyReleaseEvent(event) def player_death(self, player_death_event): player_score = (self.player_names[player_death_event.player], player_death_event.score) HighScores.add_and_save_highscore(list(HighScores.get_highscores()), player_score) self.alive_players -= 1 if self.alive_players <= 0: self.end_game() def quit_game(self): player_score = (self.player_names[0], self.score_manager.score) HighScores.add_and_save_highscore(list(HighScores.get_highscores()), player_score) self.end_game() def end_game(self): self.game_engine.stop = True self.hide() QWidget().setLayout( ) # Simple hack to empty the current layout -
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # from network import Channel # import socket # import time # from ctypes import cdll import platform # import sys # import os # sys.path.append(os.path.abspath()) from game.engine import Engine engine = Engine() engine.start() def init_steam(): # arch, _ = platform.architecture() # if arch == '64bit': # i9c = cdll.LoadLibrary('./') # else: # i9c = cdll.LoadLibrary('./') # # i9c.api_init() # i9c.api_request_ticket() # #time.sleep(3) # #i9c.api_get_ticket() libsteam_api = cdll.LoadLibrary('old/') libsteam_api.SteamAPI_Init()
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # from network import Channel # import socket # import time # from ctypes import cdll import platform # import sys # import os # sys.path.append(os.path.abspath()) from game.engine import Engine engine = Engine() engine.start() def init_steam(): # arch, _ = platform.architecture() # if arch == '64bit': # i9c = cdll.LoadLibrary('./') # else: # i9c = cdll.LoadLibrary('./') # # i9c.api_init() # i9c.api_request_ticket() # #time.sleep(3) # #i9c.api_get_ticket() libsteam_api = cdll.LoadLibrary('old/') libsteam_api.SteamAPI_Init() # steam_ # steam_user = libsteam_api.SteamUser()