コード例 #1
class MetafileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    # Make a global var print1, so it can be used in both test 2 and test 3
    print1 = ""
    def setUp(self):
        self.testMetafile = Metafile('test_banner.yaml')
    def test_1_add(self):
        # Add a nice BerinQuest banner
        self.testMetafile['banner'] = 'BBBBB                 iii          QQQQQ                       tt    \nBB   B    eee  rr rr      nn nnn  QQ   QQ uu   uu   eee   sss  tt    \nBBBBBB  ee   e rrr  r iii nnn  nn QQ   QQ uu   uu ee   e s     tttt  \nBB   BB eeeee  rr     iii nn   nn QQ  QQ  uu   uu eeeee   sss  tt    \nBBBBBB   eeeee rr     iii nn   nn  QQQQ Q  uuuu u  eeeee     s  tttt \n                                                          sss        '
        del self.testMetafile

    def test_2_print(self):
        global print1
        print1 = self.testMetafile['banner']
        print print1
    def test_3_print_again(self):
        # Make a new Metafile which reads from the same file as the last one
        self.testMetafile2 = Metafile('test_banner.yaml')
        self.print2 = self.testMetafile2['banner'] 
        print "\n\n"
        print self.print2
        # Check that what we printed last time and what we printed this time are the same