コード例 #1
 def play_games(self):
     """Give game options to play, and fill up the happiness level by tamagotchi's happiness rate."""
     t = self._tamagotchi
     if self.is_tamagotchi_alive():
         # Game Controller prompts user with a mini game list.
         game_controller = GameController()
         game = game_controller.give_game_option()
         # Print out the selected game's output, and adjust happiness level based on its level of fun.
         print(f"[{t.name}] {game.output}")
         increment = t.status.increase_happiness(game.level_of_fun / t.adjust_rate.happiness)
         print(f">> Happiness meter increased by {round(increment, 0)}!\n{t.status}")
コード例 #2
def main():
    firstGame = Game()
    secondGame = Game()
    thirdGame = Game()
    fourthGame = Game()
    #create players
    print("Creating Players")
    playerOne = Player(playerOneVal, strategy='random')
    playerTwo = Player(playerTwoVal, strategy='random')
    playerThree = Player(playerOneVal, strategy='random')
    playerFour = Player(playerTwoVal, strategy='random')
    #get training data
    print("Creating Training Data")
    gameControllerNN = GameController(firstGame, playerOne, playerTwo)
    gameControllerRNN = GameController(secondGame, playerThree, playerFour)

    NNmodel = ConnectFourModelNN(42, 3, 50, 100)
    RNNmodel = ConnectFourModelRNN(42, 3, 50, 100)

    #Create the Deep Q-Learning Agents
    print("Creating Agents")
    playerOneNeural = Player(playerOneVal, strategy='model', model = NNmodel,predicting = True)     
    playerTwoRNN = Player(playerTwoVal, strategy='model', model = RNNmodel, predicting = True)

    #Play the game
    gameControllerFinal = GameController(thirdGame,playerOneNeural,playerTwoRNN)
    print("Playing 500 Games: Deep Q-Learrning with MLP as first player and Deep Q-Learning with RNN as second player")
    gameControllerFinal = GameController(fourthGame, playerTwoRNN, playerOneNeural)
    print("Playing 500 Games: Deep Q-Learrning with RNN as first player and Deep Q-Learning with MLP as second player")
コード例 #3
class GameObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    #reference to our game info singleton
    game = GameController()

    def __init__(this, name, image, posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY):
        this.__name = name
        this.rect = pygame.Rect(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY)
        this.image = image.convert_alpha()

#                                  Accessors                                   #

    def getName(this):
        return this.__name

    def getRect(this):
        return this.rect

    def getImage(this):
        return this.image

#                                  Mutators                                    #

    def setName(this, text):
        this.__name = text

    def setRect(this, obj):
        this.rect = obj

    def setImage(this, obj):
        this.image = obj

#                                                                              #
#                               Class  Methods                                 #
#                                                                              #

#shift an object a certain number of x and y coordinates specified by the moveX and moveY arguments

    def move(this, moveX, moveY):
        this.getRect().move_ip(moveX, moveY)

    def shift(this, moveX, moveY):
        this.getRect().move_ip(moveX, moveY)

    def draw(this, screen):
        screen.blit(this.getImage(), this.getRect())

    def checkGrounded(this):
        groundChecker = this.getRect().move(0, 1)
        groundChecker.inflate_ip(-1, 0)

        for ground in this.game.getTerrainSprites():
            if groundChecker.colliderect(
                    ground.getRect()) and ground.density > 0:
                return True

        return False
コード例 #4
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: A-Pos-DJ/Shinobi-Assassin
    class __impl:
        """This implementation hides the singleton interface\
        in an inner class and creates exactly one instance of\
        the inner class. The outer class is a handle to the inner\
        class and delegates any requests to it. While the id() of\
        the handle objects changes, the id() of the inner class which\
        implements the singleton behaviour is constant."""

        #reference to our game info singleton
        game = GameController()

        #Nothing is in the initlizer, may add more at some point
        def __init__(this):

#                                                                              #
#                              Class  Attributes                               #
#                                                                              #

#Game Camera Variable

        __moveX = 0
        __moveY = 0
        __offsetX = 0
        __offsetY = 0
        __scrollSpeed = game.getBlockScale(
        )  #how fast the camera scrolls if the player is not pushing it
        __blockEdgeX = 20  # how far the player needs to be to the edge of the screen before the camera moves
        __blockEdgeY = 5  # how far the player needs to be to the edge of the screen before the camera moves
        __scrollThreshold = 2  #how many blocks the player needs to be in so the camera scrolls smoothly

        #                                  Accessors                                   #

        def getMoveX(this):
            return this.__moveX

        def getMoveY(this):
            return this.__moveY

        def getOffsetX(this):
            return this.__offsetX

        def getOffsetY(this):
            return this.__offsetY

        def getScrollSpeed(this):
            return this.__scrollSpeed

        def getBlockEdgeX(this):
            return this.__blockEdgeX

        def getBlockEdgeY(this):
            return this.__blockEdgeY

        def getScrollThreshold(this):
            return this.__scrollThreshold

#                                  Mutators                                    #

        def setMoveX(this, num):
            this.__moveX = num

        def setMoveY(this, num):
            this.__moveY = num

        def setOffsetX(this, num):
            this.__offsetX = num

        def setOffsetY(this, num):
            this.__offsetY = num

        def setScrollSpeed(this, num):
            this.__scrollSpeed = num

        def setBlockEdgeX(this, num):
            this.__blockEdgeX = num

        def setScrollThreshold(this, num):
            this.__scrollThreshold = num

#                                                                              #
#                               Class  Methods                                 #
#                                                                              #

        def checkMove(this):
            #setup player variable to reduce code bloat
            player = this.game.getPlayer()
            block = this.game.getBlockScale()
            pixelsX = this.game.getResolution()[0]
            pixelsY = this.game.getResolution()[1]

            #If the player is facing the right side of the screen
            if player.isFacing == "right":
                #the player goes past the camera's distance flag
                if player.getRect().right + this.getOffsetX() > \
                   (((pixelsX / block) - this.getBlockEdgeX())\
                    * block) + this.getOffsetX():
                    #If the player is traveling faster than the camera scrolls normally
                    if player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime > this.getScrollSpeed(
                        #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                        this.setMoveX(player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime)
                    #if the player is not moving as fast as the camera scrolls normally
                    elif player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime <= this.getScrollSpeed(
                        #the player is within a set number of blocks of the movement barrier...
                        if player.getRect().right + this.getOffsetX() < \
                           (((pixelsX / block) \
                             - (this.getBlockEdgeX() - this.getScrollThreshold())) \
                            * block) + this.getOffsetX():
                            #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                            this.setMoveX(player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime)
                            #tell the camera to move as fast as it nomrally scrolls

            #If the player is facing the left side of the screen
            elif player.isFacing == "left":
                #the player goes past the camera's distance flag
                if player.getRect().left + this.getOffsetX() < \
                   (this.getBlockEdgeX() * block) + this.getOffsetX():
                    #If the player is traveling faster than the camera scrolls normally
                    if player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime < -this.getScrollSpeed(
                        #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                        this.setMoveX(player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime)
                    #if the player is not moving as fast as the camera scrolls normally
                    elif player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime >= -this.getScrollSpeed(
                        #the player is within a set number of blocks of the movement barrier...
                        if player.getRect().left + this.getOffsetX() > \
                           ((this.getBlockEdgeX() - this.getScrollThreshold()) \
                            * block) + this.getOffsetX():
                            #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                            this.setMoveX(player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime)
                            #tell the camera to move as fast as it nomrally scrolls

            #vertical movement

            #the player goes above the camera's distance flag
            if player.getRect().top + this.getOffsetY() > \
               (((pixelsY / block) - this.getBlockEdgeY()) * block) + this.getOffsetY():
                #If the player is traveling faster than the camera scrolls normally
                if player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime > this.getScrollSpeed():
                    #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                    this.setMoveY(player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime)
                #if the player is not moving as fast as the camera scrolls normally
                elif player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime <= this.getScrollSpeed(
                    #the player is within a set number of blocks of the movement barrier...
                    if player.getRect().top + this.getOffsetY() < \
                       (((pixelsY / block) \
                         - (this.getBlockEdgeY() - this.getScrollThreshold())) \
                        * block) + this.getOffsetY():
                        #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                        this.setMoveY(player.speedX * this.game.deltaTime)
                        #tell the camera to move as fast as it nomrally scrolls

            #the player goes above the camera's distance flag
            elif player.getRect().bottom + this.getOffsetY() < \
               (this.getBlockEdgeY() * block) + this.getOffsetY():
                #If the player is traveling faster than the camera scrolls normally
                if player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime < -this.getScrollSpeed(
                    #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                    this.setMoveY(player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime)
                #if the player is not moving as fast as the camera scrolls normally
                elif player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime >= -this.getScrollSpeed(
                    #the player is within a set number of blocks of the movement barrier...
                    if player.getRect().bottom + this.getOffsetX() > \
                       ((this.getBlockEdgeY() - this.getScrollThreshold()) \
                        * block) + this.getOffsetY():
                        #tell the camera to move as fast as the player
                        this.setMoveY(player.speedY * this.game.deltaTime)
                        #tell the camera to move as fast as it nomrally scrolls


        def update(this, sObject):
            """ The camera is an illusion, you think that
            the camera is shifting to the right... in reality
            all of the on screen objects are moving to the left"""

            #if we are refering to the player
            if sObject == this.game.getPlayer():
                #if we are moving the camera on the X axis
                if not this.getMoveX() == 0:
                    this.game.getPlayer().shift(-this.getMoveX(), 0)
                    this.setOffsetX(-this.getMoveX() + this.getOffsetX())
                    #set camera X move to 0 after all objects have been moved

                #if we are moving the camera on the Y axis
                if not this.getMoveY() == 0:
                    this.game.getPlayer().shift(0, -this.getMoveY())
                    this.setOffsetY(-this.getMoveY() + this.getOffsetY())
                    #set camera Y move to 0 after all objects have been moved

            #if we are refering to a single Rect
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.Rect):
                #if we are moving the camera on the X axis
                if not this.getMoveX() == 0:
                    sObject.move_ip(-this.getMoveX(), 0)

                #if we are moving the camera on the Y axis
                if not this.getMoveY() == 0:
                    sObject.move_ip(0, -this.getMoveY())

            #if we are refering to a dictonary
            if isinstance(sObject, dict):
                block = this.game.getBlockScale()
                loadRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (this.game.getResolution()))
                #expand the rect to account for the loading buffer
                loadRect.inflate_ip(block * this.game.loadingBuffer,\
                                    block * this.game.loadingBuffer)

                #loop through each sprite in the sprite buffer
                for key, value in sObject.items():
                    if not loadRect.contains(value.getRect()):
                        #if we are moving the camera on the X axis
                        if not this.getMoveX() == 0:
                            value.shift(-this.getMoveX(), 0)
                        #if we are moving the camera on the Y axis
                        if not this.getMoveY() == 0:
                            value.shift(0, -this.getMoveY())

            #if we are refering to a sprite group
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Group):
                #loop through each sprite in the sprite group
                for sprite in sObject:
                    #if the sprite is not an NPC
                    if not isinstance(sprite, NPC):
                        #if we are moving the camera on the X axis
                        if not this.getMoveX() == 0:
                            sprite.shift(-this.getMoveX(), 0)

                        #if we are moving the camera on the Y axis
                        if not this.getMoveY() == 0:
                            sprite.shift(0, -this.getMoveY())

                    #if the sprite is an NPC
                    if isinstance(sprite, NPC):
                        #if we are moving the camera on the X axis
                        if not this.getMoveX() == 0:
                            sprite.shift(-this.getMoveX(), 0)
                                -this.getMoveX(), 0)
                            sprite.AILastSpotted.move_ip(-this.getMoveX(), 0)
                            #if we are debugging the game
                            if this.game.debugMode:
                                if not sprite.testRect == None:
                                        -this.getMoveX(), 0)

                        #if we are moving the camera on the Y axis
                        if not this.getMoveY() == 0:
                            sprite.shift(0, -this.getMoveY())
                                0, -this.getMoveY())
                            sprite.AILastSpotted.move_ip(0, -this.getMoveY())
                            #if we are debugging the game
                            if this.game.debugMode:
                                if not sprite.testRect == None:
                                        0, -this.getMoveY())

        #resets the camera's move and offset positions
        #mainly used when going back to main menu
        def reset(this):
コード例 #5
from game import Game
from player import Player
from gameController import GameController

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # simulates an arbitrary number of games between a random player and a player using our model
    game = Game()
    redPlayer = Player(1, strategy='random')
    yellowPlayer = Player(2, strategy='model')

    gameController = GameController(game, redPlayer, yellowPlayer)
    print("Playing with one random player and one neural player")
コード例 #6
    class __impl:
        """This implementation hides the singleton interface\
        in an inner class and creates exactly one instance of\
        the inner class. The outer class is a handle to the inner\
        class and delegates any requests to it. While the id() of\
        the handle objects changes, the id() of the inner class which\
        implements the singleton behaviour is constant."""

        #                                                                              #
        #                              Class  Attributes                               #
        #                                                                              #

        #reference to our game singletons
        __game = GameController()
        __camera = Camera()
        __hud = HUD()

        #reference to game timers
        timers = {}

        #                                  Accessors                                   #

        #get the game controller instance
        def getGame(this):
            return this.__game

        #get the camera instance
        def getCamera(this):
            return this.__camera

        #get the hud instance
        def getHud(this):
            return this.__hud

#                                  Mutators                                    #

#no mutators in here

#                                                                              #
#                               Class  Methods                                 #
#                                                                              #
#                               Initilization                                  #

#Initlize our single instance

        def __init__(this):
            #Ninja Game constructor methods

        #loads any pygame functions or objects before the user gets a chance to act
        def initGame(this):
            #initilize pygame's sound component
            #frequency, size, channels, buffersize
            pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, 16, 2, 4096)
            #boot up pygame and print boot info
            message = pygame.init()
            print("Successes, Failures\n", message)
            #set the resolution of the game display
            #set the name of the game
            this.getGame().setTimer(this, "quitTimer", 10)
            this.getGame().setTimer(this, "spaceTimer", 5)

#                              Game Processes                                  #

        def runGame(this):
            #the game loop to keep the game running
            while this.getGame().getGameRunning():
                #If we are in the menu
                if this.getGame().getAtMainMenu():
                #If we are in the options menu
                elif this.getGame().getAtOptionsMenu():
                #If we are in the game...
                elif this.getGame().getAtGame():

            #if we manage to break out of the loop without quitting...
            #automatically call the quit method

        #this is where the actual game gets played
        def startGameplay(this):
            #load the map and all of the objects
            #reset the game over flag so this does not repeat

            #------------------ Game Loop Begin -------------------

            #setup the event timer so that the game does not freeze by itself
            #set the event ID to be Uservent + 1 (25)
            timer_event = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
            #set up the timer event to occur every set of miliseconds determined by the second argument
            pygame.time.set_timer(timer_event, 1)

            #while we are considered in the game
            while (this.getGame().getAtGame()):

                #------------ Event Processes ------------
                #check to see if the player has a game over and if has been played yet
                if this.getGame().getGameOver()\
                   and not this.getGame().getGameOverPlayed():
                    #use the game over method if this is the case

                #checks to see if the player is trying to use input and assigns the action
                #takes the pygame event argument that was created from the for loop
                command = this.processInput()

                #as long as the game isnt over...
                #player selects the new action and the player procces it
                if not this.getGame().getGameOver():

                #AI selects the new action and the AI processes it

                #check to see if all characters are in the middle of an action
                #finishes the action if the chracters are in the middle of one

                #add forces (including gravity) to all object lists, then the player

                #check to see if any triggers have been activated

                #---------- Camera Update ----------------

                #check to see if the camera needs to move

                #update the position of all sprites according to how the camera is shifting
                #update the position of all sprite buffers


                #----------- Graphics Rendering -----------

                #run the render graphics method

                #----------- Graphics Update Process --------------

                #updates all sprites to their proper positions

                #update the display outside of the update loop to reflect any changes
                buffering methods to be added in at a later date
                #---------- Appearing and Vanishing ----------
                #a method that removes all sprites out of view

                #---------- Game Timers ----------------


                #---------- Update Process ---------------

                #update frames per second outside fo the update loop and set the delta time to the variable
                this.getGame().deltaTime = (
                    this.getGame().clock.tick(this.getGame().gameFPS) / 4)

                #ensure the pygame event system is still working properly

            #-------------------- Game Loop End ------------------------

        def loadMap(this):
            this.loadMapLayer('map1/', 'terrain.txt', "terrain")
            this.loadMapLayer('map1/', 'character.txt', "character")
            this.loadMapLayer('map1/', 'item.txt', "item")
            this.loadMapLayer('map1/', 'triggers.txt', "trigger")

        def loadMapLayer(this, mapPath, filename, objectType):
            path1 = 'maps/'
            filepath = path1 + mapPath + filename
            mapfile = open(filepath, 'r')
            idxX = 0
            idxY = 1

            #loop through the map file to find the dimmensions of the map
            with open(filepath, 'r') as mapfile:
                while True:
                    block = mapfile.read(1)
                    if not block:
                    elif block == '\n':
                        idxY += 1
                        idxX = 0
                        idxX += 1

            #reset the coordinate index values
            idxX = 0
            idxY = 0
            #loop through the map file to turn the character array into an objects array
            with open(filepath, 'r') as mapfile:
                while True:
                    block = mapfile.read(1)
                    if not block:
                    elif block == '\n':
                        idxY += 1
                        idxX = 0
                        this.loadObject(block, objectType, idxX, idxY)
                        idxX += 1

        def loadObject(this, block, objectType, idxX, idxY):
            blockScale = this.getGame().getBlockScale()
            tBuffer = this.getGame().terrainSpriteBuffer
            iBuffer = this.getGame().itemSpriteBuffer
            nBuffer = this.getGame().NPCSpriteBuffer

            if objectType == "terrain":
                #match the character with the object and add it to the map array
                if block == 'b':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Brick(
                        (idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale))
                elif block == 'w':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Wall(
                        (idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale))
                elif block == 's':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Sky(
                        (idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale))
                elif block == 'd':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Door(
                        (idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale))
                elif block == 'g':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Ground(
                        (idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale))
            #if it is a character type object
            elif objectType == "character":
                #match the character with the object and add it to the map array
                if block == 'r':
                    nBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Gaurd(
                        "Standing Gaurd", (idxX * blockScale),
                        (idxY * blockScale))
                elif block == 'p':
                    Player((idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale))
            #if it is an item type object
            elif objectType == "item":
            #if it is a trigger type object
            elif objectType == "trigger":
                #match the character with the object and add it to the map array
                if block == 'm':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Trigger(
                        "howToMoveMessage", (idxX * blockScale),
                        (idxY * blockScale), blockScale, (blockScale * 2))
                elif block == 'a':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Trigger(
                        "howToAttackMessage", (idxX * blockScale),
                        (idxY * blockScale), blockScale, (blockScale * 2))
                elif block == 'e':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Trigger(
                        "enemyInfoMessage", (idxX * blockScale),
                        (idxY * blockScale), blockScale, (blockScale * 2))
                elif block == 'r':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Trigger(
                        "enemyBroadcastMessage", (idxX * blockScale),
                        (idxY * blockScale), blockScale, (blockScale * 2))
                elif block == 'v':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Trigger(
                        "victory", (idxX * blockScale), (idxY * blockScale),
                        blockScale, (blockScale * 2))
                elif block == 'c':
                    tBuffer[str(idxX) + "," + str(idxY)] = Trigger(
                        "clearMessages", (idxX * blockScale),
                        (idxY * blockScale), blockScale, (blockScale * 2))

        def renderGraphics(this):
            """ The way this works, is that it builds the display
            in layers based on what comes first and the last thing
            that gets drawn is the sprite/shape on the bottom of the
            graphics rendering code block """

            #wipe the slate clean

            #add all sprites to the game display

        #function for using the custome draw function for a sprite group
        def customDraw(this, sObject):
            #if the object instance is a single sprite
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Sprite):
                #use the custom-made draw function

            #if the object instance is a sprite group
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Group):
                #loop through the sprite group
                for sprite in sObject:
                    #use the custom-made draw function

        functions to be added in at a later date

        def vanish(this, spriteGroup):
            block = this.getGame().getBlockScale()
            vanishRect = pygame.Rect((0,0),(this.getGame().getResolution()))
            #expand the rect to account for the loading buffer
            vanishRect.inflate_ip(block * this.getGame().loadingBuffer,\
                                block * this.getGame().loadingBuffer)
            #loop through the sprite group
            for sprite in spriteGroup:
                #if the sprite is not within the load rect...
                if not vanishRect.contains(sprite.getRect()):
                    #remove the sprite

        def appear(this, spriteList):
            block = this.getGame().getBlockScale()
            vanishRect = pygame.Rect((0,0),(this.getGame().getResolution()))
            #expand the rect to account for the loading buffer
            loadRect = vanishRect.inflate(block * (this.getGame().loadingBuffer + 2),\
                                block * (this.getGame().loadingBuffer + 2))
            #expand the vanishing buffer
            vanishRect.inflate_ip(block * (this.getGame().loadingBuffer + 2),\
                                block * (this.getGame().loadingBuffer))

            #loop through each sprite in the sprite buffer
            for key, value in spriteList.items():
                #if the sprite is not within the vanish rect
                #but is within the load rect....
                if not vanishRect.contains(value.getRect())\
                   and loadRect.contains(value.getRect()):
                    #ensure the item gets added to the correct list
                    if isinstance(value, Block):
                    elif isinstance(value, Item):
                    elif isinstance(value, NPC):
                    elif isinstance(value, Trigger):

        def processInput(this):
            """Will go back and change jump to a MOD key to try to fix jumping issue"""

            #assign the reference to the game keys list
            keys = this.getGame().keys
            mods = pygame.key.get_mods()

            #keysPressed = this.getGame().noKeysPressed
            keysPressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()

            #reset all the keys that are pressed
            for idx in range(0, len(keys)):
                keys[idx] = False

            #if the keys that are pressed = the boolean tuple
            if keysPressed == this.getGame().wPressed:
                keys[0] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().sPressed:
                keys[1] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().aPressed:
                keys[2] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().dPressed:
                keys[3] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().upPressed:
                keys[4] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().downPressed:
                keys[5] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().leftPressed:
                keys[6] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().rightPressed:
                keys[7] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().spacePressed:
                keys[8] = True
            elif keysPressed == this.getGame().escPressed:
                keys[9] = True

            #if the mods are pressed = one number for a specific key
            if mods == this.getGame().rCtrlPressed:
                keys[10] = True

            #print (mods)

            if keysPressed == this.getGame().noKeysPressed:
                return "idle"
            #return a command based on which keys are pressed
            if keys[8]:
                if this.getGame().checkTimer(this, "spaceTimer"):
                    #ensure we dont press the button twice
                    this.getGame().setTimer(this, "spaceTimer", 5)
                    return "jump"
            elif keys[9]:
                if this.getGame().checkTimer(this, "quitTimer"):
                    if not this.getGame().getAtMainMenu():
                        #ensure we dont press the button twice
                        this.getGame().setTimer(this, "quitTimer", 10)
                        return this.quitGame()
            elif keys[10]:
                return "attack"
            elif keys[0] or keys[4]:
                return "goUp"
            elif keys[1] or keys[5]:
                return "goDown"
            elif keys[2] or keys[6]:
                return "goLeft"
            elif keys[3] or keys[7]:
                return "goRight"

            #if no actions are being taken or no keys are being pressed... return idle
            return "idle"

        #function for using the check AI state function for a group of sprites
        def checkAIStates(this, sObject):
            #loop through the sprite group
            for sprite in sObject:
                #use the checkState function

        #function for using the check state function for a sprite or group
        def checkStates(this, sObject):
            #if the object instance is a single sprite
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Sprite):
                #use the checkState function

            #if the object instance is a sprite group
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Group):
                #loop through the sprite group
                for sprite in sObject:
                    #use the checkState function

        #add gravity to an object array or just the player
        def addForces(this, sObject):

            #if the object instance is a single sprite
            if isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Sprite):
                #add force to a single object

            #if the object instance is a sprite group
            elif isinstance(sObject, pygame.sprite.Group):
                #loop through the sprite group
                for sprite in sObject:
                    #add force to a single object

        def addSingleForce(this, sObject):
            #if the object instance is a character or NPC sprite
            if isinstance(sObject, Character)\
               or isinstance(sObject, NPC):
                #have gravity affect the object if they are in the air
                if sObject.mass > 0:
                    sObject.addForce(0, (this.getGame().gravity / 2))

                #implement speed loss over time
                if sObject.getState("isIdle"):
                    if not sObject.speedX == 0:
                        if sObject.speedX > 0:
                            sObject.addForce(-this.getGame().speedLoss, 0)
                        elif sObject.speedX < 0:
                            sObject.addForce(this.getGame().speedLoss, 0)
                        #if there is less than 1 unit of force
                        if abs(sObject.speedX) < 1:
                            #set the speed to 0
                            sObject.speedX = 0

                # if the object is in the middle of moving left or right...
                if sObject.speedX > 0 or sObject.speedX < 0:
                    #move the object and see if they collides with another object
                    if not sObject.move(
                            sObject.speedX * this.getGame().deltaTime, 0):
                        if not sObject.getState("isJumping"):
                            #if they collide, then set the x speed to 0
                            sObject.speedX = 0

                #if the object is in the air
                if sObject.speedY > 0 or sObject.speedY < 0:
                    #move the object and see if he collides with another object
                    if not sObject.move(
                            0, (sObject.speedY * this.getGame().deltaTime)):
                        #if they collides, set the y speed to 0
                        sObject.speedY = 0

            #if the object is not a character sprite
                #if the object has mass
                if sObject.mass > 0:
                    #make the object fall
                    sObject.move(0, (this.getGame().deltaTime / 2) *

        def checkTriggers(this):
            #loop through each trigger
            for trigger in this.getGame().getTriggerSprites():
                #check to see if the trigger is colliding with the player
                if this.getGame().getPlayer().getRect().colliderect(
                    #trigger the event

            #countdown the timers on the triggers

        #a method to run if the player has a game over
        def gameOver(this):
            #if it is not a victorious game over
            if not this.getGame().getVictory():
                #remove any text box elements (if there is any)
                #Create a text box with a message
                this.getHud().createBoxWithMessage(  "*-----------------------------------------------*"\
                                                    +"|     _____                 ____                |"\
                                                    +"|    / ___/__ ___ _  ___   / __ \_  _____ ____  |"\
                                                    +"|   / (_ / _ `/  ` \/ -_) / /_/ / |/ / -_) __/  |"\
                                                    +"|   \___/\_,_/_/_/_/\__/  \____/|___/\__/_/     |"\
                                                    +"|                                               |"\
                                                    +"|                                               |"\
                                                    +"|   Press ESC key to go back to the main menu   |"\
                           this.getHud().getTextBoxLocX(), this.getHud().getTextBoxLocY(),\
                           this.getHud().getTextBoxSizeX(), this.getHud().getTextBoxSizeY() + 2,\
            #if it is a victorious game over
            elif this.getGame().getVictory():
                #remove any text box elements (if there is any)
                #Create a text box with a message
                this.getHud().createBoxWithMessage("   _    ___      __                     "\
                                                  +"  | |  / (_)____/ /_____  _______  __   "\
                                                  +"  | | / / / ___/ __/ __ \/ ___/ / / /   "\
                                                  +"  | |/ / / /__/ /_/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /    "\
                                                  +"  |___/_/\___/\__/\____/_/   \__, /     "\
                                                  +"                            /____/      "\
                                                  +"                                        "\
                                                  +"                                        "\
                                                  +"  Press ESC to return to the main menu  ",\
                                                   128,212,43,13, False)
            #reset the game over flag so this does not repeat

    #----------------------------- Main Menu Method -------------------------

        def runMainMenu(this):
            #Create a main menu and while bool to store selection
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|               P r e s s     S P A C E               |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|         S  T  A  R  T          G  A  M  E           |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                               8,8,58,18, False)
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|            Q  U  I  T          G  A  M  E           |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                P r e s s    E S C                   |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                              +"|                                                     |"\
                                               8,328,58,18, False)
            this.getHud().createBoxWithMessage("        ______   _           __   _     "\
                                              +"       / __/ /  (_)__  ___  / /  (_)    "\
                                              +"      _\ \/ _ \/ / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ /     "\
                                              +"     /___/_//_/_/_//_/\___/_.__/_/      "\
                                              +"                                        "\
                                              +"     ___                        _       "\
                                              +"    / _ | ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ (_)__    "\
                                              +"   / __ |(_-<(_-</ _ `(_-<(_-</ / _ \   "\
                                              +"  /_/ |_/___/___/\_,_/___/___/_/_//_/   ",\
                                               128,212,43,13, False)
            mainMenu = Menu("Main")
                                 this.getGame().imgBlank, 0, 0, 960, 320)
            #mainMenu.addMenuItem("Start", this.getGame().startImage, 0,0,480,320)
            #mainMenu.addMenuItem("Options", this.getGame().optionsImage, 480,0,480,320)
                                 this.getGame().imgBlank, 0, 320, 960, 320)

            #------------------ Main Menu Loop Begin -------------------

            #while we are considered in the main menu
            while (this.getGame().getAtMainMenu()):
                #for event in pygame.event.get():

                #------------ Event Processes ------------

                #a method that checks to see if a menu item get pressed
                #and assigns the process name to a process variable
                #process = mainMenu.selectOption(this.getGame().getDisplay(), event)

                process = this.processInput()

                #----------- Graphics Rendering -----------
                """ The way this works, is that it builds the display
                in layers based on what comes first and the last thing
                that gets drawn is the sprite/shape on the bottom of the
                graphics rendering code block """

                #draw the HUD sprites on the screen

                #run the render graphics method

                #update the screen

                #Run the display menu items method

                #------------ Game Timers ----------------


                #----------- Update Process --------------

                #update the display outside of the event loop to reflect any changes

                #update frames per second outside fo the update loop and set the delta time to the variable
                this.getGame().deltaTime = (
                    this.getGame().clock.tick(this.getGame().gameFPS) / 4)

                #ensure the pygame event system is still working properly

            #-------------------- Main Menu Loop End ------------------------

        def runOptionsMenu(this):
            print("You are in the options menu, nothing here yet...")
            this.runSelectedProcess("Main Menu")

        def runSelectedProcess(this, process):
            if process == "jump":
                print("Starting Start Process...")

            elif process == "Main Menu":
                print("Returning to the Main Menu...")

            elif process == "Options":
                print("Starting Options Process...")

            elif process == "Quit":
                print("Continuing Quit Process...")

            elif process == "Invalid":
                    "You have selected an invalid proceess... please try again"


        def quitLevel(this):
            #Clear out all sprite groups
            #Remove the player
            #reset the camera
            #reset the game over flag
            #reset the victory flag
            #remove the game over text Box
            #run the main menu process
            this.runSelectedProcess("Main Menu")

        def quitGame(this):
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: ramirezmike/Snake-in-Python-3
from framerate import Framerate
from screen import Screen
from gameController import GameController

width = 20#60
height = 20#35

screen = Screen(width,height)
gameController = GameController(screen)
framerate = Framerate()

while True:
コード例 #8
from spaceShip import SpaceShip
from gameController import GameController
from setHighScore import setHighScore
from random import randint
Run program with pgzrun main.py


WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600

# Setup
game = GameController(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
gameOver = False
haveTestedForHighScore = False  # Global variable
newHighScoreEvent = False  # Global variable

# Pygame Zero Functions - Game Loops
def draw():
    if not gameOver:

def update():
    if not gameOver:
コード例 #9
from randomComputerPlayer import RandomComputerPlayer
from ticTacToe import TicTacToe
from humanPlayer import HumanPlayer
from gameController import GameController

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x_player = RandomComputerPlayer("X")
    o_player = HumanPlayer("O")
    tic = TicTacToe()
    GameController.play(tic, x_player, o_player, print_game=True)
コード例 #10
import sys
import copy
from PyQt5.Qt import QApplication

from gameController import GameController

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
gameControl = GameController()


コード例 #11
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: ramirezmike/Snake-in-Python-3
from framerate import Framerate
from screen import Screen
from gameController import GameController

width = 20  #60
height = 20  #35

screen = Screen(width, height)
gameController = GameController(screen)
framerate = Framerate()

while True:
コード例 #12
    class __impl:
        """This implementation hides the singleton interface\
        in an inner class and creates exactly one instance of\
        the inner class. The outer class is a handle to the inner\
        class and delegates any requests to it. While the id() of\
        the handle objects changes, the id() of the inner class which\
        implements the singleton behaviour is constant."""

        #reference to our game info singleton
        game = GameController()

        #Nothing is in the initlizer, may add more at some point
        def __init__(this):

#                              HUD  Text  Images                               #

        #Capital Letter Images
        capA = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capA.png")
        capB = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capB.png")
        capC = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capC.png")
        capD = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capD.png")
        capE = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capE.png")
        capF = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capF.png")
        capG = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capG.png")
        capH = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capH.png")
        capI = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capI.png")
        capJ = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capJ.png")
        capK = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capK.png")
        capL = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capL.png")
        capM = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capM.png")
        capN = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capN.png")
        capO = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capO.png")
        capP = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capP.png")
        capQ = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capQ.png")
        capR = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capR.png")
        capS = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capS.png")
        capT = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capT.png")
        capU = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capU.png")
        capV = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capV.png")
        capW = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capW.png")
        capX = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capX.png")
        capY = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capY.png")
        capZ = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/capZ.png")

        #Lowercase Letter Images
        lowA = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowA.png")
        lowB = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowB.png")
        lowC = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowC.png")
        lowD = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowD.png")
        lowE = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowE.png")
        lowF = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowF.png")
        lowG = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowG.png")
        lowH = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowH.png")
        lowI = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowI.png")
        lowJ = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowJ.png")
        lowK = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowK.png")
        lowL = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowL.png")
        lowM = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowM.png")
        lowN = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowN.png")
        lowO = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowO.png")
        lowP = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowP.png")
        lowQ = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowQ.png")
        lowR = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowR.png")
        lowS = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowS.png")
        lowT = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowT.png")
        lowU = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowU.png")
        lowV = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowV.png")
        lowW = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowW.png")
        lowX = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowX.png")
        lowY = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowY.png")
        lowZ = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/lowZ.png")
        #Number Images
        num0 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num0.png")
        num1 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num1.png")
        num2 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num2.png")
        num3 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num3.png")
        num4 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num4.png")
        num5 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num5.png")
        num6 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num6.png")
        num7 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num7.png")
        num8 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num8.png")
        num9 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/num9.png")

        #Misc Text Images
        txtAnd = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtAnd.png")
        txtArrowLeft = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtArrowLeft.png")
        txtArrowRight = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtArrowRight.png")
        txtAsterisk = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtAsterisk.png")
        txtAt = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtAt.png")
        txtBackSlash = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtBackSlash.png")
        txtCarrot = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtCarrot.png")
        txtColon = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtColon.png")
        txtComma = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtComma.png")
        txtCurlyLeft = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtCurlyLeft.png")
        txtCurlyRight = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtCurlyRight.png")
        txtDoubleQuote = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtDblQuote.png")
        txtDollar = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtDollar.png")
        txtEqual = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtEqual.png")
        txtExclaim = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtExclaim.png")
        txtForwardSlash = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtFwdSlash.png")
        txtMinus = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtMinus.png")
        txtPercent = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtPercent.png")
        txtPeriod = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtPeriod.png")
        txtPlus = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtPlus.png")
        txtPound = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtPound.png")
        txtQuestionMark = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtQuesMark.png")
        txtRoundLeft = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtRoundLeft.png")
        txtRoundRight = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtRoundRight.png")
        txtSemiColon = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSemiColon.png")
        txtSingleQuote = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSnglQuote.png")
        txtSpace = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSpace.png")
        txtSpace2 = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSpace2.png")
        txtSquareLeft = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSquareLeft.png")
        txtSquareRight = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSquareRight.png")
        txtSquiggle = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtSquiggle.png")
        txtStraightLine = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtStraightLine.png")
        txtTilde = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtTilde.png")
        txtUnderscore = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/text/txtUnderscore.png")

        #Health Images
        heartFull = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/health/hFull.png")
        heartEmpty = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/health/hBack.png")

        #Character Image Dictionary
        __textImageDict ={
            'A' : capA, 'B' : capB, 'C' : capC, 'D' : capD, 'E' : capE,
            'F' : capF, 'G' : capG, 'H' : capH, 'I' : capI, 'J' : capJ,
            'K' : capK, 'L' : capL, 'M' : capM, 'N' : capN, 'O' : capO,
            'P' : capP, 'Q' : capQ, 'R' : capR, 'S' : capS, 'T' : capT,
            'U' : capU, 'V' : capV, 'W' : capW, 'X' : capX, 'Y' : capY,
            'Z' : capZ,

            'a' : lowA, 'b' : lowB, 'c' : lowC, 'd' : lowD, 'e' : lowE,
            'f' : lowF, 'g' : lowG, 'h' : lowH, 'i' : lowI, 'j' : lowJ,
            'k' : lowK, 'l' : lowL, 'm' : lowM, 'n' : lowN, 'o' : lowO,
            'p' : lowP, 'q' : lowQ, 'r' : lowR, 's' : lowS, 't' : lowT,
            'u' : lowU, 'v' : lowV, 'w' : lowW, 'x' : lowX, 'y' : lowY,
            'z' : lowZ,

            '0' : num0, '1' : num1, '2' : num2, '3' : num3, '4' : num4,
            '5' : num5, '6' : num6, '7' : num7, '8' : num8, '9' : num9,

            '&' : txtAnd, '<' : txtArrowLeft, '>' : txtArrowRight,
            '*' : txtAsterisk, '@' : txtAt, '\\' : txtBackSlash,
            '^' : txtCarrot, ':' : txtColon, ',' : txtComma,
            '{' : txtCurlyLeft, '}' : txtCurlyRight, '"' : txtDoubleQuote,
            '$' : txtDollar, '=' : txtEqual, '!' : txtExclaim,
            '/' : txtForwardSlash, '-' : txtMinus, '%' : txtPercent,
            '.' : txtPeriod, '+' : txtPlus, '#' : txtPound,
            '?' : txtQuestionMark, '(' : txtRoundLeft, ')' : txtRoundRight,
            ';' : txtSemiColon, ' ' : txtSpace, '[' : txtSquareLeft,
            ']' : txtSquareRight, '~' : txtSquiggle, '|' : txtStraightLine,
            '`' : txtTilde, '_' : txtUnderscore

#                              HUD  Window  Images                             #

        #Text Window Images
        txtWinHorizontal = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/horizontal.png")
        txtWinVertical = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/vertical.png")
        txtWinTopLeft = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/topLeft.png")
        txtWinTopRight = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/topRight.png")
        txtWinBotLeft = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/bottomLeft.png")
        txtWinBotRight = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/bottomRight.png")
        txtWinSpaceGray = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/spaceGray.png")
        txtWinSpaceBlack = pygame.image.load("sprites/hud/window/spaceBlack.png")

#                                                                              #
#                              Class  Attributes                               #
#                                                                              #

        #HUD Sprite Groups
        __HUDSprites = pygame.sprite.Group()            #group of sprites in which all HUD elements appear
        __movingHUDSprites = pygame.sprite.Group()      #group of sprites in which all moving hud elements appear
        __textBoxSprites = pygame.sprite.Group()        #group of sprites in which all text box elements appear 
        __heartSprites = pygame.sprite.Group()          #group of sprites in which all Health elements appear

        #Default HUD Settings
        __textBoxBlock = int(game.getBlockScale() // 2) #the size of a text block
        __textBoxLocX = int(game.blockToPosX(2))        #the default location on the X axis of where a text box is placed
        __textBoxLocY = int(game.blockToPosY(1))        #the default location on the Y axis of where a text box is placed
        __textBoxSizeX = int(game.getScreenBlockLengthX() - 4) * 2 #the default width (in text blocks) of a text message block
        __textBoxSizeY = int(10)                        #the default length (in text blocks) of a text message block
        __textBoxMargin = int(2)                        #the default number of text blocks from the border of a text box in which messages may be written
#                                  Accessors                                   #

        def getHUDSprites(this):
            return this.__HUDSprites
        def getMovingHUDSprites(this):
            return this.__movingHUDSprites

        def getTextBoxSprites(this):
            return this.__textBoxSprites

        def getHeartSprites(this):
            return this.__heartSprites
        def getTextBoxBlock(this):
            return this.__textBoxBlock

        def getTextBoxLocX(this):
            return this.__textBoxLocX
        def getTextBoxLocY(this):
            return this.__textBoxLocY
        def getTextBoxSizeX(this):
            return this.__textBoxSizeX
        def getTextBoxSizeY(this):
            return this.__textBoxSizeY

        def getTextBoxMargin(this):
            return this.__textBoxMargin

#                                  Mutators                                    #

        def setHUDSprites(this, group):
            this.__HUDSprites = group
        def setHeartSprites(this, group):
            this.__heartSprites = group         

        def setTextBoxBlock(this, num):
            this.__textBoxBlock = num

        def setTextBoxLocX(this, num):
            this.__textBoxLocX = num
        def setTextBoxLocY(this, num):
            this.__textBoxLocY = num
        def setTextBoxSizeX(this, num):
            this.__textBoxSizeX = num
        def setTextBoxSizeY(this, num):
            this.__textBoxSizeY = num

        def setTextBoxMargin(this, num):
            this.__textBoxMargin = num

#                                                                              #
#                               Class  Methods                                 #
#                                                                              #
        #Note: 2 text window blocks = 1 text block
        def createTextBox(this, posX, posY, blockSizeX, blockSizeY, isMoving):

            #ensure the text box is not too small to display text
            if blockSizeX < 10 or blockSizeY < 5:
                print ("The text box was too small to be created")

            #create loop variables
            idx = int(2)
            #create the top left corner
            obj = HUDObject("Box Top Left", this.txtWinTopLeft, posX, posY,\
                      this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

            #add it to the text box sprite list
            #if it is supposed to be a moving object
            if isMoving:
                #add it to the moving sprite list

            #Create the top bar
            idx = 1
            while idx <= (blockSizeX - 1):
                obj = HUDObject("Box Horizontal", this.txtWinHorizontal,\
                          posX + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * idx), posY, \
                          this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

                #add it to the text box sprite list
                #if it is supposed to be a moving object
                if isMoving:
                    #add it to the moving sprite list

                idx += 1
            #Create the top right corner
            obj = HUDObject("Box Top Right", this.txtWinTopRight, \
                      posX + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * blockSizeX), posY, \
                      this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

            #add it to the text box sprite list
            #if it is supposed to be a moving object
            if isMoving:
                #add it to the moving sprite list

            #Create the left bar
            idx = 1
            while idx <= (blockSizeY - 1):
                obj = HUDObject("Box Vertical", this.txtWinVertical,\
                          posX, posY + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * idx), \
                          this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

                #add it to the text box sprite list
                #if it is supposed to be a moving object
                if isMoving:
                    #add it to the moving sprite list
                idx += 1
            #Create the right bar
            idx = 1
            while idx <= (blockSizeY - 1):
                obj = HUDObject("Box Vertical", this.txtWinVertical,\
                          posX + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * blockSizeX), \
                          posY + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * idx), \
                          this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())
                #add it to the text box sprite list
                #if it is supposed to be a moving object
                if isMoving:
                    #add it to the moving sprite list
                idx += 1
            #Create the bottom left corner
            obj = HUDObject("Box Bottom Left", this.txtWinBotLeft, \
                      posX, posY + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * blockSizeY) , \
                      this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

            #add it to the text box sprite list
            #if it is supposed to be a moving object
            if isMoving:
                #add it to the moving sprite list

            #Create the bottom bar
            idx = 1
            while idx <= (blockSizeX - 1):
                obj = HUDObject("Box Horizontal", this.txtWinHorizontal,\
                          posX + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * idx), \
                          posY + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * blockSizeY), \
                          this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

                #add it to the text box sprite list
                #if it is supposed to be a moving object
                if isMoving:
                    #add it to the moving sprite list
                idx += 1
            #Create the bottom right corner
            obj = HUDObject("Box Bottom Right", this.txtWinBotRight,\
                      posX + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * blockSizeX), \
                      posY + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * blockSizeY) , \
                      this.getTextBoxBlock(), this.getTextBoxBlock())

            #add it to the text box sprite list
            #if it is supposed to be a moving object
            if isMoving:
                #add it to the moving sprite list
            #Fill the box with a space
            obj = HUDObject("Box Space Black", this.txtWinSpaceBlack, \
                      posX + this.getTextBoxBlock(), \
                      posY + this.getTextBoxBlock() , \
                      (int(this.getTextBoxBlock() * (blockSizeX - 1))), \
                      (int(this.getTextBoxBlock() * (blockSizeY - 1))))

            #add it to the text box sprite list
            #if it is supposed to be a moving object
            if isMoving:
                #add it to the moving sprite list

        def createTextMessage(this, text, posX, posY, blockSizeX, blockSizeY, isMoving):
            if len(text) > ((blockSizeX + 1) * (blockSizeY + 1)):
                print("The message is too big for the text box")
                idx = 0
                idxX = 0
                idxY = 0
                allTextDisplayed = False
                while not allTextDisplayed:
                    for idxY in range (0, blockSizeY + 1):
                        for idxX in range (0, (blockSizeX + 1)):
                            obj = HUDText(text[idx],\
                                    posX + (idxX * this.getTextBoxBlock()),\
                                    posY + (idxY * this.getTextBoxBlock()))
                            #add it to the text box sprite list
                            #if it is supposed to be a moving object
                            if isMoving:
                                #add it to the moving sprite list
                            idx += 1
                            #ensure we dont raise an our of bounds error
                            if idx >= len(text):
                                allTextDisplayed = True
                        if idx >= len(text):
        def createBoxWithMessage(this, text, posX, posY, blockSizeX, blockSizeY, isMoving):
            this.createTextBox(posX, posY, blockSizeX, blockSizeY, isMoving)
                                   posX + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * this.getTextBoxMargin()),\
                                   posY + (this.getTextBoxBlock() * this.getTextBoxMargin()),\
                                   blockSizeX - (this.getTextBoxMargin() * 2),\
                                   blockSizeY - (this.getTextBoxMargin() * 2), isMoving)

        def removeTextBox(this):
            for sprite in this.getTextBoxSprites():

        #gets an image from the HUD text Dictionary
        def getTextImage(this, char):
            return this.__textImageDict[char]

        def initGameHUD(this):

        #add the player's hearts to the screen
        def addHearts(this):
            blockLenX = this.game.getScreenBlockLengthX()
            blockLenY = this.game.getScreenBlockLengthY()

            for idx in range(0, this.game.getPlayer().healthMax):
                    HUDObject("Empty Heart " + str(idx), this.heartEmpty,\
                          this.game.blockToPosX(blockLenX - (1.25 + (idx * 1.25))),\
                          this.game.getBlockScale(), this.game.getBlockScale()))


        def syncHearts(this):
            blockLenX = this.game.getScreenBlockLengthX()
            blockLenY = this.game.getScreenBlockLengthY()
            #loop through each sprite in the heart sprite group and remove
            #all full hearts
            for obj in this.getHeartSprites():
                if "Full Heart" in obj.getName():

            #add all full hearts again
            for idx in range(0, this.game.getPlayer().health):
                    HUDObject("Full Heart " + str(idx), this.heartFull,\
                          this.game.blockToPosX(blockLenX - (1.25 + (idx * 1.25))),\
                          this.game.getBlockScale(), this.game.getBlockScale()))
        def syncGameHUD(this):