コード例 #1
 def test_map_pathfinding(self):
     pathmap = Map((10, 10), [])
     self.assertEquals([(9, 9)], pathmap.get_shortest_path((0, 0), (9, 9)))
     pathmap = Map((10, 5), [
         Obstacle('SOLID', (0, 1), (9, 1)),
         Obstacle('IMPASSABLE', (1, 3), (9, 1))
     v_map = "0000000000\n" + \
             "0111111111\n" + \
             "0000000000\n" + \
             "2222222220\n" + \
     self.assertEquals(pathmap.get_grid_display(), v_map)
         [(8, 0), (9, 1), (8, 2), (1, 2), (0, 3), (1, 4), (9, 4)],
         pathmap.get_shortest_path((0, 0), (9, 4))
     pathmap = Map((10, 5), [
         Obstacle('SOLID', (0, 2), (10, 1)),
     v_map = "0000000000\n" + \
             "0000000000\n" + \
             "2222222222\n" + \
             "0000000000\n" + \
     self.assertEquals(pathmap.get_grid_display(), v_map)
     self.assertEquals([], pathmap.get_shortest_path((0, 0), (9, 4)))
コード例 #2
    def parse_game_state(self, json_game_state, parse_map=False):
        json_game_state structure
        Populate self with the json_game_state.
        :param json_game_state: Json object of the current game state
        self.time_remaining = json_game_state['timeRemaining']
        if parse_map:
            map_size = json_game_state['map']['size'][0], json_game_state['map']['size'][1]
            map_obstacles = []
            for terrain in json_game_state['map']['terrain']:
                        Obstacle(terrain['type'], terrain['boundingBox']['corner'], terrain['boundingBox']['size'])
            self.map = Map(map_size, map_obstacles)

        self.players = []
        for player in json_game_state['players']:
            score = player['score']
            name = player['name']
            tanks = []
            for tank in player['tanks']:
                id = tank['id']
                health = tank['health']
                hit_radius = tank['hitRadius']
                collision_radius = tank['collisionRadius']
                type = tank['type']
                position = tank['position']
                tracks = tank['tracks']
                turret = tank['turret']
                speed = tank['speed']
                projectiles = []
                for projectile in tank['projectiles']:
                    p_id = projectile['id']
                    p_position = projectile['position']
                    p_direction = projectile['direction']
                    p_speed = projectile['speed']
                    p_damage = projectile['damage']
                    p_range = projectile['range']
                    projectiles.append(Projectile(p_id, p_position, p_direction, p_speed, p_damage, p_range))
                        Tank(id, health, hit_radius, collision_radius, type, position, tracks, turret, speed,
            self.players.append(Player(name, score, tanks))
コード例 #3
    def test_map_grid_creation(self):
        t_map = Map((10, 75), [])
        self.assertEqual(len(t_map.grid), 10)  # X values
        self.assertEqual(len(t_map.grid[0]), 75)  # Y values

        t_map = Map(
            (10, 50), [
                Obstacle('SOLID', [1, 1], [3, 5]),  # Start at map (1, 1), 3 wide 5 tall
                Obstacle('IMPASSABLE', [4, 6], [6, 20]),  # Start at map (4, 6), 6 wide 20 tall
                Obstacle('NORMAL', [0, 4], [10, 10]),  # Ignore this, Normal obstacles are 0
                Obstacle('SOLID', [0, 40], [30, 1])  # Start at map (0, 20), 30 wide 1 tall (test oob objects)
        ref_v_map = "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "2222222222\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000000000\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0000111111\n" + \
                    "0222000000\n" + \
                    "0222000000\n" + \
                    "0222000000\n" + \
                    "0222000000\n" + \
                    "0222000000\n" + \
        self.assertEquals(t_map.get_grid_display(), ref_v_map)
コード例 #4
class Algorithm:
    Calculates the actions for the current game state.
    TODO: This algorithm only works when the map is small and there are a few number of tanks!
    So that one swirl map with two tanks, it seems to be fine.

    For larger maps, this algorithm will occasionally make the tanks spin around in circles and just nuke itself.
    It might be a memory error? When running the naive section of the code without performing the pathfinding
    computation it behaves fine, but if you run the pathfinding computation the naive algorithm no longer functions.
    team_name = ""
    client_token = ""
    time_remaining = ""
    map = None
    players = []

    def __init__(self, team_name, client_token):
        self.team_name = team_name
        self.client_token = client_token

    def parse_game_state(self, json_game_state, parse_map=False):
        json_game_state structure
        Populate self with the json_game_state.
        :param json_game_state: Json object of the current game state
        self.time_remaining = json_game_state['timeRemaining']
        if parse_map:
            map_size = json_game_state['map']['size'][0], json_game_state['map']['size'][1]
            map_obstacles = []
            for terrain in json_game_state['map']['terrain']:
                        Obstacle(terrain['type'], terrain['boundingBox']['corner'], terrain['boundingBox']['size'])
            self.map = Map(map_size, map_obstacles)

        self.players = []
        for player in json_game_state['players']:
            score = player['score']
            name = player['name']
            tanks = []
            for tank in player['tanks']:
                id = tank['id']
                health = tank['health']
                hit_radius = tank['hitRadius']
                collision_radius = tank['collisionRadius']
                type = tank['type']
                position = tank['position']
                tracks = tank['tracks']
                turret = tank['turret']
                speed = tank['speed']
                projectiles = []
                for projectile in tank['projectiles']:
                    p_id = projectile['id']
                    p_position = projectile['position']
                    p_direction = projectile['direction']
                    p_speed = projectile['speed']
                    p_damage = projectile['damage']
                    p_range = projectile['range']
                    projectiles.append(Projectile(p_id, p_position, p_direction, p_speed, p_damage, p_range))
                        Tank(id, health, hit_radius, collision_radius, type, position, tracks, turret, speed,
            self.players.append(Player(name, score, tanks))

    def generate_actions(self):
        actions = []
        my_player = None
        enemy_player = None

        for player in self.players:
            if player.name == self.team_name:
                my_player = player
                enemy_player = player

        for my_tank in my_player.tanks:
            # print "Calculating for %s" % my_tank.id
            s_path_len = 9999999999
            s_path = []
            s_path_tank = None
            for enemy_dist, enemy_tank in my_tank.get_all_dist_tank(enemy_player.tanks):
                # print "\t %s" % enemy_tank.id
                temp_s_path = self.map.get_shortest_path(my_tank.position, enemy_tank.position)
                if s_path_len > len(temp_s_path) > 0:
                    s_path = temp_s_path
                    s_path_tank = enemy_tank
                    s_path_len = len(temp_s_path)
            if len(s_path) >= 1:
                tur_dir, tur_rad = my_tank.get_direction_rotation_turret_to_tank(s_path_tank)
                tra_dir, tra_rad = my_tank.get_direction_rotation_track_to_point(s_path[0])
                dist = my_tank.get_dist_to_point(s_path[0])
                actions.append(Command.get_turret_rotation_command(my_tank.id, tur_dir, tur_rad, self.client_token))
                actions.append(Command.get_tank_rotation_command(my_tank.id, tra_dir, tra_rad, self.client_token))
                actions.append(Command.get_movement_command(my_tank.id, 'FWD', dist, self.client_token))
                if my_tank.no_friendly_fire(my_player.tanks, my_tank.get_dist_to_tank(s_path_tank), s_path_tank):
                    actions.append(Command.get_fire_command(my_tank.id, self.client_token))
                    # don't shoot friend from queued bullet
                    actions.append(Command.get_stop_command(my_tank.id, CommType.FIRE, self.client_token))
                dist, tank = my_tank.get_closest_dist_tank(enemy_player.tanks)
                tur_dir, tur_rad = my_tank.get_direction_rotation_turret_to_tank(tank)
                tra_dir, tra_rad = my_tank.get_direction_rotation_track_to_tank(tank)
                actions.append(Command.get_turret_rotation_command(my_tank.id, tur_dir, tur_rad, self.client_token))
                actions.append(Command.get_tank_rotation_command(my_tank.id, tra_dir, tra_rad, self.client_token))
                actions.append(Command.get_movement_command(my_tank.id, 'FWD', dist, self.client_token))
                if my_tank.no_friendly_fire(my_player.tanks, dist, tank):
                    actions.append(Command.get_fire_command(my_tank.id, self.client_token))
                    # don't shoot friend from queued bullet
                    actions.append(Command.get_stop_command(my_tank.id, CommType.FIRE, self.client_token))
        return actions