コード例 #1
    def test_apply_to_child_states_success3(self):
        # Tests successful apply_to_child_states where each child state maps to
        # that a given player's score (heterogeneous board)
        result = GameTree.apply_to_child_states(
            lambda state: state.get_player_score(Color.WHITE))

        self.assertSequenceEqual(result, [3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1])
コード例 #2
    def test_apply_to_child_states_success1(self):
        # Tests successful apply_to_child_states where each child state maps to
        # that state's current player
        result = GameTree.apply_to_child_states(
            GameTree(self.__state2), lambda state: state.current_player)

        # Resulting array should consist of the next player's id the same number of times
        # as there are reachable states
        self.assertSequenceEqual(result, [Color.WHITE] * 7)
コード例 #3
    def test_apply_to_child_states_success2(self):
        # Tests successful apply_to_child_states where each child state maps to
        # that a given player's score (homogeneous board)
        result = GameTree.apply_to_child_states(
            lambda state: state.get_player_score(Color.RED))

        # Score should be the same (5) all around since this is a homogeneous board with
        # 5 fish to each tile
        self.assertSequenceEqual(result, 7 * [5])
コード例 #4
class GameTreeTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(GameTreeTests, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Initialize boards
        self.__board1 = Board.homogeneous(5, 5, 3)
        self.__board2 = Board.homogeneous(3, 5, 2)
        self.__board3 = Board({
            Position(0, 0): Tile(5),
            Position(0, 1): Tile(3),
            Position(0, 2): Tile(2),
            Position(1, 0): Tile(2),
            Position(1, 1): Tile(3),
            Position(1, 2): Tile(2),
            Position(2, 0): Tile(3),
            Position(2, 1): Tile(4),
            Position(2, 2): Tile(1),
            Position(3, 0): Tile(1),
            Position(3, 1): Tile(1),
            Position(3, 2): Tile(5),
            Position(4, 0): Tile(2),
            Position(4, 1): Tile(3),
            Position(4, 2): Tile(4)

        # Initialize some players for testing
        self.__p1 = PlayerEntity("John", Color.RED)
        self.__p2 = PlayerEntity("George", Color.WHITE)
        self.__p3 = PlayerEntity("Gary", Color.BLACK)
        self.__p4 = PlayerEntity("Jeanine", Color.BROWN)
        self.__p5 = PlayerEntity("Obama", Color.RED)
        self.__p6 = PlayerEntity("Fred", Color.BROWN)
        self.__p7 = PlayerEntity("Stewart", Color.WHITE)
        self.__p8 = PlayerEntity("Bobby Mon", Color.BLACK)
        self.__p9 = PlayerEntity("Bob Ross", Color.WHITE)
        self.__p10 = PlayerEntity("Eric Khart", Color.BROWN)
        self.__p11 = PlayerEntity("Ionut", Color.RED)

        # ========================== STATE 1 ==========================

        # Initialize a premature state
        self.__state1 = State(self.__board1,
                              [self.__p1, self.__p2, self.__p3, self.__p4])

        # ========================== STATE 2 ==========================

        # Initialize a finalized state where at least two more rounds are possible
        self.__state2 = State(self.__board1, [self.__p1, self.__p2, self.__p3])
        # Place all avatars
        # Player 1 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(4, 0))
        # Player 2 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(0, 1))
        # Player 3 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.BLACK, Position(2, 2))
        # Player 1 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(1, 0))
        # Player 2 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(2, 0))
        # Player 3 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.BLACK, Position(3, 2))
        # Player 1 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(1, 1))
        # Player 2 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(4, 1))
        # Player 3 place
        self.__state2.place_avatar(Color.BLACK, Position(3, 0))

        # Make up tree for this state
        self.__tree2 = GameTree(self.__state2)

        # ========================== STATE 3 ==========================
        # Setup state that is one move away from game over
        self.__state3 = State(
            players=[self.__p5, self.__p6, self.__p7, self.__p8])

        # Set up the board with placements s.t. only 2 moves can be made
        # Player 1
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(3, 0))
        # Player 2
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.BROWN, Position(0, 0))
        # Player 3
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(1, 0))
        # Player 4
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.BLACK, Position(2, 0))
        # Player 1
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(3, 1))
        # Player 2
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.BROWN, Position(0, 1))
        # Player 3
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(1, 1))
        # Player 4
        self.__state3.place_avatar(Color.BLACK, Position(2, 1))
        # Make move 1 for p1
        self.__state3.move_avatar(Position(3, 1), Position(4, 1))

        # Make up tree for this state
        self.__tree3 = GameTree(self.__state3)

        # ========================== STATE 4 ==========================
        # Setup state that is game over
        self.__state4 = copy.deepcopy(self.__state3)

        # Make final move
        self.__state4.move_avatar(Position(2, 0), Position(4, 0))

        # Make up tree for this state
        self.__tree4 = GameTree(self.__state4)

        # ========================== STATE 5 ==========================
        # Setup state that includes heterogeneous board
        self.__state5 = State(self.__board3,
                              players=[self.__p9, self.__p10, self.__p11])

        # Player 1
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(2, 0))
        # Player 2
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.BROWN, Position(0, 1))
        # Player 3
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(0, 2))
        # Player 1
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(1, 0))
        # Player 2
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.BROWN, Position(1, 2))
        # Player 3
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(0, 0))
        # Player 1
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.WHITE, Position(3, 1))
        # Player 2
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.BROWN, Position(2, 1))
        # Player 3
        self.__state5.place_avatar(Color.RED, Position(3, 2))

        # Make up tree for this state
        self.__tree5 = GameTree(self.__state5)

    def test_init_fail1(self):
        # Tests failing constructor due to an invalid state
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            GameTree("mickey mouse")

        "state does not check for the number of remaining avatars to place anymore"
    def test_init_fail2(self):
        # Tests failing constructor due to state not being 'started' (or due
        # to not everyone having placed their avatars).
        with self.assertRaises(GameNotRunningException):

    def test_init_success(self):
        # Tests successful game tree constructor

    def test_get_next1(self):
        # Tests the get_next() of a GameTree where at least two more rounds
        # are possible.
        # It's player 1's turn in the state corresponding to this tree
        self.assertEqual(self.__tree2.state.current_player, Color.RED)

        # Make sure it has generated all possible connecting trees

        # Cycle over child trees, check current player, and check move log to make sure
        # move has been made for the state.
        for action, tree in self.__tree2.get_next():
            # Make sure it's player 2's turn in the state corresponding to this tree
            self.assertEqual(tree.state.current_player, Color.WHITE)

            # Make sure action was the last action that happened
            self.assertEqual(action, tree.state.move_log[-1])

    def test_get_next2(self):
        # Tests the get_next() out of a GameTree where one more round is possible
        # It's player 4's turn in the state corresponding to this tree
        self.assertEqual(self.__tree3.state.current_player, Color.BLACK)

        # Make sure it has generated all possible connecting trees
                                 [Action(Position(2, 0), Position(4, 0))])

        # Cycle over child trees, check current player, and check move log to make sure
        # move has been made for the state.
        for action, tree in self.__tree3.get_next():
            # Make sure it's player 11's turn in the state corresponding to this tree
            self.assertEqual(tree.state.current_player, Color.BLACK)

            # Make sure action was the last action that happened
            self.assertEqual(action, tree.state.move_log[-1])

            # Make sure it's game over

            # Make sure no more child states are possible for it is game
            # over
            self.assertSequenceEqual(tree.all_possible_actions, [])

    def test_get_next3(self):
        # Tests the get_next() of a GameTree where no more rounds is possible (aka
        # game over state).
        for _, _ in self.__tree4.get_next():

        # Make sure is has not generated any more trees (as there are no more
        # possible moves)
        self.assertSequenceEqual(self.__tree4.all_possible_actions, [])

    def test_get_next4(self):
        # Tests the get_next() out of a GameTree and that of its children
        # It's player 1's turn in the state corresponding to this tree
        self.assertEqual(self.__tree2.state.current_player, Color.RED)

        # Cycle over child trees, check current player, and check move log to make sure
        # move has been made for the state.
        for action1, tree1 in self.__tree2.get_next():
            # Make sure it has generated all possible connecting edges

            for action2, tree2 in self.__tree2.get_next():
                # Make sure it has generated all possible connecting edges for current
                # child tree

                # Make sure it's player 2's turn in the state corresponding to this tree
                self.assertEqual(tree2.state.current_player, Color.WHITE)

                # Make sure action was the last action that happened
                self.assertEqual(action2, tree2.state.move_log[-1])

    def test_try_action_fail1(self):
        # Tests a failing try_action due to action being invalid (type-wise)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.__tree2.try_action(Position(0, 0), Position(1, 0))

    def test_try_action_fail2(self):
        # Tests a failing try_action due to action being invalid (not accessible via a straight
        # line path)
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidActionException):
                                Action(Position(3, 0), Position(0, 0)))

    def test_try_action_fail3(self):
        # Tests a failing try_action due to action being out of turn (it involves moving someone
        # else but the current player's avatar, despite otherwise being legal)
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidActionException):
                                Action(Position(0, 1), Position(2, 1)))

    def test_try_action_fail4(self):
        # Tests a failing try_action due to action involves moving thru another character
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidActionException):
                                Action(Position(4, 0), Position(2, 1)))

    def test_try_action_fail5(self):
        # Tests a failing try_action due to action involves moving to an already occupied tile
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidActionException):
                                Action(Position(4, 0), Position(3, 0)))

    def test_try_action_success(self):
        # Tests a successful try_action where a valid action gets executed
        valid_action = Action(Position(1, 0), Position(4, 2))
        new_state = self.__tree2.try_action(valid_action)

        # Make sure the valid action we gave it got executed and is at the top
        # of the move log
        self.assertEqual(valid_action, new_state.move_log[-1])
        # Make sure it's second player's turn now
        self.assertEqual(new_state.current_player, Color.WHITE)

    def test_apply_to_child_states_fail1(self):
        # Tests apply_to_child_states failing due to invalid function (type-wise)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.__tree2.apply_to_child_states(lambda state, _: state)

    def test_apply_to_child_states_success1(self):
        # Tests successful apply_to_child_states where each child state maps to
        # that state's current player
        result = GameTree.apply_to_child_states(
            GameTree(self.__state2), lambda state: state.current_player)

        # Resulting array should consist of the next player's id the same number of times
        # as there are reachable states
        self.assertSequenceEqual(result, [Color.WHITE] * 7)

    def test_apply_to_child_states_success2(self):
        # Tests successful apply_to_child_states where each child state maps to
        # that a given player's score (homogeneous board)
        result = GameTree.apply_to_child_states(
            lambda state: state.get_player_score(Color.RED))

        # Score should be the same (5) all around since this is a homogeneous board with
        # 5 fish to each tile
        self.assertSequenceEqual(result, 7 * [5])

    def test_apply_to_child_states_success3(self):
        # Tests successful apply_to_child_states where each child state maps to
        # that a given player's score (heterogeneous board)
        result = GameTree.apply_to_child_states(
            lambda state: state.get_player_score(Color.WHITE))

        self.assertSequenceEqual(result, [3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1])