def __init__(self, x, y, width, height): self.blocks = [] for i in range(width): for j in range(height): blockx = x + Barrier.block_size_x * i blocky = y + Barrier.block_size_y * j block = gamebox.from_color(blockx, blocky, "red", Barrier.block_size_x, Barrier.block_size_y) self.blocks.append(block)
def create_enemy(): enemy = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(0, 800), random.randint(0,2) * 75 + 50, "yellow", 50, 50) # randomize their speed and direction enemy.xspeed = random.randint(3, 10) if random.randint(0,1) == 0: enemy.xspeed *= -1 return enemy
def boss_health(): global boss_health_level return gamebox.from_color(cam.left + (400 * boss_health_level / 100), + 15, "red", (800 * boss_health_level / 100), 30)
] defeated_boss_text = [ gamebox.from_text(400, 150, "CONGRATULATIONS, HERO", 50, "white"), gamebox.from_text(400, 200, "YOU HAVE DEFEATED THE EVIL GOBLIN KING!", 50, "white") ] victory_text = [ gamebox.from_text(400, 200, "CONGRATULATIONS!", 60, "white"), gamebox.from_text(400, 250, "You have bested the Goblin King", 60, "white"), gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "and saved the Princess!", 60, "white") ] defeated_text = [ gamebox.from_text(400, 250, "YOUR ADVENTURE HAS", 60, "red"), gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "ENDED", 100, "red") ] walls = [ gamebox.from_color(-2000, 0, "black", 50, 3600), gamebox.from_color(2000, 0, "black", 50, 3600), gamebox.from_color(0, -1800, "black", 4050, 50), gamebox.from_color(0, 1800, "black", 4050, 50) ] # Character info character = gamebox.from_image(300, 200, "character_front.png") character.scale_by(1.25) cam_locked = True # Boss and boss room info boss = gamebox.from_image(400, 150, "goblin_king.png") boss.scale_by(.25) boss_room = gamebox.from_image(400, 300, "boss_room.png")
music2_count = 0 counter = 0 credit_count = 0 play_count = 0 option_count = 0 control_count = 0 sound_count = 0 camera = level_1 = 0 level_2 = 0 level_3 = 0 wasd_count = 0 sound_level = 0.5 char1 = gamebox.from_color(10, 10, "red", 50, 5) char2 = gamebox.from_text(250, 50, "ya Motha", "Cambria", 70, "orange", True, True) # char3 = gamebox.from_image(100, 100, " # image/photos/33000000/The-Customer-s-House-krusty-krab-pizza-33032845-512-384.jpg") char3 = gamebox.from_image(200, 400, "" "/18/18ee0bb8dd40f9d96af0d3dfd14687f97923fdf2/spongebob.png") char4 = gamebox.from_text(350, 150, "By Luke and Connor (lsm5fm and cb4wa)", "Cambria", 30, "orange", False, True) char5 = gamebox.from_text(683, 200, "Press 'P' to Play", "Cambria", 50, "red") char6 = gamebox.from_text(683, 400, "Press 'O' for Options", "Cambria", 50, "red") char7 = gamebox.from_text(683, 600, "Press 'C' for Credits", "Cambria", 50, "red") titlebackground = gamebox.from_image(683, 384, "") titlebackground.size = 1366, 768 pygame.mouse.set_visible(False)
import gamebox, pygame char = gamebox.from_color(90, 4, "yellow", 8, 2) print(char.yspeed)
camera = gamebox.Camera(1142, 636) background = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y, "night_time.png") creators = gamebox.from_text(280, 20, "Creators: Christine Li (cjl4ev), Ruolin Chen (rlc8my)", "Snap ITC", 18, "white") game_name = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 280, "Counting Sheep", "Snap ITC", 60, "white") description = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 340, "How long can you jump fences for?", "Snap ITC", 24, "white") rules1 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 370, "Jump fences without touching them or you lose a life!", "Snap ITC", 24, "white") rules2 = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 400, "You get three lives, collect clovers to recover lives.", "Snap ITC", 24, "white") p1_instructions = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 440, "Press SPACE to Jump", "Snap ITC", 24, "white") to_start = gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 480, "Press ENTER to Start", "Snap ITC", 32, "white") music = gamebox.load_sound('crickets_compressed.wav') music_player = ground = gamebox.from_color(600, 634, "black", 1200, 50) fence = gamebox.from_image(1000, 550, "fence.png") fence.scale_by(.50) character = gamebox.from_image(350, 545, "sheep.png") character.scale_by(.20) lives = gamebox.from_text(950, 40, "Lives left:", "Snap ITC", 24, "white") health3 = gamebox.from_image(1075, 100, "sheep.png") health3.scale_by(.1) health2 = gamebox.from_image(990, 100, "sheep.png") health2.scale_by(.1) health1 = gamebox.from_image(905, 100, "sheep.png") health1.scale_by(.1)
def drawMainBoard(): for coord in board_space_coords: outer_box = gamebox.from_color(coord[0] * 50 + 25, coord[1] * 50 + 25, "black", 50, 50) inner_box = gamebox.from_color(coord[0] * 50 + 26, coord[1] * 50 + 26, "white", 46, 46) camera.draw(outer_box) camera.draw(inner_box)
player_one = gamebox.from_image(350, 300, player_one_sheet[player_one_frame]) player_two = gamebox.from_image(450, 300, player_two_sheet[player_two_frame]) #set monster between the two monster = gamebox.from_image(400, 300, monster_sheet[monster_frame]) # a monster should be bigger than both of them monster.scale_by(1.5) touched_monster = 0 #blue.png is essentially the blue flag player_one_flag = [gamebox.from_image(50, 50, "blue.png")] player_one_flag[0].scale_by(0.15) player_one_goal = gamebox.from_color(100, 300, "blue", 10, 600) # goal line for player 1 player_one_counter = 0 #red.png is the red flag player_two_flag = [gamebox.from_image(750, 550, "red.png")] player_two_flag[0].scale_by(0.15) player_two_counter = 0 player_two_goal = gamebox.from_color(700, 300, "red", 10, 600) # goal line for player 2 player_one_has_flag = False player_two_has_flag = False game_start = True game_end = False
import pygame import gamebox import random multiplier = 1 camera = gamebox.Camera(800,600) character = gamebox.from_image(100,200,'') character.yspeed = 0 character.scale_by(.05) b1 = gamebox.from_image(400,300, '') walls = [ gamebox.from_color(50,250, "black", 200, 10), gamebox.from_color(400,150, "black", 200, 10), gamebox.from_color(600,25, "black", 200, 10), ] coins = [ gamebox.from_color(75,400, "yellow", 10, 10), gamebox.from_color(160,200, "yellow", 10, 10), gamebox.from_color(280,250, "yellow", 10, 10) ] enemy = [ ] counter = 0 lives = 3 character_score= 0 game_over = False
def sponge_run_function(keys): global cockroach_count, hit_moment, hit_interval, hit_check, pizza_health, c_stage, jump_check, time, rock_stage platform_object = [] if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() platform_object.append(ground) for platform in platform_list: platform_object.append(gamebox.from_color(platform.x, platform.y + 15, "white", 240, 100)) hit_interval += 1 time += 2 rock.yspeed += 1 if hit_interval == 2 and global_stage.level == 2 and level_one.spat_check == 1: camera.move(-9200, 0) if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: rock.yspeed += 4 c_stage += 1/1.7 if hit_interval == hit_moment + 25: hit_check = 0 if c_stage >= 4: c_stage = 1 if time == 30: time = 0 jump_check = 0 if rock.bottom_touches(ground): rock_stage += 1/1.2 if int(rock_stage) >= 4: rock_stage = 1 if not rock.bottom_touches(ground): rock_stage = 4 rock.x = rock.x + rock.speedx rock.y = rock.y + rock.speedy ''' for platform in platform_object: platform.y = platform.y + platform.yspeed ''' # ----- COLLISION ------ for cockroach in cockroach_list: if rock.touches(cockroach) and hit_check == 0: hit_moment = hit_interval pizza_health -= 1 hit_check = 1 if rock.x > 35250: quit() for platform in platform_object: if rock.bottom_touches(platform): rock.yspeed = 0 rock.move_to_stop_overlapping(platform) if platform != platform_object[0]: platform.y += 100 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: rock.yspeed = -20 jump_check = 1 if rock.right_touches(platform) and hit_check == 0: pizza_health -= 1 hit_check = 1 hit_moment = hit_interval if pizza_health == 0: quit() # ----- GEN ANIMATION ----- health_file = 'pizza_health_{}'.format(pizza_health) + ".png" health_hud = gamebox.from_image(rock.x + 4*x/5, 100, health_file) rock_file = 'rock_{}'.format(int(rock_stage)) + '.png' rock_an = gamebox.from_image(rock.x, rock.y, rock_file) camera.clear("White") if hit_check == 1: rock_stage = 4 rock.xspeed = 15 else: rock.xspeed = 25 for shift in range(3): if hit_check == 1 and hit_interval >= hit_moment + shift*4 and hit_interval < hit_moment + (shift+1)*4: rock_an.rotate(random.randint(-30, 5)) # ----- DRAWING ------ camera.clear("Black") for platform in platform_object: camera.draw(platform) for entry in background: camera.draw(entry) for entry in house: camera.draw(entry) camera.draw(customer_house) for platform in platform_list: camera.draw(platform) camera.draw(rock_an) camera.move(rock.xspeed, 0) for cockroach in cockroach_list: if rock.x + 1300 > cockroach.x and rock.x - 300 < cockroach.x: camera.draw(cockroach) camera.draw(health_hud) camera.display()
def tick(keys): # Game Beginning Screen and Starting the Game global game_start, pause, p1_score, yellow_coins, platforms, p1_health, up_last_pressed, was_touching, bar, background1, time if game_start is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 300, str("PRESS SPACE BAR TO START!"), "Arial", 50, "black", True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 350, str("Press UP to jump"), "Arial", 30, "black", True)) camera.display() if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: game_start = True if game_start is True: # Player 1 Collisions with objects p1.yspeed += 0.5 p1.y += p1.yspeed if pygame.K_UP in keys and not up_last_pressed: p1.yspeed = -8 music_jump1 = gamebox.load_sound("Jump.wav") musicplayer3 = up_last_pressed = True if not pygame.K_UP in keys: up_last_pressed = False nothing_touched = True # check if nothing is touched for platform in platforms: if p1.touches(platform): if not was_touching: p1_health -= 1 p1.x += 65 was_touching = True nothing_touched = False if nothing_touched: was_touching = False if p1.x > 200: p1.x -= scroll_speed if p1.touches(ground): was_touching = True p1.yspeed = 0 p1.y -= 100 p1_health -= 1 if pygame.K_UP in keys: p1.yspeed -= 5 if p1.touches(ceiling): p1.yspeed = 0 p1.move_to_stop_overlapping(ceiling) # Platform Creation and Removal platform_creator() # Coin Creation and Removal y_coins() # Health if p1_health > 10: p1_health = 10 bar = [gamebox.from_color(900 - (512-chunknum*25), 50, "red", 20, 20) for chunknum in range(p1_health)] # Score for platform in platforms[1::2]: if 200 <= platform.x < 200 + scroll_speed: p1_score += 1 # Background background1.x -= scroll_speed if background1.x <= -(800 - scroll_speed): background1.x = 2400 background2.x -= scroll_speed if background2.x <= -(800 - scroll_speed): background2.x = 2400 time += 1 # Visuals if pause is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(ground) camera.draw(background1) camera.draw(background2) for platform in platforms: camera.draw(platform) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(50, 50, str(int(p1_score)), "Arial", 30, "brown", True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(750, 50, str(time//ticks_per_second), "Arial", 30, "black", True)) camera.draw(black_bar) for chunk in bar: camera.draw(chunk) for yellow_coin in yellow_coins: camera.draw(yellow_coin) camera.draw(p1) camera.display() # Game Ending and Restarting if p1_health == 0 and pause is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 200, str("GAME OVER"), "Arial", 100, "black", True)) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 300, str("Score: " + str(int(p1_score))), "Arial", 50, "brown")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 350, str("You lasted: " + str(time//ticks_per_second) + " seconds"), "Arial", 50, "black")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 400, str("Play again?"), "Arial", 50, "black")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(400, 440, str("(press the space bar)"), "Arial", 20, "black")) camera.display() pause = True # Freeze the Game Over menu if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and pause is True: platforms = [] yellow_coins = [] p1_health = 10 p1.y = 50 p1_score = 0 time = 0 game_start = False # Restart the game pause = False # Unfreeze the game
import gamebox import random # # # # Camera Window camera = gamebox.Camera(800,600) # Player Sprites p1 = gamebox.from_image(200, 50, "hedgehog.png") background1 = gamebox.from_image(800, 300, "background.png") background2 = gamebox.from_image(2400, 300, "background.png") ground = gamebox.from_color(400, 600, "light green", 800, 100) ceiling = gamebox.from_color(400, -500, "white", 800, 1000) black_bar = gamebox.from_color(500, 50, "black", 255, 30) # Global Values p1_score = 0 p1_health = 10 game_start = False pause = False p1.yspeed = 0 # Platforms platforms = []
tankstuff.Mine.image = mine_image_path #Game Objects enemy_tanks = [] friendly_tanks = [] bullets = [] barriers = [] mines = [] turrets = [] buttons = [] booms = [] # Add Objects button_state_machine = tankstuff.ButtonStateMachine() barriers.append(tankstuff.Barrier(150, 150, 5, 30)) mines.append(tankstuff.Mine(400, 300)) # BUTTONS buttons.append(tankstuff.Button(25, 575,color = "grey", text_color = "black", text = "MINE")) buttons.append(tankstuff.Button(75, 575, text = "TURRET")) buttons.append(tankstuff.Button(125, 575,color = "grey", text_color = "black", text = "BARRIER")) buttons.append(tankstuff.Button(175,575,color = "green", text_color = "black", text = "START")) # THINGS king = gamebox.from_color(100, 300, "yellow", 25, 25) ticks_per_second = 60 # keep this line the last one in your program gamebox.timer_loop(ticks_per_second, tick)
def tick(keys): global start_screen global play global game_over global distance global frame global speed global y_pos global jump global jump_count global current_level global level global santa global can_jump global obstacles global slide # DRAW BACKGROUND camera.draw(background) # DISPLAY START SCREEN UNTIL PLAYER PRESSES SPACE OR I TO VIEW INSTRUCTIONS if start_screen: camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 40, "SANTA RUN", 100, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 310, "Press Space To Start", 50, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(240, 200, "aab4ad thh4yj", 40, "white")) santa = gamebox.from_image(275, 180, "Idle (1).png") camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 350, 'Hold the I key to view instructions', 30, 'white')) santa.scale_by(.4) camera.draw(santa) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: start_screen = False play = True if pygame.K_i in keys: camera.clear('white') camera.draw(background) instructions = ['The game will scroll at a constant speed.', 'It is the players job to navigate obstacles as ', 'they appear. Use Up or "W" key to jump', 'and Down or "S" key to slide.', 'The players progress is saved at each ', 'level, allowing the player to restart the level', 'each time they die. The player will die if', 'they fall off the map or collide with an obstacle.'] camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 40, "INSTRUCTIONS", 80, "white")) y = 150 for i in instructions: camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, y, i, 30, 'white')) y += 25 elif play is True: # DISPLAY PERCENT OF LEVEL COMPLETED IN TOP RIGHT --> each level has a distance of 250 # --> may have to adjust this with levels are different lengths if level <= 3 and distance > 250: distance = 0 if level <= 3: distance += 1 camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(450, 30, str(int(distance / 250 * 100)) + " %", 25, "white")) if level >= 4 and distance > 50: distance = 0 if level >= 4: distance += 1/3 camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(450, 30, str(int(distance / 50 * 100))+" %", 25, "white")) # SLIDE WHEN DOWN ARROW PRESSED if (pygame.K_DOWN in keys or pygame.K_s in keys) and jump is False: santa = gamebox.from_image(150, y_pos, slide_stages[frame]) santa.scale_by(.2) slide = True # JUMP WHEN UP ARROW PRESSED --> can only jump when on the ground elif (pygame.K_UP in keys or pygame.K_w in keys) and can_jump: jump = True slide = False speed = 30 santa = gamebox.from_image(150, y_pos, jump_stages[0]) santa.scale_by(.2) keys.clear() if jump: santa = gamebox.from_image(150, y_pos, jump_stages[jump_count]) santa.scale_by(.2) # To disable single jump, comment the below code: jump_count += 1 if jump_count == 16: jump_count = 0 jump = False can_jump = False # RUN if jump is False and (pygame.K_DOWN not in keys and pygame.K_s not in keys): slide = False santa = gamebox.from_image(150, y_pos, run_stages[frame]) santa.scale_by(.2) # Create hitboxes for obstacle collision for running/jumping santa or sliding santa # --> can view these by drawing hitbox = gamebox.from_color(santa.x-15, santa.y-5, "red", 40, 100) if slide: hitbox = gamebox.from_color(santa.x-10, santa.y+15, "blue", 50, 60) # LEVELS if current_level is level1: camera.draw(level_title1) level_title1.move(0, -1) if current_level is level2: camera.draw(level_title2) level_title2.move(0, -1) if current_level is level3: camera.draw(level_title3) level_title3.move(0, -1) if current_level is level4: camera.draw(level_title4) level_title4.move(0, -1) if current_level is level5: camera.draw(level_title5) level_title5.move(0, -1) # Path collision for object in current_level: # only draw objects on screen if -75 < object.x < 575: camera.draw(object) # character can land on paths if y_pos - speed > - 50 and y_pos < and object.left < santa.x < object.right: y_pos = - 50 speed = 0 can_jump = True jump = False # can't touch path unless walking top of it elif hitbox.touches(object, 0, -20): game_over = True play = False # move all the objects object.move(-10, 0) # CHANGE TO NEXT LEVEL WHEN LEVEL IS OVER --> will need to add for new levels if distance >= 50 and level == 5: distance = 250 game_over = True play = False if distance >= 50 and level == 4: current_level = level5 distance = 0 level_title5.y = 50 level += 1 if object.x < -2500 and level == 3: current_level = level4 distance = 0 level_title4.y = 50 level += 1 if object.x < -2500 and level == 2: current_level = level3 distance = 0 level_title3.y = 50 level += 1 if object.x < -2500 and level == 1: current_level = level2 distance = 0 level += 1 level_title2.y = 50 # detect collisions with obstacles for obstacle in obstacles[level]: camera.draw(obstacle) if hitbox.touches(obstacle, 0, -50): play = False game_over = True obstacle.move(-10, 0) # KEEP TRACK OF CHARACTER'S Y POSITION, AND CHANGE BY THEIR SPEED, DOWNWARD SPEED INCREASES (GRAVITY) y_pos = y_pos - speed speed -= 3 # KEEPS TRACK OF THE ANIMATION FRAMES FOR RUNNING AND SLIDING frame += 1 if frame == 11: frame = 0 # END GAME IF CHARACTER FALLS OFF SCREEN if y_pos > 400: play = False game_over = True # DISPLAY END SCREEN WHEN GAME IS OVER elif game_over: # IF ALL LEVELS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED ALLOW USER TO CHOOSE A LEVEL TO REPLAY if distance >= 250 and level == 5: camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 50, "CONGRATULATIONS", 50, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 150, "All levels completed!", 50, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 250, "To Replay a Level, ", 50, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 350, "Type Level Number ", 50, "white")) if pygame.K_1 in keys or pygame.K_2 in keys or pygame.K_3 in keys or pygame.K_4 in keys\ or pygame.K_5 in keys: y_pos = 250 speed = 0 distance = 0 game_over = False play = True if pygame.K_1 in keys: for object in level1: object.move(2500, 0) for obstacle in obstacles[1]: obstacle.move(2500, 0) level_title1.y = 50 current_level = level1 level = 1 if pygame.K_2 in keys: for object in level2: object.move(2500, 0) for obstacle in obstacles[2]: obstacle.move(2500, 0) level_title2.y = 50 current_level = level2 level = 2 if pygame.K_3 in keys: for object in level3: object.move(2500, 0) for obstacle in obstacles[3]: obstacle.move(2500, 0) level_title3.y = 50 current_level = level3 level = 3 if pygame.K_4 in keys: for object in level4: object.move(1500, 0) level_title4.y = 50 current_level = level4 level = 4 if pygame.K_5 in keys: for object in level5: object.move(1500, 0) level_title5.y = 50 current_level = level5 level = 5 # IF ALL LEVEL FAILED COMPLETED ALLOW USER TO RETRY CURRENT LEVEL FROM BEGINNING else: camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 50, "GAME OVER", 100, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 200, str(int(distance/250*100)) + " %", 100, "white")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_text(250, 350, "Press R to restart level", 50, "white")) if pygame.K_r in keys: if current_level == level1: y_pos = 230 for object in level1: object.move(10*distance, 0) level_title1.y = 50 for obstacle in obstacles[1]: obstacle.move(10*distance, 0) if current_level == level2: y_pos = 150 for object in level2: object.move(distance*10, 0) for obstacle in obstacles[2]: obstacle.move(10*distance, 0) level_title2.y = 50 if current_level == level3: y_pos = 100 for object in level3: object.move(distance*10, 0) for obstacle in obstacles[3]: obstacle.move(10*distance, 0) level_title3.y = 50 if current_level == level4: y_pos = 70 for object in level4: object.move(3 * 10 * distance, 0) level_title4.y = 50 if current_level == level5: y_pos = 300 for object in level5: object.move(3 * 10 * distance, 0) level_title5.y = 50 speed = 0 distance = 0 game_over = False play = True if not start_screen: camera.draw(santa) camera.display()
rmm3ya. """ import pygame import gamebox # gamebox written by Luther Tychonievich import math CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT = 800, 600 BOX_WIDTH, BOX_HEIGHT = 10, 10 walksprite_frame = 0 framecountforplayerwalk = 0 camera = gamebox.Camera(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT) # size of window and camera points to the center player = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y, gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("/Users/rezamirzaiee/Desktop/GAME/Graphics/chara5.png", 8, 12)[1]) hammer = gamebox.from_color(player.x, player.y, "black", 10, 10) hammer_thrown = False has_stood = False playerdirection = gamebox.from_image(camera.x, camera.y, gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("/Users/rezamirzaiee/Desktop/GAME/Graphics/chara5.png", 8, 12)[1]) player_xspeed = 0 player_yspeed = 0 hammer_xspeed = 0 hammer_yspeed = 0 hammer_air = { 'hammer_xspeed_air': 0, 'hammer_yspeed_air': 0} power = 0 # center gamebox x, center gamebox y, color, width of gamebox, height of gamebox
def tick(keys): global start_game global game_over global fail_over b3= gamebox.from_text(400,300,"Welcome to Yeti Jump! Get 10 points to win!", "Arial", 40, 'red', italic=True) b4 = gamebox.from_text(400,400, "Press s to start!","Arial", 40, 'red', italic=True) camera.draw(b3) camera.draw(b4) if pygame.K_s in keys: start_game = True if start_game is True: if fail_over is False: if game_over is False: global counter global lives global character_score if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 10 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 10 character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed camera.clear("cyan") camera.draw(b1) camera.draw("Lives: " + str(lives), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 100) camera.draw(character) if character.y > 600 or 800 >= character.x <= 0: lives -= 1 charater_score = 0 character.x = walls[-1].x character.y = walls[-1].y camera.draw(character) camera.draw("Character Score: "+ str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) camera.y -= 3 b1.y = camera.y global counter counter += 1 if counter % 50 == 0: new_wall = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100,700), camera.y-300, "black", random.randint(100,250), 10) walls.append(new_wall) if character.y >= new_wall.y + 600 or character.x < 0 or character.x > 800 : lives -= 1 character.x = walls[-1].x character.y = walls[-1].y camera.draw(character) if counter%40 == 0: coins.append(gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100,550),(character.y-200),"yellow",10,10)) for coin in coins: camera.draw(coin) if character.touches(coin): coins.remove(coin) coin_sound = gamebox.load_sound('') character_score += 1 camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) if counter%45 == 0: enemy.append(gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100,550),(character.y-200),"red",5,5)) multiplier = 1 for thing in enemy: thing.x += 10*multiplier if thing.x >500 or thing.x<300: multiplier = multiplier*-1 camera.draw(thing) if character.touches(thing): enemy.remove(thing) character_score -= 5 lives -= 1 camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) for wall in walls: if character.bottom_touches(wall): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -20 if character.touches(wall): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(wall) if lives == 0: fail_over = True if character_score is 10: game_over = True else: camera.clear("white") camera.draw("You Win! Snooooow good", "Arial", 30,"red", 400, 300) camera.draw("Press q to quit", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 500) if pygame.K_q in keys: gamebox.stop_loop() else: camera.clear('white') camera.draw("Sorry you lost!", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 250) camera.draw("Press q to quit", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 450) if pygame.K_q in keys: gamebox.stop_loop() camera.display()
# Bradley Knaysi (bak9cu) and Lillie Lyon (lal5kr) import pygame import gamebox import random camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) character = gamebox.from_color(100, 100, "blue", 10, 10) character2 = gamebox.from_color(100, 100, "cyan", 10, 10) lives = 3 lives2 = 3 lives2_left = gamebox.from_text(680, 50, "p2 Lives: " + str(lives2), "Arial", 20, "Black") lives_left = gamebox.from_text(680, 30, "p1 Lives: " + str(lives), "Arial", 20, "Black") goal_size = gamebox.from_text(700, 70, "Goal Size: = 100", "Arial", 20, "Black") respawn_zone = gamebox.from_color(20, 20, "grey", 40, 40) game_over = False game_on = False orb_sound = gamebox.load_sound("wall.wav") game_music = gamebox.load_sound("Pim Poy.wav") orbs = [] for number in range(0, 30): size = random.randint(15, 50) small_size = random.randint(5, 10) colors = ["green", "red", "orange", "purple"] orbs.append(
# Matthew Keitelman (mak2vr) # Fernando Mata Cordero (fm5ew) import pygame import gamebox import random camera = gamebox.Camera(1000,800,True) alien = gamebox.from_image(300, 15, "") alien.scale_by(1.3) alien.yspeed = 0 platforms = [ gamebox.from_color(500,400,"black",1000,30), gamebox.from_color(1500,600,"black",500,30), ] radius = 250 platform_x = 1500 platform_length = 500 platform_end = 1750 prev_length = 0 prev_end = 0 prev_x = 0 prev_radius = 0 platform_end time_on = 300 y=0
import gamebox import random # # # # Camera Window camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) # Player Sprites p1 = gamebox.from_image(200, 50, "hedgehog.png") background1 = gamebox.from_image(800, 300, "background.png") background2 = gamebox.from_image(2400, 300, "background.png") ground = gamebox.from_color(400, 600, "light green", 800, 100) ceiling = gamebox.from_color(400, -500, "white", 800, 1000) black_bar = gamebox.from_color(500, 50, "black", 255, 30) # Global Values p1_score = 0 p1_health = 10 game_start = False pause = False p1.yspeed = 0 # Platforms platforms = []
def tick(keys): for bluehole in blueholes: bluehole.scale_by(1.018) global x, score, y, platform_x, time_on, speed, platform_length, platform_end, prev_length, prev_end, prev_x, radius, prev_radius if y > 3: y =0 y+=1 if camera.x % 1000 == 0: speed += 4 score = int(camera.x) scoreboard = gamebox.from_text(camera.x+300,50,(str(score)),"Verdana",26,"black") camera.x += speed alien.x += speed if alien.x >= (platform_x - platform_length/2) and alien.x <= (platform_x - platform_length/2): time_on += speed elif alien.x >= platform_x - platform_length/2: time_on = 0 if len(platforms) < 10: prev_length = int(platform_length) prev_x = int(platform_x) prev_end = int(platform_end) prev_radius = radius platform_length = int(random.randint(300,600)) radius = int(platform_length/2) platform_x = prev_end + radius + random.randint(25,200) platform_end = platform_x + radius height = random.randint(300,700) platforms.append(gamebox.from_color(platform_x,height,"black",2*radius,30)) if len(blueholes) < 2: bluehole_x = random.randint(camera.x,camera.x+500) bluehole_y = random.randint(0,800) blueholes.append(gamebox.from_image(bluehole_x,bluehole_y,blue_hole_sheet[y])) # GRAVITY alien.yspeed += 1.5 alien.y = alien.y + alien.yspeed if pygame.K_s in keys: alien.image = "" elif pygame.K_d in keys: alien.image = "" elif pygame.K_f in keys: alien.image = "" else: alien.image = "" for platform in platforms: if alien.bottom_touches(platform): alien.move_to_stop_overlapping(platform) if platform.x < (camera.x-1000): platforms.remove(platform) if alien.touches(platform): if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: alien.yspeed -= 30 if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: alien.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: alien.x -= 5 camera.clear("skyblue") camera.draw(alien) camera.draw(scoreboard) for platform in platforms: camera.draw(platform) for bluehole in blueholes: camera.draw(bluehole) camera.display() game_over = gamebox.from_text(camera.x,400,"Game Over","Arial",40,"black",True) def end(): gamebox.pause() camera.clear("skyblue") camera.draw(game_over) camera.display() for bluehole in blueholes: bluehole.image = blue_hole_sheet[y] if bluehole.x < (camera.x-500): blueholes.remove(bluehole) if alien.touches(bluehole): end() if alien.y >= 800: end()
p_width = 10 p_height = 80 ball_velocity = 15 player_speed = 14 p1_score = 0 p2_score = 0 game_on = False ticker = 0 paddle_sound = gamebox.load_sound("paddle.wav") wall_sound = gamebox.load_sound("wall.wav") walls = [ gamebox.from_color(400, 600, "green", 1000, 20), gamebox.from_color(400, 0, "green", 1000, 20), ] p1 = gamebox.from_color(20, 400, "red", 15, 100) p2 = gamebox.from_color(780, 400, "yellow", 15, 100) ball = gamebox.from_color(400, 300, "green", 20, 20) ball.xspeed = ball_velocity ball.yspeed = ball_velocity def tick(keys): global game_on global p1_score
def __init__(self, x, y, color = "blue",text_color = "green", image = None, text = None, width = 50, height = 50): self.x, self.y = x, y = gamebox.from_color(x, y, color, width, height) self.text_color = text_color self.text = text self.image = image
def tick(keys): global hit_interval, hit_moment, hit_check, health, secretformula_check, stick_check,\ move_check, x, y, stage, face_check, time, seconds, minutes, jf_stage, check, \ spat_stage, spat_check, bear_stage, circle_stage, x_coord, level hud = [gamebox.from_color(character.x, 0, "White", 100000, 120)] hit_interval += 1 character.xspeed = 0 character.yspeed += 1 circle_check = 0 time += 1 jf_stage += 1/3 spat_stage += 1/3 bear_stage += 1/3 if circle_stage >= 9: circle_stage = 8 if time == 30: seconds += 1 move_check = 0 if time == 60: check = 0 time = 0 seconds += 1 if seconds == 60: seconds = 0 minutes += 1 if int(seconds) < 10: second = '0{}'.format(str(seconds)) else: second = str(seconds) if hit_moment + 30 == hit_interval: hit_check = 0 for jellyfish in jf_list: if time < 30: jellyfish.yspeed = -2 else: jellyfish.yspeed = 2 jellyfish.y = jellyfish.y + jellyfish.yspeed for bear in bear_list: if time < 30: bear.speedx = -10 else: bear.speedx = 10 bear.x = bear.x + bear.speedx character.y = character.y + character.yspeed # ----- GEN ANIMATION ----- timer = gamebox.from_text(character.x - 225, y/25, "{}".format(str(int(minutes))) + ":{}".format(second), "haettenschweiler", 40, "Black") hud.append(timer) tie_hud = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 400, y/20 - 20, "tie_hud.png") tie_hud.scale_by(0.8) hud.append(tie_hud) secretformula_hud_file = 'secretformula_check{}'.format(str(secretformula_check)) + ".png" secretformula_hud = gamebox.from_image(character.x - 50, y/20 - 5, secretformula_hud_file) hud.append(secretformula_hud) health_hud_file = 'health_hud_1.png' health_hud_a = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 850, y/20 - 8, health_hud_file) health_hud_b = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 925, y/20 - 8, health_hud_file) health_hud_c = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 1000, y/20 - 8, health_hud_file) if health <= 2: health_hud_a = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 850, y/20 - 8, 'health_hud_0.png') if health <= 1: health_hud_b = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 925, y/20 - 8, 'health_hud_0.png') if health <= 0: health_hud_c = gamebox.from_image(character.x + 1000, y/20 - 8, 'health_hud_0.png') hud.append(health_hud_a) hud.append(health_hud_b) hud.append(health_hud_c) stick_hud_file = "stick_check{}".format(str(stick_check)) + ".png" stick_hud= gamebox.from_image(character.x - 150, y/20 - 5, stick_hud_file) hud.append(stick_hud) spat_hud_file = "spat_check{}".format(str(spat_check))+".png" spat_hud = gamebox.from_image(character.x - 100, y/20, spat_hud_file) hud.append(spat_hud) if stage >= 7: stage = 1 if spat_stage >= 4 or bear_stage >= 4: spat_stage = 1 bear_stage = 1 if int(jf_stage) == 8: jf_stage = 1 sb = 'running_{}'.format(str(int(stage)))+'.png' character_an = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y - 10, sb) character_an.scale_by(.5) jf_file = 'jellyfish_{}'.format(str(int(jf_stage)))+'.png' jellyfish_an = [] secretformula_file = 'secretformula_{}'.format(str(int(spat_stage)))+".png" secretformula = gamebox.from_image(7500, 700, secretformula_file) spat_file = 'spatula_{}'.format(str(int(spat_stage)))+".png" spatula = gamebox.from_image(5100, 100, spat_file) stick_file = 'stick_{}'.format(str(int(spat_stage)))+".png" stick = gamebox.from_image(2100, 100, stick_file) circle = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y + 30, 'circle_8.png') bear_an = [] seabear_file = 'seabear_{}'.format(str(int(bear_stage)))+".png" # ----- DRAW DISTANCE ----- for bear in bear_list: if character.x + 1123 > bear.x and character.x - 300 < bear.x: bear_an.append(gamebox.from_image(bear.x, bear.y, seabear_file)) for seabear in bear_an: if time > 30: seabear.flip() for jellyfish in jf_list: if character.x + 1123 > jellyfish.x and character.x - 300 < jellyfish.x: jellyfish_an.append(gamebox.from_image(jellyfish.x, jellyfish.y, jf_file)) if pygame.K_q in keys: quit() # ----- WASD INPUT ----- if character.touches(ground) and stick_check == 1: if pygame.K_c in keys: circle_check = 1 else: circle_check = 0 if global_stage.wasd_count != 0: if pygame.K_d in keys and circle_check == 0: character.xspeed += 9.5 character.x += 9.5 for item in hud: item.speedx += 9.5 if face_check == 1: character_an.flip() face_check = 0 if pygame.K_a in keys and circle_check == 0: character.speedx -= 9.5 character.x -= 9.5 for item in hud: item.speedx -= 9.5 if face_check == 0: character_an.flip() face_check = 1 # -----WASD COLLISION ----- for object in jump_list: if character.bottom_touches(object): if pygame.K_a not in keys and pygame.K_d not in keys: stage = 1 if pygame.K_a in keys or pygame.K_d in keys and pygame.K_SPACE not in keys: stage += 1/1.3 character.yspeed = 0 character.move_to_stop_overlapping(object) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: stage = 5 character.yspeed = -16 # ----- ARROW INPUT ----- if global_stage.wasd_count == 0: if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys and circle_check == 0: character.xspeed += 95 character.x += 95 for item in hud: item.speedx += 9.5 if face_check == 1: character_an.flip() face_check = 0 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys and circle_check == 0: character.speedx -= 9.5 character.x -= 9.5 for item in hud: item.speedx -= 9.5 if face_check == 0: character_an.flip() face_check = 1 # ----- ARROW COLLISION ----- for object in jump_list: if character.bottom_touches(object): if pygame.K_LEFT not in keys and pygame.K_RIGHT not in keys: stage = 1 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys or pygame.K_RIGHT in keys and pygame.K_SPACE not in keys: stage += 1/1.3 character.yspeed = 0 character.move_to_stop_overlapping(object) if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: stage = 5 character.yspeed = -16 for w in wall: if character.touches(w): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(w) if character.touches(spatula) and spat_check == 0: spat_check = 1 if character.touches(stick) and stick_check == 0: stick_check = 1 if character.touches(secretformula) and secretformula_check == 0: secretformula_check = 1 for platform in platforms: if character.bottom_touches(platform): if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: character.y = character.y + y/10 # ----- DEATH CHECK ----- for jellyfish in jf_list: if character.bottom_touches(jellyfish): stage = 2 if character.top_touches(jellyfish) and hit_check == 0: health -= 1 hit_check = 1 hit_moment = hit_interval for seabear in bear_an: if character.touches(seabear) and hit_check == 0 and circle_check == 0: health -= 1 hit_check = 1 hit_moment = hit_interval if circle_check == 1 and character.touches(seabear): health += 0 if health == 0: character_an = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y, 'crying.png') gamebox.pause() # ----- DRAWING ----- camera.clear("Black") for entry in background: camera.draw(entry) camera.draw(ground) camera.draw(house) for jellyfish in jellyfish_an: camera.draw(jellyfish) if secretformula_check == 0: camera.draw(secretformula) if stick_check == 0: camera.draw(stick) if spat_check == 0: camera.draw(spatula) for seabear in bear_an: camera.draw(seabear) if face_check == 1: character_an.flip() if circle_check == 1: camera.draw(circle) camera.draw(character_an) for entry in hud: camera.draw(entry) for platform in platforms: if character.x + 1300 > platform.x and character.x - 400 < platform.x: camera.draw(platform) camera.move(character.speedx, 0) if health == 0: x_coord = character.x if stick_check == 1 and spat_check == 1 and secretformula_check == 1 and character.x >= 9400: camera.draw(gamebox.from_image(9750, 400,"continue.png")) level = 2 camera.display() health = 3 spat_check = 1 secretformula_check = 1 stick_check = 1
def clicked(self, camera): mx, my = camera.mousex, camera.mousey mouse_box = gamebox.from_color(mx, my, "white", 1, 1) return mouse_box.touches(
import pygame import gamebox import random camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) #screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 1000)) #camera = pygame.display.set_mode() #print(camera.__setattr__()) game_on = False player1_score = 0 player2_score = 0 # Walls: walls = [ gamebox.from_color(800 / 2, 0, "green", 1000, 50), gamebox.from_color(800 / 2, 600, "green", 1000, 50), gamebox.from_color(800, 600 / 2, "green", 50, 1000), gamebox.from_color(0, 600 / 2, "green", 50, 1000) ] statics = [] # Sprites player1 = gamebox.from_color(350, 300, "red", 25, 25) player2 = gamebox.from_color(550, 300, "yellow", 25, 25) cube = gamebox.from_color(450, 300, 'blue', 5, 5) # Speed initialization def tick(keys):
# Modified from example by Prof. Tychonievich import pygame import gamebox camera = gamebox.Camera(300, 300) character = gamebox.from_color(150, 150, 'brown', 10, 10) things = [ gamebox.from_color(150, 250, 'green', 200, 50), gamebox.from_color(220, 200, 'white', 20, 100), gamebox.from_color(80, 100, 'black', 80, 20), ] moving = [ gamebox.from_color(120, 150, 'red', 20, 20), ] for thing in moving: thing.being_carried = False def tick(keys): camera.clear('lightblue') if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 5 if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 5 if pygame.K_UP in keys: for thing in things + moving: if character.bottom_touches(thing): character.speedy = -15
def health(): global health_level return gamebox.from_color(cam.left + (400 * health_level / 100), cam.bottom - 15, "green", (800 * health_level / 100), 30)
import pygame import gamebox camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) character = gamebox.from_color(50, 50, "red", 30, 60) character.yspeed = 0 ground = gamebox.from_color(-100, 600, "black", 3000, 100) def tick(keys): # moving left and right if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 5 # jumping if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed -= 17 # gravity character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed camera.clear("cyan") camera.draw(character) camera.draw(ground) #stop collisions with ground if character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed = 0
def tick(keys): global frame global game_on, lose_game global ammo frames = str(int(frame / 22)) #approximate time in seconds timer = gamebox.from_text(900, 50, "Timer: " + frames, 'impact', 30, 'red') if game_on == False: camera.clear("white") camera.draw(start_pic) camera.draw(intro) camera.draw(instructions) camera.draw(starting) camera.draw(names) camera.display() if pygame.K_s in keys: game_on = True if game_on == True: #start game frame += 1 camera.clear("grey") camera.draw(backgr) ammo_str = gamebox.from_text(80, 50, "Ammo: " + str(ammo), "Impact", 34, "white") camera.draw(ammo_str) camera.draw(shooter) camera.draw(timer) if shooter.y <= 100: #shooter boundaries shooter.y = 100 if shooter.y >= 650: shooter.y = 650 if len(first_zombies) != 0: #Setting up wave number camera.draw(wave1) elif len(first_zombies) == 0 and len(second_zombies) != 0: camera.draw(wave2) else: camera.draw(finalwave) for zombie in first_zombies: #if bullet touches zombie, kill zombie for bullet in bullets: if bullet.touches(zombie) and zombie.x <= 1230: first_zombies.remove(zombie) bullets.remove(bullet) for zombie in second_zombies: for bullet in bullets: if bullet.touches(zombie) and zombie.x <= 1230: second_zombies.remove(zombie) bullets.remove(bullet) for zombie in last_zombies: for bullet in bullets: if bullet.touches(zombie) and zombie.x <= 1230: last_zombies.remove(zombie) bullets.remove(bullet) for zombie in first_zombies: zombie.size = 80, 130 camera.draw(zombie) zombie.x -= zombie_speed if frame % 10 == 1: #animation zombie.image = "go_1.png" elif frame % 10 == 2: zombie.image = "go_2.png" elif frame % 10 == 3: zombie.image = "go_3.png" elif frame % 10 == 4: zombie.image = "go_4.png" elif frame % 10 == 5: zombie.image = "go_5.png" elif frame % 10 == 6: zombie.image = "go_6.png" elif frame % 10 == 7: zombie.image = "go_7.png" elif frame % 10 == 8: zombie.image = "go_8.png" elif frame % 10 == 9: zombie.image = "go_9.png" if pygame.K_UP in keys: shooter.y -= shooter_speed if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: shooter.y += shooter_speed if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: bullet = gamebox.from_color(150, shooter.y - 55, "orange", 10, 2) bullets.append(bullet) ammo -= 1 if ammo % 10 == 0 and ammo > 0: for a in range(1): #make reload sound after every 10 shots keys.clear() break keys.clear() if ammo <= 0: #no more ammo bullets.clear() reload.stop() gunshot.stop() ammo = 0 for bullet in bullets: #shoot the bullets bullet.x += 80 camera.draw(bullet) for zombie in first_zombies: if zombie.x <= shooter.x: lose_game = True for zombie in second_zombies: if zombie.x <= shooter.x: lose_game = True for zombie in last_zombies: if zombie.x <= shooter.x: lose_game = True if len(first_zombies) == 0: for zombie in second_zombies: zombie.size = 80, 130 camera.draw(zombie) zombie.x -= zombie_speed + 1 if frame % 10 == 1: zombie.image = "go_1.png" elif frame % 10 == 2: zombie.image = "go_2.png" elif frame % 10 == 3: zombie.image = "go_3.png" elif frame % 10 == 4: zombie.image = "go_4.png" elif frame % 10 == 5: zombie.image = "go_5.png" elif frame % 10 == 6: zombie.image = "go_6.png" elif frame % 10 == 7: zombie.image = "go_7.png" elif frame % 10 == 8: zombie.image = "go_8.png" elif frame % 10 == 9: zombie.image = "go_9.png" if len(second_zombies) == 0: for zombie in last_zombies: zombie.size = 80, 130 camera.draw(zombie) zombie.x -= zombie_speed + 2 if frame % 10 == 1: zombie.image = "go_1.png" elif frame % 10 == 2: zombie.image = "go_2.png" elif frame % 10 == 3: zombie.image = "go_3.png" elif frame % 10 == 4: zombie.image = "go_4.png" elif frame % 10 == 5: zombie.image = "go_5.png" elif frame % 10 == 6: zombie.image = "go_6.png" elif frame % 10 == 7: zombie.image = "go_7.png" elif frame % 10 == 8: zombie.image = "go_8.png" elif frame % 10 == 9: zombie.image = "go_9.png" if lose_game == True: losegame(keys) first_zombies.clear() second_zombies.clear() last_zombies.clear() elif len(first_zombies) == 0 and len(second_zombies) == 0 and len( last_zombies) == 0: win_game(keys) camera.display()
# Alex Hicks (awh4kc) # jumping puzzle game - pt3 - add a platform and coin that can be collected import pygame import gamebox import random camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) character = gamebox.from_color(50, 50, "red", 15, 40) character.yspeed = 0 walls = [ gamebox.from_color(-100, 600, "black", 3000, 100), # gamebox.from_color(200, 550, "black", 100, 15), # gamebox.from_color(200, 500, "black", 100, 15), gamebox.from_color(200, 500, "black", 100, 5), # gamebox.from_color(200, 400, "black", 100, 15), # gamebox.from_color(200, 350, "black", 100, 15), # gamebox.from_color(200, 300, "black", 100, 15), # gamebox.from_color(200, 250, "black", 100, 15), # gamebox.from_color(200, 200, "black", 100, 15), # gamebox.from_color(200, 150, "black", 100, 15) ] coins = [gamebox.from_color(300, 450, "yellow", 12, 12)] time = 9000 score = 0 def tick(keys): global time, score
import pygame import gamebox camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) #width, height of the window box = gamebox.from_color( camera.x, 100, 'green', 40, 40 ) # center at (200,100) coordinate (left to right, top to bottom), 40 pixels wide, 80 pixels tall sun = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, camera.y, 'yellow', 40, 40) box.speedx = 15 #box.speedy = -20 def tick(keys): camera.clear('black') G = 200000 # gravity dx = sun.x - box.x dy = sun.y - box.y d_len = (dx * dx + dy * dy)**0.5 box.speedx += G * dx / d_len**3 box.speedy += G * dy / d_len**3 box.move_speed() if box.left < camera.left: box.left = camera.left box.speedx = abs(box.speedx) if box.right > camera.right: box.right = camera.right
fireball = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("fire_spritesheet.png", 8, 8) bat = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("sheet_bat_fly.png", 1, 4) # Variables height_based_score = 0 enemy_based_score = 0 time = 0 impact_time = 0 attack_time = 0 health = 100 frame = 0 frame2 = 0 # Platforms starting_platform1 = gamebox.from_color(400, 500, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform2 = gamebox.from_color(300, 400, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform3 = gamebox.from_color(600, 400, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform4 = gamebox.from_color(200, 300, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform5 = gamebox.from_color(750, 300, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform6 = gamebox.from_color(100, 50, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform7 = gamebox.from_color(50, 0, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform8 = gamebox.from_color(400, 350, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform9 = gamebox.from_color(400, 200, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform10 = gamebox.from_color(600, 200, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform11 = gamebox.from_color(500, 100, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform12 = gamebox.from_color(300, 100, 'black', 70, 15) starting_platform = [ starting_platform1, starting_platform2, starting_platform3, starting_platform4, starting_platform5, starting_platform6,
def lose_health(): global Player_HP_bar_fill Player_HP_bar_fill = gamebox.from_color(CAMERA_WIDTH-200, 100, "purple", Player_HP * 1.99, 8) Player_HP_bar_fill.left = Player_HP_bar.left + 1
def tick(keys): global health, frame, time, game_on, enemy, character, generation_x, generation_y global enemy_based_score, height_based_score, green_platforms, impact_time, health_pack global impact_time, attack_time, frame2, attack if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: game_on = True if game_on: #Player Controls if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= movement_x if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += movement_x if pygame.K_UP in keys: for obstacle in starting_platform: if character.bottom_touches(obstacle): character.y -= movement_y * 12 for obstacle in green_platforms: if character.bottom_touches(obstacle): character.y -= movement_y * 12 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: if time > attack_time + 30: attack = gamebox.from_image(character.x, character.y, fireball[frame2]) attack_time = time generation_x = random.randint(50, 750) generation_y = camera.y - 450 generation_plat1 = random.randint(50, 250) generation_plat2 = random.randint(250, 500) generation_plat3 = random.randint(500, 750) generation_plat4 = random.randint(50, 250) generation_plat5 = random.randint(250, 500) generation_plat6 = random.randint(500, 750) generation_plat7 = random.randint(50, 250) generation_plat8 = random.randint(250, 500) generation_plat9 = random.randint(500, 750) generation_plat_y = camera.y - 400 # Animates the Character if frame == 5: frame = 0 if frame2 == 61: frame2 = 0 if time % 1 == 0: character.image = knight[frame] attack.image = fireball[frame2] frame += 1 frame2 += 1 # Generating Platforms, enemies, and potions if time % 8 == 0: new_enemy = gamebox.from_image(generation_x, generation_y, bat[1]) enemies.append(new_enemy) if time % 30 == 0: new_potion = gamebox.from_image(generation_x, generation_plat_y + 10, "Potion_of_Healing.png") health_pack.append(new_potion) if character.y < camera.y - 150: normal_platform = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat1, generation_plat_y, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform) normal_platform2 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat2, generation_plat_y, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform2) normal_platform3 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat3, generation_plat_y, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform3) normal_platform4 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat4, generation_plat_y - 100, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform4) normal_platform5 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat5, generation_plat_y - 100, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform5) normal_platform6 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat6, generation_plat_y - 100, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform6) normal_platform7 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat7, generation_plat_y - 200, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform7) normal_platform8 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat8, generation_plat_y - 200, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform8) normal_platform9 = gamebox.from_color(generation_plat9, generation_plat_y - 200, 'green', 70, 15) green_platforms.append(normal_platform9) height_based_score += 1 camera.y -= 300 # Determines Background Color if time / 10 < 100: camera.clear('light cyan') elif 100 < time / 10 <= 200: camera.clear("pale turquoise") elif 200 < time / 10 <= 300: camera.clear("powder blue") elif 300 < time / 10 <= 400: camera.clear("cornflower blue") elif 400 < time / 10 <= 500: camera.clear("royal blue") elif 500 < time / 10 <= 600: camera.clear("blue") elif 600 < time / 10 <= 700: camera.clear("medium blue") elif 700 < time / 10 <= 800: camera.clear("navy blue") elif 800 < time / 10 <= 900: camera.clear("midnight blue") else: camera.clear("black") # Platfroms Interactions for obstacle in starting_platform: if character.bottom_touches(obstacle): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(obstacle) for obstacle in green_platforms: if character.bottom_touches(obstacle): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(obstacle) for i in starting_platform: camera.draw(i) for i in green_platforms: camera.draw(i) # Enemy Interactions for enemy in enemies: camera.draw(enemy) enemy.x += 10 if enemy.x >= 800: enemy.x = 10 if character.touches(enemy): if time > impact_time + 30: # character.move_to_stop_overlapping(enemy) impact_time = time health -= 25 if attack.touches(enemy): enemies.remove(enemy) enemy_based_score += 1 if enemy.y > camera.y + 500: enemies.remove(enemy) # Health Interactions for healing in health_pack: camera.draw(healing) if character.touches(healing): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(healing) health += 10 health_pack.remove(healing) time += 1 # Health Bar, Time Survived, Enemies Killed health_bar = gamebox.from_color(725, camera.y - 275, "tomato", health, 20) camera.draw(health_bar) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(725, camera.y - 275, "Health: " + str(health), 20, "red", bold=False)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(725, camera.y - 250, "Enemies Killed: " + str(enemy_based_score), 20, "Gold", bold=False)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(725, camera.y - 225, "Time Elapsed: " + str(time // 30), 20, "Gold", bold=False)) # side movement if character.x < 0: character.x = 790 if character.x > 800: character.x = 10 if health > 100: health = 100 # Game Over Scenarios if health <= 0: camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, camera.y - 200, "Game Over!", 80, "Blue", bold=False)) overall_score = time // 30 + 2 * enemy_based_score camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, camera.y - 100, "Score: " + str(overall_score), 60, "Blue", bold=False)) gamebox.pause() if character.y >= camera.y + 300: health = 0 camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, camera.y - 200, "Game Over!", 80, "Blue", bold=False)) overall_score = time // 30 + 2 * enemy_based_score camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, camera.y - 100, "Score: " + str(overall_score), 60, "Blue", bold=False)) gamebox.pause() camera.draw(character) camera.draw(attack) camera.display() gravity = 1 character.speedy += gravity character.move_speed() attack.y -= 30
- user input = right & left keys - graphics/images - start screen optional features: - enemies: bird - collectables: apples - health meter: three lives (display in the corner) - music/sound effects ''' camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) # Background Stuff top_border = gamebox.from_color(camera.x, 58, 'white', 800, 2) bark = gamebox.from_image( camera.x, camera.y, '' ) bark.rotate(90) splash_background = gamebox.from_image( camera.x, camera.y, "" ) show_splash = True # Sounds caw = gamebox.load_sound( '') apple_bite = gamebox.load_sound(
player must jump to avoid them while collecting as many bananas as they can. Our game includes a title screen that prompts th user to press r, to reveal the rules, or to press space (that flashes because why not) to begin the game. Once space is press the text moves off the screen and the grass begins to move once the text is full of the screen the obstacles begin to move towards the player and the up arrow must be pressed to jump over them. Bananas will appear to be collected and your total will be displayed on the right side of the screen and the time you lasted with be displayed on the left hand side of the screen. If a spear is touched the game will end """ camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) # creates the jungle background background = gamebox.from_image(400, 300, "back1.jpg") background.size = [1000, 600] # this blue bar is what sits at the bottom of the screen that is not seen but acts as the boarder for the player when it # jumps ground = gamebox.from_color(400, 602, "blue", 1000, 4) # the monkey player that is controlled by the up arrow player = gamebox.from_image(180, 592, "monkey.png") player.size = [60, 40] # list of the banana image sot be collected bananas = [gamebox.from_image(900, 500, "banana.png")] # Color of most of the text color = "dark green" title = gamebox.from_text(400, 250, "Jungle Jump", 60, color, True) # Rules is in a list so we can show the rules if requested or keep the screen less cluttered by the long rules # well they aren't long but I thought it was a nicer touch to be able to click something and have the rules appear rules = [ gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Press r for Rules", 30, color), gamebox.from_text(400, 275, "Use the UP Arrow to avoid the incoming Spears", 30,
gamebox.from_image(0, 900, "asteroid.png"), gamebox.from_image(500, 900, "asteroid.png"), gamebox.from_image(1000, 900, "asteroid.png"), ] astroid_player = gamebox.from_image(500, 350, "astronaut2.png") def setAstroidSpeeds(): for astroid in astroids: astroid.speedx = random.choice([random.randint(-20, -5), random.randint(5, 20)]) astroid.speedy = random.randint(-20, 20) setAstroidSpeeds() repeatGameRed = gamebox.from_color(0, 0, "forestgreen", 500, 350) repeatGameRed.topleft = (0, 0) repeatGameGreen = gamebox.from_color(500, 0, "orange", 500, 350) repeatGameGreen.topright = (1000, 0) repeatGameBlue = gamebox.from_color(0, 350, "blue", 500, 350) repeatGameBlue.bottomleft = (0, 700) repeatGamePurple = gamebox.from_color(500, 350, "purple", 500, 350) repeatGamePurple.bottomright = (1000, 700) repeatGameBoxes = [repeatGameRed, repeatGameGreen, repeatGameBlue, repeatGamePurple] repeatGameOrder = None repeatGameLevel = 0 repeatGameIndex = 0 repeatGameUserTurn = False repeatGameShowMarked = False repeatGameShowAll = False repeatGameNumUserClicks = 0
# Olivia Bicks ohb3fs and Charlotte Searle css7kv import pygame import gamebox import random camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) sheet = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("animation_sheet.png", 5, 6) frame = 0 direction = 0 character = gamebox.from_image(200, 200, sheet[frame]) #character = gamebox.from_image(100, 200, "game_man.png") character.yspeed = 0 walls = [ gamebox.from_color(300, 500, "black", 10, 100), gamebox.from_color(600, 500, "black", 10, 100) ] coins = [ gamebox.from_image(400, 450, "new_coin.png"), gamebox.from_image(200, 450, "new_coin.png") ] ground = gamebox.from_color(-100, 600, "green", 300000000, 100) time = 0 counter = 0 score = 0 jump_sound = gamebox.load_sound("jump.wav") coin_sound = gamebox.load_sound("coin.wav") def tick(keys): global counter
def tick(keys): global gamePaused, miniGame, currentIndex, num_of_rolls, rollingActive, final_roll, mouse1, streetPlayerHealth global astroid_timer, astroid_timer, astroids, astroid_tick_counter global repeatGameOrder, repeatGameLevel, repeatGameUserTurn, repeatGameIndex, repeatGameShowAll global repeatGameShowMarked, repeatGameNumUserClicks, miniGameIndex if gamePaused: displayStartScreen() if pygame.K_RETURN in keys: gamePaused = False keys.clear() else: if miniGame is None: # main game active camera.draw(gamebox.from_image(500, 350, "backgroundGame1.png")) drawMainBoard() currentX = board_space_coords[currentIndex][0] currentY = board_space_coords[currentIndex][1] camera.draw(gamebox.from_image(75, 75, "green_star.png")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_image(11 * 50 + 25, 75, "gold_star.png")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_image(currentX * 50 + 25, currentY * 50 + 25, "red_circle.png")) camera.draw(gamebox.from_color(13 * 50, 10 * 50, "white", 100, 100)) if final_roll is not None: camera.draw(str(final_roll), 48, "black", 13 * 50, 10 * 50) camera.draw("Click to Play a Minigame", 24, "white", 13 * 50, 11 * 50 + 25) else: camera.draw("Click to Roll", 24, "white", 13 * 50, 11 * 50 + 25) if rollingActive: if num_of_rolls < 60: temp_roll = random.randint(1, 6) camera.draw(str(temp_roll), 48, "black", 13 * 50, 10 * 50) num_of_rolls += 1 else: final_roll = random.randint(1, 6) num_of_rolls = 0 rollingActive = False if camera.mouseclick: if final_roll is None: rollingActive = True else: miniGameIndex += 1 if miniGameIndex >= len(miniGames): miniGameIndex = 0 random.shuffle(miniGames) miniGame = miniGames[miniGameIndex] currentIndex += final_roll final_roll = None rollingActive = False keys.clear() if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: currentIndex += 1 if currentIndex >= len(board_space_coords): print("Game Won!") currentIndex = 0 gamePaused = True if miniGame == "ClickingRainbow": # minigame 1 camera.clear('grey') camera.draw(CRDirections) if pygame.K_w in keys: CRObjects[7][0].y -= 10 if pygame.K_s in keys: CRObjects[7][0].y += 10 if pygame.K_a in keys: CRObjects[7][0].x -= 10 if pygame.K_d in keys: CRObjects[7][0].x += 10 for object in CRObjects: if CRObjects[object][2] == False: camera.draw(CRObjects[object][0]) if CRObjects[7][0].touches(CRObjects[object][0]) and object != 7: if CRObjects[object][1] == mouse1 + 1: CRObjects[object][2] = True mouse1 = mouse1 + 1 if CRObjects[6][2] == True: miniGame = None for object in CRObjects: CRObjects[object][2] = False mouse1 = 0 keys.clear() if miniGame == "Maze": camera.clear('grey') if pygame.K_w in keys: mazePlayer.y -= 10 if pygame.K_s in keys: mazePlayer.y += 10 if pygame.K_a in keys: mazePlayer.x -= 10 if pygame.K_d in keys: mazePlayer.x += 10 if mazePlayer.x < 0: mazePlayer.x = 0 if mazePlayer.x > 1000: mazePlayer.x = 1000 if mazePlayer.y < 0: mazePlayer.y = 0 if mazePlayer.y > 700: mazePlayer.y = 700 for wall in MazeObjects: camera.draw(wall) if mazePlayer.touches(wall): mazePlayer.speedx = 0 mazePlayer.speedy = 0 mazePlayer.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(mazePlayer) camera.draw(destination) if mazePlayer.touches(destination): miniGame = None keys.clear() mazePlayer.x = 50 mazePlayer.y = 100 if miniGame == "CrossStreet": camera.clear('grey') if pygame.K_w in keys: streetPlayer.y -= 10 if pygame.K_s in keys: streetPlayer.y += 10 if pygame.K_a in keys: streetPlayer.x -= 10 if pygame.K_d in keys: streetPlayer.x += 10 if streetPlayer.x < 0: streetPlayer.x = 0 if streetPlayer.x > 1000: streetPlayer.x = 1000 if streetPlayer.y < 0: streetPlayer.y = 0 if streetPlayer.y > 700: streetPlayer.y = 700 if streetPlayer.x > 970: miniGame = None keys.clear() streetPlayerHealth = 200 streetPlayer.x = 50 streetPlayer.y = 100 if streetPlayerHealth <= 0: streetPlayer.x = 50 streetPlayer.y = 100 streetPlayerHealth = 200 for street in streets: camera.draw(street) for streetObject in streetObjects: streetObjects[streetObject][0].speedy = streetObjects[streetObject][1] streetObjects[streetObject][0].move_speed() if streetObjects[streetObject][0].y > 800: streetObjects[streetObject][0].y = -100 camera.draw(streetObjects[streetObject][0]) if streetObjects[streetObject][0].touches(streetPlayer): streetPlayerHealth -= 10 streetPlayerHealthBar = gamebox.from_color(500, 50, "blue", streetPlayerHealth, 30) camera.draw(streetPlayerHealthBarMissing) camera.draw(streetPlayerHealthBar) camera.draw(streetPlayer) camera.draw(streetPlayerDirections) camera.draw(streetPlayerHealthText) if miniGame == "AstroidDodge": camera.clear("black") camera.draw(str(astroid_timer), 48, "red", 18 * 50, 50) astroid_tick_counter += 1 if pygame.K_w in keys: astroid_player.y -= astroid_player_speed elif pygame.K_s in keys: astroid_player.y += astroid_player_speed elif pygame.K_a in keys: astroid_player.x -= astroid_player_speed elif pygame.K_d in keys: astroid_player.x += astroid_player_speed if astroid_player.x < 0: astroid_player.x = 0 elif astroid_player.x > 1000: astroid_player.x = 1000 elif astroid_player.y < 0: astroid_player.y = 0 elif astroid_player.y > 700: astroid_player.y = 700 camera.draw(astroid_player) for astroid in astroids: astroid.move_speed() if astroid.x < 0: astroid.x += 1050 elif astroid.x > 1050: astroid.x -= 1050 if astroid.y < 0: astroid.y += 950 elif astroid.y > 950: astroid.y -= 950 camera.draw(astroid) if astroid_player.touches(astroid): astroid_timer = 10 camera.clear("red") astroid_player.x = 500 astroid_player.y = 305 if astroid_tick_counter % 28 == 0: astroid_timer -= 1 if astroid_timer <= 0: miniGame = None astroid_timer = 10 astroid_player.x = 500 astroid_player.y = 305 setAstroidSpeeds() if miniGame == "PatternRepeat": camera.clear("white") if repeatGameOrder is None: repeatGameOrder = [] repeatGameNumUserClicks, repeatGameIndex, repeatGameLevel = 0, 0, 0 for i in range(5): repeatGameOrder.append(random.randint(0, 3)) repeatGameShowAll, repeatGameShowMarked = True, True else: if repeatGameShowAll: repeatGameBoxes[0].color = "forestgreen" repeatGameBoxes[1].color = "orange" repeatGameBoxes[2].color = "blue" repeatGameBoxes[3].color = "purple" for box in repeatGameBoxes: camera.draw(box) camera.display() pygame.time.wait(1000) repeatGameShowAll = False elif repeatGameShowMarked: repeatGameBoxes[repeatGameOrder[repeatGameIndex]].color = "black" for box in repeatGameBoxes: camera.draw(box) camera.display() pygame.time.wait(1000) repeatGameShowAll, repeatGameShowMarked = True, False if repeatGameIndex < repeatGameLevel: repeatGameIndex += 1 repeatGameShowAll, repeatGameShowMarked = True, True else: if camera.mouseclick: areaClicked = None clickX = camera.mousex clickY = camera.mousey if clickX < 500 and clickY < 350: areaClicked = 0 repeatGameBoxes[0].color = "black" elif clickX > 500 and clickY < 350: areaClicked = 1 repeatGameBoxes[1].color = "black" elif clickX < 500 and clickY > 350: areaClicked = 2 repeatGameBoxes[2].color = "black" elif clickX > 500 and clickY > 350: areaClicked = 3 repeatGameBoxes[3].color = "black" for box in repeatGameBoxes: camera.draw(box) camera.display() pygame.time.wait(1000) repeatGameBoxes[0].color = "forestgreen" repeatGameBoxes[1].color = "orange" repeatGameBoxes[2].color = "blue" repeatGameBoxes[3].color = "purple" for box in repeatGameBoxes: camera.draw(box) camera.display() if areaClicked != repeatGameOrder[repeatGameNumUserClicks]: camera.clear("red") camera.display() pygame.time.wait(400) repeatGameOrder = None else: repeatGameNumUserClicks += 1 if repeatGameNumUserClicks > repeatGameLevel: repeatGameShowAll, repeatGameShowMarked = True, True repeatGameLevel += 1 repeatGameNumUserClicks, repeatGameIndex = 0, 0 if repeatGameLevel >= 5: repeatGameOrder = None miniGame = None for box in repeatGameBoxes: camera.draw(box) camera.display()
def tick(keys): global counter global frame global direction global time global score if counter < 60: counter += 1 camera.clear("blue") camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 100, "Get Ready...", "Arial", 40, "Orange", True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 300, "Catch the coins and hop the walls! Good luck!", "Arial", 20, "Orange", True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 400, "Use the Spacebar or Up Key to Jump", "Arial", 15, "Orange")) camera.display() if counter >= 60: counter += 1 frame += 1 if frame == 10: frame = 0 if counter % 1 == 0: character.image = sheet[frame + direction * 10] if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 10 if character.bottom_touches(ground): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys or pygame.K_UP in keys: character.yspeed = -22 character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed camera.clear("blue") camera.draw(character) camera.draw(ground) camera.x += 3 if character.touches(ground): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(ground) if counter % 20 == 0: time += 1 if counter % 2 == 0: score += 1 camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x + 300, 100, "Time: " + str(time), "arial", 12, "red", bold=True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x + 300, 75, "Score: " + str(score), "arial", 12, "red", bold=True)) leftmost_wall = gamebox.from_color(camera.x - 400, 600, "blue", 0, 800) camera.draw(leftmost_wall) if character.touches(leftmost_wall): camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 100, "Game Over!", "Arial", 40, "Red", True)) gamebox.pause() divisor = 120 if counter % divisor == 0: new_wall = gamebox.from_color(camera.x + 800, 500, "black", 10, random.randint(100, 250)) walls.append(new_wall) divisor += 20 for wall in walls: if character.touches(wall): camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(camera.x, 100, "Game Over!", "Arial", 40, "Red", True)) gamebox.pause() camera.draw(wall) if counter % 200 == 0: new_coin = gamebox.from_image( camera.x + (random.randint(350, 600)), 350, "new_coin.png") coins.append(new_coin) for coin in coins: camera.draw(coin) if character.touches(coin): coins.remove(coin) score += 15 camera.draw(ground) camera.display()
def tick(keys): # Game Beginning Screen and Starting the Game global game_start, pause, p1_score, yellow_coins, platforms, p1_health, up_last_pressed, was_touching, bar, background1, time if game_start is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 300, str("PRESS SPACE BAR TO START!"), "Arial", 50, "black", True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 350, str("Press UP to jump"), "Arial", 30, "black", True)) camera.display() if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: game_start = True if game_start is True: # Player 1 Collisions with objects p1.yspeed += 0.5 p1.y += p1.yspeed if pygame.K_UP in keys and not up_last_pressed: p1.yspeed = -8 music_jump1 = gamebox.load_sound("Jump.wav") musicplayer3 = up_last_pressed = True if not pygame.K_UP in keys: up_last_pressed = False nothing_touched = True # check if nothing is touched for platform in platforms: if p1.touches(platform): if not was_touching: p1_health -= 1 p1.x += 65 was_touching = True nothing_touched = False if nothing_touched: was_touching = False if p1.x > 200: p1.x -= scroll_speed if p1.touches(ground): was_touching = True p1.yspeed = 0 p1.y -= 100 p1_health -= 1 if pygame.K_UP in keys: p1.yspeed -= 5 if p1.touches(ceiling): p1.yspeed = 0 p1.move_to_stop_overlapping(ceiling) # Platform Creation and Removal platform_creator() # Coin Creation and Removal y_coins() # Health if p1_health > 10: p1_health = 10 bar = [ gamebox.from_color(900 - (512 - chunknum * 25), 50, "red", 20, 20) for chunknum in range(p1_health) ] # Score for platform in platforms[1::2]: if 200 <= platform.x < 200 + scroll_speed: p1_score += 1 # Background background1.x -= scroll_speed if background1.x <= -(800 - scroll_speed): background1.x = 2400 background2.x -= scroll_speed if background2.x <= -(800 - scroll_speed): background2.x = 2400 time += 1 # Visuals if pause is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw(ground) camera.draw(background1) camera.draw(background2) for platform in platforms: camera.draw(platform) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(50, 50, str(int(p1_score)), "Arial", 30, "brown", True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(750, 50, str(time // ticks_per_second), "Arial", 30, "black", True)) camera.draw(black_bar) for chunk in bar: camera.draw(chunk) for yellow_coin in yellow_coins: camera.draw(yellow_coin) camera.draw(p1) camera.display() # Game Ending and Restarting if p1_health == 0 and pause is False: camera.clear("light blue") camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 200, str("GAME OVER"), "Arial", 100, "black", True)) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 300, str("Score: " + str(int(p1_score))), "Arial", 50, "brown")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text( 400, 350, str("You lasted: " + str(time // ticks_per_second) + " seconds"), "Arial", 50, "black")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 400, str("Play again?"), "Arial", 50, "black")) camera.draw( gamebox.from_text(400, 440, str("(press the space bar)"), "Arial", 20, "black")) camera.display() pause = True # Freeze the Game Over menu if pygame.K_SPACE in keys and pause is True: platforms = [] yellow_coins = [] p1_health = 10 p1.y = 50 p1_score = 0 time = 0 game_start = False # Restart the game pause = False # Unfreeze the game
import random # Reading the high score infile = open("info.txt", "r") highest_score = int(infile.readline().strip()) infile.close() agreed = False camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) score = 0 ticks_per_second = 30 # game timer time = 400 auto_box = gamebox.from_color(780, 590, "white", 200, 20) auto_box.speedx = 10 controlled_box = gamebox.from_color(250, 250, "Blue", 50, 20) coins = [gamebox.from_color(random.randint(10, 750), 0, "yellow", 12, 12), gamebox.from_color(random.randint(10, 750), 0, "yellow", 12, 12)] fire = [] def tick(keys): global time, score, minutes # clear display camera.clear("black") # AUTOMATED BOX
import pygame import gamebox import random # camera camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) # player ship player_animations = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("PlayerSprite.png", 1, 6) player = gamebox.from_image(400, 550, player_animations[0]) # player = gamebox.from_color(400, 550, "red", 30, 30) # default bullets bullet1 = gamebox.from_color(-5, 520, "yellow", 5, 5) bullet2 = gamebox.from_color(-5, 520, "yellow", 5, 5) bullet3 = gamebox.from_color(-5, 520, "yellow", 5, 5) bullets = [bullet1, bullet2, bullet3] # enemies and their weapons enemies = [] en_bullet1 = gamebox.from_color(-5, 520, "red", 5, 5) en_bullet2 = gamebox.from_color(-5, 520, "red", 5, 5) en_bullet3 = gamebox.from_color(-5, 520, "red", 5, 5) en_bullets = [en_bullet1, en_bullet2, en_bullet3] enemy_animations = gamebox.load_sprite_sheet("EnemySprite.png", 1, 6) def create_enemy(): # enemy = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(0, 800), random.randint(0,2) * 75 + 50, "yellow", 50, 50) enemy = gamebox.from_image(random.randint(0, 800), random.randint(0, 2) * 75 + 50, enemy_animations[0])
def tick(keys): global time, score, minutes # clear display camera.clear("black") # AUTOMATED BOX if auto_box.speedx > 0 and auto_box.x > 800: auto_box.speedx = -10 elif auto_box.speedx < 0 and auto_box.x < 0: auto_box.speedx = 10 auto_box.move_speed() camera.draw(auto_box) # Controlled Box if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: controlled_box.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: controlled_box.x -= 5 if pygame.K_UP in keys: controlled_box.y -= 5 if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: controlled_box.y += 5 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: new_shot = gamebox.from_color(controlled_box.x, controlled_box.y, 'white', 5, 5) # if len(fire) < 3: fire.append(new_shot) camera.draw(controlled_box) # increase timer time -= 1 if time <= 0: game_over = gamebox.from_text(350, 350, "GAME OVER", "Arial", 40, "Red") camera.draw(game_over) write_score(score, highest_score) gamebox.pause() if score < 0: you_lose = gamebox.from_text(350, 350, "You Lose", "Arial", 40, "Red") camera.draw(you_lose) write_score(score, highest_score) gamebox.pause() # calculate minutes,seconds,fractions of seconds frac = str(int((time%ticks_per_second)/ticks_per_second*10)) seconds = str(int((time/ticks_per_second)%60)).zfill(2) minutes = str(int((time/ticks_per_second)/60)) # write timer to screen timer = gamebox.from_text(700, 50, minutes+":"+seconds+"."+frac,"Arial",40,"red") # TEXT OBJECT camera.draw(timer) # Write Score to screen scr = gamebox.from_text(150, 50, "Score: " + str(score), "Arial", 60, "blue") camera.draw(scr) # Fired shots for shot in fire: shot.y -= 10 camera.draw(shot) # Define the coins for coin in coins: for shot in fire: if shot.touches(coin): score += 1 fire.remove(shot) if coin in coins: coins.remove(coin) coin.speedy += 0.03 if auto_box.touches(coin): score += 10 coins.remove(coin) if controlled_box.touches(coin): score += 1 coins.remove(coin) if coin.y >= 610: score -= 1 coins.remove(coin) coin.move_speed() camera.draw(coin) if len(coins) < 4: new_coin = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(10, 750), 0, "yellow", 12, 12) coins.append(new_coin) camera.display()
import pygame import gamebox camera = gamebox.Camera(800,600) player = gamebox.from_color(50, 100, "red", 20, 40) obstacle = gamebox.from_color(400, 300, "yellow", 600, 20) def tick(keys): camera.clear('black') # move the player if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: player.x += 5 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: player.x -= 5 if pygame.K_UP in keys: player.y -= 5 if pygame.K_DOWN in keys: player.y += 5 if player.touches(obstacle): obstacle.color = 'blue' player.move_to_stop_overlapping(obstacle) # draw everything camera.draw(player) camera.draw(obstacle) # usually camera.display() should be the last line of the tick method camera.display()
multiplier = 1 camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) character = gamebox.from_image( 100, 200, '' ) character.yspeed = 0 character.scale_by(.05) b1 = gamebox.from_image( 400, 300, '' ) walls = [ gamebox.from_color(50, 250, "black", 200, 10), gamebox.from_color(400, 150, "black", 200, 10), gamebox.from_color(600, 25, "black", 200, 10), ] coins = [ gamebox.from_color(75, 400, "yellow", 10, 10), gamebox.from_color(160, 200, "yellow", 10, 10), gamebox.from_color(280, 250, "yellow", 10, 10) ] enemy = [] counter = 0 lives = 3 character_score = 0 game_over = False
time = 0 jump_check = 0 seconds = 0 minutes = 0 jf_stage = 1 spat_stage = 1 secretformula_check = 0 spat_check = 0 stick_check = 0 health = 3 bear_stage = 1 move_check = 0 platforms = [gamebox.from_image(5385, y/2 - y/6, "platform_kelp.png"), gamebox.from_image(5180, y/2 - y/6, "platform_kelp.png")] character = gamebox.from_image(origin_x, origin_y, 'spongebob_run.png') ground = gamebox.from_color(0, y, "Peach Puff", 100000, 70) house = gamebox.from_image(5320, y - 240, "house.png") wall = [gamebox.from_color(0, y, "White", 520, 1000), gamebox.from_color(10000, y, "White", 950, 1000)] bear_list = [gamebox.from_image(6900, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(8500, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(4500, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(5000, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(4000, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(3500, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(2500, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(3000, y - y/10, "seabear_1.png")] jump_list = [ground] jf_list = [gamebox.from_image(5550, y/2 + 20, "jellyfish_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(5575, y/2 + 20, "jellyfish_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(2850, y/2 + 20, "jellyfish_1.png"), gamebox.from_image(2875, y/2 + 20, "jellyfish_1.png")] kelp_list = [] for xy in range(4): kelp_list.append(gamebox.from_image(2550 + xy*30, y - y/15, "ground_kelp.png")) kelp_list.append(gamebox.from_image(2050 + xy*30, y - y/15, "ground_kelp.png")) for x in range(3):
def tick(keys): global start_game global game_over global fail_over b3 = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Welcome to Yeti Jump! Get 10 points to win!", "Arial", 40, 'red', italic=True) b4 = gamebox.from_text(400, 400, "Press s to start!", "Arial", 40, 'red', italic=True) camera.draw(b3) camera.draw(b4) if pygame.K_s in keys: start_game = True if start_game is True: if fail_over is False: if game_over is False: global counter global lives global character_score if pygame.K_RIGHT in keys: character.x += 10 if pygame.K_LEFT in keys: character.x -= 10 character.yspeed += 1 character.y = character.y + character.yspeed camera.clear("cyan") camera.draw(b1) camera.draw("Lives: " + str(lives), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 100) camera.draw(character) if character.y > 600 or 800 >= character.x <= 0: lives -= 1 charater_score = 0 character.x = walls[-1].x character.y = walls[-1].y camera.draw(character) camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) camera.y -= 3 b1.y = camera.y global counter counter += 1 if counter % 50 == 0: new_wall = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100, 700), camera.y - 300, "black", random.randint(100, 250), 10) walls.append(new_wall) if character.y >= new_wall.y + 600 or character.x < 0 or character.x > 800: lives -= 1 character.x = walls[-1].x character.y = walls[-1].y camera.draw(character) if counter % 40 == 0: coins.append( gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100, 550), (character.y - 200), "yellow", 10, 10)) for coin in coins: camera.draw(coin) if character.touches(coin): coins.remove(coin) coin_sound = gamebox.load_sound( '' ) musicplayer0 = character_score += 1 camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) if counter % 45 == 0: enemy.append( gamebox.from_color(random.randint(100, 550), (character.y - 200), "red", 5, 5)) multiplier = 1 for thing in enemy: thing.x += 10 * multiplier if thing.x > 500 or thing.x < 300: multiplier = multiplier * -1 camera.draw(thing) if character.touches(thing): enemy.remove(thing) character_score -= 5 lives -= 1 camera.draw("Character Score: " + str(character_score), "Arial", 24, "red", 100, 30) for wall in walls: if character.bottom_touches(wall): character.yspeed = 0 if pygame.K_SPACE in keys: character.yspeed = -20 if character.touches(wall): character.move_to_stop_overlapping(wall) camera.draw(wall) if lives == 0: fail_over = True if character_score is 10: game_over = True else: camera.clear("white") camera.draw("You Win! Snooooow good", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 300) camera.draw("Press q to quit", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 500) if pygame.K_q in keys: gamebox.stop_loop() else: camera.clear('white') camera.draw("Sorry you lost!", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 250) camera.draw("Press q to quit", "Arial", 30, "red", 400, 450) if pygame.K_q in keys: gamebox.stop_loop() camera.display()
# Michael Crawford (mdc8wa) import pygame import gamebox import random #camera camera = gamebox.Camera(800, 600) # player character character = gamebox.from_color(400, 500, "red", 30, 60) character.yspeed = 0 # health boxes health1 = gamebox.from_color(50, 50, "red", 20, 20) health2 = gamebox.from_color(100, 50, "red", 20, 20) health3 = gamebox.from_color(150, 50, "red", 20, 20) health = [True, True, True] def lose_health(): for i in range(len(health)): if health[i] == True: health[i] = False break # game starting screen game_start_background = gamebox.from_color(400, 300, "black", 800, 600) game_start_text = gamebox.from_text(400, 300, "Press Space to play!", "Comic Sans MS", 30, "yellow") game_start_condition = True def change_game_start(): return False
def create_enemy(): enemy = gamebox.from_color(random.randint(0, 800), 50, "yellow", 50, 50) return enemy