コード例 #1
	def trade_confirm(cls, sender_trade_box, receiver_trade_box):
		''' Produces summary of trade from both traders, based on
		contents of their trade boxes. Prompts final confirmation.'''

		# Sender
		print ("_" * 20) + " SUMMARY " + (20 * "_")
		print "'%s' is trading: " % (sender_trade_box['name'])
		print "Properties:"
		for prop in sender_trade_box['properties']:
			print "- ", ansi_tile(prop.name)
		print "Money: $%s \n" % sender_trade_box['money']

		# Receiver
		print "... For '%s's': " % (receiver_trade_box['name'])
		print "Properties:"
		for prop in receiver_trade_box['properties']:
			print "- ", ansi_tile(prop.name)
		print "Money: $%s \n" % receiver_trade_box['money']

		s_confirm = raw_input("%s, is this okay? (y/n)" % sender_trade_box['name']).lower()
		r_confirm = raw_input("%s, is this okay? (y/n)" % receiver_trade_box['name']).lower()
		return s_confirm, r_confirm
コード例 #2
	def trade_accept(cls, s_trade_box, r):
		''' 'Presents' offer to the recipient, and gives them
		the choice of whether or not they want to proceed. '''

		print "'%s' would like to trade: " % s_trade_box['name']
		if s_trade_box['properties']:
			print "Properties:"
			for prop in s_trade_box['properties']:
				print "- ", ansi_tile(prop.name)
		if s_trade_box['money']:
			print "Money: $%s \n" % s_trade_box['money']

		offer_reaction = raw_input("Do you want to respond to their offer? (y/n) > ").lower()
		if offer_reaction == 'y':
			print "Trade has been accepted by %r." % r.name
			return True
			return False
コード例 #3
	def trade_box(cls, player):
		''' Takes player through a series of menus, prompting player
		to load up their trade box with desired offer (property, money). '''

		player_trade_box = {'name': player.name, 'money': 0, 'properties': []}

		ongoing = True

		while ongoing:
			print "What would you like to trade? >"
			choice = raw_input(" (0: Properties 1: Money 2: Passes 3: Confirm 4: Start Over 5: Cancel) > ")

			# trading properties
			if choice == '0':
				player_menu = {}
				# loading up items to trade
				for i, prop in enumerate(player.properties.values()):
					print "\t %s : %s" % (i, ansi_tile(prop.name))
					player_menu[str(i)] = prop
				print "\t %s : Back" % len(player.properties)
				player_menu[len(player.properties)] = "Back"
				menu_choice = raw_input(">> ")

				if menu_choice == str(len(player.properties)):
					print "\t Back to trade menu ..."
				item = player_menu[menu_choice]
				if item in player_trade_box['properties']:
					print "Removing %s from trade box." % item.name

				print "Adding '%s' to trade box ..." % item.name

			# trading money
			elif choice == '1':
				money_offer = False
				while not money_offer:
					money = raw_input("How much money would you like to trade? > ")
					if not money.isdigit():
						print '\t Not valid amount.'
					money = int(money)
					if (player.money - money) < 0:
						print "\t Not enough money."
						player_trade_box['money'] += int(money)
						print "Loaded $%s to trade box ..." % money
						money_offer = True

			# offer confirmation
			elif choice == '3':
				print "You're about to trade: "
				print "\t Money: "
				print "\t - $%s" % player_trade_box['money']
				print "\t Properties: "
				for prop in player_trade_box['properties']:
					print "\t -", ansi_tile(prop.name)
				offer = raw_input("Can you confirm this offer? (y/n) > ").lower()
				if offer == 'y':
					ongoing = False
				elif offer == 'n':
					ongoing = False

			# Start over
			elif choice == '4':
				print "Clearing trade box ..."
				player_trade_box['properties'] = []
				player_trade_box['money'] = 0

			# Cancel Trade
			elif choice == '5':
				print "Cancelling Trade ..."
				ongoing = False
				return None

		return player_trade_box