コード例 #1
    def test_iconnect(self):
        Test basic glue functionality using CommentItem and CommentLine
        element_factory = Application.get_service('element_factory')
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)

        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem,
        #assert comment.height == 50
        #assert comment.width == 100

        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem,
        actor.matrix.translate(200, 200)

        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, 'View should be available here'

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # select handle:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool._grabbed_item = line
        tool._grabbed_handle = handle

        # Should glue to (238, 248)
        handle.pos = 245, 248
        item = tool.glue(line, handle, (245, 248))
        self.assertTrue(item is not None)
        self.assertEquals((238, 248),
                              handle.x, handle.y))

        handle.pos = 245, 248
        tool.connect(line, handle, (245, 248))
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.constraint is not None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor, cinfo.connected)
            (238, 248),
            view.get_matrix_i2v(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y))

        Connector(line, handle).disconnect()
        #tool.disconnect(line, handle)

        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)

        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_handletool.py プロジェクト: Nyox/gaphor
    def test_iconnect(self):
        Test basic glue functionality using CommentItem and CommentLine
        element_factory = Application.get_service('element_factory')
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)

        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Comment))
        #assert comment.height == 50
        #assert comment.width == 100

        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Actor))
        actor.matrix.translate(200, 200)

        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, 'View should be available here'

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # select handle:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool._grabbed_item = line
        tool._grabbed_handle = handle

        # Should glue to (238, 248)
        handle.pos = 245, 248
        item = tool.glue(line, handle, (245, 248))
        self.assertTrue(item is not None)
        self.assertEquals((238, 248), view.canvas.get_matrix_i2c(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y))

        handle.pos = 245, 248
        tool.connect(line, handle, (245, 248))
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.constraint is not None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor, cinfo.connected)
        self.assertEquals((238, 248), view.get_matrix_i2v(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y))

        Connector(line, handle).disconnect()
        #tool.disconnect(line, handle)
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)

        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)
コード例 #3
    def test_iconnect(self):
        Test basic glue functionality using CommentItem and CommentLine
        element_factory = Application.get_service("element_factory")
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem,

        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem,
        actor.matrix.translate(200, 200)

        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, "View should be available here"
        comment_bb = view.get_item_bounding_box(comment)

        # select handle:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view=view)

        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)
        handle.pos = (comment_bb.x, comment_bb.y)
        item = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        assert item is not None

        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        assert cinfo.constraint is not None
        assert cinfo.connected is actor, cinfo.connected

        Connector(line, handle).disconnect()

        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)

        assert cinfo is None
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_handletool.py プロジェクト: amolenaar/gaphor
    def test_iconnect(self):
        Test basic glue functionality using CommentItem and CommentLine
        element_factory = Application.get_service("element_factory")
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(
            CommentItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Comment)

        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Actor))
        actor.matrix.translate(200, 200)

        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, "View should be available here"
        comment_bb = view.get_item_bounding_box(comment)

        # select handle:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view=view)

        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)
        handle.pos = (comment_bb.x, comment_bb.y)
        item = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        self.assertTrue(item is not None)

        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.constraint is not None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor, cinfo.connected)

        Connector(line, handle).disconnect()

        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)

        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)
コード例 #5
    def test_connect_comment_and_actor(self):
        """Test connect/disconnect on comment and actor using comment-line.
        element_factory = Application.get_service("element_factory")
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem,

        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, "View should be available here"

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # Connect one end to the Comment:
        handle = line.handles()[0]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        handle.pos = (0, 0)
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        assert sink is not None
        assert sink.item is comment

        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        assert cinfo is not None, None
        assert cinfo.item is line
        assert cinfo.connected is comment

        # Connect the other end to the Actor:
        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem,

        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        handle.pos = (0, 0)
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        assert sink, f"No sink at {handle.pos}"
        assert sink.item is actor
        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        assert cinfo.item is line
        assert cinfo.connected is actor

        # Try to connect far away from any item will only do a full disconnect
        self.assertEqual(len(comment.subject.annotatedElement), 1,
        assert actor.subject in comment.subject.annotatedElement

        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (500, 500))
        assert sink is None, sink
        tool.connect(line, handle, (500, 500))

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        assert cinfo is None
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_handletool.py プロジェクト: amolenaar/gaphor
    def test_iconnect_2(self):
        """Test connect/disconnect on comment and actor using comment-line.
        element_factory = Application.get_service("element_factory")
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(
            CommentItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Comment)
        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Actor))
        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, "View should be available here"

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # Connect one end to the Comment:
        handle = line.handles()[0]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        comment_bb = view.get_item_bounding_box(comment)
        handle.pos = (comment_bb.x1, comment_bb.y1)
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        assert sink is not None
        assert sink.item is comment

        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is not None, None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is comment)

        # Connect the other end to the Actor:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)
        actor_bb = view.get_item_bounding_box(actor)

        handle.pos = actor_bb.x1, actor_bb.y1
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        self.assertTrue(sink.item is actor)
        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor)

        # Try to connect far away from any item will only do a full disconnect
            len(comment.subject.annotatedElement), 1, comment.subject.annotatedElement
        self.assertTrue(actor.subject in comment.subject.annotatedElement)

        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (500, 500))
        self.assertTrue(sink is None, sink)
        tool.connect(line, handle, (500, 500))

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_handletool.py プロジェクト: weizx208/gaphor
    def test_iconnect_2(self):
        """Test connect/disconnect on comment and actor using comment-line.
        element_factory = Application.get_service("element_factory")
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem,
        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem,
        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)
        assert view, "View should be available here"

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # Connect one end to the Comment:
        handle = line.handles()[0]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        comment_bb = view.get_item_bounding_box(comment)
        handle.pos = (comment_bb.x1, comment_bb.y1)
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        assert sink is not None
        assert sink.item is comment

        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is not None, None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is comment)

        # Connect the other end to the Actor:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)
        actor_bb = view.get_item_bounding_box(actor)

        handle.pos = actor_bb.x1, actor_bb.y1
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, handle.pos)
        self.assertTrue(sink.item is actor)
        tool.connect(line, handle, handle.pos)

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor)

        # Try to connect far away from any item will only do a full disconnect
        self.assertEqual(len(comment.subject.annotatedElement), 1,
        self.assertTrue(actor.subject in comment.subject.annotatedElement)

        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (500, 500))
        self.assertTrue(sink is None, sink)
        tool.connect(line, handle, (500, 500))

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)
コード例 #8
    def test_iconnect_2(self):
        """Test connect/disconnect on comment and actor using comment-line.
        element_factory = Application.get_service('element_factory')
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem,
        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem,
        actor.matrix.translate(200, 200)
        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)

        assert view, 'View should be available here'

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # select handle:
        handle = line.handles()[0]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        # Connect one end to the Comment
        #handle.pos = view.get_matrix_v2i(line).transform_point(45, 48)
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (0, 0))
        assert sink is not None
        assert sink.item is comment

        tool.connect(line, handle, (0, 0))
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is not None, None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is comment)

        pos = view.get_matrix_i2v(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(0, pos[0], 0.00001)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(0, pos[1], 0.00001)

        # Connect the other end to the actor:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        handle.pos = 140, 150
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (200, 200))
        self.assertTrue(sink.item is actor)
        tool.connect(line, handle, (200, 200))

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor)

            (200, 200),
            view.get_matrix_i2v(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y))

        # Try to connect far away from any item will only do a full disconnect
        self.assertEquals(len(comment.subject.annotatedElement), 1,
        self.assertTrue(actor.subject in comment.subject.annotatedElement)

        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (500, 500))
        self.assertTrue(sink is None, sink)
        tool.connect(line, handle, (500, 500))

        self.assertEquals((200, 200),
                              handle.x, handle.y))
        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_handletool.py プロジェクト: Nyox/gaphor
    def test_iconnect_2(self):
        """Test connect/disconnect on comment and actor using comment-line.
        element_factory = Application.get_service('element_factory')
        diagram = element_factory.create(UML.Diagram)
        comment = diagram.create(CommentItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Comment))
        actor = diagram.create(ActorItem, subject=element_factory.create(UML.Actor))
        actor.matrix.translate(200, 200)
        line = diagram.create(CommentLineItem)

        view = self.get_diagram_view(diagram)

        assert view, 'View should be available here'

        tool = ConnectHandleTool(view)

        # select handle:
        handle = line.handles()[0]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        # Connect one end to the Comment
        #handle.pos = view.get_matrix_v2i(line).transform_point(45, 48)
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (0, 0))
        assert sink is not None
        assert sink.item is comment

        tool.connect(line, handle, (0, 0))
        cinfo = diagram.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is not None, None)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is comment)

        pos = view.get_matrix_i2v(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(0, pos[0], 0.00001)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(0, pos[1], 0.00001)

        # Connect the other end to the actor:
        handle = line.handles()[-1]
        tool.grab_handle(line, handle)

        handle.pos = 140, 150
        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (200, 200))
        self.assertTrue(sink.item is actor)
        tool.connect(line, handle, (200, 200))

        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.item is line)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo.connected is actor)

        self.assertEquals((200, 200), view.get_matrix_i2v(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y))
        # Try to connect far away from any item will only do a full disconnect
        self.assertEquals(len(comment.subject.annotatedElement), 1, comment.subject.annotatedElement)
        self.assertTrue(actor.subject in comment.subject.annotatedElement)

        sink = tool.glue(line, handle, (500, 500))
        self.assertTrue(sink is None, sink)
        tool.connect(line, handle, (500, 500))

        self.assertEquals((200, 200), view.canvas.get_matrix_i2c(line).transform_point(handle.x, handle.y))
        cinfo = view.canvas.get_connection(handle)
        self.assertTrue(cinfo is None)