コード例 #1
ファイル: to.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def txts_to_db(folder, db, delimiter, __encoding='utf-8', apidb='psql',
    Executes tbl_to_db for every file in a given folder
    The file name will be the table name
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop
    from gasp.sql.i   import db_exists
    if not db_exists(db):
        # Create database
        from gasp.sql.db import create_db
        create_db(db, api=apidb, overwrite=None)
        if rewrite:
            from gasp.sql.db import create_db
            create_db(db, api=db, overwrite=True)
    __files = lst_ff(folder, file_format=['.txt', '.csv', '.tsv'])
    Send data to DB using Pandas
    for __file in __files:
            __file, db, fprop(__file, 'fn'),
            delimiter=delimiter, encoding_=__encoding, api_db=apidb
コード例 #2
def foldershp_to_foldershp(inFld, outFld, destiny_file_format,
                           file_format='.shp', useApi='ogr'):
    Execute shp_to_shp for every file in inFld (path to folder)
    useApi options:
    * ogr;
    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop
    if not os.path.exists(outFld):
        from gasp.pyt.oss import mkdir
    geo_files = lst_ff(inFld, file_format=file_format)
    for f in geo_files:
        shp_to_shp(f, os.path.join(outFld, '{}.{}'.format(
            fprop(f, 'fn'), destiny_file_format if \
                destiny_file_format[0] == '.' else '.' + destiny_file_format
        )), gisApi=useApi)
    return outFld
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def psql_cmd(db_name, sqlfile, dbcon=None):
    Run a sql file do whatever is on that script

    import os
    from gasp import exec_cmd
    from gasp.cons.psql import con_psql

    cdb = con_psql(db_set=dbcon)

    if os.path.isdir(sqlfile):
        from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

        sqls = lst_ff(sqlfile, file_format='.sql')
        sqls = [sqlfile]

    cmd = 'psql -h {} -U {} -p {} -w {} < {}'

    for s in sqls:
        outcmd = exec_cmd(
            cmd.format(cdb['HOST'], cdb['USER'], cdb['PORT'], db_name, s))

    return db_name
コード例 #4
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def del_files_by_name(folder, names):
    Del files with some name

    lst_files = lst_ff(folder, filename=names)

    for f in lst_files:
コード例 #5
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def del_files_by_partname(folder, partname):
    If one file in 'folder' has 'partname' in his name, it will be

    files = lst_ff(folder)

    for _file in files:
        if partname in os.path.basename(_file):
コード例 #6
def fields_to_tbls(inFolder, fields, tbl_format='.shp'):
    Add fields to several tables in a folder

    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

    tables = lst_ff(inFolder, file_format=tbl_format)

    for table in tables:
        add_fields(table, fields, api='ogr')
コード例 #7
ファイル: joins.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def field_sum_by_table_folder(folderOne, joinFieldOne, folderTwo, joinFieldTwo,
                              sum_field, outFolder):

    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop

    tablesOne = lst_ff(folderOne, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx'])
    tablesTwo = lst_ff(folderTwo, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx'])

    for table in tablesOne:
        table_name = fprop(table, 'fn')

        for __table in tablesTwo:
            __table_name = fprop(__table, 'fn')

            if table_name == __table_name:
                    table, __table, joinFieldOne, joinFieldTwo, sum_field,
                    os.path.join(outFolder, os.path.basename(table)))

コード例 #8
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def rename_files_with_same_name(folder, oldName, newName):
    Rename files in one folder with the same name

    _Files = lst_ff(folder, filename=oldName)

    Renamed = []
    for f in _Files:
        newFile = os.path.join(folder, newName + fprop(f, 'ff'))
        os.rename(f, newFile)


    return Renamed
コード例 #9
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def onFolder_rename2(folder, newBegin, stripStr, fileFormats=None):
    Erase some characters of file name and add something to the
    begining of the file

    files = lst_ff(folder, file_format=fileFormats)

    for _file in files:
        name = fprop(_file, 'fn', forceLower=True)

        new_name = name.replace(stripStr, '')
        new_name = "{}{}{}".format(newBegin, new_name, fprop(_file, 'ff'))

        os.rename(_file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(_file), new_name))
コード例 #10
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def list_folders_subfiles(path, files_format=None, only_filename=None):
    List folders in path and the files inside each folder

    folders_in_path = lst_fld(path)

    out = {}
    for folder in folders_in_path:
        out[folder] = lst_ff(folder, file_format=files_format)

        if only_filename:
            for i in range(len(out[folder])):
                out[folder][i] = os.path.basename(out[folder][i])

    return out
コード例 #11
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def sheets_into_file(xlsFolder, outXls, intSheets):
    For each xls file in one folder, pick one interest sheet
    and save all sheets in a single file

    from gasp.pyt import obj_to_lst
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop
    from gasp.pyt.xls.sheet import copy_sheet_to_file

    xls_s = lst_ff(xlsFolder, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx'])

    for xlsPath in xls_s:
        copy_sheet_to_file(xlsPath, outXls, intSheets,
                           {intSheets: fprop(xlsPath, 'fn', forceLower=True)})

    return outXls
コード例 #12
ファイル: torst.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def rsts_to_gpkg(in_rsts, gpkg, rst_ff='.tif', basename=None):
    Raster Files to GeoPackage

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from gasp import exec_cmd
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
    from gasp.gt.prop.rst import rst_dtype

    if type(in_rsts) == list:
        rsts = in_rsts

    elif os.path.isdir(in_rsts):
        from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

        rsts = lst_ff(in_rsts, file_format='.tif' if not rst_ff else rst_ff)

        rsts = [in_rsts]

    new_cmd = "gdal_translate -of GPKG {} {} -CO RASTER_TABLE={}{}"
    upd_cmd = ("gdal_translate -of GPKG {} {} -co APPEND_SUBDATASET=YES -CO "

    for r in range(len(rsts)):
        rst_type = rst_dtype(rsts[r])

        tname = fprop(rsts[r], 'fn') if not basename else \
            "{}_{}".format(basename, fprop(rsts[r], 'fn').split('_')[-1])

        if not r and not os.path.exists(gpkg):
            rcmd = exec_cmd(
                    rsts[r], gpkg, tname,
                    " -ot Float32" if rst_type == np.float64 else ""))
            rcmd = exec_cmd(
                    rsts[r], gpkg, tname,
                    " -ot Float32" if rst_type == np.float64 else ""))

    return gpkg
コード例 #13
def buffer_shpFolder(inFolder,
    Create buffer polygons for all shp in one folder

    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

    lst_fc = lst_ff(inFolder, file_format=fc_format)

    for fc in lst_fc:
                os.path.join(outFolder, os.path.basename(fc)),
コード例 #14
ファイル: to.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def txts_to_db(folder, delimiter='\t', _encoding_='utf-8', proj_path=None):
    List all txt files in a folder and import their data to the 
    database using django API.
    The txt files name must be equal to the name of the
    correspondent table.
    Proj_path is not necessary if you are running this method in Django shell

    import os, sys
    from gasp import __import
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
    from gasp.web.djg.mdl.rel import order_mdl_by_rel

    # Open Django Project
    if proj_path:
        from gasp.web.djg import open_Django_Proj
        application = open_Django_Proj(proj_path)

    # List txt files
    if not os.path.exists(folder) and not os.path.isdir(folder):
        raise ValueError('Path given is not valid!')

    # Get importing order
    txt_tables = [
        for x in lst_ff(folder, file_format='.txt')

    orderned_table = order_mdl_by_rel(txt_tables)

    for table in orderned_table:
        if table in txt_tables:
            print('Importing {}'.format(table))
            txt_to_db(os.path.join(folder, table + '.txt'),
            print('{} is in the database'.format(table))
                'Skipping {} - there is no file for this table'.format(table))
コード例 #15
ファイル: torst.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def folder_nc_to_tif(inFolder, outFolder):
    Convert all nc existing on a folder to GTiff

    import netCDF4
    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
    from gasp.gt.torst import bands_to_rst

    # List nc files
    lst_nc = lst_ff(inFolder, file_format='.nc')

    # nc to tiff
    for nc in lst_nc:
        # Check the number of images in nc file
        datasets = []
        _nc = netCDF4.Dataset(nc, 'r')
        for v in _nc.variables:
            if v == 'lat' or v == 'lon':
            lshape = len(_nc.variables[v].shape)
            if lshape >= 2:
        # if the nc has any raster
        if len(datasets) == 0:
        # if the nc has only one raster
        elif len(datasets) == 1:
            output = os.path.join(
                os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(nc)[0]) + '.tif')
            rst_to_rst(nc, output)
            bands_to_rst(output, outFolder)
        # if the nc has more than one raster
            for dts in datasets:
                output = os.path.join(
                    outFolder, '{orf}_{v}.tif'.format(orf=os.path.basename(
                rst_to_rst('NETCDF:"{n}":{v}'.format(n=nc, v=dts), output)
                bands_to_rst(output, outFolder)
コード例 #16
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def merge_xls_in_folder(tbl_folder, out_table):
    Get all excel tables in a folder and make one table of them

    import pandas
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
    from gasp.fm import tbl_to_obj
    from gasp.to import obj_to_tbl

    tables = lst_ff(tbl_folder, file_format=['.xls', '.xlsx'])

    dfs = [tbl_to_obj(table) for table in tables]

    result = pandas.concat(dfs)

    out_table = obj_to_tbl(result, out_table)

    return out_table
コード例 #17
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def identify_groups(folder, splitStr, groupPos, outFolder):
    Identifica o grupo a que um ficheiro pertence e envia-o para uma nova
    pasta com os ficheiros que pertencem a esse grupo.
    Como e que o grupo e identificado?
    * O nome do ficheiro e partido em dois em funcao de splitStr;
    * O groupPos identifica qual e a parte (primeira ou segunda) que 
    corresponde ao grupo.

    files = lst_ff(folder)

    # List groups and relate files with groups:
    groups = {}
    for _file in files:
        # Split filename
        filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_file))[0]
        fileForm = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_file))[1]
        group = filename.split(splitStr)[groupPos]
        namePos = 1 if not groupPos else 0

        if group not in groups:
            groups[group] = [[filename.split(splitStr)[namePos], fileForm]]
            groups[group].append([filename.split(splitStr)[namePos], fileForm])

    # Create one folder for each group and put there the files related
    # with that group.
    for group in groups:
        group_folder = mkdir(os.path.join(outFolder, group))

        for filename in groups[group]:
                    folder, '{a}{b}{c}{d}'.format(a=filename[0],
                os.path.join(group_folder, '{a}{b}'.format(a=filename[0],
コード例 #18
def filename_to_col(tables, new_field, table_format='.dbf'):
    Update a table with the filename in a new field

    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
    from gasp.gt.tbl.fld import add_fields

    if os.path.isdir(tables):
        __tables = lst_ff(tables, file_format=table_format)

        __tables = [tables]

    for table in __tables:
        add_fields(table, {new_field: 'varchar(50)'})

        name_tbl = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(table))[0]
        name_tbl = name_tbl.lower() if name_tbl.isupper() else name_tbl
        update_cols(table, {new_field: name_tbl})
コード例 #19
ファイル: stores.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def shp_to_store(shape, store_name, workspace):
    Create a new datastore

    import os
    import requests
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop
    from gasp.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv

    conf = con_gsrv()

    url = ('{pro}://{host}:{port}/geoserver/rest/workspaces/{work}/datastores/'

    shpp = fprop(shape, ['fn', 'ff'])
    fn, ff = shpp['filename'], shpp['fileformat']

    if ff != '.zip':
        from gasp.pyt.ff.zzip import zip_files

        shp_fld = os.path.dirname(shape)

        shapefiles = lst_ff(shp_fld, filename=fn)

        shape = os.path.join(shp_fld, fn + '.zip')
        zip_files(shapefiles, shape)

    with open(shape, 'rb') as f:
        r = requests.put(url,
                         headers={'content-type': 'application/zip'},
                         auth=(conf['USER'], conf['PASSWORD']))

        return r
コード例 #20
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def rst_rotation(inFolder, template, outFolder, img_format='.tif'):
    Invert raster data

    import os
    from osgeo import gdal
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
    from gasp.gt.fmrst import rst_to_array
    from gasp.gt.prop.rst import get_nodata
    from gasp.gt.torst import obj_to_rst

    rasters = lst_ff(inFolder, file_format=img_format)

    for rst in rasters:
        a = rst_to_array(rst)
        nd = get_nodata(rst)

                   os.path.join(outFolder, os.path.basename(rst)),
コード例 #21
def shps_to_gpkg(in_shps, gpkg, shp_ff='.shp', tbl_name=None):
    Add Shapefile to GeoPackage File

    import os
    from gasp         import exec_cmd
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop

    if type(in_shps) == list:
        shps = in_shps
    elif os.path.isdir(in_shps):
        from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

        # List Feature Classes
        shps = lst_ff(in_shps, file_format='.shp' if not shp_ff else shp_ff)
        # Assuming in_shps as a file
        shps = [in_shps]
    new_cmd = "ogr2ogr -f \"GPKG\" {} -nln \"{}\" {}"
    upd_cmd = "ogr2ogr -update -append -f \"GPKG\" {} -nln \"{}\" {}"

    for s in range(len(shps)):
        if tbl_name and not s:
            tname = tbl_name
            tname = fprop(shps[s], 'fn')
        if not s and not os.path.exists(gpkg):
            rcmd = exec_cmd(new_cmd.format(gpkg, tname, shps[s]))
            rcmd = exec_cmd(upd_cmd.format(gpkg, tname, shps[s]))

    return gpkg
コード例 #22
ファイル: oss.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def onFolder_rename(fld,
    List all files in a folder; see if the filename includes what is defined
    in the object 'toBeReplaced' and replace this part with what is in the
    object 'replacement'

    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

    if not only_files and not only_folders:
        files = list_folders_files(fld)

    elif not only_files and only_folders:
        files = lst_fld(fld)

    elif only_files and not only_folders:
        files = lst_ff(fld)

    for __file in files:
        if os.path.isfile(__file):
            filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file))[0]
            filename = os.path.basename(__file)

        if toBeReplaced in filename:
            renamed = filename.replace(toBeReplaced, replacement)

            if os.path.isfile(__file):
                renamed = renamed + os.path.splitext(

            os.rename(__file, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file), renamed))
コード例 #23
def rsts_to_mosaic(inRasterS, o, api="grass", fformat='.tif'):
    Create Mosaic of Raster

    if api == 'pygrass':
        The GRASS program r.patch allows the user to build a new raster map the size
        and resolution of the current region by assigning known data values from
        input raster maps to the cells in this region. This is done by filling in
        "no data" cells, those that do not yet contain data, contain NULL data, or,
        optionally contain 0 data, with the data from the first input map.
        Once this is done the remaining holes are filled in by the next input map,
        and so on. This program is useful for making a composite raster map layer
        from two or more adjacent map layers, for filling in "holes" in a raster map
        layer's data (e.g., in digital elevation data), or for updating an older map
        layer with more recent data. The current geographic region definition and
        mask settings are respected.
        The first name listed in the string input=name,name,name, ... is the name of
        the first map whose data values will be used to fill in "no data" cells in
        the current region. The second through last input name maps will be used,
        in order, to supply data values for for the remaining "no data" cells.

        from grass.pygrass.modules import Module
        m = Module(
            "r.patch", input=inRasterS, output=o,
            overwrite=True, run_=False, quiet=True
    elif api == 'grass':
        from gasp import exec_cmd
        rcmd = exec_cmd("r.patch input={} output={} --overwrite --quiet".format(
            ",".join(inRasterS), o
    elif api == 'rasterio':
        import os;           import rasterio
        from rasterio.merge  import merge
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import drv_name

        if type(inRasterS) != list:
            from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

            rsts = lst_ff(inRasterS, file_format=fformat)
        else: rsts = inRasterS

        srcs = [rasterio.open(r) for r in rsts]

        mosaic, out_trans = merge(srcs)

        out_meta = srcs[0].meta.copy()

            "driver"    : drv_name(o),
            "height"    : mosaic.shape[1],
            "width"     : mosaic.shape[2],
            "transform" : out_trans,
            "compress"  : 'lzw'

        with rasterio.open(o, "w", **out_meta) as dest:
        raise ValueError('api {} is not available'.format(api))
    return o
コード例 #24
        # Create ZIP Table
        ("CREATE TABLE zip_vistoburn AS "
        "SELECT rowi, coli, array_agg(pntid) AS pntid "
        "FROM vistoburn GROUP BY rowi, coli"),
        # Delete vistoburn
        "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vistoburn"

    import os
    from gasp.sql import psql_cmd
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff, fprop
    from gasp.sql.q import exec_write_q
    from gasp.sql.fm import dump_db
    from gasp.sql.db import create_db, drop_db

    sqls = lst_ff(sql_fld)

    for sql in sqls:
        # Restore database
        new_db = create_db(fprop(sql, 'fn'))
        psql_cmd(new_db, sql)

        # Execute queries
        exec_write_q(new_db, QS)

        # Dump Database
        dump_db(new_db, os.path.join(outfld, os.path.basename(sql)), api='psql')
        # Drop Database
コード例 #25
def merge_dbs(destinationDb, dbs,
              tbls_to_merge=None, ignoreCols=None):
    Put several database into one
    For now works only with PostgreSQL
    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop, del_file
    from gasp.sql     import psql_cmd
    from gasp.sql.i   import db_exists, lst_tbl
    from gasp.sql.db  import create_db, drop_db
    from gasp.sql.tbl import rename_tbl, tbls_to_tbl
    from gasp.sql.fm  import dump_tbls
    from gasp.sql.to  import restore_tbls
    from gasp.sql.tbl import distinct_to_table, del_tables
    # Prepare database
    fdb = fprop(destinationDb, ['fn', 'ff'])
    if os.path.isfile(destinationDb):
        if fdb['fileformat'] == '.sql':
            newdb = create_db(fdb['filename'], 
                overwrite=True, api='psql')
            psql_cmd(newdb, destinationDb)
            destinationDb = newdb
            raise ValueError((
                'destinationDb is a file but is not correct. The file must be'
                ' a SQL Script'
        # Check if destination db exists
        if not db_exists(destinationDb):
            create_db(destinationDb, overwrite=None, api='psql')
    # Check if dbs is a list or a dir
    if type(dbs) == list:
        dbs = dbs
    elif os.path.isdir(dbs):
        # list SQL files
        from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
        dbs = lst_ff(dbs, file_format='.sql')
        raise ValueError(
            dbs value should be a list with paths 
            to sql files or a dir with sql files inside
    TABLES = {}
    for i in range(len(dbs)):
        # Create DB
        DB_NAME = fprop(dbs[i], 'fn')
        create_db(DB_NAME, overwrite=True, api='psql')
        # Restore DB
        psql_cmd(DB_NAME, dbs[i])
        # List Tables
        if not tbls_to_merge:
            tbls__ = lst_tbl(DB_NAME, excludeViews=True, api='psql')
            tbls   = [t for t in tbls__ if t not in ignoreCols]
            tbls   = tbls_to_merge
        # Rename Tables
        newTbls = rename_tbl(DB_NAME, {tbl : "{}_{}".format(
            tbl, str(i)) for tbl in tbls})
        for t in range(len(tbls)):
            if tbls[t] not in TABLES:
                TABLES[tbls[t]] = ["{}_{}".format(tbls[t], str(i))]
                TABLES[tbls[t]].append("{}_{}".format(tbls[t], str(i)))
        # Dump Tables
        SQL_DUMP = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(dbs[i]), 'tbl_{}.sql'.format(DB_NAME)
        ); dump_tbls(DB_NAME, newTbls, SQL_DUMP)
        # Restore Tables in the destination Database
        restore_tbls(destinationDb, SQL_DUMP, newTbls)
        # Delete Temp Database
        # Delete SQL File
    # Union of all tables
    max_len = max([len(TABLES[t]) for t in TABLES])
    for tbl in TABLES:
        # Rename original table
        NEW_TBL = "{}_{}".format(tbl, max_len)
        rename_tbl(destinationDb, {tbl : NEW_TBL})
        # Union
        tbls_to_tbl(destinationDb, TABLES[tbl], tbl + '_tmp')
        # Group By
        distinct_to_table(destinationDb, tbl + '_tmp', tbl, cols=None)
        # Drop unwanted tables
        del_tables(destinationDb, TABLES[tbl] + [tbl + '_tmp'])
    return destinationDb
コード例 #26
def optimized_union_anls(lyr_a,
    Optimized Union Analysis
    Goal: optimize v.overlay performance for Union operations

    import os
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop, lst_ff
    from gasp.pyt.oss import cpu_cores
    from gasp.gt.sample import create_fishnet
    from gasp.gt.wenv.grs import run_grass
    from gasp.gt.toshp import eachfeat_to_newshp
    from gasp.gt.toshp.mtos import shps_to_shp
    from gasp.gt.attr import split_shp_by_attr
    from gasp.gt.torst import shpext_to_rst
    from gasp.gt.prop.ext import get_ext

    if workspace:
        if not os.path.exists(workspace):
            from gasp.pyt.oss import mkdir

            mkdir(workspace, overwrite=True)

        from gasp.pyt.oss import mkdir

        workspace = mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outShp), "union_work"))

    # Create Fishnet
    ncpu = cpu_cores()
    if ncpu == 12:
        nrow = 4
        ncol = 3
    elif ncpu == 8:
        nrow = 4
        ncol = 2
        nrow = 2
        ncol = 2

    ext = get_ext(ref_boundary)
    width = (ext[1] - ext[0]) / ncol
    height = (ext[3] - ext[2]) / nrow

    gridShp = create_fishnet(ref_boundary,
                             os.path.join(workspace, 'ref_grid.shp'),

    # Split Fishnet in several files
    cellsShp = eachfeat_to_newshp(gridShp, workspace)

    if not multiProcess:
        # INIT GRASS GIS Session
        grsbase = run_grass(workspace, location="grs_loc", srs=ref_boundary)

        import grass.script.setup as gsetup

        gsetup.init(grsbase, workspace, "grs_loc", 'PERMANENT')

        # Add data to GRASS GIS
        from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import shp_to_grs

        cellsShp = [
            shp_to_grs(shp, fprop(shp, 'fn'), asCMD=True) for shp in cellsShp

        LYR_A = shp_to_grs(lyr_a, fprop(lyr_a, 'fn'), asCMD=True)
        LYR_B = shp_to_grs(lyr_b, fprop(lyr_b, 'fn'), asCMD=True)

        # Clip Layers A and B for each CELL in fishnet
        LYRS_A = [
            clip(LYR_A, cellsShp[x], LYR_A + "_" + str(x), api_gis="grass")
            for x in range(len(cellsShp))
        LYRS_B = [
            clip(LYR_B, cellsShp[x], LYR_B + "_" + str(x), api_gis="grass")
            for x in range(len(cellsShp))

        # Union SHPS
        UNION_SHP = [
            union(LYRS_A[i], LYRS_B[i], "un_{}".format(i), api_gis="grass")
            for i in range(len(cellsShp))

        # Export Data
        from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import grs_to_shp

        _UNION_SHP = [
            grs_to_shp(shp, os.path.join(workspace, shp + ".shp"), "area")
            for shp in UNION_SHP


        def clip_and_union(la, lb, cell, work, proc, output):
            ref_rst = shpext_to_rst(cell,
                                                 fprop(cell, 'fn') + '.tif'),

            # Start GRASS GIS Session
            loc = "proc_" + str(proc)
            grsbase = run_grass(work, location=loc, srs=ref_rst)
            import grass.script.setup as gsetup
            gsetup.init(grsbase, work, loc, 'PERMANENT')

            # Import GRASS GIS modules
            from gasp.gt.toshp.cff import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp
            from gasp.gt.prop.feat import feat_count

            # Add data to GRASS
            a = shp_to_grs(la, fprop(la, 'fn'), filterByReg=True, asCMD=True)
            b = shp_to_grs(lb, fprop(lb, 'fn'), filterByReg=True, asCMD=True)

            if not feat_count(a, gisApi="grass", work=work, loc=loc):

            if not feat_count(b, gisApi="grass", work=work, loc=loc):

            # Clip
            a_clip = clip(a,
            b_clip = clip(b,

            # Union
            u_shp = union(a_clip,
                          "un_{}".format(fprop(cell, 'fn')),

            # Export
            o = grs_to_shp(u_shp, output, "area")

        import multiprocessing

        thrds = [
                args=(lyr_a, lyr_b, cellsShp[i],
                      os.path.join(workspace, "th_{}".format(i)), i,
                      os.path.join(workspace, "uniao_{}.shp".format(i))))
            for i in range(len(cellsShp))

        for t in thrds:

        for t in thrds:

        ff_shp = lst_ff(workspace, file_format='.shp')
        _UNION_SHP = []
        for i in range(len(cellsShp)):
            p = os.path.join(workspace, "uniao_{}.shp".format(i))

            if p in ff_shp:

    # Merge all union into the same layer
    MERGED_SHP = shps_to_shp(_UNION_SHP, outShp, api="ogr2ogr")

    return MERGED_SHP
コード例 #27
ファイル: to.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def tbl_to_db(tblFile, db, sqlTbl, delimiter=None, encoding_='utf-8',
              sheet=None, isAppend=None, api_db='psql', colsMap=None):
    Table file to Database Table
    API's available:
    * psql;
    * sqlite;
    import os
    from gasp.pyt     import obj_to_lst
    from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
    from gasp.fm      import tbl_to_obj
    if os.path.isdir(tblFile):
        from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
        tbls = lst_ff(tblFile)
        tbls = obj_to_lst(tblFile)
    outSQLTbl = obj_to_lst(sqlTbl)
    RTBL = []
    for i in range(len(tbls)):
        fp = fprop(tbls[i], ['fn', 'ff'])
        ff = fp['fileformat']
        fn = fp['filename']
        if ff == '.csv' or ff == '.txt' or ff == '.tsv':
            if not delimiter:
                raise ValueError((
                    "To convert TXT to DB table, you need to give a value for the "
                    "delimiter input parameter"
            __enc = 'utf-8' if not encoding_ else encoding_
            data = tbl_to_obj(
                tbls[i], _delimiter=delimiter, encoding_=__enc
        elif ff == '.dbf':
            data = tbl_to_obj(tbls[i])
        elif ff == '.xls' or ff == '.xlsx':
            data = tbl_to_obj(tbls[i], sheet=sheet)
        elif ff == '.ods':
            if not sheet:
                raise ValueError((
                    "To convert ODS to DB table, you need to give a value "
                    "for the sheet input parameter"
            data = tbl_to_obj(tbls[i], sheet=sheet)
            raise ValueError('{} is not a valid table format!'.format(ff))
        if colsMap:
            data.rename(columns=colsMap, inplace=True)
        # Send data to database
        out_tbl = fn if not outSQLTbl else outSQLTbl[i] \
            if i+1 <= len(tbls) else fn
        _rtbl = df_to_db(
            db, data, out_tbl,
            append=isAppend, api=api_db
    return RTBL[0] if len(RTBL) == 1 else RTBL
コード例 #28
def shps_to_shp(shps, outShp, api="ogr2ogr", fformat='.shp', dbname=None):
    Get all features in several Shapefiles and save them in one file

    api options:
    * ogr2ogr;
    * psql;
    * pandas;
    * psql;

    import os

    if type(shps) != list:
        # Check if is dir
        if os.path.isdir(shps):
            from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
            # List shps in dir
            shps = lst_ff(shps, file_format=fformat)

            raise ValueError((
                'shps should be a list with paths for Feature Classes or a path to '
                'folder with Feature Classes'))

    if api == "ogr2ogr":
        from gasp import exec_cmd
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import drv_name

        out_drv = drv_name(outShp)

        # Create output and copy some features of one layer (first in shps)
        cmdout = exec_cmd('ogr2ogr -f "{}" {} {}'.format(
            out_drv, outShp, shps[0]))

        # Append remaining layers
        lcmd = [
            exec_cmd('ogr2ogr -f "{}" -update -append {} {}'.format(
                out_drv, outShp, shps[i])) for i in range(1, len(shps))

    elif api == 'pandas':
        Merge SHP using pandas

        from gasp.gt.fmshp import shp_to_obj
        from gasp.gt.toshp import df_to_shp

        if type(shps) != list:
            raise ValueError(
                'shps should be a list with paths for Feature Classes')

        dfs = [shp_to_obj(shp) for shp in shps]

        result = dfs[0]

        for df in dfs[1:]:
            result = result.append(df, ignore_index=True, sort=True)

        df_to_shp(result, outShp)

    elif api == 'psql':
        import os
        from gasp.sql.tbl import tbls_to_tbl, del_tables
        from gasp.gql.to import shp_to_psql

        if not dbname:
            from gasp.sql.db import create_db

            create_db(dbname, api='psql')

        pg_tbls = shp_to_psql(dbname, shps, api="shp2pgsql")

        if os.path.isfile(outShp):
            from gasp.pyt.oss import fprop
            outbl = fprop(outShp, 'fn')

            outbl = outShp

        tbls_to_tbl(dbname, pg_tbls, outbl)

        if outbl != outShp:
            from gasp.gt.toshp.db import dbtbl_to_shp


        del_tables(dbname, pg_tbls)

    elif api == 'grass':
        from gasp import exec_cmd

        rcmd = exec_cmd(
            ("v.patch input={} output={} --overwrite --quiet").format(
                ",".join(shps), outShp))

        raise ValueError("{} API is not available")

    return outShp
コード例 #29
ファイル: rst.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def get_cellsize(rst, xy=False, bnd=None, gisApi='gdal'):
    Return cellsize of one or more Raster Datasets
    In the case of groups, the result will be:
    d = {
        'path_to_raster1': cellsize_raster_1,
        'path_to_raster2': cellsize_raster_2,
        'path_to_raster3': cellsize_raster_3,
        'path_to_rastern': cellsize_raster_n,
    API'S Available:
    * gdal;
    * pygrass
    import os
    if gisApi == 'gdal':
        from osgeo           import gdal
        from gasp.g.prop.img import get_cell_size

        if type(rst) != list:
            if os.path.exists(rst) and os.path.isdir(rst):
                from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff

                rsts = lst_ff(rst, file_format=gdal_drivers.keys())
            elif os.path.exists(rst) and os.path.isfile(rst):
                rsts = [rst]
                raise ValueError(
                    'Invalid object rst. Please insert a path to a raster, '
                    'a path to a directory with rasters or a list with '
                    'rasters path.'
            rsts = rst
        cs = {}
        for r in rsts:
            imgsrc = gdal.Open(r)

            cs[r] = get_cell_size(
                imgsrc) if xy else get_cell_size(imgsrc)[0]
        return cs[rsts[0]] if len(rsts) == 1 else cs
    elif gisApi == 'qgis':
        from qgis.core import QgsRasterLayer
        rasterLyr = QgsRasterLayer(rst, "lyr")
        x = rasterLyr.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
        if xy:
            y = rasterLyr.rasterUnitsPerPixelY()
            return x, y
            return x
    elif gisApi == 'pygrass':
        import grass.script as grass
        dic = grass.raster.raster_info(rst)
        return dic['nsres']
        raise ValueError('The api {} is not available'.format(gisApi))
コード例 #30
ファイル: zzip.py プロジェクト: jasp382/gasp
def zip_folder(folder, zip_file):
    from gasp.pyt.oss import lst_ff
    files = lst_ff(folder)
    zip_files(files, zip_file)