def del_topoerror_shps(conParam, shps, epsg, outfolder): """ Remove topological errors from Feature Class data using PostGIS """ import os from gasp import goToList from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from import shp_to_psql from import psql_to_shp shps = goToList(shps) TABLES = shp_to_psql(conParam, shps, epsg, api="shp2pgsql") NTABLE = [ntbl_by_query( conParam, "nt_{}".format(t), "SELECT {cols}, ST_MakeValid({tbl}.geom) AS geom FROM {tbl}".format( cols = ", ".join(["{}.{}".format(TABLES[t], x) for x in cols_name( conParam, TABLES[t], sanitizeSpecialWords=None ) if x != 'geom']), tbl=TABLES[t] ), api='psql' ) for t in range(len(TABLES))] for t in range(len(NTABLE)): psql_to_shp( conParam, NTABLE[t], os.path.join(outfolder, TABLES[t]), tableIsQuery=None, api='pgsql2shp', geom_col="geom" )
def sgbd_get_feat_not_within(dbcon, inTbl, inGeom, withinTbl, withinGeom, outTbl, inTblCols=None, outTblIsFile=None, apiToUse='OGR_SPATIALITE'): """ Get features not Within with any of the features in withinTbl apiToUse options: * OGR_SPATIALITE; * POSTGIS. """ from gasp import goToList Q = ( "SELECT {selCols} FROM {tbl} AS in_tbl WHERE (" "in_tbl.{in_geom} NOT IN (" "SELECT inin_tbl.{in_geom} FROM {wi_tbl} AS wi_tbl " "INNER JOIN {tbl} AS inin_tbl ON " "ST_Within(wi_tbl.{wi_geom}, inin_tbl.{in_geom})" "))" ).format( selCols = "*" if not inTblCols else ", ".join(goToList(inTblCols)), tbl = inTbl, in_geom = inGeom, wi_tbl = withinTbl, wi_geom = withinGeom ) if apiToUse == "OGR_SPATIALITE": if outTblIsFile: from gasp.anls.exct import sel_by_attr sel_by_attr(dbcon, Q, outTbl, api_gis='ogr') else: from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query ntbl_by_query(dbcon, outTbl, Q, api='ogr2ogr') elif apiToUse == "POSTGIS": if outTblIsFile: from import psql_to_shp psql_to_shp( dbcon, Q, outTbl, api='pgsql2shp', geom_col=None, tableIsQuery=True ) else: from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query ntbl_by_query(dbcon, outTbl, Q, api='psql') else: raise ValueError(( "API {} is not available. OGR_SPATIALITE and POSTGIS " "are the only valid options" )) return outTbl
def st_buffer(conParam, inTbl, bfDist, geomCol, outTbl, bufferField="geometry", whrClause=None, dissolve=None, cols_select=None, outTblIsFile=None): """ Using Buffer on PostGIS Data """ from gasp import goToList dissolve = goToList(dissolve) if dissolve != "ALL" else "ALL" SEL_COLS = "" if not cols_select else ", ".join(goToList(cols_select)) DISS_COLS = "" if not dissolve or dissolve == "ALL" else ", ".join( dissolve) GRP_BY = "" if not dissolve else "{}, {}".format(SEL_COLS, DISS_COLS) if \ SEL_COLS != "" and DISS_COLS != "" else SEL_COLS \ if SEL_COLS != "" else DISS_COLS if DISS_COLS != "" else "" Q = ( "SELECT{sel}{spFunc}{geom}, {_dist}{endFunc} AS {bf} " "FROM {t}{whr}{grpBy}" ).format( sel = " " if not cols_select else " {}, ".format(SEL_COLS), spFunc="ST_Buffer(" if not dissolve else \ "ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect(ST_Buffer(", geom=geomCol, _dist=bfDist, endFunc=")" if not dissolve else ")))", t=inTbl, grpBy=" GROUP BY {}".format(GRP_BY) if GRP_BY != "" else "", whr="" if not whrClause else " WHERE {}".format(whrClause), bf=bufferField ) if not outTblIsFile: from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query outTbl = ntbl_by_query(conParam, outTbl, Q, api='psql') else: from import psql_to_shp psql_to_shp(conParam, Q, outTbl, api='pgsql2shp', geom_col=bufferField, tableIsQuery=True) return outTbl
def st_dissolve(db, table, geomColumn, outTable, whrClause=None, diss_cols=None, outTblIsFile=None, api='sqlite'): """ Dissolve a Polygon table """ from gasp import goToList diss_cols = goToList(diss_cols) if diss_cols else None geomcol = "geometry" if api == 'sqlite' else 'geom' sql = ("SELECT{selCols} ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect({geom})) AS {gout} " "FROM {tbl}{whr}{grpBy}").format( selCols="" if not diss_cols else " {},".format(", ".join(diss_cols)), geom=geomColumn, tbl=table, whr="" if not whrClause else " WHERE {}".format(whrClause), grpBy="" if not diss_cols else " GROUP BY {}".format( ", ".join(diss_cols)), gout=geomcol) if outTblIsFile: if api == 'sqlite': from gasp.anls.exct import sel_by_attr sel_by_attr(db, sql, outTable, api_gis='ogr') elif api == 'psql': from import psql_to_shp psql_to_shp(db, table, outTable, api='pgsql2shp', geom_col=geomColumn, tableIsQuery=True) else: from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query ntbl_by_query(db, outTable, sql, api='ogr2ogr' if api == 'sqlite' else 'psql') return outTable
def fix_geometry(shp): # Send data to PostgreSQL nt = shp_to_psql(conPARAM, shp, SRS_CODE, api='shp2pgsql') # Fix data corr_tbl = fix_geom(conPARAM, nt, "geom", "corr_{}".format(nt), colsSelect=['gid', __SHAPES_TO_COMPARE[shp]]) # Check if we have multiple geometries geomN = check_geomtype_in_table(conPARAM, corr_tbl) if geomN > 1: corr_tbl = select_main_geom_type(conPARAM, corr_tbl, "corr2_{}".format(nt)) # Export data again newShp = psql_to_shp(conPARAM, corr_tbl, os.path.join(OUT_FOLDER, corr_tbl + '.shp'), api='pgsql2shp', geom_col='geom') return newShp
def check_autofc_overlap(checkShp, epsg, conParam, outOverlaps): """ Check if the features of one Feature Class overlaps each other """ import os from gasp.sql.mng.db import create_db from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from import shp_to_psql_tbl from import psql_to_shp create_db(conParam, conParam["DB"]) conParam["DATABASE"] = conParam["DB"] # Send data to postgresql table = shp_to_psql(conParam, checkShp, epsg, api="pandas") # Produce result q = ( "SELECT foo.* FROM (" "SELECT * FROM {t}" ") AS foo, (" "SELECT cat AS relcat, geom AS tst_geom FROM {t}" ") AS foo2 " "WHERE (" "ST_Overlaps(geom, tst_geom) IS TRUE OR " "ST_Equals(geom, tst_geom) IS TRUE OR " "ST_Contains(geom, tst_geom) IS TRUE" ") AND cat <> relcat" ).format(t=table) resultTable = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outOverlaps))[0] ntbl_by_query(conParam, resultTable, q, api='psql') psql_to_shp(conParam, resultTable, outOverlaps, api='pandas', epsg=epsg) return outOverlaps
def v_break_at_points(workspace, loc, lineShp, pntShp, conParam, srs, out_correct, out_tocorrect): """ Break lines at points - Based on GRASS GIS v.edit Use PostGIS to sanitize the result TODO: Confirm utility """ import os from gasp.session import run_grass from gasp.sql.mng.db import create_db from import shp_to_psql from import psql_to_shp from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query from gasp.oss import get_filename tmpFiles = os.path.join(workspace, loc) gbase = run_grass(workspace, location=loc, srs=srs) import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gbase, workspace, loc, 'PERMANENT') from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp grsLine = shp_to_grs( lineShp, get_filename(lineShp, forceLower=True) ) vedit_break(grsLine, pntShp, geomType='line') LINES = grass_converter( grsLine, os.path.join(tmpFiles, grsLine + '_v1.shp'), 'line') # Sanitize output of v.edit.break using PostGIS create_db(conParam, conParam["DB"], overwrite=True) conParam["DATABASE"] = conParam["DB"] LINES_TABLE = shp_to_psql( conParam, LINES, srs, pgTable=get_filename(LINES, forceLower=True), api="shp2pgsql" ) # Delete old/original lines and stay only with the breaked one Q = ( "SELECT {t}.*, foo.cat_count FROM {t} INNER JOIN (" "SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) AS cat_count, " "MAX(ST_Length(geom)) AS max_len " "FROM {t} GROUP BY cat" ") AS foo ON {t}.cat = " "WHERE foo.cat_count = 1 OR foo.cat_count = 2 OR (" "foo.cat_count = 3 AND ST_Length({t}.geom) <= foo.max_len)" ).format(t=LINES_TABLE) CORR_LINES = ntbl_by_query( conParam, "{}_corrected".format(LINES_TABLE), Q, api='psql' ) # TODO: Delete Rows that have exactly the same geometry # Highlight problems that the user must solve case by case Q = ( "SELECT {t}.*, foo.cat_count FROM {t} INNER JOIN (" "SELECT cat, COUNT(cat) AS cat_count FROM {t} GROUP BY cat" ") AS foo ON {t}.cat = " "WHERE foo.cat_count > 3" ).format(t=LINES_TABLE) ERROR_LINES = ntbl_by_query( conParam, "{}_not_corr".format(LINES_TABLE), Q, api='psql' ) psql_to_shp( conParam, CORR_LINES, out_correct, api="pgsql2shp", geom_col="geom" ) psql_to_shp( conParam, ERROR_LINES, out_tocorrect, api="pgsql2shp", geom_col="geom" )
def sgbd_get_feat_within(conParam, inTbl, inGeom, withinTbl, withinGeom, outTbl, inTblCols=None, withinCols=None, outTblIsFile=None, apiToUse='OGR_SPATIALITE'): """ Get Features within other Geometries in withinTbl e.g. Intersect points with Polygons apiToUse options: * OGR_SPATIALITE; * POSTGIS. """ from gasp import goToList if not inTblCols and not withinCols: colSelect = "intbl.*, witbl.*" else: if inTblCols and not withinCols: colSelect = ", ".join([ "intbl.{}".format(c) for c in goToList(inTblCols) ]) elif not inTblCols and withinCols: colSelect = ", ".join([ "witbl.{}".format(c) for c in goToList(withinCols) ]) else: colSelect = "{}, {}".format( ", ".join(["intbl.{}".format(c) for c in goToList(inTblCols)]), ", ".join(["witbl.{}".format(c) for c in goToList(withinCols)]) ) Q = ( "SELECT {selcols} FROM {in_tbl} AS intbl " "INNER JOIN {within_tbl} AS witbl ON " "ST_Within(intbl.{in_geom}, witbl.{wi_geom})" ).format( selcols=colSelect, in_tbl=inTbl, within_tbl=withinTbl, in_geom=inGeom, wi_geom=withinGeom ) if apiToUse == "OGR_SPATIALITE": if outTblIsFile: from gasp.anls.exct import sel_by_attr sel_by_attr(conParam, Q, outTbl, api_gis='ogr') else: from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query ntbl_by_query(conParam, outTbl, Q, api='ogr2ogr') elif apiToUse == 'POSTGIS': if outTblIsFile: from import psql_to_shp psql_to_shp( conParam, Q, outTbl, api="pgsql2shp", geom_col=None, tableIsQuery=True) else: from gasp.sql.mng.qw import ntbl_by_query ntbl_by_query(conParam, outTbl, Q, api='psql') else: raise ValueError(( "API {} is not available. OGR_SPATIALITE and POSTGIS " "are the only valid options" )) return outTbl
def get_unused_data_on_lulcp( pbf, pgsql_data, out_work, nomenclature, dicPostgre={ 'HOST': 'localhost', 'USER': '******', 'DATABASE': 'osm', 'TEMPLATE': 'template_postgis', 'PASSWORD': '******', 'PORT': '5432' }): """ Return data not used in osm2lulc procedure """ import os from gasp.sql import run_sql_file from gasp.sql.mng.db import create_db from import query_to_df from gasp.sql.mng.fld import cols_name from gasp.sql.k import create_pk from import psql_to_shp from import osm_to_pgsql # TODO: replace postgis from gasp.postgis.analysis import new_geom_table # ################ # # Global Variables # # ################ # # Name of the tables with osmdata after the import with osm2pgsql OsmData = { 'polygon': 'planet_osm_polygon', 'line': 'planet_osm_line', 'point': 'planet_osm_point' } IrrelevantCols = [ 'addr:housename', 'addr:housenumber', 'addr:interpolation', 'generator:source', 'tower:type' ] if nomenclature == 'URBAN_ATLAS': tbl_relation = 'rel_osm_ua' id_osm = 'osm_id' elif nomenclature == 'CORINE_LAND_COVER': tbl_relation = 'rel_osm_clc' id_osm = 'osm_id' elif nomenclature == 'GLOB_LAND_30': tbl_relation = 'rel_osm_global' id_osm = 'id_osm' # ################ # # Auxiliar Methods # # ################ # def get_where_string(dic, operator, table): l = [] for fid in dic: if dic[fid][0] == '' or dic[fid][1] == '' or dic[fid][0] == 'sidewalk'\ or dic[fid][0] == 'cycleway' or dic[fid][0] == 'busway'\ or dic[fid][0] == 'enity' or dic[fid][0] == 'healthcare': continue l.append("{t}.{col}{o}'{val}'".format(col=dic[fid][0], o=operator, val=dic[fid][1], t=table)) return " OR ".join(l) create_db(dicPostgre, dicPostgre['DATABASE']) run_sql_file(dicPostgre, dicPostgre['DATABASE'], pgsql_data) run_osm2pgsql(pbf, dicPostgre['DATABASE'], dicPostgre['HOST'], dicPostgre['USER']) # 1. Obtain data used on OSM2LULC procedure # 1.1 Get key and value for osm features id_related_with = [ x[0] for x in query_to_df(dicPostgre, "SELECT {fid} FROM {t}".format(t=tbl_relation, fid=id_osm), db_api='psql')[id_osm].tolist() ] key_value = { x[0]: [x[1], x[2]] for x in query_to_df( dicPostgre, "SELECT id, key, value FROM osm_features WHERE {s}".format( s=' OR '.join( ['id={y}'.format(y=str(x)) for x in id_related_with])), db_api='psql').values.tolist() } # 1.2 Extract data with this combinations of keys and values for tbl in OsmData: # Create new primary key create_pk(dicPostgre, OsmData[tbl], 'pk_fid') cols = cols_name(dicPostgre, OsmData[tbl]) cols_clean = [] for i in cols: if i not in IrrelevantCols: if i == 'natural': cols_clean.append("{t}.{col}".format(t=OsmData[tbl], col=i)) else: cols_clean.append(i) whr = get_where_string(key_value, "=", OsmData[tbl]) new_geom_table(dicPostgre, cols_clean, OsmData[tbl], whr, 'used{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), pk=False) export = psql_to_shp( dicPostgre, 'used{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), os.path.join(out_work, 'used{t}.shp'.format(t=OsmData[tbl])), api="pgsql2shp", geom_col='way') # 2. Obtain data not used on OSM2LULC procedure for tbl in OsmData: new_geom_table(dicPostgre, ['*'], OsmData[tbl], "{t}.pk_fid NOT IN (SELECT pk_fid FROM used{t})".format( t=OsmData[tbl]), 'unused{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), pk=False) export = psql_to_shp(dicPostgre, 'unused{t}'.format(t=OsmData[tbl]), os.path.join( out_work, 'unused{t}.shp'.format(t=OsmData[tbl])), api="pgsql2shp", geom_col='way')