def __init__(self, threshold=0.0, target=None, cavities=False, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.threshold = threshold self._target = target self.cavities = cavities self.evaluate = self.evaluate_convexhull if self.cavities else self.evaluate_volume
def __init__(self, binary=None, potentials=None, proteins=('Protein', ), ligands=('Ligand', ), terms=None, sorting=1, cofactor_mode=0, with_covalent=False, with_metals=True, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.binary = find_executable( 'drugscorex') if binary is None else binary if not self.binary: raise ValueError( 'Could not find `drugscorex` executable. Please install it ' 'with `conda install -c insilichem drugscorex` or manually ' 'specify the location with `binary` and `potentials` keys.') self.potentials = potentials self.protein_names = proteins self.ligand_names = ligands self.terms = terms self.sorting = sorting self.cofactor_mode = cofactor_mode self.with_covalent = with_covalent self.with_metals = with_metals self._oldworkingdir = os.getcwd() self._paths = {} if == 'posix' and os.path.exists('/dev/shm'): self.tmpdir = '/dev/shm' else: self.tmpdir = default_tempdir()
def __init__(self, targets=None, forcefields=('amber99sbildn.xml', ), auto_parametrize=None, parameters=None, platform=None, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('precision', 6) < 6: kwargs['precision'] = 6 ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.auto_parametrize = auto_parametrize self._targets = targets self._parameters = parameters self.platform = platform self.topology = None self._simulation = None additional_ffxml = [] if parameters: additional_ffxml.append(create_ffxml_file(*zip(*parameters))) if auto_parametrize: filenames = [ g.path for m in auto_parametrize for g in self.environment.cfg.genes if == m ] additional_ffxml.append(self._gaff2xml(*filenames)) self._forcefields = tuple(forcefields) + tuple(additional_ffxml) self.forcefield = openmm_app.ForceField(*self._forcefields)
def __init__(self, protein='Protein', ligand='Ligand', scoring='chemscore', score_component='Score', radius=10, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.protein_names = [protein] self.ligand_names = [ligand] self.scoring = scoring self.score_component = score_component self.radius = radius self.executable = find_executable('gold_auto') if self.executable is None: sys.exit( 'GOLD could not be found in $PATH. Is it (correctly) installed?' ) self._oldworkingdir = os.getcwd() self._paths = {} if == 'posix' and os.path.exists('/dev/shm'): self.tmpdir = '/dev/shm' else: self.tmpdir = default_tempdir()
def __init__(self, probes=None, radius=5.0, distance_tolerance=0.4, angle_tolerance=20.0, only_intermolecular=True, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._probes = probes self.distance_tolerance = distance_tolerance self.angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance self.radius = radius self.intramodel = False if only_intermolecular else True
def __init__(self, threshold=None, tolerance=None, target=None, probes=None, center_of_mass=False, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.threshold = threshold self.tolerance = tolerance self.center_of_mass = center_of_mass self._probes = probes self._target = target if self.center_of_mass: self.evaluate = self.evaluate_center_of_mass else: self.evaluate = self.evaluate_distances
def __init__(self, probes=None, radius=5.0, distance_tolerance=0.4, angle_tolerance=20.0, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._probes = probes self.distance_tolerance = distance_tolerance self.angle_tolerance = angle_tolerance self.radius = radius
def __init__(self, targets=None, threshold=0.0, radius=5.0, method='area', *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._targets = targets self.threshold = threshold self.radius = radius self.method = method if method == 'area': self.evaluate = self.evaluate_area else: self.evaluate = self.evaluate_volume
def __init__(self, template=None, targets=('Ligand', ), parser=None, title=None, executable=None, basis_library=None, processors=None, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('precision', 6) < 6: kwargs['precision'] = 6 ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.targets = targets self.executable = find_executable( 'nwchem') if executable is None else executable if self.executable is None: sys.exit( 'NWChem could not be found in $PATH. Is it (correctly) installed?' ) self._nprocessors = processors self._mpirun = find_executable('mpirun') if processors else None self._title = title if title is not None else if template is None: self.template = TEMPLATE elif os.path.isfile(template): with open(template) as f: self.template = else: self.template = template self.template = self.template.replace('$TITLE', self._title) if parser is not None: self.parse_output = imp.load_source('_nwchem_parser', parser).parse_output if basis_library is not None and os.path.isdir(basis_library): if basis_library[-1] != '/': basis_library += '/' os.environ['NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY'] = basis_library self._oldworkingdir = os.getcwd() self._paths = {} if == 'posix' and os.path.exists('/dev/shm'): self.tmpdir = '/dev/shm' else: self.tmpdir = default_tempdir()
def __init__(self, receptor='Protein', ligand='Ligand', scoring=None, custom_scoring=None, custom_atoms=None, prepare_each=False, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.receptor = receptor self.ligand = ligand self.scoring = scoring self.custom_scoring = custom_scoring self.custom_atoms = custom_atoms self.prepare_each = prepare_each self._paths = [] self._tmpfile = None if == 'posix' and os.path.exists('/dev/shm'): self.tmpdir = '/dev/shm' else: self.tmpdir = _get_default_tempdir()
def __init__(self, proteins=('Protein', ), ligands=('Ligand', ), method='pose', binary=None, library=None, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.protein_names = proteins self.ligand_names = ligands self.binary = find_executable( 'ligand_score') if binary is None else binary self.library = library self.method = method self._oldworkingdir = os.getcwd() self._paths = {} if == 'posix' and os.path.exists('/dev/shm'): self.tmpdir = '/dev/shm' else: self.tmpdir = default_tempdir()
def __init__(self, threshold=None, probes=None, *args, **kwargs): ObjectiveProvider.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.threshold = threshold self._probes = probes