コード例 #1
    def testShekelClass(self):

        S = Shekel5()

        # get 50 latin hypercube samples
        X = lhcSample(S.bounds, 50, seed=2)
        Y = [S.f(x) for x in X]

        hyper = [.2, .2, .2, .2]
        noise = 0.1

        gkernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
        # print gkernel.sf2
        GP = GaussianProcess(gkernel, X, Y, noise=noise)

        # let's take a look at the trained GP.  first, make sure variance at
        # the samples is determined by noise
        mu, sig2 = GP.posteriors(X)
        for m, s, y in zip(mu, sig2, Y):
            # print m, s
            self.failUnless(s < 1 / (1 + noise))
            self.failUnless(abs(m - y) < 2 * noise)

        # now get some test samples and see how well we are fitting the function
        testX = lhcSample(S.bounds, 50, seed=3)
        testY = [S.f(x) for x in X]
        for tx, ty in zip(testX, testY):
            m, s = GP.posterior(tx)
            # prediction should be within one stdev of mean
            self.failUnless(abs(ty - m) / sqrt(s) < 1)
コード例 #2
    def testShekelGPPrior(self):

        # see how the GP works on the Shekel function
        S5 = Shekel5()

        pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=8)
        pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, S5.bounds, k=10, seed=103)

        hv = .1
        hyper = [hv, hv, hv, hv]
        gkernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
        X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=9)
        Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]
        priorGP = GaussianProcess(gkernel, X, Y, prior=prior)
        nopriorGP = GaussianProcess(gkernel, X, Y, prior=None)

        S = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 1000, seed=10)
        nopriorErr = mean([(S5.f(x) - nopriorGP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        priorErr = mean([(S5.f(x) - priorGP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])

        # print '\nno prior Err =', nopriorErr
        # print 'prior Err =', priorErr
        self.failUnless(priorErr < nopriorErr * .8)
コード例 #3
    def test1DGP(self):
        f = lambda x: float(sin(x * 5.))
        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=25)
        Y = [f(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0, 1.0]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X=X, Y=Y)
コード例 #4
    def test1DPreferences(self):

        showit = False  # show figures for debugging

        x1 = array([.2])
        x2 = array([.7])
        x3 = array([.4])
        x4 = array([.35])
        x5 = array([.9])
        x6 = array([.1])

        GP = PrefGaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_ard(array([.1])))
        GP.addPreferences([(x1, x2, 0)])
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x1) > GP.mu(x2))
        # print GP.X

        if showit:
            S = arange(0, 1, .01)
            ax = subplot(1, 3, 1)
            ax.plot(S, [GP.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-')
            ax.plot(GP.X, GP.Y, 'ro')

        GP.addPreferences([(x3, x4, 0)])
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x1) > GP.mu(x2))
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x3) > GP.mu(x4))

        if showit:
            ax = subplot(1, 3, 2)
            ax.plot(S, [GP.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-')
            ax.plot(GP.X, GP.Y, 'ro')

        # x5 is greatly preferred to x6 - we should expect f(x5)-f(x6) to have
        # the most pronounced difference
        GP.addPreferences([(x5, x6, 1)])
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x1) > GP.mu(x2))
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x3) > GP.mu(x4))
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x5) > GP.mu(x6))
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x5) - GP.mu(x6) > GP.mu(x1) - GP.mu(x2))
        self.failUnless(GP.mu(x5) - GP.mu(x6) > GP.mu(x3) - GP.mu(x4))

        if showit:
            ax = subplot(1, 3, 3)
            ax.plot(S, [GP.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-')
            ax.plot(GP.X, GP.Y, 'ro')

コード例 #5
    def testGPPrior(self):

        # see how GP works with the dataprior...
        def foo(x):
            return sum(sin(x * 20))

        bounds = [[0., 1.]]
        # train prior
        pX = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 100, seed=6)
        pY = [foo(x) for x in pX]
        prior = RBFNMeanPrior()
        prior.train(pX, pY, bounds, k=10, seed=102)

        X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 2, seed=7)
        Y = [foo(x) for x in X]

        kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([.1]))
        GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y, prior=prior)
        GPnoprior = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)

        S = arange(0, 1, .01)

        nopriorErr = mean([(foo(x) - GPnoprior.mu(x))**2 for x in S])
        priorErr = mean([(foo(x) - GP.mu(x))**2 for x in S])

        # print '\nno prior Err =', nopriorErr
        # print 'prior Err =', priorErr

        self.failUnless(priorErr < nopriorErr * .5)

        if False:
            plot(S, [prior.mu(x) for x in S], 'g-', alpha=0.3)
            plot(S, [GPnoprior.mu(x) for x in S], 'b-', alpha=0.3)
            plot(S, [GP.mu(x) for x in S], 'k-', lw=2)
            plot(X, Y, 'ko')
コード例 #6
    def testARDGaussianKernelHyperparameterLearning(self):

        hyper = array([2., 2., .1])

        # test derivatives
        target0 = matrix(
            '[0 .0046 .0001 0; .0046 0 .0268 0; .0001 .0268 0 0; 0 0 0 0]')
        target1 = matrix(
            '[0 .0345 .0006 0; .0345 0 .2044 0; .0006 .2044 0 0; 0 0 0 0]')
        target2 = matrix(
            '[0 .4561 .54 .012; .4561 0 0 0; .54 .0 0 0; .012 0 0 0]')
        target3 = matrix(
            '[2 .2281 .27 .0017; .2281 2 1.7528 0; .27 1.7528 2 0; .0017 0 0 2]'
        pder0 = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper).derivative(self.X, 0)
        pder1 = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper).derivative(self.X, 1)
        pder2 = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper).derivative(self.X, 2)
        # pder3 = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper).derivative(self.X, 3)

        epsilon = .0001

        for i, (target, pder) in enumerate([(target0, pder0), (target1, pder1),
                                            (target2, pder2)]):
            for j in xrange(4):
                for k in xrange(4):
                    if abs(target[j, k] - pder[j, k]) > epsilon:
                        print '\nelement [%d, %d] of pder%d differs from expected by > %f' % (
                            j, k, i, epsilon)
                        print '\ntarget:'
                        print target
                        print '\npder:'
                        print pder
                        assert False

        # marginal likelihood and likelihood gradient
        gkernel = GaussianKernel_ard(hyper)
        margl, marglderiv = marginalLikelihood(gkernel,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(margl, 5.8404, 2)
        for d, t in zip(marglderiv, [0.0039, 0.0302, -0.1733, -1.8089]):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(d, t, 2)

        # make sure we're getting the same results for inversion and cholesky
        imargl, imarglderiv = marginalLikelihood(gkernel,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(margl, imargl, 2)
        for c, i in zip(marglderiv, imarglderiv):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(c, i, 2)

        # optimize the marginal likelihood over log hyperparameters using BFGS
        hyper = array([2., 2., .1, 1.])
        argmin = optimize.fmin_bfgs(
            args=[SVGaussianKernel_ard, self.X, self.Y],
        for v, t in zip(argmin, [6.9714, 0.95405, -0.9769, 0.36469]):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(v, t, 2)