def _iterResourceMeta(ctx, dataSet): """adds resource metadata to the Resource parent. """ yield V.DESCRIPTION[base.getMetaText(dataSet, "description", macroPackage=dataSet.dd.rd, propagate=False)] for el in itertools.chain( _iterInfoInfos(dataSet), _iterWarningInfos(dataSet)): yield el sourcesSeen, citeLinksSeen = set(), set() for table in dataSet.tables.values(): for m in table.iterMeta("source", propagate="True"): src = m.getContent("text") if src not in sourcesSeen: yield V.INFO(name="source", value=src)[ "This resource contains data associated with the publication" " %s."%src] sourcesSeen.add(src) for m in table.iterMeta("howtociteLink"): link = m.getContent("text") if link not in citeLinksSeen: yield V.INFO(name="howtocite", value=link)[ "For advice on how to cite the resource(s)" " that contributed to this result, see %s"%link] citeLinksSeen.add(link)
def _iterWarningInfos(dataSet): """yields INFO items containing warnings from the tables in dataSet. """ for table in dataSet.tables.values(): for warning in table.getMeta("_warning", propagate=False, default=[]): yield V.INFO(name="warning", value="In table %s: %s"%(, warning.getContent("text", macroPackage=table)))
def _writeErrorTable(self, ctx, msg, code=200, queryStatus="ERROR"): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) request.setHeader("content-type", base.votableType) votable.write( V.VOTABLE11[ V.DESCRIPTION[base.getMetaText(self.service, "description")], V.INFO(ID="Error", name="Error", value=str(msg).replace('"', '\\"'))], request) request.write("\n") return ""
def _iterToplevelMeta(ctx, dataSet): """yields meta elements for the entire VOTABLE from dataSet's RD. """ rd = dataSet.dd.rd if rd is None: return yield V.DESCRIPTION[base.getMetaText(rd, "description", macroPackage=dataSet.dd.rd)] for infoItem in rd.iterMeta("copyright"): yield V.INFO(name="legal", value=infoItem.getContent("text", macroPackage=dataSet.dd.rd))
def _iterInfoInfos(dataSet): """returns a sequence of V.INFO items from the info meta of dataSet. """ for infoItem in dataSet.getMeta("info", default=[]): name, value, id = infoItem.infoName, infoItem.infoValue, infoItem.infoId yield V.INFO(name=name, value=value, ID=id)[infoItem.getContent()]
def _run_queryData(self, service, inputTable, queryMeta): format = inputTable.getParam("FORMAT") or "" if format.lower() == "metadata": return self._makeMetadata(service) limits = [ q for q in (inputTable.getParam("MAXREC", None), inputTable.getParam("TOP")) if q ] if not limits: limits = [base.getConfig("ivoa", "dalDefaultLimit")] limit = min(min(limits), base.getConfig("ivoa", "dalHardLimit")) queryMeta["dbLimit"] = limit res =, service, inputTable, queryMeta) if len(res) == limit: queryStatus = "OVERFLOW" queryStatusBody = ( "Exactly %s rows were returned. This means your" " query probably reached the match limit. Increase MAXREC." % limit) else: queryStatus = "OK" queryStatusBody = "" self._addPreviewLinks(res) # We wrap our result into a data instance since we need to set the # result type data = rsc.wrapTable(res) data.setMeta("_type", "results") data.addMeta("_votableRootAttributes", 'xmlns:ssa=""') # The returnRaw property is a hack, mainly for unit testing; # The renderer would have to add the QUERY_STATUS here. if service.getProperty("returnData", False): return data # we fix tablecoding to td for now since nobody seems to like # binary tables and we don't have huge tables here. votCtx = votablewrite.VOTableContext(tablecoding="td") vot = votablewrite.makeVOTable(data, votCtx) pubDIDId = votCtx.getIdFor(res.tableDef.getColumnByName("ssa_pubDID")) resElement = vot.getChildDict()["RESOURCE"][0] resElement[ V.INFO(name="SERVICE_PROTOCOL", value=self.ssapVersion)["SSAP"], V.INFO(name="QUERY_STATUS", value=queryStatus)[queryStatusBody]] datalinkId = service.getProperty("datalink", None) if datalinkId and res: dlService = self.rd.getById(datalinkId) dlCore = getDatalinkCore(dlService, res) # new and shiny datalink (keep) # (we're just using endpoint 0; it should a the sync service) dlEndpoint = dlCore.datalinkEndpoints[0] vot[dlEndpoint.asVOT(votCtx, dlService.getURL(dlEndpoint.rendName), linkIdTo=pubDIDId)] # Also point to the dl metadata service vot[V.RESOURCE(type="meta", utype="adhoc:service")[ V.PARAM(name="standardID", datatype="char", arraysize="*", value="ivo://"), V.PARAM(name="accessURL", datatype="char", arraysize="*", value=self.rd.getById(datalinkId).getURL("dlmeta")), V.GROUP(name="inputParams")[V.PARAM( name="ID", datatype="char", arraysize="*", ref=pubDIDId, ucd=";meta.main" )[V.LINK(content_role="ddl:id-source", value="#" + pubDIDId)]]]] return "application/x-votable+xml", votable.asString(vot)
def _makeErrorTable(self, ctx, msg, queryStatus="ERROR"): # FatalFault, DefaultFault return V.VOTABLE[V.RESOURCE(type="results")[V.INFO( name="QUERY_STATUS", value=queryStatus)[str(msg)]]]