def cli_delete(api: GBD, args): if args.hashes and len(args.hashes) > 0: if args.force or confirm( "Delete attributes of given hashes from '{}'?".format( api.remove_attributes(, args.hashes) elif args.force or confirm( "Delete feature '{}' and all associated attributes?".format( api.delete_feature(
def init_transform_cnf_to_kis(api: GBD, query, hashes, max_edges, max_nodes): api.database.create_feature('kis_local', permissive=True) api.database.create_feature('kis_nodes', "empty", permissive=True) api.database.create_feature('kis_edges', "empty", permissive=True) api.database.create_feature('kis_k', "empty", permissive=True) api.database.create_feature('cnf_to_kis', permissive=True) api.database.create_feature('kis_to_cnf', permissive=True) resultset = api.query_search(query, hashes, ["local"], collapse="MIN") run(api, resultset, transform_cnf_to_kis, { **api.get_limits(), 'max_edges': max_edges, 'max_nodes': max_nodes })
def par2(api: GBD, query, runtimes, timeout, divisor): for name in runtimes: times = api.query_search(query, [], [name]) div = len(times) if divisor is None else divisor par2 = sum(float(time[1]) if util.is_number(time[1]) and float(time[1]) < timeout else 2*timeout for time in times) / div solved = sum(1 if util.is_number(time[1]) and float(time[1]) < timeout else 0 for time in times) print(str(round(par2, 2)) + " " + str(solved) + "/" + str(div) + " " + name) times = api.query_search(query, [], runtimes) div = len(times) if divisor is None else divisor vbs_par2 = sum([min(float(val) if util.is_number(val) and float(val) < timeout else 2*timeout for val in row[1:]) for row in times]) / div solved = sum(1 if t < timeout else 0 for t in [min(float(val) if util.is_number(val) else 2*timeout for val in row[1:]) for row in times]) print(str(round(vbs_par2, 2)) + " " + str(solved) + "/" + str(div) + " VBS")
def cli_info(api: GBD, args): if is None: for db_str in api.get_databases(): if len(api.get_features(dbname=db_str)): print("Database: {}".format(db_str)) feat = api.get_material_features(dbname=db_str) if len(feat): print("Features: " + " ".join(feat)) feat = api.get_virtual_features(dbname=db_str) if len(feat): print("Virtuals: " + " ".join(feat)) else: info = api.get_feature_info( for key in info: print("{}: {}".format(key, info[key]))
def greedy_comb(api: GBD, query, runtimes, timeout, size): result = api.query_search(query, [], runtimes) result = [[float(val) if util.is_number(val) and float(val) < float(timeout) else 2*timeout for val in row] for row in result] runtimes.insert(0, "dummy") for comb in combinations(range(1, len(runtimes)), size): comb_par2 = sum([min(itemgetter(*comb)(row)) for row in result]) / len(result) print(str(itemgetter(*comb)(runtimes)) + ": " + str(comb_par2))
def init_local(api: GBD, root): clocal = util.prepend_context("local", api.context) api.database.create_feature(clocal, permissive=True) sanitize = [ path[0] for path in api.query_search(group_by=clocal) if not isfile(path[0]) ] if len(sanitize) and confirm( "{} files not found. Remove stale entries from local table?". format(len(sanitize))): for paths in slice_iterator(sanitize, 1000): api.database.delete_values("local", paths) resultset = [] #if clocal in api.get_features(): for suffix in config.suffix_list(api.context): for path in glob.iglob(root + "/**/*" + suffix, recursive=True): if not len(api.query_search("{}='{}'".format(clocal, path))): resultset.append(("", path)) run(api, resultset, compute_hash, api.get_limits())
def init_networkit_features(api: GBD, query, hashes): try: import networkit as nk except ImportError as e: raise GBDException( "Module 'networkit' not found. Setup") nk.setNumberOfThreads(min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), resultset = api.query_search(query, hashes, ["local"], collapse="MIN") for (hash, local) in resultset: result = networkit_features(hash, local, {}) eprint(result['hashvalue']) for att in result['attributes']: eprint(att[1] + "=" + att["2"])
def quick_search_results(): query = request_query(request) features = request_features(request) with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd_api: try: rows = gbd_api.query_search(query, resolve=features) result = json.dumps( [dict(zip(["GBDhash"] + features, row)) for row in rows]) return json_response( result, "Sending query results (Query='{}')".format(query), request.remote_addr) except (GBDException, DatabaseException) as err: return error_response("{}, {}".format(type(err), str(err)), request.remote_addr, errno=500)
def get_attribute(feature, hashvalue):"Resolving '{}' with feature '{}' for IP {}".format( hashvalue, feature, request.remote_addr)) with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd_api: try: records = gbd_api.query_search(hashes=[hashvalue], resolve=[feature]) if len(records) == 0: return error_response("Hash '{}' not found".format(hashvalue), request.remote_addr) return records[0][1] except (GBDException, DatabaseException) as err: return error_response("{}, {}".format(type(err), str(err)), request.remote_addr, errno=500)
def get_csv_file(context='cnf'): with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd_api: query = request_query(request) features = request_features(request) group = util.prepend_context("hash", context) try: results = gbd_api.query_search(query, [], features, group_by=group) except (GBDException, DatabaseException) as err: return error_response("{}, {}".format(type(err), str(err)), request.remote_addr, errno=500) titles = " ".join([group] + features) + "\n" content = "\n".join( [" ".join([str(entry) for entry in result]) for result in results]) return file_response(titles + content, "query_result.csv", "text/csv", request.remote_addr)
def get_file(hashvalue, context='cnf'): with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd_api: hash = util.prepend_context("hash", context) local = util.prepend_context("local", context) filename = util.prepend_context("filename", context) records = gbd_api.query_search(hashes=[hashvalue], resolve=[local, filename], collapse="MIN", group_by=hash) if len(records) == 0: return error_response("Hash '{}' not found".format(hashvalue), request.remote_addr) path, file = operator.itemgetter(1, 2)(records[0]) if not os.path.exists(path): return error_response("Files temporarily not accessible", request.remote_addr) return path_response(path, file, 'text/plain', request.remote_addr)
def get_url_file(context='cnf'): with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd_api: query = request_query(request) try: result = gbd_api.query_search(query, group_by=util.prepend_context( "hash", context)) except (GBDException, DatabaseException) as err: return error_response("{}, {}".format(type(err), str(err)), request.remote_addr, errno=500) content = "\n".join([ flask.url_for("get_file", hashvalue=row[0], context=context, _external=True) for row in result ]) return file_response(content, "query_result.uri", "text/uri-list", request.remote_addr)
def get_all_attributes(hashvalue, context='cnf'):"Listing all attributes of hashvalue {} for IP {}".format( hashvalue, request.remote_addr)) with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd_api: features = app.config['features']['all'] try: records = gbd_api.query_search(hashes=[hashvalue], resolve=features, group_by=util.prepend_context( "hash", context)) if len(records) == 0: return error_response("Hash '{}' not found".format(hashvalue), request.remote_addr) return json_response(json.dumps(dict(zip(features, records[0]))), "Sending list of attributes", request.remote_addr) except (GBDException, DatabaseException) as err: return error_response("{}, {}".format(type(err), str(err)), request.remote_addr, errno=500)
def optimal_comb(api: GBD, args): result = api.query_search(args.query, [], args.runtimes) result = [[ int(float(val)) if is_number(val) and float(val) < float(args.tlim) else int(2 * args.tlim) for val in row[1:] ] for row in result] cnf = dimacs.DIMACSPrinter() _ACT = [cnf.create_literal() for _ in range(0, len(args.runtimes))] _MAX = get_bitvector(cnf, int(pow(2, _BW - 1) - 1)) for c in encode_at_most_k_constraint_ltseq(cnf, args.size, _ACT): cnf.consume_clause(c) # encode row-wise minima MINS = [] for row in result: i = 0 B0_ = get_bitvector(cnf, int(row[0])) B0 = if_then_else(cnf, B0_, _MAX, _ACT[i]) for rt in row[1:]: i = i + 1 B1_ = get_bitvector(cnf, int(rt)) B1 = if_then_else(cnf, B1_, _MAX, _ACT[i]) Bcarry = get_carry_bits(cnf, B1, [-i for i in B0]) Bmin = if_then_else(cnf, B0, B1, Bcarry[_BW - 1]) B0 = Bmin MINS.append(B0) # B0 is now minimum of row # encode sum of minima A = MINS[0] for B in MINS[1:]: SUM = get_sum_bits(cnf, A, B) A = SUM solver = Cadical(bootstrap_with=cnf.clauses, with_proof=False) result = solver.solve() if result == True: model = solver.get_model() print(slice_model(model, _ACT)) print(decode_bitvector(slice_model(model, A)))
def test_init_local(self): context = 'cnf' db = "/raid/gbd/meta.db" eprint("Sanitizing local path entries ... ") feature = "local" if context == 'cnf' else "{}.local".format(context) with GBD(db) as api: paths = [path[0] for path in api.query_search(group_by=feature)] eprint(paths) hashes = [hash[0] for hash in api.query_search()] eprint(hashes) feature = api.query_search(resolve=["family"]) eprint(feature) values = api.query_search(hashes=[hashes[0]], resolve=["family"])[0][1] eprint(values) values = api.query_search(hashes=[hashes[0]], resolve=["local"])[0][1].split(',') eprint(values) records = api.query_search(hashes=[hashes[0]], resolve=["local", "filename"], collapse="MIN") eprint(records)
def optimal_comb(api: GBD, query, runtimes, timeout, k): result = api.query_search(query, [], runtimes) result = [[ int(float(val)) if is_number(val) and float(val) < float(timeout) else int(2 * timeout) for val in row[1:] ] for row in result] dataset = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=runtimes) dataset = dataset[(dataset != 2 * timeout).any(axis='columns')] model = mip.Model() instance_solver_vars = [[ model.add_var(f'x_{i}_{j}', var_type=mip.BINARY) for j in range(dataset.shape[1]) ] for i in range(dataset.shape[0])] solver_vars = [ model.add_var(f's_{j}', var_type=mip.BINARY) for j in range(dataset.shape[1]) ] for var_list in instance_solver_vars: # per-instance constraints model.add_constr(mip.xsum(var_list) == 1) for j in range(dataset.shape[1]): # per-solver-constraints model.add_constr( mip.xsum(instance_solver_vars[i][j] for i in range(dataset.shape[0])) <= dataset.shape[0] * solver_vars[j]) # "Implies" in Z3 model.add_constr(mip.xsum(solver_vars) <= k) model.objective = mip.minimize( mip.xsum(instance_solver_vars[i][j] * int(dataset.iloc[i, j]) for i in range(dataset.shape[0]) for j in range(dataset.shape[1]))) print(dataset.sum().min()) print(model.optimize()) print(model.objective_value) for index, item in enumerate([var.x for var in solver_vars]): if item > 0: print(runtimes[index])
def cli_create(api: GBD, args): api.create_feature(, args.unique)
def scatter(api: GBD, query, runtimes, timeout, groups): plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 6}) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.axline((0, 0), (1, 1), linewidth=0.5, color='grey', zorder=0) plt.axhline(y=timeout, xmin=0, xmax=1, linewidth=0.5, color='grey', zorder=0) plt.axvline(x=timeout, ymin=0, ymax=1, linewidth=0.5, color='grey', zorder=0) plt.xlabel(runtimes[0], fontsize=8) plt.ylabel(runtimes[1], fontsize=8) markers = itertools.cycle(plt.Line2D.markers.items()) next(markers) next(markers) plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.cycler(color=coolors) if not groups: groups = [] result = api.query_search(query, [], runtimes) dfall = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=["hash"] + runtimes) for r in runtimes: dfall[r] = pd.to_numeric(dfall[r], errors='coerce') dfall.loc[(dfall[r] >= timeout) | pd.isna(dfall[r]), r] = timeout print(dfall) plots = [] title = [] for g in groups: color = next(ax._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color'] marker = next(markers)[0] result = api.query_search(query + " and (" + g + ")", [], runtimes) df = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=["hash"] + runtimes) for r in runtimes: df[r] = pd.to_numeric(df[r], errors='coerce') df.loc[(df[r] >= timeout) | pd.isna(df[r]), r] = timeout dfall = pd.concat([dfall, df]).drop_duplicates(keep=False) plots = plots + [ plt.scatter(data=df, x=runtimes[0], y=runtimes[1], c=color, marker=marker, alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.7, zorder=2) ] title = title + [g] plt.scatter(data=dfall, x=runtimes[0], y=runtimes[1], marker='.', alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.7, color="black", zorder=1) plt.legend(tuple(plots), tuple(title), scatterpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc='lower left', ncol=5, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.) plt.savefig('out.svg', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def cdf(api: GBD, query, runtimes, timeout, title): plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8}) result = api.query_search(query, [], runtimes) result = [[ float(val) if util.is_number(val) and float(val) < float(timeout) else timeout for val in row[1:] ] for row in result] df = pd.DataFrame(result) df.columns = runtimes df['vbs'] = df[runtimes].min(axis=1) print(df) plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.cycler(color=coolors2 + coolors) params = { 'legend.fontsize': 'small', 'axes.labelsize': 6, 'axes.titlesize': 6, 'xtick.labelsize': 6, 'ytick.labelsize': 6, 'axes.titlepad': 10 } plt.rcParams.update(params) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.xlim(0, timeout + 100) plt.grid(linestyle='-', linewidth=.5) plt.axvline(x=timeout, linestyle='dashed', color='black', linewidth=.5) #plt.ylim(0, len(result)) # Build Title if (title is None): title = [] for elem in query.split('=')[1:]: parts = elem.strip().split(' ') title = title + [parts[0].replace('_', ' ').title()] ax.set_title(", ".join(title), fontsize=6, variant='small-caps') else: ax.set_title(title, fontsize=6, variant='small-caps') df2 = pd.DataFrame(index=range(timeout + 100), columns=runtimes) df2.fillna(0) for col in ['vbs'] + runtimes: df2[col] = [0] * (timeout + 100) for val in df[col]: if val < timeout: df2.loc[round(val), col] = df2[col][round(val)] + 1 sum = 0 for val in range(1, timeout + 100): df2.loc[val, col + "_"] = NaN if df2[col][val] != 0: df2.loc[val, col + "_"] = sum sum = sum + df2.loc[val, col] df2.loc[val, col] = sum markers = itertools.cycle([ 'o', 'v', '^', '<', '>', 'p', 'P', '*', 'h', 'H', '8', 'X', 'd', 'D', 's' ]) #next(markers) #next(markers) order = len(runtimes) + 1 for col in ['vbs'] + runtimes: color = next(ax._get_lines.prop_cycler)['color'] ax.plot(df2[col], zorder=order, linestyle='-', linewidth=.5, color=color) ax.plot(df2[str(col) + "_"], label=col, zorder=order, fillstyle='none', marker=next(markers)[0], alpha=.9, markeredgewidth=.5, markersize=3, drawstyle='steps-post', color=color) order = order - 1 plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='lower right') plt.savefig('out.svg', transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def init_gate_features(api: GBD, query, hashes): resultset = api.query_search(query, hashes, ["local"], collapse="MIN") run(api, resultset, gate_features, api.get_limits())
def cli_set(api: GBD, args): api.set_attribute(args.assign[0], args.assign[1], None, args.hashes)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GBD Benchmark Database') parser.add_argument('-d', "--db", help='Specify database to work with', default=os.environ.get('GBD_DB'), nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-j', "--jobs", help='Specify number of parallel jobs', default=1, nargs='?') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--tlim', help= "Time limit (sec) per instance for 'init' sub-commands (also used for score calculation in 'eval' and 'plot')", default=5000, type=int) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--mlim', help="Memory limit (MB) per instance for 'init' sub-commands", default=2000, type=int) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--flim', help= "File size limit (MB) per instance for 'init' sub-commands which create files", default=1000, type=int) parser.add_argument( '-s', "--separator", help="Feature separator (delimiter used in import and output", choices=[" ", ",", ";"], default=" ") parser.add_argument( "--join-type", help="Join Type: treatment of missing values in queries", choices=["INNER", "OUTER", "LEFT"], default="LEFT") parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help='Print additional (or diagnostic) information to stderr', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--context', default='cnf', choices=config.contexts(), help= 'Select context (affects hash-selection and feature-extraction in init)' ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Available Commands:', required=True, dest='gbd command') # INITIALIZATION parser_init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help='Initialize Database') parser_init_subparsers = parser_init.add_subparsers( help='Select Initialization Procedure:', required=True, dest='init what?') # init local paths: parser_init_local = parser_init_subparsers.add_parser( 'local', help='Initialize Local Hash/Path Entries') parser_init_local.add_argument('path', type=directory_type, help="Path to benchmarks") parser_init_local.set_defaults(func=cli_init_local) # init base features: parser_init_base_features = parser_init_subparsers.add_parser( 'base_features', help='Initialize Base Features') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_init_base_features) parser_init_base_features.set_defaults(func=cli_init_base_features) # init gate features: parser_init_gate_features = parser_init_subparsers.add_parser( 'gate_features', help='Initialize Gate Features') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_init_gate_features) parser_init_gate_features.set_defaults(func=cli_init_gate_features) # generate kis instances from cnf instances: parser_init_cnf2kis = parser_init_subparsers.add_parser( 'cnf2kis', help='Generate KIS Instances from CNF Instances') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_init_cnf2kis) parser_init_cnf2kis.add_argument( '-e', '--max_edges', default=0, type=int, help='Maximum Number of Edges (0 = unlimited)') parser_init_cnf2kis.add_argument( '-n', '--max_nodes', default=0, type=int, help='Maximum Number of Nodes (0 = unlimited)') parser_init_cnf2kis.set_defaults(func=cli_init_cnf2kis) # init iso-hash: parser_init_iso = parser_init_subparsers.add_parser( 'isohash', help='Initialize Isomorphic Hash (MD5 of sorted degree sequence)') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_init_iso) parser_init_iso.set_defaults(func=cli_init_iso) # GBD HASH parser_hash = subparsers.add_parser('hash', help='Print hash for a single file') parser_hash.add_argument( '-c', '--context', default='cnf', choices=config.contexts(), help='Select context (affects hashes and features)') parser_hash.add_argument('path', type=file_type, help="Path to one benchmark") parser_hash.set_defaults(func=cli_hash) # GBD GET $QUERY parser_get = subparsers.add_parser( 'get', help='Get data by query (or hash-list via stdin)') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_get) parser_get.add_argument('-r', '--resolve', help='List of features to resolve against', nargs='+') parser_get.add_argument( '-c', '--collapse', default='group_concat', choices=['group_concat', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'count', 'sum'], help='Treatment of multiple values per hash (or grouping value resp.)') parser_get.add_argument('-g', '--group_by', default='hash', help='Group by specified attribute value') parser_get.set_defaults(func=cli_get) # GBD SET parser_set = subparsers.add_parser( 'set', help='Set specified attribute-value for query result') parser_set.add_argument('assign', type=key_value_type, help='key=value') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_set) parser_set.set_defaults(func=cli_set) # CREATE/DELETE/MODIFY FEATURES parser_create = subparsers.add_parser('create', help='Create a new feature') parser_create.add_argument('name', type=column_type, help='Name of feature') parser_create.add_argument( '-u', '--unique', help='Unique constraint: specify default-value of feature') parser_create.set_defaults(func=cli_create) parser_delete = subparsers.add_parser( 'delete', help= 'Delete all values assiociated with given hashes (via argument or stdin) or remove feature if no hashes are given' ) parser_delete.add_argument('--hashes', help='Hashes', nargs='*', default=[]) parser_delete.add_argument('name', type=column_type, help='Name of feature') parser_delete.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Do not ask for confirmation') parser_delete.set_defaults(func=cli_delete) parser_rename = subparsers.add_parser('rename', help='Rename feature') parser_rename.add_argument('old_name', type=column_type, help='Old name of feature') parser_rename.add_argument('new_name', type=column_type, help='New name of feature') parser_rename.set_defaults(func=cli_rename) # GET META INFO parser_info = subparsers.add_parser( 'info', help='Print info about available features') parser_info.add_argument('name', type=column_type, help='Print info about specified feature', nargs='?') parser_info.set_defaults(func=cli_info) # SCORE CALCULATION parser_eval = subparsers.add_parser('eval', help='Evaluate Runtime Features') parser_eval_subparsers = parser_eval.add_subparsers( help='Select Evaluation Procedure', required=True, dest='eval type') parser_eval_par2 = parser_eval_subparsers.add_parser( 'par2', help='Calculate PAR-2 Score') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_eval_par2) parser_eval_par2.add_argument('-r', '--runtimes', help='List of runtime features', nargs='+') parser_eval_par2.add_argument( '-d', '--divisor', type=int, help='Overwrite Divisor used for Averaging Scores', nargs='?') parser_eval_par2.set_defaults(func=cli_eval_par2) parser_eval_vbs = parser_eval_subparsers.add_parser('vbs', help='Calculate VBS') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_eval_vbs) parser_eval_vbs.add_argument('-r', '--runtimes', help='List of runtime features', nargs='+') parser_eval_vbs.set_defaults(func=cli_eval_vbs) parser_eval_comb = parser_eval_subparsers.add_parser( 'comb', help='Calculate VBS of Solver Combinations') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_eval_comb) parser_eval_comb.add_argument('-r', '--runtimes', help='List of runtime features', nargs='+') parser_eval_comb.add_argument('-k', '--size', default=2, type=int, help='Number of Solvers per Combination') parser_eval_comb.set_defaults(func=cli_eval_combinations) # PLOTS parser_plot = subparsers.add_parser('plot', help='Plot Runtimes') parser_plot_subparsers = parser_plot.add_subparsers(help='Select Plot', required=True, dest='plot type') parser_plot_scatter = parser_plot_subparsers.add_parser( 'scatter', help='Scatter Plot') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_plot_scatter) parser_plot_scatter.add_argument('-r', '--runtimes', help='Two runtime features', nargs=2) parser_plot_scatter.add_argument( '-g', '--groups', help='Highlight specific groups (e.g. family=cryptography)', nargs='+') parser_plot_scatter.set_defaults(func=cli_plot_scatter) parser_plot_cdf = parser_plot_subparsers.add_parser('cdf', help='CDF Plot') add_query_and_hashes_arguments(parser_plot_cdf) parser_plot_cdf.add_argument('-r', '--runtimes', help='List of runtime features', nargs='+') parser_plot_cdf.add_argument('--title', help='Plot Title') parser_plot_cdf.set_defaults(func=cli_plot_cdf) # GRAPHS parser_graph = subparsers.add_parser('graph', help='Visualize Formula') parser_graph.add_argument('path', type=file_type, help='CNF File') parser_graph.add_argument('proof', type=file_type, help='Proof File') parser_graph.set_defaults(func=cli_graph) # PARSE ARGUMENTS args = parser.parse_args() if not args.db: eprint("""Error: No database path is given. A database path can be given in two ways: -- by setting the environment variable GBD_DB -- by giving a path via --db=[path] A database file containing some attributes of instances used in the SAT Competitions can be obtained at""" ) elif len(sys.argv) > 1: try: with GBD(args.db, args.context, int(, args.tlim, args.mlim, args.flim, args.separator, args.join_type, args.verbose) as api: if hasattr(args, 'hashes') and not sys.stdin.isatty(): if not args.hashes or len(args.hashes) == 0: args.hashes = read_hashes() # read hashes from stdin args.func(api, args) except GBDException as err: eprint("GBD Exception: " + str(err)) sys.exit(1) except DatabaseException as err: eprint("Database Exception: " + str(err)) sys.exit(1) except SchemaException as err: eprint("Schema Exception: " + str(err)) sys.exit(1) else: parser.print_help()
def cli_rename(api: GBD, args): api.rename_feature(args.old_name, args.new_name)
def vbs(api: GBD, query, runtimes, timeout, separator): result = api.query_search(query, [], runtimes) resultset = [(row[0], min(float(val) if util.is_number(val) else 2*timeout for val in row[1:])) for row in result] for result in resultset: print(separator.join([(str(item or '')) for item in result]))
def main(): pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(gbd_server.__file__)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Web- and Micro- Services to access global benchmark database.') parser.add_argument('-d', "--db", help='Specify database to work with', default=os.environ.get('GBD_DB'), nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-l', "--logdir", help='Specify logging dir', default=os.environ.get('GBD_LOGGING_DIR') or pwd, nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-p', "--port", help='Specify port on which to listen', type=int) parser.add_argument('-v', "--verbose", help='Verbose Mode', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt= '[%(asctime)s, %(name)s, %(levelname)s] %(module)s.%(filename)s.%(funcName)s():%(lineno)d\n%(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Add sys.stdout to logging output console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setFormatter(formatter) console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().addHandler(console_handler) # Add handler to write in rotating logging files file_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( args.logdir, "gbd-server-log"), when="midnight", backupCount=10) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger().addHandler(file_handler) global app if not args.db: app.logger.error("No Database Given") exit(1) app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_for=1) app.config['database'] = args.db app.config['verbose'] = args.verbose try: with GBD(app.config['database'], verbose=app.config['verbose']) as gbd: app.config['dbnames'] = gbd.get_databases() if "main" in app.config['dbnames']: app.config['dbnames'].remove("main") app.config['features'] = {'all': gbd.get_features()} for context in config.contexts(): local = util.prepend_context("local", context) if local in app.config['features']['all']: app.config['features']['all'].remove(local) app.config['dbpaths'] = dict() for db in app.config['dbnames']: if db != 'main': app.config['features'][db] = gbd.get_features(dbname=db) for context in config.contexts(): local = util.prepend_context("local", context) if local in app.config['features'][db]: app.config['features'][db].remove(local) app.config['dbpaths'][db] = gbd.get_database_path(db) except Exception as e: app.logger.error(str(e)) exit(1) app.static_folder = os.path.join(pwd, "static") app.template_folder = os.path.join(pwd, "templates-vue")'', port=args.port) from waitress import serve serve(app, host="", port=5000)
def cli_get(api: GBD, args): resultset = api.query_search(args.query, args.hashes, args.resolve, args.collapse, args.group_by) for result in resultset: print(args.separator.join([(str(item or '')) for item in result]))
def init_iso_hash(api: GBD, query, hashes): if not api.feature_exists("isohash"): api.create_feature("isohash", "empty") resultset = api.query_search(query, hashes, ["local"], collapse="MIN") run(api, resultset, compute_iso_hash, api.get_limits())