コード例 #1
ファイル: idaho.py プロジェクト: jbants/gbdxtools
class Idaho(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Construct the Idaho interface class.

                An instance of the Idaho interface class.
        interface = Auth(**kwargs)
        self.base_url = '%s/catalog/v2' % interface.root_url
        self.gbdx_connection = interface.gbdx_connection
        self.catalog = Catalog()
        self.logger = interface.logger

    def get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(self, catid, aoi_wkt):
        """ Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.
            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            aoi_wkt (str): The well known text of the area of interest.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # use the footprint to get the IDAHO id
        url = '%s/search' % self.base_url

        body = {
            "filters": ["catalogID = '%s'" % catid],
            "types": ["IDAHOImage"],
            "searchAreaWkt": aoi_wkt

        r = self.gbdx_connection.post(url, data=json.dumps(body))

        if r.status_code == 200:
            results = r.json()
            numresults = len(results['results'])
                '%s IDAHO images found associated with catid %s' %
                (numresults, catid))

            return results

    def get_images_by_catid(self, catid):
        """ Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.
            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # get the footprint of the catid's strip
        footprint = self.catalog.get_strip_footprint_wkt(catid)

        # try to convert from multipolygon to polygon:
            footprint = from_wkt(footprint).geoms[0].wkt

        if not footprint:
            self.logger.debug("""Cannot get IDAHO metadata for strip %s,
                                 footprint not found""" % catid)
            return None

        return self.get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(catid=catid, aoi_wkt=footprint)

    def describe_images(self, idaho_image_results):
        """Describe the result set of a catalog search for IDAHO images.

            idaho_image_results (dict): Result set of catalog search.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            corresponding to the given catID.

        results = idaho_image_results['results']

        # filter only idaho images:
        results = [r for r in results if 'IDAHOImage' in r['type']]
        self.logger.debug('Describing %s IDAHO images.' % len(results))

        # figure out which catids are represented in this set of images
        catids = set([r['properties']['catalogID'] for r in results])

        description = {}

        for catid in catids:
            # images associated with a single catid
            description[catid] = {}
            description[catid]['parts'] = {}
            images = [
                r for r in results if r['properties']['catalogID'] == catid
            for image in images:
                description[catid]['sensorPlatformName'] = image['properties'][
                part = int(image['properties']
                color = image['properties']['colorInterpretation']
                bucket = image['properties']['tileBucketName']
                identifier = image['identifier']
                boundstr = image['properties']['footprintWkt']

                    description[catid]['parts'][part] = {}

                description[catid]['parts'][part][color] = {}
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['id'] = identifier
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['bucket'] = bucket
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['boundstr'] = boundstr

        return description

    def get_chip(self,
        """Downloads a native resolution, orthorectified chip in tif format
        from a user-specified catalog id.

            coordinates (list): Rectangle coordinates in order West, South, East, North.
                                West and East are longitudes, North and South are latitudes.
                                The maximum chip size is (2048 pix)x(2048 pix)
            catid (str): The image catalog id.
            chip_type (str): 'PAN' (panchromatic), 'MS' (multispectral), 'PS' (pansharpened).
                             'MS' is 4 or 8 bands depending on sensor.
            chip_format (str): 'TIF' or 'PNG'
            filename (str): Where to save chip.

            True if chip is successfully downloaded; else False.
        def t2s1(t):
            # Tuple to string 1
            return str(t).strip('(,)').replace(',', '')

        def t2s2(t):
            # Tuple to string 2
            return str(t).strip('(,)').replace(' ', '')

        if len(coordinates) != 4:
            print('Wrong coordinate entry')
            return False

        W, S, E, N = coordinates
        box = ((W, S), (W, N), (E, N), (E, S), (W, S))
        box_wkt = 'POLYGON ((' + ','.join([t2s1(corner)
                                           for corner in box]) + '))'

        # get IDAHO images which intersect box
        results = self.get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(catid=catid,
        description = self.describe_images(results)

        pan_id, ms_id, num_bands = None, None, 0
        for catid, images in description.items():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():
                if 'PAN' in part.keys():
                    pan_id = part['PAN']['id']
                if 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['id']
                    num_bands = 8
                elif 'RGBN' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['RGBN']['id']
                    num_bands = 4

        # specify band information
        band_str = ''
        if chip_type == 'PAN':
            band_str = pan_id + '?bands=0'
        elif chip_type == 'MS':
            band_str = ms_id + '?'
        elif chip_type == 'PS':
            if num_bands == 8:
                band_str = ms_id + '?bands=4,2,1&panId=' + pan_id
            elif num_bands == 4:
                band_str = ms_id + '?bands=0,1,2&panId=' + pan_id

        # specify location information
        location_str = '&upperLeft={}&lowerRight={}'.format(
            t2s2((W, N)), t2s2((E, S)))

        service_url = 'https://idaho.geobigdata.io/v1/chip/bbox/idaho-images/'
        url = service_url + band_str + location_str
        url += '&format=' + chip_format + '&token=' + self.gbdx_connection.access_token
        r = requests.get(url)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
                return True
            print('Cannot download chip')
            return False

    def get_tms_layers(self,
        """Get list of urls and bounding boxes corrsponding to idaho images for a given catalog id.

           catid (str): Catalog id
           bands (str): Bands to display, separated by commas (0-7).
           gamma (float): gamma coefficient. This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           highcutoff (float): High cut off coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           lowcutoff (float): Low cut off coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           brightness (float): Brightness coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           contrast (float): Contrast coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           urls (list): TMS urls.
           bboxes (list of tuples): Each tuple is (W, S, E, N) where (W,S,E,N) are the bounds of the
                                    corresponding idaho part.

        description = self.describe_images(self.get_images_by_catid(catid))
        service_url = 'http://idaho.geobigdata.io/v1/tile/'

        urls, bboxes = [], []
        for catid, images in description.items():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():
                if 'PAN' in part.keys():
                    pan_id = part['PAN']['id']
                if 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['id']
                    ms_partname = 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND'
                elif 'RGBN' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['RGBN']['id']
                    ms_partname = 'RGBN'

                if ms_id:
                    if pan_id:
                        band_str = ms_id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}?bands=' + bands + '&panId=' + pan_id
                        band_str = ms_id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}?bands=' + bands
                    bbox = from_wkt(part[ms_partname]['boundstr']).bounds
                elif not ms_id and pan_id:
                    band_str = pan_id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}?bands=0'
                    bbox = from_wkt(part['PAN']['boundstr']).bounds


                # Get the bucket. It has to be the same for all entries in the part.
                bucket = part[list(part.keys())[0]]['bucket']

                # Get the token
                token = self.gbdx_connection.access_token

                # Assemble url
                url = (service_url + bucket + '/' + band_str + """&gamma={}
                    gamma, highcutoff, lowcutoff, brightness, contrast, token))

        return urls, bboxes

    def create_leaflet_viewer(self, idaho_image_results, filename):
        """Create a leaflet viewer html file for viewing idaho images.

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from
                                        the catalog.
            filename (str): Where to save output html file.

        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        if len(description) > 0:
            functionstring = ''
            for catid, images in description.items():
                for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():

                    num_images = len(list(part.keys()))
                    partname = None
                    if num_images == 1:
                        # there is only one image, use the PAN
                        partname = [p for p in list(part.keys())][0]
                        pan_image_id = ''
                    elif num_images == 2:
                        # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                        partname = [
                            p for p in list(part.keys()) if p is not 'PAN'
                        pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']

                    if not partname:
                        self.logger.debug("Cannot find part for idaho image.")

                    bandstr = {
                        'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                        'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,2,1',
                        'PAN': '0'
                    }.get(partname, '0,1,2')

                    part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                    part_polygon = from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                    bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                    image_id = part[partname]['id']
                    W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds

                    functionstring += "addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" % (
                        bucketname, image_id, W, S, E, N, pan_image_id)

            __location__ = os.path.realpath(
                os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
                with open(
                        os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'),
                        'r') as htmlfile:
                    data = htmlfile.read().decode("utf8")
            except AttributeError:
                with open(
                        os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'),
                        'r') as htmlfile:
                    data = htmlfile.read()

            data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING', functionstring)
            data = data.replace('CENTERLAT', str(S))
            data = data.replace('CENTERLON', str(W))
            data = data.replace('BANDS', bandstr)
            data = data.replace('TOKEN', self.gbdx_connection.access_token)

            with codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf8') as outputfile:
                self.logger.debug("Saving %s" % filename)
            print('No items returned.')
コード例 #2
ファイル: idaho.py プロジェクト: cgore/gbdxtools
class Idaho():
    def __init__(self, interface):
        ''' Construct the Idaho interface class
            connection (gbdx_session): A reference to the GBDX Connection.

            An instance of the Idaho interface class.

        self.gbdx_connection = interface.gbdx_connection
        self.catalog = Catalog(interface)
        self.logger = interface.logger

    def get_images_by_catid(self, catid):
        ''' Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.

            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images 
                            within the catID.


        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # get the footprint of the catid's strip
        footprint = self.catalog.get_strip_footprint_wkt(catid)
        if not footprint:
            self.logger.debug('''Cannot get IDAHO metadata for strip %s, 
                                 footprint not found''' % catid)
            return None

        # use the footprint to get the IDAHO ID
        url = 'https://geobigdata.io/catalog/v1/search'

        body = {
            "startDate": None,
            "filters": ["vendorDatasetIdentifier3 = '%s'" % catid],
            "endDate": None,
            "types": ["IDAHOImage"],
            "searchAreaWkt": footprint

        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        r = self.gbdx_connection.post(url,
        if r.status_code == 200:
            results = r.json()
            numresults = len(results['results'])
                '%s IDAHO images found associated with catid %s' %
                (numresults, catid))

            return results

    def describe_images(self, idaho_image_results):
        ''' Describe a set of IDAHO images, as returned in catalog search results.

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from 
                                        the catalog.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images 
                            within the catID.

        results = idaho_image_results['results']

        # filter only idaho images:
        results = [r for r in results if r['type'] == 'IDAHOImage']
        self.logger.debug('Describing %s IDAHO images.' % len(results))

        # figure out which catids are represented in this set of images
        catids = set(
            [r['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier3'] for r in results])

        description = {}

        for catid in catids:
            # images associated with a single catid
            description[catid] = {}
            description[catid]['parts'] = {}
            description[catid]['sensorPlatformName'] = results[0][
            images = [
                r for r in results
                if r['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier3'] == catid
            for image in images:
                part = int(
                color = image['properties']['colorInterpretation']
                bucket = image['properties']['imageBucketName']
                id = image['identifier']
                boundstr = image['properties']['imageBoundsWGS84']

                    description[catid]['parts'][part] = {}

                description[catid]['parts'][part][color] = {}
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['id'] = id
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['bucket'] = bucket
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['boundstr'] = boundstr

        return description

    def get_tiles_by_zxy(self, catID, z, x, y, outputFolder):
        '''Retrieves IDAHO tiles of a given catID for a particular z, x, and
           y.  The z, x, and y must be known ahead of time and must intersect
           the strip boundaries of the particular catID to return content.

            catID (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.

            Confirmation (str) that tile processing was done.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO tiles')

        # get the bucket name and IDAHO ID of each tile within the catID
        locations = self.get_tile_locations(catID)
        access_token = self.gbdx_connection.access_token
        for location in locations:
            bucket_name = location[0]['imageBucketName']
            idaho_id = location[1]

            # form request
            url = ('http://idaho.geobigdata.io/'
                   'v1/tile/' + bucket_name + '/' + idaho_id + '/' + str(z) +
                   '/' + str(x) + '/' + str(y) + '?token=' + access_token)
            body = {"token": access_token}

            r = self.gbdx_connection.get(url,

            # form output path
            file_path = os.path.join(
                outputFolder, catID + '-'.join(map(str, [z, x, y])) + '.tif')

            # save returned image
            i = Image.open(StringIO(r.content))
            saved = i.save(file_path)

        if saved == None:
            return 'Retrieval complete; please check output folder.'
            return 'There was a problem saving the file at ' + file_path + '.'

    def create_leaflet_viewer(self, idaho_image_results, output_filename):
        '''Create a leaflet viewer html file for viewing idaho images

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from 
                                        the catalog.
            output_filename (str): where to save an output html file

        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        if len(description) > 0:
            for catid, images in description.iteritems():
                functionstring = ''
                for partnum, part in images['parts'].iteritems():

                    num_images = len(part.keys())
                    partname = None
                    if num_images == 1:
                        # there is only one image, use the PAN
                        partname = [
                            p for p in part.keys() if p.upper() == 'PAN'
                        pan_image_id = ''
                    elif num_images == 2:
                        # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                        partname = [p for p in part.keys()
                                    if p is not 'PAN'][0]
                        pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']

                    if not partname:
                        self.logger.debug("Cannot find part for idaho image.")

                    bandstr = {
                        'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                        'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,3,2',
                        'PAN': '0'
                    }.get(partname, '0,1,2')

                    part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                    part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                    bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                    image_id = part[partname]['id']
                    W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds

                    functionstring += "addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" % (
                        bucketname, image_id, W, S, E, N, pan_image_id)

            __location__ = os.path.realpath(
                os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
            with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'),
                      'r') as htmlfile:
                data = htmlfile.read().decode("utf8")

            data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING', functionstring)
            data = data.replace('CENTERLAT', str(S))
            data = data.replace('CENTERLON', str(W))
            data = data.replace('BANDS', bandstr)
            data = data.replace('TOKEN', self.gbdx_connection.access_token)

            with codecs.open(output_filename, 'w', 'utf8') as outputfile:
                self.logger.debug("Saving %s" % output_filename)
            print "No items returned."

    def get_idaho_chip(self, bucket_name, idaho_id, center_lat, center_lon,
                       pixel_res_meters, output_folder):
        '''Downloads an orthorectified IDAHO chip.

            bucket_name (str): The S3 bucket name.
            idaho_id (str): The IDAHO ID of the chip.
            center_lat (str): The latitude of the center of the desired chip.
            center_lon (str): The longitude of the center of the desired chip.
            pixel_res_meters (str): Pixel resolution in meters.
            output_folder (str): The folder the chip should be output to.

            Confirmation (str) that tile processing was done.

        print 'Retrieving IDAHO chip'

        # form request
        url = ('http://idaho.geobigdata.io/'
               'v1/chip/' + bucket_name + '/' + idaho_id + '?lat=' +
               str(center_lat) + '&long=' + str(center_lon) + '&resolution=' +

        r = requests.get(url)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            # form output path
            file_path = output_folder + '/' + idaho_id + '.tif'

            # save returned image
            i = Image.open(StringIO(r.content))

        elif r.status_code == 404:
            print 'IDAHO ID not found: %s' % idaho_id
            print 'There was a problem retrieving IDAHO ID: %s' % idaho_id

    def view_idaho_tiles_by_bbox(self, catId, bbox, output_filename):
        '''Retrieve and view just the IDAHO chips in a particular bounding box
           for a catID.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            bbox (list): List of coords: minx(W), miny(S), maxx(E), maxy(N).
            output_filename (str): a Leaflet Viewer file showing the IDAHO
               images as tiles.

        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox

        #validate bbox values
        if (minx > maxx):
            print('The west value is not less than the east value.')
        if (miny > maxy):
            print('The south value is not less than the north value.')

        #create bbox polygon
        bp1 = Point(minx, miny)
        bp2 = Point(minx, maxy)
        bp3 = Point(maxx, maxy)
        bp4 = Point(maxx, miny)
        bbox_polygon = Polygon(bp1, bp2, bp3, bp4)

        #get IDAHO image results: parts
        idaho_image_results = self.get_images_by_catid(catId)
        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)

        tile_count = 0
        for catid, images in description.iteritems():
            functionstring = ''
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].iteritems():

                num_images = len(part.keys())
                partname = None
                if num_images == 1:
                    # there is only one image, use the PAN
                    partname = [p for p in part.keys()
                                if p.upper() == 'PAN'][0]
                    pan_image_id = ''
                elif num_images == 2:
                    # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                    partname = [p for p in part.keys() if p is not 'PAN'][0]
                    pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']

                if not partname:
                    print "Cannot find part for idaho image."

                bandstr = {
                    'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                    'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,3,2',
                    'PAN': '0'
                }.get(partname, '0,1,2')

                part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                image_id = part[partname]['id']
                W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds
                pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4 = Point(W,
                                           S), Point(W,
                                                     N), Point(E,
                                                               N), Point(E, S)
                part_bbox_polygon = Polygon(pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4)
                if (bbox_polygon.intersection(part_bbox_polygon)):
                    functionstring += (
                        "addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" %
                        (bucketname, image_id, W, S, E, N, pan_image_id))
                    tile_count += 1

        print('There were ' + str(tile_count) + ' IDAHO images found to ' +
              'intersect with the provided bounding box.')

        __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'),
                  'r') as htmlfile:
            data = htmlfile.read().decode("utf8")

        data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING', functionstring)
        data = data.replace('CENTERLAT', str(S + (N - S) / 2))
        data = data.replace('CENTERLON', str(W + (E - W) / 2))
        data = data.replace('BANDS', bandstr)
        data = data.replace('TOKEN', self.gbdx_connection.access_token)

        with codecs.open(output_filename, 'w', 'utf8') as outputfile:
            print "Saving %s" % output_filename

    def download_idaho_tiles_by_bbox(self, catId, bbox, resolution,
        '''Retrieve and view just the IDAHO chips in a particular bounding box
           for a catID.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            bbox (list): List of coords: minx(W), miny(S), maxx(E), maxy(N).
            resolution (str): The desired floating point resolution of the tiles.
            outputfolder (str): The desired output location of the IDAHO tiles.

        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox

        #validate bbox values
        if (minx > maxx):
            print('The west value is not less than the east value.')
        if (miny > maxy):
            print('The south value is not less than the north value.')

        #create bbox polygon
        bp1 = Point(minx, miny)
        bp2 = Point(minx, maxy)
        bp3 = Point(maxx, maxy)
        bp4 = Point(maxx, miny)
        bbox_polygon = Polygon(bp1, bp2, bp3, bp4)

        #get IDAHO image results: parts
        idaho_image_results = self.get_images_by_catid(catId)
        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)

        tile_count = 0
        for catid, images in description.iteritems():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].iteritems():

                num_images = len(part.keys())
                partname = None
                if num_images == 1:
                    # there is only one image, use the PAN
                    partname = [p for p in part.keys()
                                if p.upper() == 'PAN'][0]
                elif num_images == 2:
                    # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                    partname = [p for p in part.keys() if p is not 'PAN'][0]

                if not partname:
                    print "Cannot find part for idaho image."

                part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                image_id = part[partname]['id']
                W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds
                pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4 = Point(W,
                                           S), Point(W,
                                                     N), Point(E,
                                                               N), Point(E, S)
                part_bbox_polygon = Polygon(pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4)
                if (bbox_polygon.intersection(part_bbox_polygon)):
                    center_lat = (S + (N - S) / 2)
                    center_lon = (W + (E - W) / 2)
                    print center_lat, center_lon
                    self.get_idaho_chip(bucketname, image_id, center_lat,
                                        center_lon, resolution, outputfolder)
                    tile_count += 1

        print('There were ' + str(tile_count) +
              ' IDAHO images downloaded that ' +
              'intersect with the provided bounding box.')
コード例 #3
ファイル: idaho.py プロジェクト: nricklin/gbdxtools
class Idaho():

    def __init__(self, interface):
        ''' Construct the Idaho interface class
            connection (gbdx_session): A reference to the GBDX Connection.

            An instance of the Idaho interface class.

        self.gbdx_connection = interface.gbdx_connection
        self.catalog = Catalog(interface)
        self.logger = interface.logger

    def get_images_by_catid(self, catid):
        ''' Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.

            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images 
                            within the catID.


        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # get the footprint of the catid's strip
        footprint = self.catalog.get_strip_footprint_wkt(catid)
        if not footprint:
            self.logger.debug('Cannot get IDAHO metadata for strip %s, footprint not found' % catid)
            return None

        # use the footprint to get the IDAHO ID
        url = 'https://geobigdata.io/catalog/v1/search'

        body = {"startDate": None,
                "filters": ["vendorDatasetIdentifier3 = '%s'" % catid],
                "endDate": None,
                "types": ["IDAHOImage"],
                "searchAreaWkt": footprint}

        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        r = self.gbdx_connection.post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            results = r.json()
            numresults = len(results['results'])
            self.logger.debug('%s IDAHO images found associated with catid %s' % (numresults, catid))

            return results

    def describe_images(self, idaho_image_results):
        ''' Describe a set of IDAHO images, as returned in catalog search results.

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from 
                                        the catalog.
            results (json): the full catalog-search response for IDAHO images 
                            within the catID.

        results = idaho_image_results['results']

        # filter only idaho images:
        results = [r for r in results if r['type']=='IDAHOImage']
        self.logger.debug('Describing %s IDAHO images.' % len(results))

        # figure out which catids are represented in this set of images
        catids = set([r['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier3'] for r in results])

        description = {}

        for catid in catids:
            # images associated with a single catid
            description[catid] = {}
            description[catid]['parts'] = {}
            description[catid]['sensorPlatformName'] = results[0]['properties']['sensorPlatformName']
            images = [r for r in results if r['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier3'] == catid]
            for image in images:
                part = int(image['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier2'][-3:])
                color = image['properties']['colorInterpretation']
                bucket = image['properties']['imageBucketName']
                id = image['identifier']
                boundstr = image['properties']['imageBoundsWGS84']

                    description[catid]['parts'][part] = {}

                description[catid]['parts'][part][color] = {}
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['id'] = id
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['bucket'] = bucket
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['boundstr'] = boundstr

        return description

    def get_tiles_by_zxy(self, catID, z, x, y, outputFolder):
        '''Retrieves IDAHO tiles of a given catID for a particular z, x, and
           y.  The z, x, and y must be known ahead of time and must intersect
           the strip boundaries of the particular catID to return content.

            catID (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.

            Confirmation (str) that tile processing was done.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO tiles')

        # get the bucket name and IDAHO ID of each tile within the catID
        locations = self.get_tile_locations(catID)
        access_token = self.gbdx_connection.access_token
        for location in locations:
            bucket_name = location[0]['imageBucketName']
            idaho_id = location[1]

            # form request
            url = ('http://idahotms-env.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/'
                   'v1/tile/' + bucket_name + '/' + idaho_id + '/' + str(z)
                   + '/' + str(x) + '/' + str(y) + '?token=' + access_token)
            body = {"token": access_token}

            r = self.gbdx_connection.get(url, data=json.dumps(body), stream=True)

            # form output path
            file_path = os.path.join(outputFolder, 
                                     catID + '-'.join(map(str, [z, x, y])) + '.tif')

            # save returned image
            i = Image.open(StringIO(r.content))
            saved = i.save(file_path)

        if saved == None:
            return 'Retrieval complete; please check output folder.'
            return 'There was a problem saving the file at ' + file_path + '.'

    def create_leaflet_viewer(self, idaho_image_results, outputfilename):
        '''Create a leaflet viewer html file for viewing idaho images

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from the catalog.
            outputfilename (str): where to save an output html file

        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        for catid, images in description.iteritems():
            functionstring = ''
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].iteritems():

                num_images = len(part.keys())
                partname = None
                if num_images == 1:
                    # there is only one image, use the PAN
                    partname = [p for p in part.keys() if p.upper() == 'PAN'][0]
                    pan_image_id = ''
                elif num_images == 2:
                    # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                    partname = [p for p in part.keys() if p is not 'PAN'][0]
                    pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']

                if not partname:
                    self.logger.debug("Cannot find part for idaho image.")

                bandstr = {
                    'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                    'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,3,2',
                    'PAN': '0'
                }.get(partname, '0,1,2')

                part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                image_id = part[partname]['id']
                W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds

                functionstring += "addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" % (bucketname, image_id, W,S,E,N, pan_image_id)

        __location__ = os.path.realpath(
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
        with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'), 'r') as htmlfile:

        data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING',functionstring)
        data = data.replace('CENTERLAT',str(S))
        data = data.replace('CENTERLON',str(W))
        data = data.replace('BANDS',bandstr)
        data = data.replace('TOKEN',self.gbdx_connection.access_token)

        with codecs.open(outputfilename,'w','utf8') as outputfile:
            self.logger.debug("Saving %s" % outputfilename)
コード例 #4
ファイル: idaho.py プロジェクト: jeffnaus/gbdxtools
class Idaho(object):

    def __init__(self, interface):
        ''' Construct the Idaho interface class
            connection (gbdx_session): A reference to the GBDX Connection.

            An instance of the Idaho interface class.

        self.gbdx_connection = interface.gbdx_connection
        self.catalog = Catalog(interface)
        self.logger = interface.logger

    def get_idaho_by_catid_and_aoi(self, catid, aoiWKT):
        ''' Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            cataoiWKTid (str): The well known text of the area of interest.

            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.


        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # use the footprint to get the IDAHO ID
        url = 'https://geobigdata.io/catalog/v1/search'

        body = {"filters": ["vendorDatasetIdentifier3 = '%s'" % catid],
                "types": ["IDAHOImage"],
                "searchAreaWkt": aoiWKT}

        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        r = self.gbdx_connection.post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers=headers)
        if r.status_code == 200:
            results = r.json()
            numresults = len(results['results'])
            self.logger.debug('%s IDAHO images found associated with catid %s'
                              % (numresults, catid))

            return results

    def get_images_by_catid(self, catid):
        ''' Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.

            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # get the footprint of the catid's strip
        footprint = self.catalog.get_strip_footprint_wkt(catid)
        if not footprint:
            self.logger.debug('''Cannot get IDAHO metadata for strip %s,
                                 footprint not found''' % catid)
            return None

        return self.get_idaho_by_catid_and_aoi(catid, footprint)

    def describe_images(self, idaho_image_results):
        ''' Describe a set of IDAHO images, as returned in catalog search results.

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from 
                                        the catalog.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images 
                            within the catID.

        results = idaho_image_results['results']

        # filter only idaho images:
        results = [r for r in results if r['type']=='IDAHOImage']
        self.logger.debug('Describing %s IDAHO images.' % len(results))

        # figure out which catids are represented in this set of images
        catids = set([r['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier3'] for r in results])

        description = {}

        for catid in catids:
            # images associated with a single catid
            description[catid] = {}
            description[catid]['parts'] = {}
            images = [r for r in results if r['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier3'] == catid]
            for image in images:
                description[catid]['sensorPlatformName'] = image['properties']['sensorPlatformName']
                part = int(image['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier2'][-3:])
                color = image['properties']['colorInterpretation']
                bucket = image['properties']['imageBucketName']
                id = image['identifier']
                boundstr = image['properties']['imageBoundsWGS84']

                    description[catid]['parts'][part] = {}

                description[catid]['parts'][part][color] = {}
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['id'] = id
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['bucket'] = bucket
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['boundstr'] = boundstr

        return description

    def create_leaflet_viewer(self, idaho_image_results, output_filename):
        '''Create a leaflet viewer html file for viewing idaho images

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from 
                                        the catalog.
            output_filename (str): where to save an output html file

        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        if len(description) > 0:
            functionstring = ''
            for catid, images in description.items():
                for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():
                    num_images = len(list(part.keys()))
                    partname = None
                    if num_images == 1:
                        # there is only one image, use the PAN
                        partname = [p for p in list(part.keys())][0]
                        pan_image_id = ''
                    elif num_images == 2:
                        # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                        partname = [p for p in list(part.keys()) if p is not 'PAN'][0]
                        pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']
                    if not partname:
                        self.logger.debug("Cannot find part for idaho image.")
                    bandstr = {
                        'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                        'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,2,1',
                        'PAN': '0'
                    }.get(partname, '0,1,2')
                    part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                    part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                    bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                    image_id = part[partname]['id']
                    W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds
                    functionstring += "addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" % (bucketname, image_id, W,S,E,N, pan_image_id)
            __location__ = os.path.realpath(
                os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
            with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'), 'r') as htmlfile:
            data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING',functionstring)
            data = data.replace('CENTERLAT',str(S))
            data = data.replace('CENTERLON',str(W))
            data = data.replace('BANDS',bandstr)
            data = data.replace('TOKEN',self.gbdx_connection.access_token)
            with codecs.open(output_filename,'w','utf8') as outputfile:
                self.logger.debug("Saving %s" % output_filename)
            print("No items returned.")

    def get_idaho_chip_url(self, bucket_name, idaho_id, center_lat, center_lon, 
                       resolution=None, pan_id=None, format='tif', bands=None):
        '''Gets the URL for an orthorectified IDAHO chip.

            bucket_name (str): The S3 bucket name.
            idaho_id (str): The IDAHO ID of the chip.
            center_lat (str): The latitude of the center of the desired chip.
            center_lon (str): The longitude of the center of the desired chip.
            output_folder (str): The folder the chip should be output to.
            resolution (str): output resolution in meters (default None = native resolution)
            pan_id (str): The associated PAN ID for pan sharpening a multispectral image
            format (str): File format.  Defaults to 'tif'.
            bands (str): band string.  Defaults to None.
            URL (str)
        # form request
        access_token = self.gbdx_connection.access_token
        url = ('http://idaho.geobigdata.io/'
               'v1/chip/centroid/' + bucket_name + '/' + idaho_id + '?lat='
               + str(center_lat) + '&long=' + str(center_lon) +
               '&format=' + format + '&token='+access_token)

        if pan_id:
            url += '&panId=' + pan_id

        if resolution:
            url += '&resolution=' + str(resolution)

        if bands:
            url += '&bands=' + bands

        return url

    def get_idaho_chip(self, bucket_name, idaho_id, center_lat, center_lon, 
                       output_folder, resolution=None, pan_id=None):
        '''Downloads an orthorectified IDAHO chip.

            bucket_name (str): The S3 bucket name.
            idaho_id (str): The IDAHO ID of the chip.
            center_lat (str): The latitude of the center of the desired chip.
            center_lon (str): The longitude of the center of the desired chip.
            output_folder (str): The folder the chip should be output to.
            resolution (str): output resolution in meters (default None = native resolution)
            pan_id (str): The associated PAN ID for pan sharpening a multispectral image
            Confirmation (str) that tile processing was done.

        print('Retrieving IDAHO chip')

        url = self.get_idaho_chip_url(bucket_name, idaho_id, center_lat, center_lon, resolution, pan_id)

        r = requests.get(url)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            # form output path
            file_path = os.path.join(output_folder, idaho_id+'.tif')

            with open(file_path, 'wb') as the_file:
        elif r.status_code == 404:
            print('IDAHO ID not found: %s' % idaho_id)
            print('There was a problem retrieving IDAHO ID: %s' % idaho_id)

    def view_idaho_tiles_by_bbox(self, catId, bbox, output_filename):
        '''Retrieve and view just the IDAHO chips in a particular bounding box
           for a catID.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            bbox (list): List of coords: minx(W), miny(S), maxx(E), maxy(N).
            output_filename (str): a Leaflet Viewer file showing the IDAHO
               images as tiles.
        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox
        #validate bbox values
        if (minx > maxx):
            print ('The west value is not less than the east value.')
        if (miny > maxy):
            print ('The south value is not less than the north value.')
        #create bbox polygon
        bp1 = Point(minx, miny)
        bp2 = Point(minx, maxy)
        bp3 = Point(maxx, maxy)
        bp4 = Point(maxx, miny)
        bbox_polygon = Polygon(bp1, bp2, bp3, bp4)
        #get IDAHO image results: parts
        idaho_image_results = self.get_images_by_catid(catId)
        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        tile_count = 0
        for catid, images in description.items():
            functionstring = ''
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():

                num_images = len(list(part.keys()))
                partname = None
                if num_images == 1:
                    # there is only one image, use the PAN
                    partname = [p for p in list(part.keys()) if p.upper() == 'PAN'][0]
                    pan_image_id = ''
                elif num_images == 2:
                    # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                    partname = [p for p in list(part.keys()) if p is not 'PAN'][0]
                    pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']

                if not partname:
                    print("Cannot find part for idaho image.")

                bandstr = {
                    'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                    'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,2,1',
                    'PAN': '0'
                }.get(partname, '0,1,2')

                part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt) 
                bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                image_id = part[partname]['id']
                W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds
                pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4 = Point(W, S), Point(W, N), Point(E, N), Point(E, S)
                part_bbox_polygon = Polygon(pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4)
                if (bbox_polygon.intersection(part_bbox_polygon)):
                    functionstring += ("addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" % 
                                      (bucketname, image_id, W,S,E,N, pan_image_id))
                    tile_count += 1
        print ('There were ' + str(tile_count) + ' IDAHO images found to ' +
              'intersect with the provided bounding box.')
        __location__ = os.path.realpath(
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__'))))
        with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'), 'r') as htmlfile:

        data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING',functionstring)
        data = data.replace('CENTERLAT',str(S + old_div((N-S),2)))
        data = data.replace('CENTERLON',str(W + old_div((E-W),2)))
        data = data.replace('BANDS',bandstr)
        data = data.replace('TOKEN',self.gbdx_connection.access_token)

        with codecs.open(output_filename,'w','utf8') as outputfile:
            print("Saving %s" % output_filename)
    def download_idaho_tiles_by_bbox(self, catId, bbox, resolution, outputfolder):
        '''Retrieve and view just the IDAHO chips in a particular bounding box
           for a catID.

            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            bbox (list): List of coords: minx(W), miny(S), maxx(E), maxy(N).
            resolution (str): The desired floating point resolution of the tiles.
            outputfolder (str): The desired output location of the IDAHO tiles.
        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox
        #validate bbox values
        if (minx > maxx):
            print ('The west value is not less than the east value.')
        if (miny > maxy):
            print ('The south value is not less than the north value.')
        #create bbox polygon
        bp1 = Point(minx, miny)
        bp2 = Point(minx, maxy)
        bp3 = Point(maxx, maxy)
        bp4 = Point(maxx, miny)
        bbox_polygon = Polygon(bp1, bp2, bp3, bp4)
        #get IDAHO image results: parts
        idaho_image_results = self.get_images_by_catid(catId)
        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        tile_count = 0
        for catid, images in description.items():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():

                num_images = len(list(part.keys()))
                partname = None
                if num_images == 1:
                    # there is only one image, use the PAN
                    partname = [p for p in list(part.keys()) if p.upper() == 'PAN'][0]
                elif num_images == 2:
                    # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                    partname = [p for p in list(part.keys()) if p is not 'PAN'][0]

                if not partname:
                    print("Cannot find part for idaho image.")

                part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                part_polygon = geometry.from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt) 
                bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                image_id = part[partname]['id']
                W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds
                pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4 = Point(W, S), Point(W, N), Point(E, N), Point(E, S)
                part_bbox_polygon = Polygon(pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4)
                if (bbox_polygon.intersection(part_bbox_polygon)):
                    center_lat = (S + old_div((N-S),2))
                    center_lon = (W + old_div((E-W),2))
                    print(center_lat, center_lon)
        print ('There were ' + str(tile_count) + ' IDAHO images downloaded that ' +
              'intersect with the provided bounding box.')
コード例 #5
ファイル: idaho.py プロジェクト: DigitalGlobe/gbdxtools
class Idaho(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Construct the Idaho interface class.

                An instance of the Idaho interface class.
        interface = Auth(**kwargs)
        self.base_url = '%s/catalog/v2' % interface.root_url
        self.gbdx_connection = interface.gbdx_connection
        self.catalog = Catalog()
        self.logger = interface.logger

    def get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(self, catid, aoi_wkt):
        """ Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.
            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            aoi_wkt (str): The well known text of the area of interest.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # use the footprint to get the IDAHO id
        url = '%s/search' % self.base_url

        body = {"filters": ["catalogID = '%s'" % catid],
                "types": ["IDAHOImage"],
                "searchAreaWkt": aoi_wkt}

        r = self.gbdx_connection.post(url, data=json.dumps(body))

        if r.status_code == 200:
            results = r.json()
            numresults = len(results['results'])
            self.logger.debug('%s IDAHO images found associated with catid %s'
                              % (numresults, catid))

            return results

    def get_images_by_catid(self, catid):
        """ Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.
            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # get the footprint of the catid's strip
        footprint = self.catalog.get_strip_footprint_wkt(catid)

        # try to convert from multipolygon to polygon:
            footprint = from_wkt(footprint).geoms[0].wkt

        if not footprint:
            self.logger.debug("""Cannot get IDAHO metadata for strip %s,
                                 footprint not found""" % catid)
            return None

        return self.get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(catid=catid,

    def describe_images(self, idaho_image_results):
        """Describe the result set of a catalog search for IDAHO images.

            idaho_image_results (dict): Result set of catalog search.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            corresponding to the given catID.

        results = idaho_image_results['results']

        # filter only idaho images:
        results = [r for r in results if 'IDAHOImage' in r['type']]
        self.logger.debug('Describing %s IDAHO images.' % len(results))

        # figure out which catids are represented in this set of images
        catids = set([r['properties']['catalogID'] for r in results])

        description = {}

        for catid in catids:
            # images associated with a single catid
            description[catid] = {}
            description[catid]['parts'] = {}
            images = [r for r in results if r['properties']['catalogID'] == catid]
            for image in images:
                description[catid]['sensorPlatformName'] = image['properties']['sensorPlatformName']
                part = int(image['properties']['vendorDatasetIdentifier'].split(':')[1][-3:])
                color = image['properties']['colorInterpretation']
                bucket = image['properties']['tileBucketName']
                identifier = image['identifier']
                boundstr = image['properties']['footprintWkt']

                    description[catid]['parts'][part] = {}

                description[catid]['parts'][part][color] = {}
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['id'] = identifier
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['bucket'] = bucket
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['boundstr'] = boundstr

        return description

    def get_chip(self, coordinates, catid, chip_type='PAN', chip_format='TIF', filename='chip.tif'):
        """Downloads a native resolution, orthorectified chip in tif format
        from a user-specified catalog id.

            coordinates (list): Rectangle coordinates in order West, South, East, North.
                                West and East are longitudes, North and South are latitudes.
                                The maximum chip size is (2048 pix)x(2048 pix)
            catid (str): The image catalog id.
            chip_type (str): 'PAN' (panchromatic), 'MS' (multispectral), 'PS' (pansharpened).
                             'MS' is 4 or 8 bands depending on sensor.
            chip_format (str): 'TIF' or 'PNG'
            filename (str): Where to save chip.

            True if chip is successfully downloaded; else False.

        def t2s1(t):
            # Tuple to string 1
            return str(t).strip('(,)').replace(',', '')

        def t2s2(t):
            # Tuple to string 2
            return str(t).strip('(,)').replace(' ', '')

        if len(coordinates) != 4:
            print('Wrong coordinate entry')
            return False

        W, S, E, N = coordinates
        box = ((W, S), (W, N), (E, N), (E, S), (W, S))
        box_wkt = 'POLYGON ((' + ','.join([t2s1(corner) for corner in box]) + '))'

        # get IDAHO images which intersect box
        results = self.get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(catid=catid, aoi_wkt=box_wkt)
        description = self.describe_images(results)

        pan_id, ms_id, num_bands = None, None, 0
        for catid, images in description.items():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():
                if 'PAN' in part.keys():
                    pan_id = part['PAN']['id']
                    bucket = part['PAN']['bucket']
                if 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['id']
                    num_bands = 8
                    bucket = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['bucket']
                elif 'RGBN' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['RGBN']['id']
                    num_bands = 4
                    bucket = part['RGBN']['bucket']

        # specify band information
        band_str = ''
        if chip_type == 'PAN':
            band_str = pan_id + '?bands=0'
        elif chip_type == 'MS':
            band_str = ms_id + '?'
        elif chip_type == 'PS':
            if num_bands == 8:
                band_str = ms_id + '?bands=4,2,1&panId=' + pan_id
            elif num_bands == 4:
                band_str = ms_id + '?bands=0,1,2&panId=' + pan_id

        # specify location information
        location_str = '&upperLeft={}&lowerRight={}'.format(t2s2((W, N)), t2s2((E, S)))

        service_url = 'https://idaho.geobigdata.io/v1/chip/bbox/' + bucket + '/'
        url = service_url + band_str + location_str
        url += '&format=' + chip_format + '&token=' + self.gbdx_connection.access_token
        r = requests.get(url)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
                return True
            print('Cannot download chip')
            return False

    def get_tms_layers(self,
        """Get list of urls and bounding boxes corrsponding to idaho images for a given catalog id.

           catid (str): Catalog id
           bands (str): Bands to display, separated by commas (0-7).
           gamma (float): gamma coefficient. This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           highcutoff (float): High cut off coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           lowcutoff (float): Low cut off coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           brightness (float): Brightness coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.
           contrast (float): Contrast coefficient (0.0 to 1.0). This is for on-the-fly pansharpening.

           urls (list): TMS urls.
           bboxes (list of tuples): Each tuple is (W, S, E, N) where (W,S,E,N) are the bounds of the corresponding idaho part.

        description = self.describe_images(self.get_images_by_catid(catid))
        service_url = 'http://idaho.geobigdata.io/v1/tile/'

        urls, bboxes = [], []
        for catid, images in description.items():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():
                if 'PAN' in part.keys():
                    pan_id = part['PAN']['id']
                if 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['id']
                    ms_partname = 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND'
                elif 'RGBN' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['RGBN']['id']
                    ms_partname = 'RGBN'

                if ms_id:
                    if pan_id:
                        band_str = ms_id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}?bands=' + bands + '&panId=' + pan_id
                        band_str = ms_id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}?bands=' + bands
                    bbox = from_wkt(part[ms_partname]['boundstr']).bounds
                elif not ms_id and pan_id:
                    band_str = pan_id + '/{z}/{x}/{y}?bands=0'
                    bbox = from_wkt(part['PAN']['boundstr']).bounds


                # Get the bucket. It has to be the same for all entries in the part.
                bucket = part[list(part.keys())[0]]['bucket']

                # Get the token
                token = self.gbdx_connection.access_token

                # Assemble url
                url = (service_url + bucket + '/'
                       + band_str
                       + """&gamma={}

        return urls, bboxes

    def create_leaflet_viewer(self, idaho_image_results, filename):
        """Create a leaflet viewer html file for viewing idaho images.

            idaho_image_results (dict): IDAHO image result set as returned from
                                        the catalog.
            filename (str): Where to save output html file.

        description = self.describe_images(idaho_image_results)
        if len(description) > 0:
            functionstring = ''
            for catid, images in description.items():
                for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():

                    num_images = len(list(part.keys()))
                    partname = None
                    if num_images == 1:
                        # there is only one image, use the PAN
                        partname = [p for p in list(part.keys())][0]
                        pan_image_id = ''
                    elif num_images == 2:
                        # there are two images in this part, use the multi (or pansharpen)
                        partname = [p for p in list(part.keys()) if p is not 'PAN'][0]
                        pan_image_id = part['PAN']['id']

                    if not partname:
                        self.logger.debug("Cannot find part for idaho image.")

                    bandstr = {
                        'RGBN': '0,1,2',
                        'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND': '4,2,1',
                        'PAN': '0'
                    }.get(partname, '0,1,2')

                    part_boundstr_wkt = part[partname]['boundstr']
                    part_polygon = from_wkt(part_boundstr_wkt)
                    bucketname = part[partname]['bucket']
                    image_id = part[partname]['id']
                    W, S, E, N = part_polygon.bounds

                    functionstring += "addLayerToMap('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s');\n" % (
                        bucketname, image_id, W, S, E, N, pan_image_id)

            __location__ = os.path.realpath(
                os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
                with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'), 'r') as htmlfile:
                    data = htmlfile.read().decode("utf8")
            except AttributeError:
                with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'leafletmap_template.html'), 'r') as htmlfile:
                    data = htmlfile.read()

            data = data.replace('FUNCTIONSTRING', functionstring)
            data = data.replace('CENTERLAT', str(S))
            data = data.replace('CENTERLON', str(W))
            data = data.replace('BANDS', bandstr)
            data = data.replace('TOKEN', self.gbdx_connection.access_token)

            with codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf8') as outputfile:
                self.logger.debug("Saving %s" % filename)
            print('No items returned.')
コード例 #6
class Idaho(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Construct the Idaho interface class.

                An instance of the Idaho interface class.
        interface = Auth(**kwargs)
        self.base_url = '%s/catalog/v2' % interface.root_url
        self.gbdx_connection = interface.gbdx_connection
        self.catalog = Catalog()
        self.logger = interface.logger

    def get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(self, catid, aoi_wkt):
        """ Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.
            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            aoi_wkt (str): The well known text of the area of interest.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # use the footprint to get the IDAHO id
        url = '%s/search' % self.base_url

        body = {
            "filters": ["catalogID = '%s'" % catid],
            "types": ["IDAHOImage"],
            "searchAreaWkt": aoi_wkt

        r = self.gbdx_connection.post(url, data=json.dumps(body))

        if r.status_code == 200:
            results = r.json()
            numresults = len(results['results'])
                '%s IDAHO images found associated with catid %s' %
                (numresults, catid))

            return results

    def get_images_by_catid(self, catid):
        """ Retrieves the IDAHO image records associated with a given catid.
            catid (str): The source catalog ID from the platform catalog.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            within the catID.

        self.logger.debug('Retrieving IDAHO metadata')

        # get the footprint of the catid's strip
        footprint = self.catalog.get_strip_footprint_wkt(catid)

        # try to convert from multipolygon to polygon:
            footprint = from_wkt(footprint).geoms[0].wkt

        if not footprint:
            self.logger.debug("""Cannot get IDAHO metadata for strip %s,
                                 footprint not found""" % catid)
            return None

        return self.get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(catid=catid, aoi_wkt=footprint)

    def describe_images(self, idaho_image_results):
        """Describe the result set of a catalog search for IDAHO images.

            idaho_image_results (dict): Result set of catalog search.
            results (json): The full catalog-search response for IDAHO images
                            corresponding to the given catID.

        results = idaho_image_results['results']

        # filter only idaho images:
        results = [r for r in results if 'IDAHOImage' in r['type']]
        self.logger.debug('Describing %s IDAHO images.' % len(results))

        # figure out which catids are represented in this set of images
        catids = set([r['properties']['catalogID'] for r in results])

        description = {}

        for catid in catids:
            # images associated with a single catid
            description[catid] = {}
            description[catid]['parts'] = {}
            images = [
                r for r in results if r['properties']['catalogID'] == catid
            for image in images:
                description[catid]['sensorPlatformName'] = image['properties'][
                part = int(image['properties']
                color = image['properties']['colorInterpretation']
                bucket = image['properties']['tileBucketName']
                identifier = image['identifier']
                boundstr = image['properties']['footprintWkt']

                    description[catid]['parts'][part] = {}

                description[catid]['parts'][part][color] = {}
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['id'] = identifier
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['bucket'] = bucket
                description[catid]['parts'][part][color]['boundstr'] = boundstr

        return description

    def get_chip(self,
        """Downloads a native resolution, orthorectified chip in tif format
        from a user-specified catalog id.

            coordinates (list): Rectangle coordinates in order West, South, East, North.
                                West and East are longitudes, North and South are latitudes.
                                The maximum chip size is (2048 pix)x(2048 pix)
            catid (str): The image catalog id.
            chip_type (str): 'PAN' (panchromatic), 'MS' (multispectral), 'PS' (pansharpened).
                             'MS' is 4 or 8 bands depending on sensor.
            chip_format (str): 'TIF' or 'PNG'
            filename (str): Where to save chip.

            True if chip is successfully downloaded; else False.
        def t2s1(t):
            # Tuple to string 1
            return str(t).strip('(,)').replace(',', '')

        def t2s2(t):
            # Tuple to string 2
            return str(t).strip('(,)').replace(' ', '')

        if len(coordinates) != 4:
            print('Wrong coordinate entry')
            return False

        W, S, E, N = coordinates
        box = ((W, S), (W, N), (E, N), (E, S), (W, S))
        box_wkt = 'POLYGON ((' + ','.join([t2s1(corner)
                                           for corner in box]) + '))'

        # get IDAHO images which intersect box
        results = self.get_images_by_catid_and_aoi(catid=catid,
        description = self.describe_images(results)

        pan_id, ms_id, num_bands = None, None, 0
        for catid, images in description.items():
            for partnum, part in images['parts'].items():
                if 'PAN' in part.keys():
                    pan_id = part['PAN']['id']
                    bucket = part['PAN']['bucket']
                if 'WORLDVIEW_8_BAND' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['id']
                    num_bands = 8
                    bucket = part['WORLDVIEW_8_BAND']['bucket']
                elif 'RGBN' in part.keys():
                    ms_id = part['RGBN']['id']
                    num_bands = 4
                    bucket = part['RGBN']['bucket']

        # specify band information
        band_str = ''
        if chip_type == 'PAN':
            band_str = pan_id + '?bands=0'
        elif chip_type == 'MS':
            band_str = ms_id + '?'
        elif chip_type == 'PS':
            if num_bands == 8:
                band_str = ms_id + '?bands=4,2,1&panId=' + pan_id
            elif num_bands == 4:
                band_str = ms_id + '?bands=0,1,2&panId=' + pan_id

        # specify location information
        location_str = '&upperLeft={}&lowerRight={}'.format(
            t2s2((W, N)), t2s2((E, S)))

        service_url = 'https://idaho.geobigdata.io/v1/chip/bbox/' + bucket + '/'
        url = service_url + band_str + location_str
        url += '&format=' + chip_format + '&token=' + self.gbdx_connection.access_token
        r = requests.get(url)

        if r.status_code == 200:
            with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
                return True
            print('Cannot download chip')
            return False

    def get_tms_layers(*args, **kwargs):
        deprecation("""IDAHO TMS was deprecated 12/9/2019

    def create_leaflet_viewer(*args, **kwargs):
        deprecation("""IDAHO TMS was deprecated 12/9/2019