コード例 #1
ファイル: log.py プロジェクト: dgw/goshu
	def log_in(self, connection, event):
		""" Logs incoming events."""
			nick = self.string_escape(event.source().split('!')[0])
			host = self.string_escape(event.source().split('!')[1])
			nick = self.string_escape(event.source())
			host = ''
			channel = self.string_escape(event.target().split('!')[0])
			channel = self.string_escape(event.target())
		if self.color_string_unescape(channel) == self.bot.nick:
			channel = nick
		server = self.bot.irc.server_nick(connection)
		event_type = event.eventtype()
		event_source = event.source()
		event_arguments = []
		#print('lol', event.arguments())
		for argument in event.arguments():
		#print('klol', event_arguments)
		event_target = event.target()
		target = 'global'
		sep_blue = self.Fore['BLUE']+'-'+self.Fore['RESET']
		sep_green = self.Fore['GREEN']+'-'+self.Fore['RESET']
		ident_server = sep_blue+'!'+sep_blue+' '
		output = ''
		output += self.Style['DIM']
		output += strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime())
		output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
		output += ' '+sep_green+server+sep_green+' '
		indent =  strings.printable_len(output)
		if event_type in ['all_raw_messages', 'ping', 'ctcp', ]:
		elif event_type in ['action', ]:
			output += sep_blue
			output += channel
			output += sep_blue
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']+'  * '
			output += nick+' '+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += event_arguments[0]
		elif event_type in ['privnotice', '439', ]:
			output += self.Fore['GREEN']
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']+' '
			for message in event_arguments:
				output += message+' '
		elif event_type in ['welcome', 'yourhost', 'created', 'myinfo',
							'featurelist', 'luserclient', 'luserop',
							'luserchannels', 'luserme', 'n_local',
							'n_global', 'luserconns', 'luserunknown',
							'motdstart', 'motd', 'endofmotd', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			for message in event_arguments:
				output += message+' '
		elif event_type in ['umode', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += 'Mode change '
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'['+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += event_arguments[0]
			output += self.Style['DIM']+']'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' for user '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += event_target
		elif event_type in ['mode', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += 'mode/'
			output += self.Style['DIM']+self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += event_target
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += ' ['
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			for arg in event_arguments:
				output += arg
				output += ' '
			output = output[:-1]
			output += self.Style['DIM']
			output += '] '
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += 'by user '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += nick
		elif event_type in ['nicknameinuse', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
				output += event_arguments[1]
				output += ' '
				output += self.Style['DIM']+'['+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
				output += self.Style['BRIGHT']+event_arguments[0]
				output += self.Style['DIM']+']'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
				output += event_arguments
		elif event_type in ['invite', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += nick
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' invites you to '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += event_arguments[0]
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			target = event_arguments[0]
		elif event_type in ['join', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']+self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' '
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'['
			output += self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += self.string_escape(event.source().split('!')[1])
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += ']'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' has joined '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += event_target
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			target = event_target
		elif event_type in ['quit', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += ' '
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'['+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += self.string_escape(event.source().split('!')[1])
			output += self.Style['DIM']+']'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' has quit '
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'['+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += event_arguments[0]
			output += self.Style['DIM']+']'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
		elif event_type in ['currenttopic', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += 'Topic for '
			output += self.Style['DIM']+self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += event_arguments[0]
			output += self.Fore['RESET']+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ': '
			output += event_arguments[1]
			target = event_arguments[0]
		elif event_type in ['topic', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += nick
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' changed the topic of '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += event_target
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' to: '
			output += event_arguments[0]
			target = event_target
		elif event_type in ['topicinfo', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += 'Topic set by '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += event_arguments[1].split('!')[0]
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += self.Style['DIM']
			output += ' ['
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += event_arguments[1].split('!')[1]
			output += self.Style['DIM']
			output += '] '
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += 'on'
			output += self.Style['DIM']
			output += ' ['
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += strftime("%a %b %d, %H:%M:%S %Y", gmtime(int(event_arguments[2])))
			output += self.Style['DIM']
			output += '] '
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			target = event_target
		elif event_type in ['paert', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += ' '
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'['+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += host
			output += self.Style['DIM']+']'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' has left '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += channel
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
		elif event_type in ['pubmsg', ]:
			output += sep_blue
			output += channel
			output += sep_blue
			output += self.Style['DIM']+' <'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += self.nick_symbol(nick)
			output += self.nick_color(nick)
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'> '+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += event_arguments[0]
			target = channel
		elif event_type in ['privmsg', ]:
			output += sep_blue
			output += nick
			output += sep_blue
			output += self.Style['DIM']+' <'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += self.nick_color(nick)
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'> '+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += event_arguments[0]
			target = nick
		elif event_type in ['nick', ]:
			output += ident_server
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += nick
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += ' is now known as '
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']+self.Fore['CYAN']
			output += channel
			output += self.Fore['RESET']+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += "log_in: %s, source: %s, target: %s, arguments: %s" % (event_type, event_source, event_target, event_arguments)
			target = 'unidentified'
		self.log(output, indent, target)
コード例 #2
ファイル: log.py プロジェクト: DanielOaks/goshu
    def log_in(self, connection, event):
        """ Logs incoming events."""
            nick = self.string_escape(event.source().split("!")[0])
            host = self.string_escape(event.source().split("!")[1])
            nick = self.string_escape(event.source())
            host = ""

            channel = self.string_escape(event.target().split("!")[0])
            channel = self.string_escape(event.target())

        if self.color_string_unescape(channel) == self.bot.nick:
            channel = nick
        server = self.bot.irc.server_nick(connection)

        event_type = event.eventtype()
        event_source = event.source()
        event_arguments = []
        # print('lol', event.arguments())
        for argument in event.arguments():
            # print('klol', event_arguments)
        event_target = event.target()

        target = "global"

        sep_blue = self.Fore["BLUE"] + "-" + self.Fore["RESET"]
        sep_green = self.Fore["GREEN"] + "-" + self.Fore["RESET"]
        ident_server = sep_blue + "!" + sep_blue + " "

        output = ""
        output += self.Style["DIM"]
        output += strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime())
        output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
        output += " " + sep_green + server + sep_green + " "

        indent = strings.printable_len(output)

        if event_type in ["all_raw_messages", "ping", "ctcp"]:

        elif event_type in ["action"]:
            output += sep_blue
            output += channel
            output += sep_blue
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"] + "  * "
            output += nick + " " + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)
            output += event_arguments[0]

        elif event_type in ["privnotice", "439"]:
            output += self.Fore["GREEN"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"] + " "
            for message in event_arguments:
                output += message + " "

        elif event_type in [
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            for message in event_arguments:
                output += message + " "

        elif event_type in ["umode"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += "Mode change "
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "[" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += event_arguments[0]
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "]" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " for user "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += event_target

        elif event_type in ["mode"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += "mode/"
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += event_target
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += " ["
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

            for arg in event_arguments:
                output += arg
                output += " "
            output = output[:-1]

            output += self.Style["DIM"]
            output += "] "
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += "by user "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += nick

        elif event_type in ["nicknameinuse"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

                output += event_arguments[1]
                output += " "
                output += self.Style["DIM"] + "[" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
                output += self.Style["BRIGHT"] + event_arguments[0]
                output += self.Style["DIM"] + "]" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
                output += event_arguments

        elif event_type in ["invite"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " invites you to "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += event_arguments[0]
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

            target = event_arguments[0]

        elif event_type in ["join"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"] + self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"] + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " "
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "["
            output += self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += self.string_escape(event.source().split("!")[1])
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += "]" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " has joined "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += event_target
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

            target = event_target

        elif event_type in ["quit"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += " "
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "[" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += self.string_escape(event.source().split("!")[1])
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "]" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " has quit "
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "[" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += event_arguments[0]
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "]" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

        elif event_type in ["currenttopic"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += "Topic for "
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += event_arguments[0]
            output += self.Fore["RESET"] + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += ": "
            output += event_arguments[1]

            target = event_arguments[0]

        elif event_type in ["topic"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " changed the topic of "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += event_target
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " to: "
            output += event_arguments[0]

            target = event_target

        elif event_type in ["topicinfo"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += "Topic set by "

            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += event_arguments[1].split("!")[0]
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += self.Style["DIM"]
            output += " ["
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += event_arguments[1].split("!")[1]
            output += self.Style["DIM"]
            output += "] "
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

            output += "on"

            output += self.Style["DIM"]
            output += " ["
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += strftime("%a %b %d, %H:%M:%S %Y", gmtime(int(event_arguments[2])))
            output += self.Style["DIM"]
            output += "] "
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

            target = event_target

        elif event_type in ["paert"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += " "
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "[" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += host
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "]" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " has left "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += channel
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

        elif event_type in ["pubmsg"]:
            output += sep_blue
            output += channel
            output += sep_blue
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + " <" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += self.nick_symbol(nick)
            output += self.nick_color(nick)
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "> " + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)
            output += event_arguments[0]

            target = channel

        elif event_type in ["privmsg"]:
            output += sep_blue
            output += nick
            output += sep_blue
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + " <" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += self.nick_color(nick)
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "> " + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)
            output += event_arguments[0]

            target = nick

        elif event_type in ["nick"]:
            output += ident_server
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)

            output += self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += " is now known as "
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"] + self.Fore["CYAN"]
            output += channel
            output += self.Fore["RESET"] + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]

            output += "log_in: %s, source: %s, target: %s, arguments: %s" % (

            target = "unidentified"

        self.log(output, indent, target)
コード例 #3
ファイル: log.py プロジェクト: dgw/goshu
	def log_out(self, connection, event):
		""" Logs outgoing events."""
			nick = self.string_escape(event.source().split('!')[0])
			host = self.string_escape(event.source().split('!')[1])
			nick = self.string_escape(event.source())
			host = ''
			channel = self.string_escape(event.target().split('!')[0])
			channel = self.string_escape(event.target())
		if self.color_string_unescape(channel) == self.bot.nick:
			channel = nick
		server = self.bot.irc.server_nick(connection)
		event_type = event.eventtype()
		event_arguments = []
		for argument in event.arguments():
		event_target = self.string_escape(event.target())
		target = 'global'
		sep_blue = self.Fore['BLUE']+'-'+self.Fore['RESET']
		sep_green = self.Fore['GREEN']+'-'+self.Fore['RESET']
		ident_server = sep_blue+'!'+sep_blue+' '
		output = ''
		output += self.Style['DIM']
		output += strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime())
		output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
		output += ' '+sep_green+server+sep_green+' '
		indent = strings.printable_len(output)
		if event_type in ['all_raw_messages', 'ping', ]:
		elif event_type in ['action', ]:
			output += sep_blue
			output += channel
			output += sep_blue
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += ' * '+nick
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += ' '
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += event_arguments[0]
			target = channel
		elif event_type in ['privmsg', ]:
			output += sep_blue
			output += channel
			output += sep_blue
			output += self.Style['DIM']+' <'+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += self.nick_symbol(nick)
			output += self.Style['BRIGHT']
			output += nick
			output += self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			output += self.Fore['RESET']
			output += self.Style['DIM']+'> '+self.Style['RESET_ALL']
			indent = strings.printable_len(output)
			output += event_arguments[0]
			target = channel
			output += "log_out: %s, source: %s, target: %s, arguments: %s" % (event.eventtype(), event.source(), event.target(), event.arguments())
			target = 'unidentified'
		self.log(output, indent, target)
コード例 #4
ファイル: log.py プロジェクト: DanielOaks/goshu
    def log_out(self, connection, event):
        """ Logs outgoing events."""
            nick = self.string_escape(event.source().split("!")[0])
            host = self.string_escape(event.source().split("!")[1])
            nick = self.string_escape(event.source())
            host = ""

            channel = self.string_escape(event.target().split("!")[0])
            channel = self.string_escape(event.target())

        if self.color_string_unescape(channel) == self.bot.nick:
            channel = nick
        server = self.bot.irc.server_nick(connection)

        event_type = event.eventtype()
        event_arguments = []
        for argument in event.arguments():
        event_target = self.string_escape(event.target())

        target = "global"

        sep_blue = self.Fore["BLUE"] + "-" + self.Fore["RESET"]
        sep_green = self.Fore["GREEN"] + "-" + self.Fore["RESET"]
        ident_server = sep_blue + "!" + sep_blue + " "

        output = ""
        output += self.Style["DIM"]
        output += strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime())
        output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
        output += " " + sep_green + server + sep_green + " "

        indent = strings.printable_len(output)

        if event_type in ["all_raw_messages", "ping"]:

        elif event_type in ["action"]:
            output += sep_blue
            output += channel
            output += sep_blue
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += " * " + nick
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += " "
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)
            output += event_arguments[0]

            target = channel

        elif event_type in ["privmsg"]:
            output += sep_blue
            output += channel
            output += sep_blue
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + " <" + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += self.nick_symbol(nick)
            output += self.Style["BRIGHT"]
            output += nick
            output += self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            output += self.Fore["RESET"]
            output += self.Style["DIM"] + "> " + self.Style["RESET_ALL"]
            indent = strings.printable_len(output)
            output += event_arguments[0]

            target = channel

            output += "log_out: %s, source: %s, target: %s, arguments: %s" % (

            target = "unidentified"

        self.log(output, indent, target)