コード例 #1
    def increment_cell_value(self, column_family_id, column, int_value):
        """Increments a value in an existing cell.

        Assumes the value in the cell is stored as a 64 bit integer
        serialized to bytes.

        .. note::

            This method adds a read-modify rule protobuf to the accumulated
            read-modify rules on this :class:`Row`, but does not make an API
            request. To actually send an API request (with the rules) to the
            Google Cloud Bigtable API, call :meth:`commit_modifications`.

        :type column_family_id: str
        :param column_family_id: The column family that contains the column.
                                 Must be of the form

        :type column: bytes
        :param column: The column within the column family where the cell
                       is located.

        :type int_value: int
        :param int_value: The value to increment the existing value in the cell
                          by. If the targeted cell is unset, it will be treated
                          as containing a zero. Otherwise, the targeted cell
                          must contain an 8-byte value (interpreted as a 64-bit
                          big-endian signed integer), or the entire request
                          will fail.
        column = _to_bytes(column)
        rule_pb = data_pb2.ReadModifyWriteRule(family_name=column_family_id,
コード例 #2
    def append_cell_value(self, column_family_id, column, value):
        """Appends a value to an existing cell.

        .. note::

            This method adds a read-modify rule protobuf to the accumulated
            read-modify rules on this :class:`Row`, but does not make an API
            request. To actually send an API request (with the rules) to the
            Google Cloud Bigtable API, call :meth:`commit_modifications`.

        :type column_family_id: str
        :param column_family_id: The column family that contains the column.
                                 Must be of the form

        :type column: bytes
        :param column: The column within the column family where the cell
                       is located.

        :type value: bytes
        :param value: The value to append to the existing value in the cell. If
                      the targeted cell is unset, it will be treated as
                      containing the empty string.
        column = _to_bytes(column)
        value = _to_bytes(value)
        rule_pb = data_pb2.ReadModifyWriteRule(family_name=column_family_id,
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_row.py プロジェクト: AlokSureshKumar/CloudCV
    def test_commit(self):
        from gcloud._testing import _Monkey
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import bigtable_data_pb2 as data_pb2
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import (
            bigtable_service_messages_pb2 as messages_pb2)
        from gcloud.bigtable._testing import _FakeStub
        from gcloud.bigtable import row as MUT

        row_key = b'row_key'
        table_name = 'projects/more-stuff'
        column_family_id = u'column_family_id'
        column = b'column'
        timeout_seconds = 87
        client = _Client(timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds)
        table = _Table(table_name, client=client)
        row = self._makeOne(row_key, table)

        # Create request_pb
        value = b'bytes-value'
        # We will call row.append_cell_value(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID, COLUMN, value).
        request_pb = messages_pb2.ReadModifyWriteRowRequest(

        # Create response_pb
        response_pb = object()

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._data_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Create expected_result.
        row_responses = []
        expected_result = object()

        def mock_parse_rmw_row_response(row_response):
            return expected_result

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        with _Monkey(MUT, _parse_rmw_row_response=mock_parse_rmw_row_response):
            row.append_cell_value(column_family_id, column, value)
            result = row.commit()

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
        self.assertEqual(stub.method_calls, [(
            (request_pb, timeout_seconds),
        self.assertEqual(row_responses, [response_pb])
        self.assertEqual(row._rule_pb_list, [])
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_row.py プロジェクト: AlokSureshKumar/CloudCV
    def test_increment_cell_value(self):
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import bigtable_data_pb2 as data_pb2

        table = object()
        row_key = b'row_key'
        row = self._makeOne(row_key, table)
        self.assertEqual(row._rule_pb_list, [])

        column = b'column'
        column_family_id = u'column_family_id'
        int_value = 281330
        row.increment_cell_value(column_family_id, column, int_value)
        expected_pb = data_pb2.ReadModifyWriteRule(
            family_name=column_family_id, column_qualifier=column,
        self.assertEqual(row._rule_pb_list, [expected_pb])
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_row.py プロジェクト: AlokSureshKumar/CloudCV
    def test_append_cell_value(self):
        from gcloud.bigtable._generated import bigtable_data_pb2 as data_pb2

        table = object()
        row_key = b'row_key'
        row = self._makeOne(row_key, table)
        self.assertEqual(row._rule_pb_list, [])

        column = b'column'
        column_family_id = u'column_family_id'
        value = b'bytes-val'
        row.append_cell_value(column_family_id, column, value)
        expected_pb = data_pb2.ReadModifyWriteRule(
            family_name=column_family_id, column_qualifier=column,
        self.assertEqual(row._rule_pb_list, [expected_pb])