コード例 #1
    def save_entity(self,
        """Save an entity to the Cloud Datastore with the provided properties.

        .. note::
           Any existing properties for the entity identified by 'key_pb'
           will be replaced by those passed in 'properties';  properties
           not passed in 'properties' no longer be set for the entity.

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The dataset in which to save the entity.

        :type key_pb: :class:`gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2.Key`
        :param key_pb: The complete or partial key for the entity.

        :type properties: dict
        :param properties: The properties to store on the entity.

        :type exclude_from_indexes: sequence of str
        :param exclude_from_indexes: Names of properties *not* to be indexed.
        mutation = self.mutation()

        # If the Key is complete, we should upsert
        # instead of using insert_auto_id.
        path = key_pb.path_element[-1]
        auto_id = not (path.HasField('id') or path.HasField('name'))

        if auto_id:
            insert = mutation.insert_auto_id.add()
            insert = mutation.upsert.add()


        for name, value in properties.items():
            prop = insert.property.add()
            # Set the name of the property.
            prop.name = name

            # Set the appropriate value.
            helpers._set_protobuf_value(prop.value, value)

            if name in exclude_from_indexes:
                prop.value.indexed = False

        # If this is in a transaction, we should just return True. The
        # transaction will handle assigning any keys as necessary.
        if self.transaction():
            return True

        result = self.commit(dataset_id, mutation)
        # If this was an auto-assigned ID, return the new Key.
        if auto_id:
            return result.insert_auto_id_key[0]

        return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: Aharobot/gcloud-python
    def filter(self, property_name, operator, value):
        """Filter the query based on a property name, operator and a value.

        This will return a clone of the current :class:`Query`
        filtered by the expression and value provided.

        Expressions take the form of::

          .filter('<property>', '<operator>', <value>)

        where property is a property stored on the entity in the datastore
        and operator is one of ``OPERATORS``
        (ie, ``=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``)::

          >>> query = Query('Person')
          >>> filtered_query = query.filter('name', '=', 'James')
          >>> filtered_query = query.filter('age', '>', 50)

        Because each call to ``.filter()`` returns a cloned ``Query`` object
        we are able to string these together::

          >>> query = Query('Person').filter(
          ...     'name', '=', 'James').filter('age', '>', 50)

        :type property_name: string
        :param property_name: A property name.

        :type operator: string
        :param operator: One of ``=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``.

        :type value: integer, string, boolean, float, None, datetime
        :param value: The value to filter on.

        :rtype: :class:`Query`
        :returns: A Query filtered by the expression and value provided.
        :raises: `ValueError` if `operation` is not one of the specified
        clone = self._clone()

        pb_op_enum = self.OPERATORS.get(operator)
        if pb_op_enum is None:
            error_message = 'Invalid expression: "%s"' % (operator,)
            choices_message = 'Please use one of: =, <, <=, >, >=.'
            raise ValueError(error_message, choices_message)

        # Build a composite filter AND'd together.
        composite_filter = clone._pb.filter.composite_filter
        composite_filter.operator = datastore_pb.CompositeFilter.AND

        # Add the specific filter
        property_filter = composite_filter.filter.add().property_filter
        property_filter.property.name = property_name
        property_filter.operator = pb_op_enum

        # Set the value to filter on based on the type.
        helpers._set_protobuf_value(property_filter.value, value)
        return clone
コード例 #3
    def save_entity(self, dataset_id, key_pb, properties,
        """Save an entity to the Cloud Datastore with the provided properties.

        .. note::
           Any existing properties for the entity identified by 'key_pb'
           will be replaced by those passed in 'properties';  properties
           not passed in 'properties' no longer be set for the entity.

        :type dataset_id: string
        :param dataset_id: The dataset in which to save the entity.

        :type key_pb: :class:`gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2.Key`
        :param key_pb: The complete or partial key for the entity.

        :type properties: dict
        :param properties: The properties to store on the entity.

        :type exclude_from_indexes: sequence of str
        :param exclude_from_indexes: Names of properties *not* to be indexed.
        mutation = self.mutation()

        # If the Key is complete, we should upsert
        # instead of using insert_auto_id.
        path = key_pb.path_element[-1]
        auto_id = not (path.HasField('id') or path.HasField('name'))

        if auto_id:
            insert = mutation.insert_auto_id.add()
            insert = mutation.upsert.add()


        for name, value in properties.items():
            prop = insert.property.add()
            # Set the name of the property.
            prop.name = name

            # Set the appropriate value.
            helpers._set_protobuf_value(prop.value, value)

            if name in exclude_from_indexes:
                prop.value.indexed = False

        # If this is in a transaction, we should just return True. The
        # transaction will handle assigning any keys as necessary.
        if self.transaction():
            return True

        result = self.commit(dataset_id, mutation)
        # If this was an auto-assigned ID, return the new Key.
        if auto_id:
            return result.insert_auto_id_key[0]

        return True
コード例 #4
ファイル: batch.py プロジェクト: SeoulMate/gcloud-python
def _assign_entity_to_mutation(mutation_pb, entity, auto_id_entities):
    """Copy ``entity`` into appropriate slot of ``mutation_pb``.

    If ``entity.key`` is incomplete, append ``entity`` to ``auto_id_entities``
    for later fixup during ``commit``.

    Helper method for ``Batch.put``.

    :type mutation_pb: :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Mutation`
    :param mutation_pb; the Mutation protobuf for the batch / transaction.

    :type entity: :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
    :param entity; the entity being updated within the batch / transaction.

    :type auto_id_entities: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
    :param auto_id_entities: entiites with partial keys, to be fixed up
                              during commit.
    auto_id = entity.key.is_partial

    key_pb = entity.key.to_protobuf()
    key_pb = helpers._prepare_key_for_request(key_pb)

    if auto_id:
        insert = mutation_pb.insert_auto_id.add()
        # We use ``upsert`` for entities with completed keys, rather than
        # ``insert`` or ``update``, in order not to create race conditions
        # based on prior existence / removal of the entity.
        insert = mutation_pb.upsert.add()


    for name, value in entity.items():

        value_is_list = isinstance(value, list)
        if value_is_list and len(value) == 0:

        prop = insert.property.add()
        # Set the name of the property.
        prop.name = name

        # Set the appropriate value.
        helpers._set_protobuf_value(prop.value, value)

        if name in entity.exclude_from_indexes:
            if not value_is_list:
                prop.value.indexed = False

            for sub_value in prop.value.list_value:
                sub_value.indexed = False
コード例 #5
ファイル: batch.py プロジェクト: coolsvap/gcloud-python
def _assign_entity_to_mutation(mutation_pb, entity, auto_id_entities):
    """Copy ``entity`` into appropriate slot of ``mutation_pb``.

    If ``entity.key`` is incomplete, append ``entity`` to ``auto_id_entities``
    for later fixup during ``commit``.

    Helper method for ``Batch.put``.

    :type mutation_pb: :class:`gcloud.datastore._datastore_v1_pb2.Mutation`
    :param mutation_pb: The Mutation protobuf for the batch / transaction.

    :type entity: :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
    :param entity: The entity being updated within the batch / transaction.

    :type auto_id_entities: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`
    :param auto_id_entities: Entities with partial keys, to be fixed up
                             during commit.
    auto_id = entity.key.is_partial

    key_pb = entity.key.to_protobuf()
    key_pb = helpers._prepare_key_for_request(key_pb)

    if auto_id:
        insert = mutation_pb.insert_auto_id.add()
        # We use ``upsert`` for entities with completed keys, rather than
        # ``insert`` or ``update``, in order not to create race conditions
        # based on prior existence / removal of the entity.
        insert = mutation_pb.upsert.add()


    for name, value in entity.items():

        value_is_list = isinstance(value, list)
        if value_is_list and len(value) == 0:

        prop = insert.property.add()
        # Set the name of the property.
        prop.name = name

        # Set the appropriate value.
        helpers._set_protobuf_value(prop.value, value)

        if name in entity.exclude_from_indexes:
            if not value_is_list:
                prop.value.indexed = False

            for sub_value in prop.value.list_value:
                sub_value.indexed = False
コード例 #6
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: MTelling/TellingsWebsite
def _pb_from_query(query):
    """Convert a Query instance to the corresponding protobuf.

    :type query: :class:`Query`
    :param query: The source query.

    :rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore._generated.query_pb2.Query`
    :returns: A protobuf that can be sent to the protobuf API.  N.b. that
              it does not contain "in-flight" fields for ongoing query
              executions (cursors, offset, limit).
    pb = _query_pb2.Query()

    for projection_name in query.projection:
        pb.projection.add().property.name = projection_name

    if query.kind:
        pb.kind.add().name = query.kind

    composite_filter = pb.filter.composite_filter
    composite_filter.operator = _query_pb2.CompositeFilter.AND

    if query.ancestor:
        ancestor_pb = helpers._prepare_key_for_request(

        # Filter on __key__ HAS_ANCESTOR == ancestor.
        ancestor_filter = composite_filter.filter.add().property_filter
        ancestor_filter.property.name = '__key__'
        ancestor_filter.operator = _query_pb2.PropertyFilter.HAS_ANCESTOR

    for property_name, operator, value in query.filters:
        pb_op_enum = query.OPERATORS.get(operator)

        # Add the specific filter
        property_filter = composite_filter.filter.add().property_filter
        property_filter.property.name = property_name
        property_filter.operator = pb_op_enum

        # Set the value to filter on based on the type.
        if property_name == '__key__':
            key_pb = value.to_protobuf()
            helpers._set_protobuf_value(property_filter.value, value)

    if not composite_filter.filter:

    for prop in query.order:
        property_order = pb.order.add()

        if prop.startswith('-'):
            property_order.property.name = prop[1:]
            property_order.direction = property_order.DESCENDING
            property_order.property.name = prop
            property_order.direction = property_order.ASCENDING

    for group_by_name in query.group_by:
        pb.group_by.add().name = group_by_name

    return pb
コード例 #7
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: yang-g/gcloud-python
def _pb_from_query(query):
    """Convert a Query instance to the corresponding protobuf.

    :type query: :class:`Query`
    :param query: The source query.

    :rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore._generated.query_pb2.Query`
    :returns: A protobuf that can be sent to the protobuf API.  N.b. that
              it does not contain "in-flight" fields for ongoing query
              executions (cursors, offset, limit).
    pb = _query_pb2.Query()

    for projection_name in query.projection:
        pb.projection.add().property.name = projection_name

    if query.kind:
        pb.kind.add().name = query.kind

    composite_filter = pb.filter.composite_filter
    composite_filter.op = _query_pb2.CompositeFilter.AND

    if query.ancestor:
        ancestor_pb = query.ancestor.to_protobuf()

        # Filter on __key__ HAS_ANCESTOR == ancestor.
        ancestor_filter = composite_filter.filters.add().property_filter
        ancestor_filter.property.name = '__key__'
        ancestor_filter.op = _query_pb2.PropertyFilter.HAS_ANCESTOR

    for property_name, operator, value in query.filters:
        pb_op_enum = query.OPERATORS.get(operator)

        # Add the specific filter
        property_filter = composite_filter.filters.add().property_filter
        property_filter.property.name = property_name
        property_filter.op = pb_op_enum

        # Set the value to filter on based on the type.
        if property_name == '__key__':
            key_pb = value.to_protobuf()
            helpers._set_protobuf_value(property_filter.value, value)

    if not composite_filter.filters:

    for prop in query.order:
        property_order = pb.order.add()

        if prop.startswith('-'):
            property_order.property.name = prop[1:]
            property_order.direction = property_order.DESCENDING
            property_order.property.name = prop
            property_order.direction = property_order.ASCENDING

    for distinct_on_name in query.distinct_on:
        pb.distinct_on.add().name = distinct_on_name

    return pb
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_helpers.py プロジェクト: E-LLP/gcloud-python
    def _callFUT(self, value_pb, val):
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _set_protobuf_value

        return _set_protobuf_value(value_pb, val)
コード例 #9
    def _callFUT(self, value_pb, val):
        from gcloud.datastore.helpers import _set_protobuf_value

        return _set_protobuf_value(value_pb, val)
コード例 #10
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: vasanthnathan/gcloud-python
    def filter(self, expression, value):
        """Filter the query based on an expression and a value.

        This will return a clone of the current :class:`Query`
        filtered by the expression and value provided.

        Expressions take the form of::

          .filter('<property> <operator>', <value>)

        where property is a property stored on the entity in the datastore
        and operator is one of ``OPERATORS``
        (ie, ``=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``)::

          >>> query = Query('Person')
          >>> filtered_query = query.filter('name =', 'James')
          >>> filtered_query = query.filter('age >', 50)

        Because each call to ``.filter()`` returns a cloned ``Query`` object
        we are able to string these together::

          >>> query = Query('Person').filter(
          ...     'name =', 'James').filter('age >', 50)

        :type expression: string
        :param expression: An expression of a property and an
                           operator (ie, ``=``).

        :type value: integer, string, boolean, float, None, datetime
        :param value: The value to filter on.

        :rtype: :class:`Query`
        :returns: A Query filtered by the expression and value provided.
        clone = self._clone()

        # Take an expression like 'property >=', and parse it into
        # useful pieces.
        property_name, operator = None, None
        expression = expression.strip()

        # Use None to split on *any* whitespace.
        expr_pieces = expression.rsplit(None, 1)
        if len(expr_pieces) == 2:
            property_name, operator = expr_pieces
            property_name = property_name.strip()

        # If no whitespace in `expression`, `operator` will be `None` and
        # self.OPERATORS[None] will be `None` as well.
        pb_op_enum = self.OPERATORS.get(operator)
        if pb_op_enum is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid expression: "%s"' % expression)

        # Build a composite filter AND'd together.
        composite_filter = clone._pb.filter.composite_filter
        composite_filter.operator = datastore_pb.CompositeFilter.AND

        # Add the specific filter
        property_filter = composite_filter.filter.add().property_filter
        property_filter.property.name = property_name
        property_filter.operator = pb_op_enum

        # Set the value to filter on based on the type.
        helpers._set_protobuf_value(property_filter.value, value)
        return clone
コード例 #11
    duration = time.time() - start

    return duration

INSERT_AUTO = MUTATION.insert_auto_id.add()
for name, value in BASE_DATA.items():
    prop = INSERT_AUTO.property.add()
    # Set the name of the property.
    prop.name = name

    # Set the appropriate value.
    helpers._set_protobuf_value(prop.value, value)

def save_entity_fresh():
    start = time.time()
    duration = time.time() - start

    key_pb = result.insert_auto_id_key[0]
    return duration

COMMIT_REQUEST = datastore_pb.CommitRequest()
COMMIT_REQUEST.mode = datastore_pb.CommitRequest.NON_TRANSACTIONAL
コード例 #12
ファイル: query.py プロジェクト: littleq0903/gcloud-python
    def filter(self, expression, value):
        """Filter the query based on an expression and a value.

        This will return a clone of the current :class:`Query`
        filtered by the expression and value provided.

        Expressions take the form of::

          .filter('<property> <operator>', <value>)

        where property is a property stored on the entity in the datastore
        and operator is one of ``OPERATORS``
        (ie, ``=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``)::

          >>> query = Query('Person')
          >>> filtered_query = query.filter('name =', 'James')
          >>> filtered_query = query.filter('age >', 50)

        Because each call to ``.filter()`` returns a cloned ``Query`` object
        we are able to string these together::

          >>> query = Query('Person').filter(
          ...     'name =', 'James').filter('age >', 50)

        :type expression: string
        :param expression: An expression of a property and an
                           operator (ie, ``=``).

        :type value: integer, string, boolean, float, None, datetime
        :param value: The value to filter on.

        :rtype: :class:`Query`
        :returns: A Query filtered by the expression and value provided.
        clone = self._clone()

        # Take an expression like 'property >=', and parse it into
        # useful pieces.
        property_name, operator = None, None
        expression = expression.strip()

        # Use None to split on *any* whitespace.
        expr_pieces = expression.rsplit(None, 1)
        if len(expr_pieces) == 2:
            property_name, operator = expr_pieces
            property_name = property_name.strip()

        # If no whitespace in `expression`, `operator` will be `None` and
        # self.OPERATORS[None] will be `None` as well.
        pb_op_enum = self.OPERATORS.get(operator)
        if pb_op_enum is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid expression: "%s"' % expression)

        # Build a composite filter AND'd together.
        composite_filter = clone._pb.filter.composite_filter
        composite_filter.operator = datastore_pb.CompositeFilter.AND

        # Add the specific filter
        property_filter = composite_filter.filter.add().property_filter
        property_filter.property.name = property_name
        property_filter.operator = pb_op_enum

        # Set the value to filter on based on the type.
        helpers._set_protobuf_value(property_filter.value, value)
        return clone