コード例 #1
    def logger(self, name):
        """Creates a logger bound to the current client.

        :type name: string
        :param name: the name of the logger to be constructed.

        :rtype: :class:`gcloud.logging.logger.Logger`
        :returns: Logger created with the current client.
        return Logger(name, client=self)
コード例 #2
    def test_commit_w_alternate_client(self):
        import json
        from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
        from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct, Value
        from gcloud.logging.logger import Logger
        TEXT = 'This is the entry text'
        STRUCT = {'message': TEXT, 'weather': 'partly cloudy'}
        message = Struct(fields={'foo': Value(bool_value=True)})
        DEFAULT_LABELS = {'foo': 'spam'}
        LABELS = {
            'foo': 'bar',
            'baz': 'qux',
        METHOD = 'POST'
        URI = 'https://api.example.com/endpoint'
        STATUS = '500'
        REQUEST = {
            'requestMethod': METHOD,
            'requestUrl': URI,
            'status': STATUS,
        client1 = _Client(project=self.PROJECT)
        client2 = _Client(project=self.PROJECT)
        api = client2.logging_api = _DummyLoggingAPI()
        logger = Logger('logger_name', client1, labels=DEFAULT_LABELS)
        RESOURCE = {'type': 'global'}
        ENTRIES = [
                'textPayload': TEXT,
                'labels': LABELS
                'jsonPayload': STRUCT,
                'severity': SEVERITY
                'protoPayload': json.loads(MessageToJson(message)),
                'httpRequest': REQUEST
        batch = self._makeOne(logger, client=client1)

        batch.log_text(TEXT, labels=LABELS)
        batch.log_struct(STRUCT, severity=SEVERITY)
        batch.log_proto(message, http_request=REQUEST)

        self.assertEqual(list(batch.entries), [])
                         (ENTRIES, logger.path, RESOURCE, DEFAULT_LABELS))
コード例 #3
    def test_context_mgr_success(self):
        import json
        from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
        from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct, Value
        from gcloud.logging.logger import Logger
        TEXT = 'This is the entry text'
        STRUCT = {'message': TEXT, 'weather': 'partly cloudy'}
        message = Struct(fields={'foo': Value(bool_value=True)})
        DEFAULT_LABELS = {'foo': 'spam'}
        LABELS = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux'}
        METHOD = 'POST'
        URI = 'https://api.example.com/endpoint'
        STATUS = '500'
        REQUEST = {
            'requestMethod': METHOD,
            'requestUrl': URI,
            'status': STATUS,
        conn = _Connection({})
        CLIENT = _Client(project=self.PROJECT, connection=conn)
        logger = Logger('logger_name', CLIENT, labels=DEFAULT_LABELS)
        SENT = {
            'logName': logger.path,
            'resource': {
                'type': 'global',
            'labels': DEFAULT_LABELS,
            'entries': [
                {'textPayload': TEXT, 'httpRequest': REQUEST},
                {'jsonPayload': STRUCT, 'labels': LABELS},
                {'protoPayload': json.loads(MessageToJson(message)),
                 'severity': SEVERITY},
        batch = self._makeOne(logger, client=CLIENT)

        with batch as other:
            other.log_text(TEXT, http_request=REQUEST)
            other.log_struct(STRUCT, labels=LABELS)
            other.log_proto(message, severity=SEVERITY)

        self.assertEqual(list(batch.entries), [])
        self.assertEqual(len(conn._requested), 1)
        req = conn._requested[0]
        self.assertEqual(req['method'], 'POST')
        self.assertEqual(req['path'], '/entries:write')
        self.assertEqual(req['data'], SENT)