def fillChainFile(filename=''): "Fill the slices of a gcode file. Chain slice the file if it is a GNU TriangulatedSurface file. If no filename is specified, fill the first unmodified gcode file in this folder." if filename == '': unmodified = gcodec.getGNUGcode() if len(unmodified) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, ( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.") return filename = unmodified[0] startTime = time.time() fillPreferences = FillPreferences() preferences.readPreferences(fillPreferences) print >> sys.stderr, ('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(filename) + ' is being chain filled.') gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(filename) if gcodeText == '': return suffixFilename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] + '_fill.gcode' gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, getFillChainGcode(gcodeText, fillPreferences)) print >> sys.stderr, ('The filled file is saved as ' + suffixFilename) vectorwrite.writeSkeinforgeVectorFile(suffixFilename) print >> sys.stderr, ('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + ' seconds to fill the file.')
def towerChainFile(filename=''): """Tower a gcode linear move file. Chain tower the gcode if it is not already towered. Depending on the preferences, either arcPoint, arcRadius, arcSegment, bevel or do nothing. If no filename is specified, tower the first unmodified gcode file in this folder.""" if filename == '': unmodified = gcodec.getGNUGcode() if len(unmodified) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, ( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder.") return filename = unmodified[0] towerPreferences = TowerPreferences() preferences.readPreferences(towerPreferences) startTime = time.time() print >> sys.stderr, ('File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(filename) + ' is being chain towered.') gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText(filename) if gcodeText == '': return suffixFilename = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] + '_tower.gcode' gcodec.writeFileText(suffixFilename, getTowerChainGcode(gcodeText, towerPreferences)) print >> sys.stderr, ('The towered file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename(suffixFilename)) vectorwrite.writeSkeinforgeVectorFile(suffixFilename) print >> sys.stderr, ('It took ' + str(int(round(time.time() - startTime))) + ' seconds to tower the file.')
def fillChainFile( filename = '' ): "Fill the slices of a gcode file. Chain slice the file if it is a GNU TriangulatedSurface file. If no filename is specified, fill the first unmodified gcode file in this folder." if filename == '': unmodified = gcodec.getGNUGcode() if len( unmodified ) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, ( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." ) return filename = unmodified[ 0 ] startTime = time.time() fillPreferences = FillPreferences() preferences.readPreferences( fillPreferences ) print >> sys.stderr, ( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( filename ) + ' is being chain filled.' ) gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( filename ) if gcodeText == '': return suffixFilename = filename[ : filename.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_fill.gcode' gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, getFillChainGcode( gcodeText, fillPreferences ) ) print >> sys.stderr, ( 'The filled file is saved as ' + suffixFilename ) vectorwrite.writeSkeinforgeVectorFile( suffixFilename ) print >> sys.stderr, ( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to fill the file.' )
def combChainFile( filename = '' ): """Comb a gcode linear move file. Chain comb the gcode if it is not already combed. Depending on the preferences, either arcPoint, arcRadius, arcSegment, bevel or do nothing. If no filename is specified, comb the first unmodified gcode file in this folder.""" if filename == '': unmodified = gcodec.getGNUGcode() if len( unmodified ) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, ( "There are no unmodified gcode files in this folder." ) return filename = unmodified[ 0 ] combPreferences = CombPreferences() preferences.readPreferences( combPreferences ) startTime = time.time() print >> sys.stderr, ( 'File ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( filename ) + ' is being chain combed.' ) gcodeText = gcodec.getFileText( filename ) if gcodeText == '': return suffixFilename = filename[ : filename.rfind( '.' ) ] + '_comb.gcode' gcodec.writeFileText( suffixFilename, getCombChainGcode( gcodeText, combPreferences ) ) print >> sys.stderr, ( 'The combed file is saved as ' + gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( suffixFilename ) ) vectorwrite.writeSkeinforgeVectorFile( suffixFilename ) print >> sys.stderr, ( 'It took ' + str( int( round( time.time() - startTime ) ) ) + ' seconds to comb the file.' )