コード例 #1
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_page_messages(
        sent_or_inbox: str,
        page: int,
        exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (),
        client: Client,
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        assert sent_or_inbox in ("inbox", "sent")
        inbox = 0 if sent_or_inbox != "sent" else 1

        payload = (
            .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id)
        codes = {-1: MissingAccess("Failed to get messages."), -2: NothingFound("gd.Message")}

        resp = await self.http.request(
            Route.GET_PRIVATE_MESSAGES, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude
        resp = Parser().split("#").take(0).check_empty().split("|").parse(resp)

        if resp is None:
            return []

        parser = Parser().with_split(":").should_map()
        return list(map(parser.parse, resp))
コード例 #2
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_gauntlets(self) -> List[ExtDict]:
        payload = Params().create_new().finish()

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_GAUNTLETS, payload)

        splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").parse(resp)
        parser = Parser().with_split(":").should_map()

        return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, splitted)))
コード例 #3
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_level_info(self, level_id: int = 0) -> Tuple[ExtDict, ExtDict, ExtDict]:
        # level data, creator, song
        assert level_id >= -2, "Invalid Level ID provided."

        if level_id < 0:
            type, number, cooldown = await self.get_timely_info(level_id)
            type, number, cooldown = 0, -1, -1

        ext = {"101": type, "102": number, "103": cooldown}

        codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get a level. Given ID: {level_id}")}

        payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("levelid", level_id).finish()
        resp = await self.http.request(Route.DOWNLOAD_LEVEL, payload, error_codes=codes)

        level_data = Parser().split("#").take(0).split(":").add_ext(ext).should_map().parse(resp)

        real_id = level_data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_ID, 0, int)

        payload = (
            .put_definer("search", real_id)
        resp = await self.http.request(Route.LEVEL_SEARCH, payload, error_codes=codes)

        if not resp or resp.count("#") < 2:
            raise codes.get(-1)

        data = resp.split("#")

        # getting song
        song_data = data[2]

        if not song_data:
            song = Converter.to_normal_song(level_data.getcast(Index.LEVEL_AUDIO_TRACK, 0, int))
            song = Parser().with_split("~|~").should_map().parse(song_data)

        # getting creator
        creator_data = data[1]

        if not creator_data:
            id, name, account_id = (0, "unknown", 0)
            id, name, account_id = creator_data.split(":")

        creator = ExtDict(id=id, name=name, account_id=account_id)

        return level_data, creator, song
コード例 #4
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_level_comments(
        level_id: int,
        strategy: CommentStrategy,
        amount: int,
        exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (),
    ) -> List[Tuple[ExtDict, ExtDict]]:
        # comment, user
        payload = (
            .put_definer("levelid", level_id)
        codes = {
            -1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get comments of a level by ID: {level_id!r}."),
            -2: NothingFound("gd.Comment"),

        resp = await self.http.request(
            Route.GET_COMMENTS, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude

        if resp is None:
            return []

        splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").parse(resp)
        parser = Parser().with_split("~").should_map()

        res = []

        for elem in filter(is_not_empty, splitted):
            com_data, user_data, *_ = map(parser.parse, elem.split(":"))
            com_data.update({"1": level_id, "101": 0, "102": 0})

            user_data = ExtDict(
                account_id=user_data.getcast(Index.USER_ACCOUNT_ID, 0, int),
                id=com_data.getcast(Index.COMMENT_AUTHOR_ID, 0, int),
                name=user_data.get(Index.USER_NAME, "unknown"),

            res.append((com_data, user_data))

        return res
コード例 #5
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_user_list(
        self, type: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (), client: Client
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        payload = (
            .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id)
        codes = {
            -1: MissingAccess("Failed to fetch a user list."),
            -2: NothingFound("gd.AbstractUser"),

        resp = await self.http.request(
            Route.GET_USER_LIST, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude

        if resp is None:
            return []

        resp, parser = resp.split("|"), Parser().with_split(":").should_map()

        return list(map(parser.parse, resp))
コード例 #6
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def read_message(
        self, typeof: MessageOrRequestType, message_id: int, client: Client
    ) -> str:
        payload = (
            .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id)
            .put_definer("messageid", message_id)
        codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to read a message by ID: {message_id!r}.")}
        resp = await self.http.request(Route.READ_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, payload, error_codes=codes,)
        mapped = Parser().with_split(":").should_map().parse(resp)

        return Coder.decode(type="message", string=mapped.get(Index.MESSAGE_BODY, ""))
コード例 #7
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
 async def get_song(self, song_id: int = 0) -> ExtDict:
     payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("song", song_id).finish()
     codes = {
         -1: MissingAccess(f"No songs were found with ID: {song_id}."),
         -2: SongRestrictedForUsage(song_id),
     resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_SONG_INFO, payload, error_codes=codes)
     return Parser().with_split("~|~").should_map().parse(resp)
コード例 #8
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_page_map_packs(
        self, page: int = 0, *, exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (),
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        payload = Params().create_new().put_page(page).finish()

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_MAP_PACKS, payload)

        splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").check_empty().should_map().parse(resp)

        if not splitted:
            if issubclass(NothingFound, exclude):
                return []
            raise NothingFound("gd.MapPack")

        parser = Parser().with_split(":").should_map()

        return list(map(parser.parse, splitted))
コード例 #9
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def search_user(self, query: Union[int, str], return_abstract: bool = False) -> ExtDict:

        payload = (
            Params().create_new().put_definer("search", query).put_total(0).put_page(0).finish()
        codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Searching for {query!r} failed.")}

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.USER_SEARCH, payload, error_codes=codes)
        mapped = Parser().split("#").take(0).check_empty().split(":").should_map().parse(resp)

        if mapped is None:
            raise codes.get(-1)

        account_id = mapped.getcast(Index.USER_ACCOUNT_ID, 0, int)

        if return_abstract or not account_id:
            return mapped

        # ok; if we should not return abstract, let's find all other parameters
        payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("user", account_id).finish()

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_USER_INFO, payload, error_codes=codes)

        return mapped
コード例 #10
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_user(self, account_id: int = 0, return_only_stats: bool = False) -> ExtDict:
        payload = Params().create_new().put_definer("user", account_id).finish()
        codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"No users were found with ID: {account_id}.")}

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_USER_INFO, payload, error_codes=codes)
        mapped = Parser().with_split(":").should_map().parse(resp)

        if return_only_stats:
            return mapped

        another = (
            .put_definer("search", mapped.getcast(Index.USER_PLAYER_ID, 0, int))
        some_resp = await self.http.request(Route.USER_SEARCH, another)

        new_resp = (

        if new_resp is None:
            raise codes.get(-1)

            {k: new_resp.get(k) for k in (Index.USER_NAME, Index.USER_ICON, Index.USER_ICON_TYPE)}

        return mapped
コード例 #11
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_leaderboard(
        self, level_id: int, strategy: LevelLeaderboardStrategy, *, client: Client
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        # timely_type: TimelyType, played: bool = False, timely_index: int = 0, percentage: int = 0,
        # jumps: int = 0, attempts: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, coins: int = 0
        # rs = Coder.gen_rs()
        # seed = Coder.gen_level_lb_seed(jumps, percentage, seconds, played)

        # if str(timely_type) == 'weekly':
        #     timely_index += 100000

        # values = [
        #     client.account_id, level_id, percentage, seconds, jumps, attempts,
        #     percentage, 100 - percentage, 1, coins, timely_index, rs
        # ]

        # chk = Coder.gen_chk(type='levelscore', values=values)

        params = (
            .put_definer("accountid", client.account_id)
            .put_definer("levelid", level_id)

        # params.put_percent(percentage).put_chk(chk)

        # for index, value in enumerate((
        #     attempts + 8354, jumps + 3991, seconds + 4085, seed, random.randint(100, 10000),
        #     "", rs, attempts, coins + 5819, timely_index
        # ), 1):
        #     params.put_seed(value, prefix='s', suffix=index)

        payload = params.finish()

        codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get leaderboard of the level by ID: {level_id!r}.")}

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_LEVEL_SCORES, payload, error_codes=codes)

        if not resp:
            return []

        resp, parser = (
            Parser().with_split(":").add_ext({"101": level_id}).should_map(),

        return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, resp)))
コード例 #12
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_page_friend_requests(
        sent_or_inbox: str = "inbox",
        page: int = 0,
        exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (),
        client: Client,
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        inbox = int(sent_or_inbox == "sent")

        payload = (
            .put_definer("accountid", str(client.account_id))
        codes = {
            -1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to get friend requests on page {page}."),
            -2: NothingFound("gd.FriendRequest"),

        resp = await self.http.request(
            Route.GET_FRIEND_REQUESTS, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude
        splitted = Parser().split("#").take(0).split("|").check_empty().parse(resp)

        if resp is None:
            return []

        parser = Parser().split(":").add_ext({"101": inbox}).should_map()

        return list(map(parser.parse, splitted))
コード例 #13
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def retrieve_page_comments(
        account_id: int,
        id: int,
        type: str = "profile",
        page: int = 0,
        strategy: CommentStrategy,
        exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (),
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        assert isinstance(page, int) and page >= 0
        assert type in ("profile", "level")

        is_level = type == "level"

        typeid = is_level ^ 1
        definer = "userid" if is_level else "accountid"
        selfid = id if is_level else account_id
        route = Route.GET_COMMENT_HISTORY if is_level else Route.GET_ACC_COMMENTS

        parser = Parser().add_ext({"101": typeid}).should_map()

        if is_level:

        param_obj = Params().create_new().put_definer(definer, selfid).put_page(page).put_total(0)
        if is_level:
        payload = param_obj.finish()

        codes = {
            -1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to retrieve comment for user by Account ID: {account_id!r}.")

        resp = await self.http.request(route, payload, error_codes=codes, exclude=exclude)

        if not resp:
            return []

        splitted = resp.split("#").pop(0)

        if not splitted:
            if issubclass(NothingFound, exclude):
                return []
            raise NothingFound("gd.Comment")

        return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, splitted.split("|"))))
コード例 #14
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def get_top(
        self, strategy: LeaderboardStrategy, count: int, *, client: Client
    ) -> List[ExtDict]:
        needs_login = strategy.value in (1, 2)

        # special case: map 'players' -> 'top'
        strategy = strategy.name.lower() if strategy.value else "top"

        params = Params().create_new().put_type(strategy).put_count(count)
        codes = {-1: MissingAccess(f"Failed to fetch leaderboard for strategy: {strategy!r}.")}

        if needs_login:
            check_logged_obj(client, "get_top")
            params.put_definer("accountid", client.account_id).put_password(client.encodedpass)

        payload = params.finish()

        resp = await self.http.request(Route.GET_USER_TOP, payload, error_codes=codes)
        resp, parser = resp.split("|"), Parser().with_split(":").should_map()

        return list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, resp)))
コード例 #15
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: scottwedge/gd.py
    async def search_levels_on_page(
        page: int = 0,
        query: str = "",
        filters: Optional[Filters] = None,
        user_id: Optional[int] = None,
        gauntlet: Optional[int] = None,
        exclude: Tuple[Type[BaseException]] = (),
        client: Client,
    ) -> Tuple[List[ExtDict], List[ExtDict], List[ExtDict]]:
        # levels, creators, songs
        if filters is None:
            filters = Filters.setup_empty()

        params = (
            .put_definer("search", query)
        codes = {-1: MissingAccess("No levels were found.")}
        if filters.strategy == SearchStrategy.BY_USER:

            if user_id is None:
                check_logged_obj(client, "search_levels_on_page(...)")

                user_id = client.id

                params.put_definer("accountid", client.account_id).put_password(client.encodedpass)

            params.put_definer("search", user_id)  # override the 'str' parameter in request

        elif filters.strategy == SearchStrategy.FRIENDS:
            check_logged_obj(client, "search_levels_on_page(..., client=client)")
            params.put_definer("accountid", client.account_id).put_password(client.encodedpass)

        if gauntlet is not None:
            params.put_definer("gauntlet", gauntlet)

        payload = params.finish()

        resp = await self.http.request(
            Route.LEVEL_SEARCH, payload, exclude=exclude, error_codes=codes

        if not resp:
            return [], [], []

        resp, parser = resp.split("#"), Parser().with_split("~|~").should_map()

        lvdata, cdata, sdata = resp[:3]

        songs = list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, sdata.split("~:~"))))

        creators = [
            ExtDict(zip(("id", "name", "account_id"), creator.split(":")))
            for creator in filter(is_not_empty, cdata.split("|"))

        parser.with_split(":").add_ext({"101": 0, "102": -1, "103": -1})

        levels = list(map(parser.parse, filter(is_not_empty, lvdata.split("|"))))

        return levels, creators, songs