def retrieve_and_store_user_infos() -> None: global __runs __runs += 1 util.prnt(f'----------') util.prnt(f'Starting data collection run {__runs}') utc_now = util.get_utc_now() data = collect_data(utc_now) data_file_name = util.get_collect_file_name(utc_now) if settings.SETTINGS['store_at_filesystem']: util.dump_data(data, data_file_name, settings.DEFAULT_COLLECT_FOLDER) if settings.SETTINGS['store_at_gdrive']: tries_left = 5 while tries_left > 0: tries_left -= 1 try: gdrive.upload_file(data, data_file_name) tries_left = 0 except Exception as error: if tries_left > 0: gdrive.init(force=True) else: raise error
def save_to_gdrive(content: str, file_name: str) -> None: gdrive.init(force=True) try: gdrive.upload_file(file_name, content) except Exception as error: err(f'Could not upload the file to google drive', error) else: prnt(f'Successfully uploaded {file_name} to google drive.')
def print_quota(): gdrive.init() about = gdrive.get_about() name = about.get('name', '-') max_quota = int(about.get('quotaBytesTotal', -1)) used_quota = int(about.get('quotaBytesUsed', -1)) trash_quota = int(about.get('quotaBytesUsedInTrash', -1)) combined_quota = used_quota + trash_quota combined_quota = combined_quota if combined_quota > -2 else -1 available_quota = max_quota - combined_quota available_quota_percentage = (1 - (combined_quota / max_quota)) util.prnt(f'Quotas for account: {name}') util.prnt( f'Max Quota: {max_quota} bytes ({util.convert_to_bytes_count(max_quota)})' ) util.prnt( f'Used Quota: {used_quota} bytes ({util.convert_to_bytes_count(used_quota)})' ) util.prnt( f'Trashed Quota: {trash_quota} bytes ({util.convert_to_bytes_count(trash_quota)})' ) util.prnt( f'Available Quota: {available_quota} bytes ({util.convert_to_bytes_count(available_quota)}, {available_quota_percentage * 100:.2f} %)' )
def init(store_at_filesystem: bool = None, store_at_gdrive: bool = None, verbose: bool = None, no_time: bool = None) -> dict: PWD = os.getcwd() sys.path.insert(0, f'{PWD}/') if verbose is not None: settings.SETTINGS['print_verbose'] = verbose if no_time is None: util.vrbs(f'Print timestamps: {settings.SETTINGS["print_timestamps"]}') else: print_timestamps = not no_time settings.SETTINGS['print_timestamps'] = print_timestamps util.vrbs(f'Print timestamps: {print_timestamps}') if store_at_filesystem is None: util.vrbs( f'Store at filesystem: {settings.SETTINGS["store_at_fileystem"]}') else: settings.SETTINGS['store_at_filesystem'] = store_at_filesystem util.vrbs(f'Store at filesystem: {store_at_filesystem}') if store_at_gdrive is None: util.vrbs( f'Store at google drive: {settings.SETTINGS["store_at_gdrive"]}') else: settings.SETTINGS['store_at_gdrive'] = store_at_gdrive util.vrbs(f'Store at google drive: {store_at_gdrive}') if store_at_gdrive: gdrive.init() for folder_name in settings.CREATE_FOLDERS_ON_COLLECT: if not os.path.isdir(folder_name): os.mkdir(folder_name)
def update_settings(handler, **kwargs): gae.update_settings(**kwargs) _settings = gae.get_settings() gdrive.init(_settings.gdrive_dev_key, _settings.gdrive_wiki_id) data.init(_settings.github_key, _settings.github_repo)
from googleapiclient import discovery from oauth2client import client from oauth2client.contrib import appengine from google.appengine.api import memcache #import github as data MIME_TYPES = {'.css': 'text/css', '.js': 'application/javascript' } JINJA_ENVIRONMENT = jinja2.Environment( loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(__file__)), autoescape=True, extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape']) data = gae.NullData() _settings = gae.get_settings() gdrive.init(_settings.gdrive_dev_key, _settings.gdrive_wiki_id) data.init(_settings.github_key, _settings.github_repo) app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([(gdrive.decorator.callback_path, gdrive.decorator.callback_handler())]) def extract_params(f): def wrapper(handler, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(handler.request.params) if handler.request.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json': kwargs.update(json.loads(handler.request.body)) res = f(handler, *args, **kwargs) if res: res = json.dumps(res) if isinstance(res, dict) else str(res) handler.response.write(res) return wrapper
def get_about(): gdrive.init() about = gdrive.get_about() util.print_dict(about)
def clear_trash_bin(): gdrive.init() files = gdrive.get_trashed_files() for file in files: file.Delete()
def delete_all_files_but_latest_daily(from_year: int = None, from_month: int = None, from_day: int = None, to_year: int = None, to_month: int = None, to_day: int = None, delete_tourney_data: bool = False): gdrive.init() utc_now = util.get_utc_now() if not from_year and not from_month and not from_day: from_timestamp = datetime(2019, 10, 9, tzinfo=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) else: from_year = from_year or 2019 from_month = from_month or (10 if from_year == 2019 else 1) from_day = from_day or (9 if from_year == 2019 and from_month == 10 else 1) from_timestamp = datetime(from_year, from_month, from_day, tzinfo=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) to_year = to_year or utc_now.year to_month = to_month or utc_now.month to_day = to_day or to_timestamp = datetime( to_year, to_month, to_day, tzinfo=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) + util.ONE_DAY while from_timestamp < to_timestamp: file_name_prefix = f'{settings.FILE_NAME_COLLECT_PREFIX}{from_timestamp.year:02d}{from_timestamp.month:02d}{}' util.prnt( f'Checking files for deletion with prefix: {file_name_prefix}') if delete_tourney_data or not util.is_tourney_running( utc_now=from_timestamp): file_list = gdrive.get_files_in_folder(settings.GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID, file_name_prefix) if file_list: file_count = len(file_list) if file_count > 1: util.prnt(f'Found {len(file_list)} files.') else: util.prnt(f'Already clean.') file_list = sorted(file_list, key=lambda f: f['title']) file_list.pop() else: util.prnt(f'No such files found.') for file in file_list: skip = None while not skip: tries = 0 while tries <= 2: util.prnt( f'Permanently deleting file: {file["title"]}') if gdrive.try_delete_file(file): skip = True break tries += 1 # Attempt to delete 3 times if tries == 3: if skip is None: # If deletion fails 3 times, attempt to re-initialize the gdrive client gdrive.init(force=True) skip = False else: skip = True # If re-initializing the gdrive client doesn't help, skip the file from_timestamp += util.ONE_DAY