コード例 #1
    def wait_until_server_responds(self, expected_type):
        current_handler = self.current_handler
        def continue_while_no_response(any_activity):
            return (not current_handler.response_ready)

        self.poll_connections_until_stopped([self.current_connection], continue_while_no_response, timeout=self.poll_timeout)
        if not self.current_handler.response_ready:
            raise InvalidAdminClientState('Admin client timed out after %f second(s)' % self.poll_timeout)

        cmd_type, cmd_resp = self.current_handler.pop_response()
        if cmd_type != expected_type:
            raise InvalidAdminClientState('Received an unexpected response... got command %r, expecting command %r' % (cmd_type, expected_type))

        return cmd_resp
コード例 #2
    def pop_response(self):
        if not self._sent_commands or not self._recv_responses:
            raise InvalidAdminClientState(
                'Attempted to pop a response for a command that is not ready')

        sent_command = self._sent_commands.popleft()
        recv_response = self._recv_responses.popleft()
        return sent_command, recv_response
コード例 #3
    def ping_server(self):
        """Sends off a debugging string to execute an application ping on the Gearman server"""
        start_time = time.time()

        server_response = self.wait_until_server_responds(GEARMAN_COMMAND_ECHO_REQ)
        if server_response != ECHO_STRING:
            raise InvalidAdminClientState("Echo string mismatch: got %s, expected %s" % (server_response, ECHO_STRING))

        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
        return elapsed_time
コード例 #4
    def recv_text_command(self, raw_text):
        """Catch GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT_COMMAND's and forward them onto their respective recv_server_* callbacks"""
        if not self._sent_commands:
            raise InvalidAdminClientState(
                'Received an unexpected server response')

        # Peek at the first command
        cmd_type = self._sent_commands[0]
        recv_server_command_function_name = 'recv_server_%s' % cmd_type

        cmd_callback = getattr(self, recv_server_command_function_name, None)
        if not cmd_callback:
            gearman_logger.error('Could not handle command: %r - %r' %
                                 (cmd_type, raw_text))
            raise ValueError('Could not handle command: %r - %r' %
                             (cmd_type, raw_text))

        # This must match the parameter names as defined in the command handler
        completed_work = cmd_callback(raw_text)
        return completed_work