コード例 #1
def build_controller():
    c = GEKKO(remote=False)

    nt = 41
    c.time = np.linspace(0, 6, nt)

    Tc = c.MV(value=300)

    q = c.Param(value=100)
    V = c.Param(value=100)
    rho = c.Param(value=1000)
    Cp = c.Param(value=0.239)
    mdelH = c.Param(value=50000)
    ER = c.Param(value=8000)
    k0 = c.Param(value=7.2 * 10**8)
    UA = c.Param(value=5 * 10**5)
    Ca0 = c.Param(value=1)
    T0 = c.Param(value=350)

    Ca = c.CV(value=.8, ub=1, lb=0)
    T = c.CV(value=325, lb=250, ub=500)

    k = c.Var()
    rate = c.Var()

    c.Equation(k == k0 * c.exp(-ER / T))
    c.Equation(rate == k * Ca)

    c.Equation(V * Ca.dt() == q * (Ca0 - Ca) - V * rate)
    c.Equation(rho * Cp * V * T.dt() == q * rho * Cp * (T0 - T) +
               V * mdelH * rate + UA * (Tc - T))

    #Global options
    c.options.IMODE = 6
    c.options.NODES = 2
    c.options.CV_TYPE = 2
    c.options.MAX_ITER = 750
    c.options.TIME_SHIFT = 0

    #MV tuning
    Tc.STATUS = 1
    Tc.DCOST = .01
    #Tc.DMAX = 10
    Tc.LOWER = 250
    Tc.UPPER = 450

    #CV Tuning
    Ca.STATUS = 1
    Ca.TR_INIT = 0
    Ca.TAU = 1
    T.STATUS = 0

    return c, T, Tc, Ca
コード例 #2
def solve08():
    # Nonlinear Regression
    # measurements
    xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 2.0])

    # GEKKO model
    m = GEKKO()

    # parameters
    x = m.Param(value=xm)
    a = m.FV()
    a.STATUS = 1

    # variables
    y = m.CV(value=ym)
    y.FSTATUS = 1

    # regression equation
    m.Equation(y == 0.1 * m.exp(a * x))

    # regression mode
    m.options.IMODE = 2

    # optimize

    # print parameters
    print('Optimized, a = ' + str(a.value[0]))

    plt.plot(xm, ym, 'bo')
    plt.plot(xm, y.value, 'r-')
コード例 #3
def initGekko(alpha, beta, paddle, last_move):
    m = GEKKO()
    m.WEB = 0
    m.options.SOLVER = 1  # APOPT is an MINLP solver

    # optional solver settings with APOPT
    m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
                        # minlp iterations with integer solution

                        'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 10', \
                        # treat minlp as nlp

                        'minlp_as_nlp 0', \
                        # nlp sub-problem max iterations

                        'nlp_maximum_iterations 50', \
                        # 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first

                        'minlp_branch_method 1', \
                        # maximum deviation from whole number

                        'minlp_integer_tol 0.1', \
                       # covergence tolerance

                        'minlp_gap_tol 0.01']
    m.time = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    # control variable
    u = m.MV(lb=-1, ub=1, integer=True)
    u.DCOST = 0.1
    # parameters
    alpha = m.Param(value=alpha)
    beta = m.Param(value=beta)
    # need need the last control vector
    ulast = m.Var()
    m.delay(u, ulast, 1)

    y = m.CV(paddle)

    m.Equation(y.dt() == (alpha * u) + (beta * ulast))

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.NODES = 2
    m.options.CV_TYPE = 1

    y.STATUS = 1
    y.FSTATUS = 1

    # to do get this from input
    y.SPHI = 25
    y.SPLO = 25
    y.TAU = 0
    y.TR_INIT = 2

    u.STATUS = 1
    u.FSTATUS = 0

    return m, y, u
コード例 #4
def solve11():  # error
    # Moving Horizon Estimation
    # Estimator Model
    m = GEKKO()
    m.time = p.time
    # Parameters
    m.u = m.MV(value=u_meas)  #input
    m.K = m.FV(value=1, lb=1, ub=3)  # gain
    m.tau = m.FV(value=5, lb=1, ub=10)  # time constant
    # Variables
    m.x = m.SV()  #state variable
    m.y = m.CV(value=y_meas)  #measurement
    # Equations
    m.Equations([m.tau * m.x.dt() == -m.x + m.u, m.y == m.K * m.x])
    # Options
    m.options.IMODE = 5  #MHE
    m.options.EV_TYPE = 1
    # STATUS = 0, optimizer doesn't adjust value
    # STATUS = 1, optimizer can adjust
    m.u.STATUS = 0
    m.K.STATUS = 1
    m.tau.STATUS = 1
    m.y.STATUS = 1
    # FSTATUS = 0, no measurement
    # FSTATUS = 1, measurement used to update model
    m.u.FSTATUS = 1
    m.K.FSTATUS = 0
    m.tau.FSTATUS = 0
    m.y.FSTATUS = 1
    # DMAX = maximum movement each cycle
    m.K.DMAX = 2.0
    m.tau.DMAX = 4.0
    # MEAS_GAP = dead-band for measurement / model mismatch
    m.y.MEAS_GAP = 0.25

    # solve

    # Plot results
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(m.time, u_meas, 'b:', label='Input (u) meas')
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(m.time, y_meas, 'gx', label='Output (y) meas')
    plt.plot(p.time, p.y.value, 'k-', label='Output (y) actual')
    plt.plot(m.time, m.y.value, 'r--', label='Output (y) estimated')
コード例 #5
def solve12():
    # Model Predictive Control
    m = GEKKO()
    m.time = np.linspace(0, 20, 41)

    # Parameters
    mass = 500
    b = m.Param(value=50)
    K = m.Param(value=0.8)

    # Manipulated variable
    p = m.MV(value=0, lb=0, ub=100)
    p.STATUS = 1  # allow optimizer to change
    p.DCOST = 0.1  # smooth out gas pedal movement
    p.DMAX = 20  # slow down change of gas pedal

    # Controlled Variable
    v = m.CV(value=0)
    v.STATUS = 1  # add the SP to the objective
    m.options.CV_TYPE = 2  # squared error
    v.SP = 40  # set point
    v.TR_INIT = 1  # set point trajectory
    v.TAU = 5  # time constant of trajectory

    # Process model
    m.Equation(mass * v.dt() == -v * b + K * b * p)

    m.options.IMODE = 6  # control

    # get additional solution information
    import json
    with open(m.path + '//results.json') as f:
        results = json.load(f)

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(m.time, p.value, 'b-', label='MV Optimized')
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(m.time, results['v1.tr'], 'k-', label='Reference Trajectory')
    plt.plot(m.time, v.value, 'r--', label='CV Response')
コード例 #6
def solve07():
    # Linear and Polynomial Regression
    xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 0.9])

    xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 2.0])

    #### Solution
    m = GEKKO()
    m.options.IMODE = 2
    # coefficients
    c = [m.FV(value=0) for i in range(4)]
    x = m.Param(value=xm)
    y = m.CV(value=ym)
    y.FSTATUS = 1
    # polynomial model
    m.Equation(y == c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * x**2 + c[3] * x**3)

    # linear regression
    c[0].STATUS = 1
    c[1].STATUS = 1
    p1 = [c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]

    # quadratic
    c[2].STATUS = 1
    p2 = [c[2].value[0], c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]

    # cubic
    c[3].STATUS = 1
    p3 = [c[3].value[0], c[2].value[0], c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]

    # plot fit
    plt.plot(xm, ym, 'ko', markersize=10)
    xp = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
    plt.plot(xp, np.polyval(p1, xp), 'b--', linewidth=2)
    plt.plot(xp, np.polyval(p2, xp), 'r--', linewidth=3)
    plt.plot(xp, np.polyval(p3, xp), 'g:', linewidth=2)
    plt.legend(['Data', 'Linear', 'Quadratic', 'Cubic'], loc='best')
コード例 #7
ファイル: SS.py プロジェクト: dhill2522/GEKKO
def SS(A, B, C, D=None):
    Build a GEKKO from SS representation. 
    Give A,B,C and D, returns:
    m (GEKKO model)
    x (states)
    y (outputs)
    u (inputs)

    #set all matricies to numpy
    A = np.array(A)
    B = np.array(B)
    C = np.array(C)
    if D != None:  #D is supplied
        D = np.array(D)

    #count number of states, inputs and outputs
    nx = A.shape[0]
    ny = C.shape[0]
    nu = B.shape[1]

    #initialize GEKKO Model
    m = GEKKO()

    #define arrays of states, outputs and inputs
    x = [m.SV() for i in np.arange(nx)]
    y = [m.CV() for i in np.arange(ny)]
    u = [m.MV() for i in np.arange(nu)]

    #build equations for states
    state_eqs = np.dot(A, x) + np.dot(B, u)
    [m.Equation(state_eqs[i] == x[i].dt()) for i in range(nx)]

    #build equations for outputs
    if D != None:
        output_eqs = np.dot(C, x) + np.dot(D, u)
        output_eqs = np.dot(C, x)
    [m.Equation(output_eqs[i] == y[i].dt()) for i in range(ny)]

    return m, x, y, u
コード例 #8
# Measured inputs
Q1 = m.Param()
Q2 = m.Param()

Ta = 21.0 + 273.15  # K
mass = 4.0 / 1000.0  # kg
Cp = 0.5 * 1000.0  # J/kg-K
A = 10.0 / 100.0**2  # Area not between heaters in m^2
As = 2.0 / 100.0**2  # Area between heaters in m^2
eps = 0.9  # Emissivity
sigma = 5.67e-8  # Stefan-Boltzmann

TH1 = m.SV()
TH2 = m.SV()
TC1 = m.CV()
TC2 = m.CV()

# Heater Temperatures in Kelvin
T1 = m.Intermediate(TH1 + 273.15)
T2 = m.Intermediate(TH2 + 273.15)

# Heat transfer between two heaters
Q_C12 = m.Intermediate(Us * As * (T2 - T1))  # Convective
Q_R12 = m.Intermediate(eps * sigma * As * (T2**4 - T1**4))  # Radiative

# Energy balances
m.Equation(TH1.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T1) \
                + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T1**4) \
                + Q_C12 + Q_R12 \
                + alpha1*Q1))
コード例 #9
import numpy as np
from random import random
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#----- Process Simulation Setup -----#

p = GEKKO(remote=False)
p.time = np.linspace(0, 0.5, 0.01)
p.dl = p.MV()
p.beta = p.Param(value=0.05)
p.g = p.CV()
p.t = p.Param(value=p.time)
A = 20
K = 300
p.Equation(p.exp(-p.t * p.beta) * p.g.dt() == p.dl)

p.options.IMODE = 4

#----- Moving Horizon Estimation Model Setup -----#
mhe = GEKKO(remote=False)
mhe.time = np.linspace(0, 0.5, 0.01)
mhe.dl = mhe.MV()  #output
mhe.beta = mhe.FV(value=0.01, lb=0.0000001, ub=0.5)
mhe.g = mhe.CV()  #measured variable
mhe.t = mhe.Param(value=mhe.time)

mhe.Equation(mhe.dl == mhe.exp(-mhe.t * mhe.beta) * mhe.g.dt())
mhe.options.IMODE = 5
mhe.options.EV_TYPE = 1
mhe.options.DIAGLEVEL = 0
コード例 #10
ファイル: TCLabSecondOrder_3.py プロジェクト: ymywudi/pdc
    # taus = second order time constant
    # zeta = damping factor (zeta>1 for overdamped)
    T = ?
    return T

# Connect to Arduino
a = tclab.TCLab()

# Second order model of TCLab
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
Kp   = m.FV(1.0,lb=0.5,ub=2.0)
taus = m.FV(50,lb=10,ub=200)
zeta =  m.FV(1.2,lb=1.1,ub=5)
y0 = a.T1
u = m.MV(0)
x = m.Var(y0); y = m.CV(y0)
m.Equation((taus**2)*x.dt()+2*zeta*taus*y.dt()+(y-y0) == Kp*u)
m.options.IMODE = 5
m.options.NODES = 2
m.time = np.linspace(0,200,101)

# Turn LED on
print('LED On')

# Run time in minutes
run_time = 5
コード例 #11
#%% Model

#Initialize model
m = GEKKO()

#time array
m.time = np.arange(50)

u = m.Param(value=42)
d = m.FV(value=0)
Cv = m.Param(value=1)
tau = m.Param(value=0.1)

flow = m.CV(value=42)

m.Equation(tau * flow.dt() == -flow + Cv * u + d)

# Options
m.options.imode = 5
m.options.ev_type = 1  #start with l1 norm
m.options.coldstart = 1

d.status = 1
flow.fstatus = 1
flow.wmeas = 100
flow.wmodel = 0
#flow.dcost = 0
コード例 #12

#%% Model
m = GEKKO()

m.time = np.linspace(0, 15, 61)
#parameters to estimate
lg10_kr = [m.FV(value=lkr[i]) for i in range(6)]
kr = [m.Var() for i in range(6)]
H = m.Var(value=1e6)
I = m.Var(value=0)
V = m.Var(value=1e2)
#Variable to match with data
LV = m.CV(value=2)
m.Equations([10**lg10_kr[i] == kr[i] for i in range(6)])
    H.dt() == kr[0] - kr[1] * H - kr[2] * H * V,
    I.dt() == kr[2] * H * V - kr[3] * I,
    V.dt() == -kr[2] * H * V - kr[4] * V + kr[5] * I, LV == m.log10(V)

#%% Estimation

## Global options
m.options.IMODE = 5  #switch to estimation
m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 0  #don't timeshift on new solve
m.options.EV_TYPE = 2  #l2 norm
m.options.COLDSTART = 2
コード例 #13
from StokesSingularities import *

#This iteration includes interaction forces

IV = [50, 50]  #Initial position

g = GEKKO(remote=True)

nt = 400  #number of timesteps
g.time = np.linspace(0, 100, nt)

#STATUS = 1 implies that the variable is being optimized by the solver
#DCOST is the amount which is added to the cost function when the variable is modified -> this prevents blowup

# These are the coordinates of the passive particle
y1 = g.CV(value=IV[0])
y1.LOWER = -100
y1.UPPER = 100
y2 = g.CV(value=IV[1])
y2.LOWER = -100
y2.UPPER = 100

x11 = g.Var(value=2, lb=1, ub=3)
x12 = g.Var(value=0, lb=-1, ub=1)
x21 = g.Var(value=0, lb=-1, ub=1)
x22 = g.Var(value=0, lb=-1, ub=1)

v11 = g.MV(value=0)
v11.STATUS = 0
v12 = g.MV(value=0)
v12.STATUS = 1
コード例 #14
class gekko_model():
    def __init__(self, x0, param0, physics0, x_target):

        x_pos = x0[0]
        y_pos = x0[1]
        x_vel = x0[2]
        y_vel = x0[3]
        heading = x0[4]
        ang_vel = x0[5]
        SPS_mass = x0[6]
        RCS_mass = x0[7]

        dry_mass = param0[0]
        SPS_thrust = param0[1]
        RCS_thrust = param0[2]
        SPS_mass_flow = param0[3]
        RCS_mass_flow = param0[4]
        J = param0[5]
        r = param0[6]

        x_pos_t = x_target[0]
        y_pos_t = x_target[1]
        x_vel_t = x_target[2]
        y_vel_t = x_target[3]

        mu = physics0[0]

        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        self.x_t = self.m.Var(value=x_pos_t)
        self.y_t = self.m.Var(value=y_pos_t)
        self.x_vel_t = self.m.Var(value=x_vel_t)
        self.y_vel_t = self.m.Var(value=y_vel_t)

        self.dry_mass = self.m.Param(value=dry_mass)
        self.mu = self.m.Param(value=mu)
        self.SPS_flow = self.m.FV(value=SPS_mass_flow, lb=0, ub=SPS_mass)
        self.RCS_flow = self.m.FV(value=RCS_mass_flow, lb=0, ub=RCS_mass)
        self.r = self.m.Param(value=r)

        self.RCS_bias = self.m.FV(value=1.0, ub=1.5, lb=.5)
        self.SPS_bias = self.m.FV(value=1.0, ub=1.5, lb=.5)

        self.RCS_com = self.m.MV(value=0, lb=-1, ub=1, integer=True)
        self.SPS_com = self.m.MV(value=0, lb=0, ub=1, integer=True)

        self.x = self.m.CV(value=x_pos, name='x')
        self.y = self.m.CV(value=y_pos, name='y')
        self.x_vel = self.m.CV(value=x_vel, name='x_vel')
        self.y_vel = self.m.CV(value=y_vel, name='y_vel')
        self.heading = self.m.CV(value=heading, name='heading')
        self.ang_vel = self.m.CV(value=ang_vel, name='ang_vel')
        self.SPS_mass = self.m.Var(value=SPS_mass,
        self.RCS_mass = self.m.Var(value=RCS_mass,

        self.J = self.m.FV(value=J)
        self.SPS_thrust = self.m.FV(value=SPS_thrust)
        self.RCS_thrust = self.m.FV(value=RCS_thrust)

        self.SPS_thrust_f = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.SPS_com * self.SPS_thrust * self.SPS_bias)
        self.RCS_thrust_f = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.RCS_com * self.RCS_thrust * self.RCS_bias)

        self.d_t = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.sqrt(self.x_t**2 + self.y_t**2))
        self.r_dd_t = self.m.Intermediate(-self.mu / self.d_t**3)

        self.mass_t = self.m.Intermediate(self.dry_mass + self.RCS_mass +

        self.d = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2))
        self.r_dd = self.m.Intermediate(-self.mu / (self.d**3))

        self.x_accel_g = self.m.Intermediate(self.x * self.r_dd)
        self.y_accel_g = self.m.Intermediate(self.y * self.r_dd)

        self.x_accel_SPS = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.SPS_thrust_f * self.m.sin(self.heading) / self.mass_t)
        self.y_accel_SPS = self.m.Intermediate(
            self.SPS_thrust_f * self.m.cos(self.heading) / self.mass_t)

        self.phase = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.atan(self.x / self.y))
        self.phase_t = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.atan(self.x_t / self.y_t))

        self.m.Equation(self.x.dt() == self.x_vel)
        self.m.Equation(self.y.dt() == self.y_vel)
        self.m.Equation(self.x_vel.dt() == self.x_accel_g + self.x_accel_SPS)
        self.m.Equation(self.y_vel.dt() == self.y_accel_g + self.y_accel_SPS)
        self.m.Equation(self.heading.dt() == self.ang_vel)
        self.m.Equation(self.ang_vel.dt() == self.RCS_thrust_f * self.r /
        self.m.Equation(self.SPS_mass.dt() == -self.SPS_flow * self.SPS_com *
        self.m.Equation(self.RCS_mass.dt() == -self.RCS_flow *
                        self.m.abs(self.RCS_com) * self.RCS_bias)

        self.m.Equation(self.x_t.dt() == self.x_vel_t)
        self.m.Equation(self.y_t.dt() == self.y_vel_t)
        self.m.Equation(self.x_vel_t.dt() == self.x_t * self.r_dd_t)
        self.m.Equation(self.y_vel_t.dt() == self.y_t * self.r_dd_t)

    def mpc_setup(self, time):
        self.m.time = time

        p = np.zeros(len(time))
        p[-2:] = 1
        p[:] = 1

        self.final = self.m.Param(value=p)

        self.RCS_com.STATUS = 1
        self.SPS_com.STATUS = 1

        self.m.options.MAX_ITER = 1000

            self.d >= 6471000
        )  #Distance must be larger than the radius of the Earth + 100 km
        self.m.Equation(self.RCS_mass >= 0)  #Must have positive mass in tanks
        self.m.Equation(self.SPS_mass >= 0)
        self.m.Equation(self.m.abs(self.ang_vel) <= 2 * 3.14)

        self.m.Obj((self.final * (self.d - self.d_t)**2))
        self.m.Obj(1e12 * self.final * (self.phase - self.phase_t)**2)
        self.m.Obj((self.m.sqrt(self.x_vel**2 + self.y_vel**2) -
                    self.m.sqrt(self.x_vel_t**2 + self.y_vel_t**2))**2)

        self.m.options.IMODE = 6

    def mpc_update(self, x0, x_target):
        x_pos = x0[0]
        y_pos = x0[1]
        x_vel = x0[2]
        y_vel = x0[3]
        heading = x0[4]
        ang_vel = x0[5]
        SPS_mass = x0[6]
        RCS_mass = x0[7]

        x_pos_t = x_target[0]
        y_pos_t = x_target[1]
        x_vel_t = x_target[2]
        y_vel_t = x_target[3]

        self.x.VALUE = x_pos
        self.y.VALUE = y_pos
        self.x_vel.VALUE = x_vel
        self.y_vel.VALUE = y_vel
        self.heading.VALUE = heading
        self.ang_vel.VALUE = ang_vel
        self.SPS_mass.VALUE = SPS_mass
        self.RCS_mass.VALUE = RCS_mass

        self.x_t.VALUE = x_pos_t
        self.y_t.VALUE = y_pos_t
        self.x_vel_t.VALUE = x_vel_t
        self.y_vel_t.VALUE = y_vel_t

    def mpc_solve(self):
            RCS_com = self.RCS_com.NEWVAL
            SPS_com = self.SPS_com.NEWVAL
            print("Did not finish")
            RCS_com = 0
            SPS_com = 0

        return ([SPS_com, RCS_com])

    def mhe_setup(self, time):
        self.m.time = time
        self.m.options.EV_TYPE = 1
        self.m.options.IMODE = 5
        self.m.options.ICD_CALC = 1

    def mhe_on(self):
        self.x.FSTATUS = 1  #Receive measurements
        self.y.FSTATUS = 1
        self.ang_vel.FSTATUS = 1
        self.RCS_com.FSTATUS = 1
        self.SPS_com.FSTATUS = 1
        self.SPS_bias.FSTATUS = 0
        self.RCS_bias.FSTATUS = 0

        self.x.STATUS = 1
        self.y.STATUS = 1
        self.ang_vel.STATUS = 1
        self.RCS_com.STATUS = 0
        self.SPS_com.STATUS = 0
        self.SPS_bias.STATUS = 1
        self.RCS_bias.STATUS = 1

        self.SPS_bias.DMAX = .05
        self.RCS_bias.DMAX = .05

    def mhe_add(self, x, y, ang_vel, SPS_com, RCS_com):
        self.x.MEAS = x
        self.y.MEAS = y
        self.ang_vel.MEAS = ang_vel
        self.SPS_com.MEAS = SPS_com
        self.RCS_com.MEAS = RCS_com

    def mhe_solve(self, x, y, ang_vel, SPS_com, RCS_com):

        self.x.MEAS = x
        self.y.MEAS = y
        self.ang_vel.MEAS = ang_vel
        self.SPS_com.MEAS = SPS_com
        self.RCS_com.MEAS = RCS_com


        return ([self.SPS_bias.NEWVAL, self.RCS_bias.NEWVAL],
                [self.x.MODEL, self.y.MODEL, self.ang_vel.MODEL])

    def sim_setup(self, time):
        self.m.time = time

        self.RCS_com.FSTATUS = 1
        self.SPS_com.FSTATUS = 1

        self.m.options.SOLVER = 3
        self.m.options.IMODE = 4

    def sim_solve(self, SPS_com, RCS_com):
        self.RCS_com.MEAS = RCS_com
        self.SPS_com.MEAS = SPS_com
        self.SPS_com.STATUS = 0
        self.RCS_com.STATUS = 0

        return ([self.x.MODEL, self.y.MODEL, self.ang_vel.MODEL])
コード例 #15
#Parameter to Estimate
UA_mhe = m.FV(value=10 * 10**4, name='ua')
UA_mhe.STATUS = 1  #estimate
UA_mhe.FSTATUS = 0  #no measurements
#upper and lower bounds for optimizer
UA_mhe.LOWER = 10000
UA_mhe.UPPER = 100000

#Measurement input
Tc_mhe = m.MV(value=300, name='tc')
Tc_mhe.STATUS = 0  #don't estimate
Tc_mhe.FSTATUS = 1  #receive measurement

#Measurement to match simulation with
T_mhe = m.CV(value=325, lb=250, ub=500, name='t')
T_mhe.STATUS = 1  #minimize error between simulation and measurement
T_mhe.FSTATUS = 1  #receive measurement
T_mhe.MEAS_GAP = 0.1  #measurement deadband gap

#State to watch
Ca_mhe = m.SV(value=0.8, ub=1, lb=0, name='ca')

#Other parameters
q = m.Param(value=100)
V = m.Param(value=100)
rho = m.Param(value=1000)
Cp = m.Param(value=0.239)
mdelH = m.Param(value=50000)
ER = m.Param(value=8750)
k0 = m.Param(value=7.2 * 10**10)
コード例 #16
# Measured inputs
Q1 = m.MV(value=0, name='q1')
Q1.STATUS = 0  # don't estimate
Q1.FSTATUS = 1  # receive measurement

Q2 = m.MV(value=0, name='q2')
Q2.STATUS = 0  # don't estimate
Q2.FSTATUS = 1  # receive measurement

# State variables
TH1 = m.SV(value=T1m[0], name='th1')
TH2 = m.SV(value=T2m[0], name='th2')

# Measurements for model alignment
TC1 = m.CV(value=T1m[0], name='tc1')
TC1.STATUS = 1  # minimize error between simulation and measurement
TC1.FSTATUS = 1  # receive measurement
TC1.MEAS_GAP = 0.1  # measurement deadband gap
TC1.UPPER = 200

TC2 = m.CV(value=T2m[0], name='tc2')
TC2.STATUS = 1  # minimize error between simulation and measurement
TC2.FSTATUS = 1  # receive measurement
TC2.MEAS_GAP = 0.1  # measurement deadband gap
TC2.UPPER = 200

Ta = m.Param(value=23.0 + 273.15)  # K
mass = m.Param(value=4.0 / 1000.0)  # kg
コード例 #17
from gekko import GEKKO

# noise level
noise = 0.2

#%% Process
p = GEKKO(remote=False)
p.time = [0,.5] #time discretization

p.u = p.MV()
p.K = p.Param(value=1.25) #gain
p.tau = p.Param(value=8) #time constant

p.y = p.CV(1) #measurement

p.Equation(p.tau * p.y.dt() == -p.y + p.K * p.u)

p.options.IMODE = 4
p.options.NODES = 4

def process_simulator(meas):
    if meas is not None:
        p.u.MEAS = meas
    return p.y.MODEL + (random()-0.5)*noise
コード例 #18
ファイル: EO_GEKKO.py プロジェクト: allenmb/doproject

fid = open('data.csv','w')

m = GEKKO()

nt = 101
m.time = np.linspace(0,100,nt)

eo_collect = m.CV(value=0,lb=0)
eo_collect.STATUS = 1

usp = np.zeros(nt)

u = m.MV(value=usp,lb=340,ub=550)
u.STATUS = 1
u.DMAX = 4

flow = m.Var(value=10,lb=0)
eo_frac = m.Var(value=0.01,lb=0)
eo_tot = m.Var(value=0,lb=0)

K = m.FV(value=0.0198)
コード例 #19
ファイル: hw_estimator.py プロジェクト: nwoodbury/GEKKO
#p.u.STATUS = 0

#%% Model
m = GEKKO()

m.time = np.linspace(0, 20,
                     41)  #0-20 by 0.5 -- discretization must match simulation

m.u = m.MV()  #input
m.K = m.FV(value=1, lb=1, ub=3)  #gain
m.tau = m.FV(value=5, lb=1, ub=10)  #time constant

m.x = m.SV()  #state variable
m.y = m.CV()  #measurement

m.Equations([m.tau * m.x.dt() == -m.x + m.u, m.y == m.K * m.x])

m.options.IMODE = 5  #MHE
m.options.EV_TYPE = 1

# STATUS = 0, optimizer doesn't adjust value
# STATUS = 1, optimizer can adjust
m.u.STATUS = 0
m.K.STATUS = 1
m.tau.STATUS = 1
m.y.STATUS = 1
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_pwl_fit.py プロジェクト: vyom-thakker/GEKKO
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
m = GEKKO()
m.options.SOLVER = 3
m.options.IMODE = 2
xzd = np.linspace(1,5,100)
yzd = np.sin(xzd)
xz = m.Param(value=xzd)
yz = m.CV(value=yzd)
yz.FSTATUS = 1
xp_val = np.array([1, 2, 3, 3.5,   4, 5])
yp_val = np.array([1, 0, 2, 2.5, 2.8, 3])
xp = [m.FV(value=xp_val[i],lb=xp_val[0],ub=xp_val[-1]) for i in range(6)]
yp = [m.FV(value=yp_val[i]) for i in range(6)]
for i in range(6):
    xp[i].STATUS = 0
    yp[i].STATUS = 1
for i in range(5):
x = [m.Var(lb=xp[i],ub=xp[i+1]) for i in range(5)]
x[0].lower = -1e20
x[-1].upper = 1e20
# Variables
slk_u = [m.Var(value=1,lb=0) for i in range(4)]
slk_l = [m.Var(value=1,lb=0) for i in range(4)]
# Intermediates
slope = []
for i in range(5):
コード例 #21
class Brain():
    def __init__(self, remote=True, bfgs=True, explicit=True):
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=remote)
        #generic model options
        self.m.options.MAX_ITER = 4000
        self.m.options.OTOL = 1e-4
        self.m.options.RTOL = 1e-4
        if bfgs:
            self.m.solver_options = ['hessian_approximation limited-memory']

        self._explicit = explicit
        self._input_size = None
        self._output_size = None
        self._layers = []
        self._weights = []
        self._biases = []
        self.input = []
        self.output = []

    def input_layer(self, size):
        #store input size
        self._input_size = size
        #build FV with Feedback to accept inputs
        self.input = [self.m.Param() for _ in range(size)]
        #        #set FV options
        #        for n in self.input:
        #            n.FSTATUS = 1
        #            n.STATUS = 0

        #add input layer to list of layers

    def layer(self,
        Layer types:
            pool (mean)
        Activation options:
        size = relu + tanh + linear + gaussian + bent + leaky
        if size < 1:
            raise Exception("Need at least one node")

        if ltype == 'dense':

            ## weights between neurons
            n_p = len(self._layers[-1])  #number of neuron in previous layer
            n_c = n_p * size  # number of axion connections
            # build n_c FVs as axion weights, initialize randomly in [-1,1]
                self.m.FV(value=[np.random.rand() * 2 - 1]) for _ in range(n_c)
            for w in self._weights[-1]:
                w.STATUS = 1
                w.FSTATUS = 0
            #input times weights, add bias and activate
            self._biases.append([self.m.FV(value=0) for _ in range(size)])
            for b in self._biases[-1]:
                b.STATUS = 1
                b.FSTATUS = 0

            count = 0

            if self._explicit:

                # build new neuron weighted inputs
                neuron_inputs = [
                    self.m.Intermediate(self._biases[-1][i] + sum(
                        (self._weights[-1][(i * n_p) + j] *
                         self._layers[-1][j]) for j in range(n_p)))
                    for i in range(size)
                ]  #i counts nodes in this layer, j counts nodes of previous layer

                ##neuron activation
                if linear > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + linear)
                    count += linear
                if tanh > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + tanh)
                    count += tanh
                if relu > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                            self.m.log(1 + self.m.exp(neuron_inputs[i])))
                        for i in range(count, count + relu)
                    count += relu
                if gaussian > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        for i in range(count, count + gaussian)
                    count += gaussian
                if bent > 0:
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                            (self.m.sqrt(neuron_inputs[i]**2 + 1) - 1) / 2 +
                        for i in range(count, count + bent)
                    count += bent
                if leaky > 0:
                    s = [self.m.Var(lb=0) for _ in range(leaky * 2)]
                        (1.5 * neuron_inputs[i + count]) -
                        (0.5 * neuron_inputs[i + count]) == s[2 * i] -
                        s[2 * i + 1] for i in range(leaky)
                    self._layers[-1] += [
                        self.m.Intermediate(neuron_inputs[count + i] +
                                            s[2 * i]) for i in range(leaky)
                    [self.m.Obj(s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(leaky)]
                        [s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1] == 0 for i in range(leaky)])
                    count += leaky

            else:  #type=implicit

                # build new neuron weighted inputs
                neuron_inputs = [self.m.Var() for i in range(size)]
                        neuron_inputs[i] == self._biases[-1][i] + sum(
                            (self._weights[-1][(i * n_p) + j] *
                             self._layers[-1][j]) for j in range(n_p))
                        for i in range(size)
                )  #i counts nodes in this layer, j counts nodes of previous layer

                ##neuron activation
                neurons = [self.m.Var() for i in range(size)]

                ##neuron activation
                if linear > 0:
                        neurons[i] == neuron_inputs[i]
                        for i in range(count, count + linear)
                    count += linear
                if tanh > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.tanh(neuron_inputs[i])
                        for i in range(count, count + tanh)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + tanh]:
                        n.LOWER = -5
                        n.UPPER = 5
                    count += tanh
                if relu > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.log(1 +
                        for i in range(count, count + relu)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + relu]:
                        n.LOWER = -10
                    count += relu
                if gaussian > 0:
                        neurons[i] == self.m.exp(-neuron_inputs[i]**2)
                        for i in range(count, count + gaussian)
                    for n in neurons[count:count + gaussian]:
                        n.LOWER = -3.5
                        n.UPPER = 3.5
                    count += gaussian
                if bent > 0:
                        neurons[i] == (
                            (self.m.sqrt(neuron_inputs[i]**2 + 1) - 1) / 2 +
                        for i in range(count, count + bent)
                    count += bent
                if leaky > 0:
                    s = [self.m.Var(lb=0) for _ in range(leaky * 2)]
                        (1.5 * neuron_inputs[count + i]) -
                        (0.5 * neuron_inputs[count + i]) == s[2 * i] -
                        s[2 * i + 1] for i in range(leaky)
                        neurons[count + i] == neuron_inputs[count + i] +
                        s[2 * i] for i in range(leaky)
                        self.m.Obj(10000 * s[2 * i] * s[2 * i + 1])
                        for i in range(leaky)
                    #self.m.Equations([s[2*i]*s[2*i+1] == 0 for i in range(leaky)])
                    count += leaky

            raise Exception('layer type not implemented yet')

    def output_layer(self, size, ltype='dense', activation='linear'):
        Layer types:
            pool (mean)
        Activation options:

        # build a layer to ensure that the number of nodes matches the output
        self.layer(size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ltype)

        self.output = [self.m.CV() for _ in range(size)]
        for o in self.output:
            o.FSTATUS = 1
            o.STATUS = 1

        #link output CVs to last layer
        for i in range(size):
            self.m.Equation(self.output[i] == self._layers[-1][i])

    def think(self, inputs):

        #convert inputs to numpy ndarray
        inputs = np.atleast_2d(inputs)

        ##confirm input/output dimensions
        in_dims = inputs.shape
        ni = len(self.input)
        #consistent layer size
        if in_dims[0] != ni:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of inputs')

        #set input values
        for i in range(ni):
            self.input[i].value = inputs[i, :]

        #solve in SS simulation
        self.m.options.IMODE = 2
        #disable all weights
        for wl in self._weights:
            for w in wl:
                w.STATUS = 0
        for bl in self._biases:
            for b in bl:
                b.STATUS = 0

        ##return result
        res = []  #concatentate result from each CV in one list
        for i in range(len(self.output)):

        return res

    def learn(self, inputs, outputs, obj=2, gap=0, disp=True):
        Make the brain learn. 
        Give inputs as (n)xm
            Where n = input layer dimensions
            m = number of datasets
        Give outputs as (n)xm
            Where n = output layer dimensions
            m = number of datasets
        Objective can be 1 (L1 norm) or 2 (L2 norm)
        If obj=1, gap provides a deadband around output matching.

        #convert inputs to numpy ndarray
        inputs = np.atleast_2d(inputs)
        outputs = np.atleast_2d(outputs)

        ##confirm input/output dimensions
        in_dims = inputs.shape
        out_dims = outputs.shape
        ni = len(self.input)
        no = len(self.output)
        #consistent dataset size
        if in_dims[1] != out_dims[1]:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of datasets')
        #consistent layer size
        if in_dims[0] != ni:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of inputs')
        if out_dims[0] != no:
            raise Exception('Inconsistent number of outputs')

        #set input values
        for i in range(ni):
            self.input[i].value = inputs[i, :]

        #set output values
        for i in range(no):
            o = self.output[i]
            o.value = outputs[i, :]
            if obj == 1:  #set meas_gap while cycling through CVs
                o.MEAS_GAP = gap

        #solve in MPU mode
        self.m.options.IMODE = 2
        self.m.options.EV_TYPE = obj
        self.m.options.REDUCE = 3
        #enable all weights
        for wl in self._weights:
            for w in wl:
                w.STATUS = 1
        for bl in self._biases:
            for b in bl:
                b.STATUS = 1


    def shake(self, percent):
        """ Neural networks are non-convex. Some stochastic shaking can 
        sometimes help bump the problem to a new region. This function 
        perturbs all weights by +/-percent their values."""

        for l in self._weights:
            for f in l:
                f.value = f.value[-1] * (
                    1 + (1 - 2 * np.random.rand()) * percent / 100)
コード例 #22
ファイル: mpc.py プロジェクト: TD-97/Control-Group-Code
class mpc():
    def __init__(self, alpha, beta, paddle, last_move, justLeftOfPaddle,
        #db_file_name = "third_attempt_PT.db" # name of database to use/create
        db_file_name = "pong_v0.db"
        self.justLeftOfPaddle = justLeftOfPaddle
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.learnMode = lmode
        self.m.WEB = 0
        self.m.options.SOLVER = 1  # APOPT is an MINLP solver
        self.maxIter = 30  # this is a parameter

        #optional solver settings with APOPT
        self.m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
                            # minlp iterations with integer solution

                            'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 10', \
                            # treat minlp as nlp

                            'minlp_as_nlp 0', \
                            # nlp sub-problem max iterations

                            'nlp_maximum_iterations 50', \
                            # 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first

                            'minlp_branch_method 1', \
                            # maximum deviation from whole number

                            'minlp_integer_tol 0.01', \
                        # covergence tolerance

                            'minlp_gap_tol 0.1']
        self.m.time = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        # control variable
        self.u = self.m.MV(lb=-1, ub=1, integer=True)
        self.u.DCOST = 0.1
        # parameters
        alpha = self.m.Param(value=alpha)
        beta = self.m.Param(value=beta)
        # need need the last control vector
        ulast = self.m.Var()
        self.m.delay(self.u, ulast, 1)

        self.y = self.m.CV(paddle)

        self.m.Equation(self.y.dt() == (alpha * self.u) + (beta * ulast))

        self.m.options.IMODE = 6
        self.m.options.NODES = 2
        self.m.options.CV_TYPE = 1

        self.y.STATUS = 1
        self.y.FSTATUS = 1

        # to do get this from input
        self.y.SPHI = 25
        self.y.SPLO = 25
        self.y.TAU = 0
        self.y.TR_INIT = 2

        self.u.STATUS = 1
        self.u.FSTATUS = 0
        #self.m.options.MAX_TIME = 0.1

        sqlite3.register_adapter(np.int32, lambda val: int(val))
        d = getcwd() + "\\Database\\" + db_file_name  # get path to db
        self.c = create_connection(d)

    def nxtMPC(self, ball_y, paddle, m, y, u):
        error = 0
        self.y.MEAS = paddle
        self.y.sphi = ball_y + 1
        self.y.splo = ball_y - 1
        start = timer()
            error += 1
        end = timer()

        return self.u.NEWVAL

    def getMPCPred(self, pongStates):
        # if we the states are right, use nxtMPC
        if not self.checkState(pongStates):
            return 0, -1

        predY, criticalT = getTrajectory(pongStates.statek1,
                                         self.justLeftOfPaddle, self.maxIter,
        #print("\n\nPrediciton: ", predY)
        if (self.learnMode):
            addState(pongStates.statek, pongStates.statek1, self.c)
        if (predY != None):
            nextU = self.nxtMPC(predY, pongStates.agent, self.m, self.y,
            #nextU = 0
            nextInd = int(round(nextU))
            #print("Action: ",nextInd)
            next_move = indexToAction(nextInd)
            return next_move, predY
        # otherwise, return zero
            return 0, -1

    def checkState(self, pongStates):
        # want to check the ball is heading towards us
        # and that it is a certain distance frome us
        if (pongStates.velxk <= 0 or pongStates.velxk1 <= 0):
            return False
        elif (pongStates.ball[0, 0] < pongStates.activeArea):
            return False
        elif (pongStates.found3 is False):
            return False
            return True
コード例 #23
E_a_1 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_1_initial_guess)
E_a_2 = reaction_model.FV(E_a_2_initial_guess)
A_1 = reaction_model.FV(A_1_initial_guess)
A_2 = reaction_model.FV(A_2_initial_guess)
alpha = reaction_model.FV(alpha_initial_guess)
beta = reaction_model.FV(beta_initial_guess)

# one-sided bounds
#alpha.LOWER = 0
#beta.LOWER = 0

# state Variables
Ph_3_minus = reaction_model.SV(Ph_3_minus_initial)

# variable we will use to regress other Parameters
Ph_2_minus = reaction_model.CV(ph_abs)

# intermediates
k1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_1 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_1 / (R * T)))
k2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(A_2 * reaction_model.exp(-E_a_2 / (R * T)))
# forward reaction
r1 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k1 * Ph_2_minus**alpha)
# backwards reaction
r2 = reaction_model.Intermediate(k2 * Ph_3_minus**beta)

# equations
    [Ph_2_minus.dt() == r2 - r1,
     Ph_3_minus.dt() == r1 - r2])

# parameter options
コード例 #24
# Manipulated variable
Q1 = m.MV(value=Q1_ss)
Q1.STATUS = 1  # use to control temperature
Q1.FSTATUS = 0  # no feedback measurement
Q1.LOWER = 0.0
Q1.UPPER = 100.0
Q1.DMAX = 20.0
Q1.COST = 0.0
Q1.DCOST = 1.0e-3

# Variables
x1 = m.Var(value=0)
x2 = m.Var(value=0)

# Controlled variable
TC1 = m.CV(value=TC1_ss)
TC1.STATUS = 1  # minimize error with setpoint range
TC1.FSTATUS = 1  # receive measurement
TC1.TR_INIT = 1  # reference trajectory
TC1.TAU = 10  # time constant for response

# Equation
m.Equation(x2 == x1.dt())
m.Equation(tau**2*x2.dt() + 2*zeta*tau*x1.dt() \
           + x1 == Kp * (Q1-Q1_ss))
m.Equation(TC1 == x1 + TC1_ss)

# Global Options
#m.server = '' # local server, if available
m.options.IMODE = 6  # MPC
m.options.CV_TYPE = 1  # Objective type
コード例 #25
x_euler, y_euler, z_euler = np.loadtxt('rcbb.csv',

phi_euler, theta_euler, psi_euler = np.loadtxt('eulerangles.csv',

#%% Model

#Initialize model
m = GEKKO()

m.time = time

x_euler_model = m.CV(value=x_euler)
y_euler_model = m.CV(value=y_euler)
z_euler_model = m.CV(value=z_euler)
phi_euler_model = m.CV(value=phi_euler)
theta_euler_model = m.CV(value=theta_euler)
psi_euler_model = m.CV(value=psi_euler)

x_aruco_model = m.CV(value=x_aruco)
y_aruco_model = m.CV(value=y_aruco)
z_aruco_model = m.CV(value=z_aruco)
phi_aruco_model = m.CV(value=phi_aruco)
theta_aruco_model = m.CV(value=theta_aruco)
psi_aruco_model = m.CV(value=psi_aruco)

x_offset = m.MV(value=0)
y_offset = m.MV(value=0)
コード例 #26
mum.STATUS = 1
romax = m.FV(value=85, lb=0, name="ro_max (%/g-d)")
romax.STATUS = 1
ko = m.FV(value=6.32, lb=0, name="k_o (%)")
ko.STATUS = 1
osat = m.FV(value=86.2, lb=0, name="o_sat (%)")
osat.STATUS = 1
kL = m.FV(value=0.0137, lb=0, name="k_L (h/L-d)")
yco = m.FV(value=0.897, lb=0)
yxs.STATUS = 1
vL = m.FV(value=0.05)

# variables
rs = m.CV()
rs.FSTATUS = 1
mu = m.CV()
mu.FSTATUS = 1
ro = m.CV()
ro.FSTATUS = 1
rc = m.CV()
rc.FSTATUS = 1
s = m.CV(value=substrate_data, lb=0)
x = m.CV(value=cells_data, lb=0)
o = m.CV(value=o2_data, lb=0)
c = m.CV(value=co2_data, lb=0)
コード例 #27
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, 20, 41)

# Parameters
mass = 500
b = m.Param(value=50)
K = m.Param(value=0.8)

# Manipulated variable
p = m.MV(value=0, lb=0, ub=100)
p.STATUS = 1  # allow optimizer to change
p.DCOST = 0.1  # smooth out gas pedal movement
p.DMAX = 20  # slow down change of gas pedal

# Controlled Variable
v = m.CV(value=0)
v.STATUS = 1  # add the SP to the objective
m.options.CV_TYPE = 2  # squared error
v.SP = 40  # set point
v.TR_INIT = 1  # set point trajectory
v.TAU = 5  # time constant of trajectory

# Process model
m.Equation(mass * v.dt() == -v * b + K * b * p)

m.options.IMODE = 6  # control

# get additional solution information
import json
with open(m.path + '//results.json') as f:
コード例 #28
          vs,     #10
          acc]    #11

#%%Gekko mhe


mhe_v = mhe.CV(value=0, name='v',lb=0) #vs

mhe_a = mhe.SV(value=0,name='a')          #acc


コード例 #29
m.options.NODES = 100
m.options.SOLVER = 3
m.options.IMODE = 6
m.options.MAX_ITER = 5000
m.options.MV_TYPE = 0
m.options.DIAGLEVEL = 0
m.options.REDUCE = 0

g = 9.8
S = 0.05
m0 = 600
mp0 = 550
tsp = 20.0
Isp = 300

tf = m.CV(value=200, lb=0.)
tf.STATUS = 1

alpha = m.MV(value=0.0, lb=-20 * d2r, ub=20 * d2r)
alpha.STATUS = 1

x = m.Var(value=0., lb=0.)
y = m.Var(value=0., lb=0.)
v = m.Var(value=0., lb=0.)  # , ub=1000.)

gam = m.Var(value=89.9 * d2r, lb=-180. * d2r, ub=180. * d2r)
mass = m.Var(value=m0)#, lb=m0-mp0, ub=m0)

tave = mp0 * Isp * g / tsp
step = [0 if z > tsp else tave for z in t_array * tf.value]
ft = m.Param(value=step)
コード例 #30
ファイル: polynReg.py プロジェクト: quant-ml/gekkoBasics
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

m = GEKKO(remote=False)

xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 2.0])

m.options.IMODE = 2

# coeffs:
c = [m.FV(value=0) for i in range(4)]
x = m.Param(value=xm)
y = m.CV(value=ym)  # cv: match the model and the measured value
y.FSTATUS = 1  # we gonna use the measurements

# polynom model itself
m.Equation(y == c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * x**2 + c[3] * x**3)

# linReg
c[0].STATUS = 1
c[1].STATUS = 1
m.options.EV_TYPE = 1  # error is absolute
# m.options.EV_TYPE = 2 # error is squarred

p1 = [c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]
xp = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)

c[2].STATUS = 1