コード例 #1
ファイル: test_syntax_sugar.py プロジェクト: jmv2009/tsfc
def test_expressions():
    x = gem.Variable("x", (3, 4))
    y = gem.Variable("y", (4, ))
    i, j = gem.indices(2)

    xij = x[i, j]
    yj = y[j]

    assert xij == gem.Indexed(x, (i, j))
    assert yj == gem.Indexed(y, (j, ))

    assert xij + yj == gem.Sum(xij, yj)
    assert xij * yj == gem.Product(xij, yj)
    assert xij - yj == gem.Sum(xij, gem.Product(gem.Literal(-1), yj))
    assert xij / yj == gem.Division(xij, yj)

    assert xij + 1 == gem.Sum(xij, gem.Literal(1))
    assert 1 + xij == gem.Sum(gem.Literal(1), xij)

    assert (xij + y).shape == (4, )

    assert (x @ y).shape == (3, )

    assert x.T.shape == (4, 3)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xij.T @ y

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xij + "foo"
コード例 #2
 def conditional(self, o, condition, then, else_):
     assert condition.shape == ()
     shape, = set([then.shape, else_.shape])
     indices = gem.indices(len(shape))
     return gem.ComponentTensor(
         gem.Conditional(condition, gem.Indexed(then, indices),
                         gem.Indexed(else_, indices)), indices)
コード例 #3
ファイル: physically_mapped.py プロジェクト: jmv2009/FInAT
 def matvec(table):
     i, j = gem.indices(2)
     value_indices = self.get_value_indices()
     table = gem.Indexed(table, (j, ) + value_indices)
     val = gem.ComponentTensor(gem.IndexSum(M[i, j] * table, (j, )),
                               (i, ) + value_indices)
     # Eliminate zeros
     return gem.optimise.aggressive_unroll(val)
コード例 #4
 def dual_basis(self):
     # Outer product the dual bases of the factors
     qs, pss = zip(*(factor.dual_basis for factor in self.factors))
     ps = TensorPointSet(pss)
     qis = tuple(q[gem.indices(len(q.shape))] for q in qs)
     indices = tuple(chain(*(q.index_ordering() for q in qis)))
     Q = gem.ComponentTensor(reduce(gem.Product, qis), indices)
     return Q, ps
コード例 #5
def compile_to_gem(expr, translator):
    """Compile a single pointwise expression to GEM.

    :arg expr: The expression to compile.
    :arg translator: a :class:`Translator` instance.
    :returns: A (lvalue, rvalue) pair of preprocessed GEM."""
    if not isinstance(expr, Assign):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Don't know how to assign expression of type {type(expr)}")
    spaces = tuple(c.function_space() for c in expr.coefficients)
    if any(
            type(s.ufl_element()) is ufl.MixedElement for s in spaces
            if s is not None):
        raise ValueError("Not expecting a mixed space at this point, "
                         "did you forget to index a function with .sub(...)?")
    if len(set(s.ufl_element() for s in spaces if s is not None)) != 1:
        raise ValueError("All coefficients must be defined on the same space")
    lvalue = expr.lvalue
    rvalue = expr.rvalue
    broadcast = all(
        isinstance(c, firedrake.Constant)
        for c in expr.rcoefficients) and rvalue.ufl_shape == ()
    if not broadcast and lvalue.ufl_shape != rvalue.ufl_shape:
            rvalue = reshape(rvalue, lvalue.ufl_shape)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Mismatching shapes between lvalue and rvalue in pointwise assignment"
    rvalue, = map_expr_dags(LowerCompoundAlgebra(), [rvalue])
        lvalue, rvalue = map_expr_dags(translator, [lvalue, rvalue])
    except (AssertionError, ValueError):
        raise ValueError("Mismatching shapes in pointwise assignment. "
                         "For intrinsically vector-/tensor-valued spaces make "
                         "sure you're not using shaped Constants or literals.")

    indices = gem.indices(len(lvalue.shape))
    if not broadcast:
        if rvalue.shape != lvalue.shape:
            raise ValueError(
                "Mismatching shapes in pointwise assignment. "
                "For intrinsically vector-/tensor-valued spaces make "
                "sure you're not using shaped Constants or literals.")
        rvalue = gem.Indexed(rvalue, indices)
    lvalue = gem.Indexed(lvalue, indices)
    if isinstance(expr, IAdd):
        rvalue = gem.Sum(lvalue, rvalue)
    elif isinstance(expr, ISub):
        rvalue = gem.Sum(lvalue, gem.Product(gem.Literal(-1), rvalue))
    elif isinstance(expr, IMul):
        rvalue = gem.Product(lvalue, rvalue)
    elif isinstance(expr, IDiv):
        rvalue = gem.Division(lvalue, rvalue)
    return preprocess_gem([lvalue, rvalue])
コード例 #6
 def dual_basis(self):
     # Return Q with x.indices already a free index for the
     # consumer to use
     # expensive numerical extraction is done once per element
     # instance, but the point set must be created every time we
     # build the dual.
     Q, pts = self._dual_basis
     x = PointSet(pts)
     assert len(x.indices) == 1
     assert Q.shape[1] == x.indices[0].extent
     i, *js = gem.indices(len(Q.shape) - 1)
     Q = gem.ComponentTensor(gem.Indexed(Q, (i, *x.indices, *js)), (i, *js))
     return Q, x
コード例 #7
ファイル: finiteelementbase.py プロジェクト: FInAT/FInAT
    def dual_evaluation(self, fn):
        '''Get a GEM expression for performing the dual basis evaluation at
        the nodes of the reference element. Currently only works for flat
        elements: tensor elements are implemented in

        :param fn: Callable representing the function to dual evaluate.
                   Callable should take in an :class:`AbstractPointSet` and
                   return a GEM expression for evaluation of the function at
                   those points.
        :returns: A tuple ``(dual_evaluation_gem_expression, basis_indices)``
                  where the given ``basis_indices`` are those needed to form a
                  return expression for the code which is compiled from
                  ``dual_evaluation_gem_expression`` (alongside any argument
                  multiindices already encoded within ``fn``)
        Q, x = self.dual_basis

        expr = fn(x)
        # Apply targeted sum factorisation and delta elimination to
        # the expression
        sum_indices, factors = delta_elimination(*traverse_product(expr))
        expr = sum_factorise(sum_indices, factors)
        # NOTE: any shape indices in the expression are because the
        # expression is tensor valued.
        assert expr.shape == Q.shape[len(Q.shape) - len(expr.shape):]
        shape_indices = gem.indices(len(expr.shape))
        basis_indices = gem.indices(len(Q.shape) - len(expr.shape))
        Qi = Q[basis_indices + shape_indices]
        expri = expr[shape_indices]
        evaluation = gem.IndexSum(Qi * expri, x.indices + shape_indices)
        # Now we want to factorise over the new contraction with x,
        # ignoring any shape indices to avoid hitting the sum-
        # factorisation index limit (this is a bit of a hack).
        # Really need to do a more targeted job here.
        evaluation = gem.optimise.contraction(evaluation, shape_indices)
        return evaluation, basis_indices
コード例 #8
 def index_sum(self, o, summand, indices):
     index, = indices
     indices = gem.indices(len(summand.shape))
     return gem.ComponentTensor(
         gem.IndexSum(gem.Indexed(summand, indices), (index, )), indices)
コード例 #9
 def abs(self, o, expr):
     indices = gem.indices(len(expr.shape))
     return gem.ComponentTensor(
         gem.MathFunction('abs', gem.Indexed(expr, indices)), indices)
コード例 #10
 def sum(self, o, *ops):
     shape, = set(o.shape for o in ops)
     indices = gem.indices(len(shape))
     return gem.ComponentTensor(
         gem.Sum(*[gem.Indexed(op, indices) for op in ops]), indices)