コード例 #1
def test_abcde_dith():
    # A more exotic nod pattern between 3 sky & 2 off-centre object fields
    # with slight overlap between pointings. This particular pattern may not
    # be possible due to guide probe limits but it should still serve
    # to test the kind of thing PIs occasionally do with
    # smaller-field instruments, eg. using P2.

    patt = {
        'test01': (-315., 285.),
        'test02': (-285., 315.),
        'test03': (-166., -9.),
        'test04': (-136., 21.),
        'test05': (385., 285.),
        'test06': (415., 315.),
        'test07': (184., -33.),
        'test08': (214., -3.),
        'test09': (-15., -415.),
        'test10': (15., -385.)

    sky1 = ['test01', 'test02']
    obj1 = ['test03', 'test04']
    sky2 = ['test05', 'test06']
    obj2 = ['test07', 'test08']
    sky3 = ['test09', 'test10']

    adpatt = offdict_to_adlist(patt)
    skygroup1 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky1))
    objgroup1 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj1))
    skygroup2 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky2))
    objgroup2 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj2))
    skygroup3 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky3))

    assert same_lists(gt.group_exposures(adpatt, pkg=PKG),
                      (skygroup1, objgroup1, skygroup2, objgroup2, skygroup3))
コード例 #2
def test_abba_dith_2():
    # Dither on source and on sky, from GS-F2-RECOM13-RUN-1-124:
    patt = {'S20130427S0199': (0., 0.),
            'S20130427S0200': (-20., -20.),
            'S20130427S0201': (10., -30.),
            'S20130427S0202': (0., 450.),
            'S20130427S0203': (-20., 430.),
            'S20130427S0204': (10., 420.)}

    obj = ['S20130427S0199', 'S20130427S0200', 'S20130427S0201']
    sky = ['S20130427S0202', 'S20130427S0203', 'S20130427S0204']

    adpatt = offdict_to_adlist(patt)
    objgroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj), pkg=PKG)
    skygroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky), pkg=PKG)

    assert same_lists(gt.group_exposures(adpatt, pkg=PKG), (objgroup, skygroup))
コード例 #3
def test_abba():
    # Simple 7' nod to sky without dithering (probably overly simple):
    patt = {'test01': (0., 0.),
            'test02': (210., 363.734),
            'test03': (210., 363.734),
            'test04': (0., 0.),
            'test05': (0., 0.),
            'test06': (210., 363.734),
            'test07': (210., 363.734),
            'test08': (0., 0.)}

    obj = ['test01', 'test04', 'test05', 'test08']
    sky = ['test02', 'test03', 'test06', 'test07']

    adpatt = offdict_to_adlist(patt)
    objgroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj), pkg=PKG)
    skygroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky), pkg=PKG)

    assert same_lists(gt.group_exposures(adpatt, pkg=PKG), (objgroup, skygroup))
コード例 #4
def test_abbaacca():
    # Simple 7' nod to sky in opposite directions:
    patt = {'test01': (0., 0.),
            'test02': (210., 363.734),
            'test03': (210., 363.734),
            'test04': (0., 0.),
            'test05': (0., 0.),
            'test06': (-210., -363.734),
            'test07': (-210., -363.734),
            'test08': (0., 0.)}

    obj = ['test01', 'test04', 'test05', 'test08']
    sky1 = ['test02', 'test03']
    sky2 = ['test06', 'test07']

    adpatt = offdict_to_adlist(patt)
    objgroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj), pkg=PKG)
    skygroup1 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky1), pkg=PKG)
    skygroup2 = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky2), pkg=PKG)

    assert same_lists(gt.group_exposures(adpatt, pkg=PKG),
                      (objgroup, skygroup1, skygroup2))
コード例 #5
    def test_abba_dith_1(self):
        # Dither 2x2 on source and on sky, with ~50% overlap between A&B fields
        # (borderline case for grouping):
        patt = {
            'test01': (-5., -5.),
            'test02': (5., 5.),
            'test03': (-5., 175.),
            'test04': (5., 185.),
            'test05': (-5., 185.),
            'test06': (5., 175.),
            'test07': (5., -5.),
            'test08': (-5., 5.)

        obj = ['test01', 'test02', 'test07', 'test08']
        sky = ['test03', 'test04', 'test05', 'test06']

        adpatt = offdict_to_adlist(patt)
        objgroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj))
        skygroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, sky))

        assert same_lists(gt.group_exposures(adpatt, frac_FOV=0.9),
                          (objgroup, skygroup))
コード例 #6
def test_a_dith():
    # These are from Sandy's Q-15 programme:
    patt = {'S20140104S0094': (0., -0.),
            'S20140104S0095': (15., 15.),
            'S20140104S0096': (-5.58580959265E-15, 15.),
            'S20140104S0097': (-15., 15.),
            'S20140104S0098': (-15., -5.58580959265E-15),
            'S20140104S0099': (15., 5.58580959265E-15),
            'S20140104S0100': (15., -15.),
            'S20140104S0101': (5.58580959265E-15, -15.)}
    obj = ['S20140104S0094', 'S20140104S0095', 'S20140104S0096',
           'S20140104S0097', 'S20140104S0098', 'S20140104S0099',
           'S20140104S0100', 'S20140104S0101']

    adpatt = offdict_to_adlist(patt)
    objgroup = gt.ExposureGroup(get_ad_sublist(adpatt, obj), pkg=PKG)

    assert same_lists(gt.group_exposures(adpatt, pkg=PKG), (objgroup,))