def getClockingInfo(device, gtx, debug=False): """ Get the OptoHybrid clocking information """ clocking = nesteddict() # v2b only clocking["qplllock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.STATUS.QPLL_LOCK" % (gtx)) clocking["qpllfpgaplllock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.STATUS.QPLL_FPGA_PLL_LOCK" % (gtx)) #v2a only clocking["fpgaplllock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.STATUS.FPGA_PLL_LOCK" % (gtx)) clocking["extplllock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.STATUS.EXT_PLL_LOCK" % (gtx)) clocking["cdcelock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.STATUS.CDCE_LOCK" % (gtx)) clocking["gtxreclock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.STATUS.GTX_LOCK" % (gtx)) clocking["refclock"] = readRegister( device, "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.CONTROL.CLOCK.REF_CLK" % (gtx)) return clocking
def writeVFATRegisters(device, gtx, chip, regs_with_values, debug=False): baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.GEB.VFATS.VFAT%d"%(gtx,chip) registers = nesteddict() for reg in regs_with_values.keys(): registers["%s.%s"%(baseNode,reg)] = regs_with_values[reg] pass writeRegisterList(device,registers)
def writeVFATRegisters(device, gtx, chip, regs_with_values, debug=False): baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.GEB.VFATS.VFAT%d" % (gtx, chip) registers = nesteddict() for reg in regs_with_values.keys(): registers["%s.%s" % (baseNode, reg)] = regs_with_values[reg] pass writeRegisterList(device, registers)
def calculateLinkErrors(device, gtx, sampleTime): baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS" errorCounts = nesteddict() # writeRegister(device,"%s.CTRL.CNT_RESET"%(baseNode),0x1) first = readRegister(device, "%s.OH%d.TRACK_LINK_ERROR_CNT" % (baseNode, gtx)) time.sleep(sampleTime) second = readRegister(device, "%s.OH%d.TRACK_LINK_ERROR_CNT" % (baseNode, gtx)) errorCounts["LINK"] = [first, second] baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH" for link in ("GBT", "GTX"): writeRegister( device, "%s.OH%d.COUNTERS.%s_LINK.TRK_ERR.Reset" % (baseNode, gtx, link), 0x1) first = readRegister( device, "%s.OH%d.COUNTERS.%s_LINK.TRK_ERR" % (baseNode, gtx, link)) time.sleep(sampleTime) second = readRegister( device, "%s.OH%d.COUNTERS.%s_LINK.TRK_ERR" % (baseNode, gtx, link)) errorCounts[link] = [first, second] return errorCounts
def printScanConfiguration(device, gtx, useUltra=False, debug=False): """ """ scanBase = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.ScanController.THLAT" % (gtx) if useUltra: scanBase = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.ScanController.ULTRA" % (gtx) pass print scanBase regList = [ "%s.CONF.MODE" % (scanBase), "%s.CONF.MIN" % (scanBase), "%s.CONF.MAX" % (scanBase), "%s.CONF.CHAN" % (scanBase), "%s.CONF.STEP" % (scanBase), "%s.CONF.NTRIGS" % (scanBase), "%s.MONITOR" % (scanBase), ] if useUltra: regList.append("%s.CONF.MASK" % (scanBase)) else: regList.append("%s.CONF.CHIP" % (scanBase)) pass if debug: regParams = nesteddict() for reg in regList: regParams[reg] = { "Path": "%s" % (device.getNode(reg).getPath()), "Address": "0x%x" % (device.getNode(reg).getAddress()), "Mask": "0x%x" % (device.getNode(reg).getMask()), "Permission": "%s" % (device.getNode(reg).getPermission()), "Mode": "%s" % (device.getNode(reg).getMode()), "Size": "%s" % (device.getNode(reg).getSize()) } print regParams[reg] pass pass regVals = readRegisterList(device, regList) print "FW scan mode : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.MODE" % (scanBase)]) print "FW scan min : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.MIN" % (scanBase)]) print "FW scan max : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.MAX" % (scanBase)]) if useUltra: print "Ultra FW scan mask : 0x%08x" % (regVals["%s.CONF.MASK" % (scanBase)]) else: print "FW scan VFAT : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.CHIP" % (scanBase)]) pass print "FW scan channel : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.CHAN" % (scanBase)]) print "FW scan step size : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.STEP" % (scanBase)]) print "FW scan n_triggers : %d" % (regVals["%s.CONF.NTRIGS" % (scanBase)]) print "FW scan status : 0x%08x" % (readRegister( device, "%s.MONITOR" % (scanBase))) return
def calculateLockErrors(device, gtx, register, sampleTime): baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.COUNTERS" % (gtx) errorCounts = nesteddict() #for link in ("QPLL_LOCK","QPLL_FPGA_PLL_LOCK"): writeRegister(device, "%s.%s_LOCK.Reset" % (baseNode, register), 0x1) first = readRegister(device, "%s.%s_LOCK" % (baseNode, register)) time.sleep(sampleTime) second = readRegister(device, "%s.%s_LOCK" % (baseNode, register)) errorCounts = [first, second] return errorCounts
def glibCounters(device, gtx, doReset=False): """ read the optical gtx counters, returning a map if doReset is true, just send the reset command and pass IPBus:Strobe,Ack T1:L1A,CalPulse,Resync,BC0 GTX: """ baseNode = "GLIB.COUNTERS" if doReset: for ipbcnt in ["Strobe", "Ack"]: writeRegister( device, "%s.IPBus.%s.OptoHybrid_%d.Reset" % (baseNode, ipbcnt, gtx), 0x1) writeRegister(device, "%s.IPBus.%s.TRK_%d.Reset" % (baseNode, ipbcnt, gtx), 0x1) writeRegister(device, "%s.IPBus.%s.Counters.Reset" % (baseNode, ipbcnt), 0x1) #T1 counters for t1 in ["L1A", "CalPulse", "Resync", "BC0"]: writeRegister(device, "%s.T1.%s.Reset" % (baseNode, t1), 0x1) writeRegister(device, "%s.GTX%d.TRK_ERR.Reset" % (baseNode, gtx), 0x1) writeRegister(device, "%s.GTX%d.TRG_ERR.Reset" % (baseNode, gtx), 0x1) writeRegister(device, "%s.GTX%d.DATA_Packets.Reset" % (baseNode, gtx), 0x1) return else: counters = nesteddict() for ipbcnt in ["Strobe", "Ack"]: for ipb in ["OptoHybrid", "TRK"]: counters["IPBus"][ipbcnt][ipb] = readRegister( device, "%s.IPBus.%s.%s_%d" % (baseNode, ipbcnt, ipb, gtx)) counters["IPBus"][ipbcnt]["Counters"] = readRegister( device, "%s.IPBus.%s.Counters" % (baseNode, ipbcnt)) #T1 counters for t1 in ["L1A", "CalPulse", "Resync", "BC0"]: counters["T1"][t1] = readRegister(device, "%s.T1.%s" % (baseNode, t1)) counters["GTX%d" % (gtx)]["TRK_ERR"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GTX%d.TRK_ERR" % (baseNode, gtx)) counters["GTX%d" % (gtx)]["TRG_ERR"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GTX%d.TRG_ERR" % (baseNode, gtx)) counters["GTX%d" % (gtx)]["DATA_Packets"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GTX%d.DATA_Packets" % (baseNode, gtx)) return counters
def getFirmwareDateOld(device, gtx=0, debug=False): """ Returns the OH firmware date as a map (day, month, year) """ baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d" % (gtx) fwdate = readRegister(device, "%s.STATUS.FW_DATE" % (baseNode), debug) date = nesteddict() date["d"] = fwdate & 0xff date["m"] = (fwdate >> 8) & 0xff date["y"] = (fwdate >> 16) & 0xffff return date
def readFIFODepth(device,gtx): """ read the tracking FIFO depth from given optical gtx """ baseNode = "GLIB.TRK_DATA.OptoHybrid_%d"%(gtx) data = nesteddict() data["isFULL"] = readRegister(device,"%s.ISFULL"%(baseNode)) data["isEMPTY"] = readRegister(device,"%s.ISEMPTY"%(baseNode)) data["Occupancy"] = readRegister(device,"%s.DEPTH"%(baseNode)) return data
def readFIFODepth(device, gtx): """ read the tracking FIFO depth from given optical gtx """ baseNode = "GLIB.TRK_DATA.OptoHybrid_%d" % (gtx) data = nesteddict() data["isFULL"] = readRegister(device, "%s.ISFULL" % (baseNode)) data["isEMPTY"] = readRegister(device, "%s.ISEMPTY" % (baseNode)) data["Occupancy"] = readRegister(device, "%s.DEPTH" % (baseNode)) return data
def getErrorRate(errorCounts,sampleTime): """ Calculates the error rate provided in a list of pairs of measurements, taken with delay sampleTime errorCounts = [pair1, pair2, ...] pair1 = [first, second] returns a pair which is the rate (averaged over the number of trials) and the modifier string (k, M, G) """ rates = nesteddict() modifier = nesteddict() rate = 0 lastCount = 0 for trial in errorCounts: tmprate = ((trial[1]-trial[0])/(1.0*sampleTime)) rate = rate + tmprate lastCount = trial[1] rate = rate / len(errorCounts) (rate,modifier) = rateConverter(rate) return [lastCount,rate,modifier] return rates
def getErrorRate(errorCounts, sampleTime): """ Calculates the error rate provided in a list of pairs of measurements, taken with delay sampleTime errorCounts = [pair1, pair2, ...] pair1 = [first, second] returns a pair which is the rate (averaged over the number of trials) and the modifier string (k, M, G) """ rates = nesteddict() modifier = nesteddict() rate = 0 lastCount = 0 for trial in errorCounts: tmprate = ((trial[1] - trial[0]) / (1.0 * sampleTime)) rate = rate + tmprate lastCount = trial[1] rate = rate / len(errorCounts) (rate, modifier) = rateConverter(rate) return [lastCount, rate, modifier] return rates
def readRegisterList(device, registers, debug=False): """ read registers 'registers' from uhal device 'device' returns values of the registers in a dict """ global gRetries nRetries = 0 msg = "%s\n" % (device) if debug: for reg in registers: msg += "%s\n" % (reg) pass pass reglogger.debug(msg) while (nRetries < gMAX_RETRIES): try: results = nesteddict() for reg in registers: results[reg] = device.getNode(reg).read() pass msg = "%s\n" % (device) if (debug): for reg in results.keys(): msg += "%s: 0x%x" % (reg, results[reg]) pass pass reglogger.debug(msg) device.dispatch() time.sleep(0.1) msg = "%s\n" % (device) if (debug): for reg in results.keys(): msg += "%s: 0x%x" % (reg, results[reg]) pass pass reglogger.debug(msg) return results except uhal.exception, e: msg = "%s: read error encountered (%s), retrying operation (%d,%d)" % ( device, str(e), nRetries, gRetries), reglogger.warning(msg) nRetries += 1 gRetries += 1 if ((nRetries % 10) == 1): continue pass pass
def calculateLinkErrors(isGLIB,device,gtx,sampleTime): baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS" errorCounts = nesteddict() if not isGLIB: baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS" for link in ("TRK","TRG"): writeRegister(device,"%s.CTRL.CNT_RESET"%(baseNode),0x1) first = readRegister(device,"%s.OH%d.TRACK_LINK_ERROR_CNT"%(baseNode,gtx)) time.sleep(sampleTime) second = readRegister(device,"%s.OH%d.TRACK_LINK_ERROR_CNT"%(baseNode,gtx)) errorCounts[link] = [first,second] return errorCounts
def readRegisterList(device, registers, debug=False): """ read registers 'registers' from uhal device 'device' returns values of the registers in a dict """ global gRetries nRetries = 0 msg = "%s\n"%(device) if debug: for reg in registers: msg+= "%s\n"%(reg) pass pass reglogger.debug(msg) while (nRetries < gMAX_RETRIES): try: results = nesteddict() for reg in registers: results[reg] = device.getNode(reg).read() pass msg = "%s\n"%(device) if (debug): for reg in results.keys(): msg+= "%s: 0x%x"%(reg,results[reg]) pass pass reglogger.debug(msg) device.dispatch() time.sleep(0.1) msg = "%s\n"%(device) if (debug): for reg in results.keys(): msg+= "%s: 0x%x"%(reg,results[reg]) pass pass reglogger.debug(msg) return results except uhal.exception, e: msg ="%s: read error encountered (%s), retrying operation (%d,%d)"%(device,str(e),nRetries,gRetries), reglogger.warning(msg) nRetries += 1 gRetries += 1 if ((nRetries % 10) == 1): continue pass pass
def calculateLinkErrors(isGLIB, device, gtx, sampleTime): baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS" errorCounts = nesteddict() if not isGLIB: baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH_LINKS" for link in ("TRK", "TRG"): writeRegister(device, "%s.CTRL.CNT_RESET" % (baseNode), 0x1) first = readRegister(device, "%s.OH%d.TRACK_LINK_ERROR_CNT" % (baseNode, gtx)) time.sleep(sampleTime) second = readRegister(device, "%s.OH%d.TRACK_LINK_ERROR_CNT" % (baseNode, gtx)) errorCounts[link] = [first, second] return errorCounts
def glibCounters(device,gtx,doReset=False): """ read the optical gtx counters, returning a map if doReset is true, just send the reset command and pass IPBus:Strobe,Ack T1:L1A,CalPulse,Resync,BC0 GTX: """ baseNode = "GLIB.COUNTERS" if doReset: for ipbcnt in ["Strobe","Ack"]: writeRegister(device,"%s.IPBus.%s.OptoHybrid_%d.Reset"%(baseNode, ipbcnt, gtx),0x1) writeRegister(device,"%s.IPBus.%s.TRK_%d.Reset"%( baseNode, ipbcnt, gtx),0x1) writeRegister(device,"%s.IPBus.%s.Counters.Reset"%( baseNode, ipbcnt), 0x1) #T1 counters for t1 in ["L1A", "CalPulse","Resync","BC0"]: writeRegister(device,"%s.T1.%s.Reset"%(baseNode, t1),0x1) writeRegister(device,"%s.GTX%d.TRK_ERR.Reset"%( baseNode, gtx), 0x1) writeRegister(device,"%s.GTX%d.TRG_ERR.Reset"%( baseNode, gtx), 0x1) writeRegister(device,"%s.GTX%d.DATA_Packets.Reset"%(baseNode, gtx), 0x1) return else: counters = nesteddict() for ipbcnt in ["Strobe","Ack"]: for ipb in ["OptoHybrid","TRK"]: counters["IPBus"][ipbcnt][ipb] = readRegister(device,"%s.IPBus.%s.%s_%d"%( baseNode, ipbcnt,ipb,gtx)) counters["IPBus"][ipbcnt]["Counters"] = readRegister(device,"%s.IPBus.%s.Counters"%(baseNode, ipbcnt)) #T1 counters for t1 in ["L1A", "CalPulse","Resync","BC0"]: counters["T1"][t1] = readRegister(device,"%s.T1.%s"%(baseNode, t1)) counters["GTX%d"%(gtx)]["TRK_ERR"] = readRegister(device,"%s.GTX%d.TRK_ERR"%(baseNode,gtx)) counters["GTX%d"%(gtx)]["TRG_ERR"] = readRegister(device,"%s.GTX%d.TRG_ERR"%(baseNode,gtx)) counters["GTX%d"%(gtx)]["DATA_Packets"] = readRegister(device,"%s.GTX%d.DATA_Packets"%(baseNode,gtx)) return counters
setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip, True) pass if options.testsingle: print "Testing single VFAT transactions" for vfat in range(24): # if (vfat%2 == 0): setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip=vfat, enable=False, debug=True) # setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip=vfat, enable=True,debug=True) # else: # setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip=vfat, enable=False,debug=True) # pass pass pass controlRegs = nesteddict() for control in range(4): controls.append( readAllVFATs(ohboard, options.gtx, "ContReg%d" % (control), 0xf0000000, options.debug)) controlRegs["ctrl%d" % control] = dict( map(lambda chip: (chip, controls[control][chip] & 0xff), range(0, 24))) pass displayChipInfo(ohboard, options.gtx, chipids) print "%6s %6s %02s %02s %02s %02s" % ("chip", "ID", "ctrl0", "ctrl1", "ctrl2", "ctrl3") for chip in chipids.keys(): if (int(chip) % 8 == 0): print "-------------GEB Column %d-----------------" % (int(chip) / 8) pass
def getMapping(mappingFileName): """ Returns a nested dictionary, the outer dictionary uses VFAT position as the has a key, the inner most dict has keys from the list mappingNames. The inner dict stores a list whose index is ordered by ASIC channel number, accessing the i^th element of this list gives either the readout strip number, the readout connector pin number, or the vfat channel number as shown in this example: ret_dict[vfatN]['Strip'][asic_chan] is the strip number ret_dict[vfatN]['PanPin'][asic_chan] is the pin number on the readout connector ret_dict[vfatN]['vfatCH'][asic_chan] is the vfat channel number mappingFile - physical filename of file which contains the mapping information, expected format: vfat/I:strip/I:channel/I:PanPin/I 0 0 16 63 0 1 20 62 0 2 24 61 ... ... Here these column headings are: vfat - the VFAT position on the detector (e.g. vfatN) strip - the anode strip on the readout board in an ieta row channel - the channel on the ASIC PanPin - the pin number on the panasonic connector """ from gempython.utils.nesteddict import nesteddict from anaInfo import mappingNames import ROOT as r # Try to get the mapping data try: mapFile = open(mappingFileName, 'r') except IOError as e: print "Exception:", e print "Failed to open: '%s'"%mappingFileName else: listMapData = mapFile.readlines() finally: mapFile.close() # strip trhe end of line character listMapData = [x.strip('\n') for x in listMapData] # setup the look up table ret_mapDict = nesteddict() for vfat in range(0,24): for name in mappingNames: ret_mapDict[vfat][name] = [0] * 128 # Set the data in the loop up table for idx, line in enumerate(listMapData): if idx == 0: continue # skip the header line mapping = line.rsplit('\t') ret_mapDict[int(mapping[0])]['Strip'][int(mapping[2]) - 1] = int(mapping[1]) ret_mapDict[int(mapping[0])]['PanPin'][int(mapping[2]) -1] = int(mapping[3]) ret_mapDict[int(mapping[0])]['vfatCH'][int(mapping[2]) - 1] = int(mapping[2]) - 1 return ret_mapDict
def optohybridCounters(device, gtx=0, doReset=False, debug=False): """ read the optical link counters, returning a map if doReset is true, just send the reset command and pass WB:MASTER,SLAVE CRC:VALID,INCORRECT T1:GTX_TTC,GBT_TTC,INTERNAL,EXTERNAL,LOOPBACK,SENT GTX GBT """ baseNode = "GEM_AMC.OH.OH%d.COUNTERS" % (gtx) if doReset: reg_list = nesteddict() for wbcnt in ["Strobe", "Ack"]: reg_list["%s.WB.MASTER.%s.GTX.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.WB.MASTER.%s.GBT.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.WB.MASTER.%s.ExtI2C.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.WB.MASTER.%s.Scan.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.WB.MASTER.%s.DAC.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt)] = 0x1 # wishbone slaves for i2c in range(6): reg_list["%s.WB.SLAVE.%s.I2C%d.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt, i2c)] = 0x1 for slave in [ "ExtI2C", "Scan", "T1", "DAC", "ADC", "Clocking", "Counters", "System" ]: reg_list["%s.WB.SLAVE.%s.%s.Reset" % (baseNode, wbcnt, slave)] = 0x1 #CRC counters for vfat in range(24): reg_list["%s.CRC.VALID.VFAT%d.Reset" % (baseNode, vfat)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.CRC.INCORRECT.VFAT%d.Reset" % (baseNode, vfat)] = 0x1 #T1 counters for t1src in [ "GTX_TTC", "GBT_TTC", "INTERNAL", "EXTERNAL", "LOOPBACK", "SENT" ]: for t1 in ["L1A", "CalPulse", "Resync", "BC0"]: reg_list["%s.T1.%s.%s.Reset" % (baseNode, t1src, t1)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.GTX_LINK.TRK_ERR.Reset" % (baseNode)] = 0x1 # reg_list["%s.GTX_LINK.TRG_ERR.Reset"%( baseNode)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.GTX_LINK.DATA_Packets.Reset" % (baseNode)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.GBT_LINK.TRK_ERR.Reset" % (baseNode)] = 0x1 reg_list["%s.GBT_LINK.DATA_Packets.Reset" % (baseNode)] = 0x1 writeRegisterList(device, reg_list, debug) return else: counters = nesteddict() reg_list = [] for wbcnt in ["Strobe", "Ack"]: # reg_list.append("%s.WB.MASTER.%s.GTX"%( baseNode, wbcnt)) # reg_list.append("%s.WB.MASTER.%s.GBT"%( baseNode, wbcnt)) # reg_list.append("%s.WB.MASTER.%s.ExtI2C"%(baseNode, wbcnt)) # reg_list.append("%s.WB.MASTER.%s.Scan"%( baseNode, wbcnt)) # reg_list.append("%s.WB.MASTER.%s.DAC"%( baseNode, wbcnt)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt]["GTX"] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.MASTER.%s.GTX" % (baseNode, wbcnt)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt]["GBT"] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.MASTER.%s.GBT" % (baseNode, wbcnt)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt]["ExtI2C"] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.MASTER.%s.ExtI2C" % (baseNode, wbcnt)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt]["Scan"] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.MASTER.%s.Scan" % (baseNode, wbcnt)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt]["DAC"] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.MASTER.%s.DAC" % (baseNode, wbcnt)) # wishbone slaves for i2c in range(6): # reg_list.append("%s.WB.SLAVE.%s.I2C%d"%(baseNode, wbcnt, i2c)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt]["I2C%d" % i2c] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.SLAVE.%s.I2C%d" % (baseNode, wbcnt, i2c)) for slave in [ "ExtI2C", "Scan", "T1", "DAC", "ADC", "Clocking", "Counters", "System" ]: # reg_list.append("%s.WB.SLAVE.%s.%s"%(baseNode, wbcnt, slave)) counters["WB"]["MASTER"][wbcnt][slave] = readRegister( device, "%s.WB.SLAVE.%s.%s" % (baseNode, wbcnt, slave)) #CRC counters for vfat in range(24): # reg_list.append("%s.CRC.VALID.VFAT%d"%( baseNode, vfat)) # reg_list.append("%s.CRC.INCORRECT.VFAT%d"%(baseNode, vfat)) counters["CRC"]["VALID"]["VFAT%d" % vfat] = readRegister( device, "%s.CRC.VALID.VFAT%d" % (baseNode, vfat)) counters["CRC"]["INCORRECT"]["VFAT%d" % vfat] = readRegister( device, "%s.CRC.INCORRECT.VFAT%d" % (baseNode, vfat)) #T1 counters for t1src in [ "GTX_TTC", "GBT_TTC", "INTERNAL", "EXTERNAL", "LOOPBACK", "SENT" ]: for t1 in ["L1A", "CalPulse", "Resync", "BC0"]: # reg_list.append("%s.T1.%s.%s"%(baseNode, t1src, t1)) counters["T1"][t1src][t1] = readRegister( device, "%s.T1.%s.%s" % (baseNode, t1src, t1)) # reg_list.append("%s.GTX.TRK_ERR"%(baseNode)) # reg_list.append("%s.GTX.TRG_ERR"%(baseNode)) # reg_list.append("%s.GTX.DATA_Packets"%(baseNode)) counters["GTX"]["TRK_ERR"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GTX_LINK.TRK_ERR" % (baseNode)) counters["GTX"]["DATA_Packets"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GTX_LINK.DATA_Packets" % (baseNode)) counters["GBT"]["TRK_ERR"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GBT_LINK.TRK_ERR" % (baseNode)) counters["GBT"]["DATA_Packets"] = readRegister( device, "%s.GBT_LINK.DATA_Packets" % (baseNode)) # reg_vals = readRegisterList(device,reg_list,debug) return counters
setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip, True) pass if options.testsingle: print "Testing single VFAT transactions" for vfat in range(24): # if (vfat%2 == 0): setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip=vfat, enable=False,debug=True) # setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip=vfat, enable=True,debug=True) # else: # setRunMode(ohboard, options.gtx, chip=vfat, enable=False,debug=True) # pass pass pass controlRegs = nesteddict() for control in range(4): controls.append(readAllVFATs(ohboard, options.gtx, "ContReg%d"%(control), 0xf0000000, options.debug)) controlRegs["ctrl%d"%control] = dict(map(lambda chip: (chip, controls[control][chip]&0xff), range(0,24))) pass displayChipInfo(ohboard, options.gtx, chipids) print "%6s %6s %02s %02s %02s %02s"%("chip", "ID", "ctrl0", "ctrl1", "ctrl2", "ctrl3") for chip in chipids.keys(): if (int(chip)%8==0): print "-------------GEB Column %d-----------------"%(int(chip)/8) pass print "%s%6s%s %s0x%04x%s 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x"%(colors.GREEN,chip,colors.ENDC, colors.CYAN,chipids[chip],colors.ENDC, controlRegs["ctrl0"][chip], controlRegs["ctrl1"][chip],