コード例 #1
def get_state(openbmc_host="",
    Get component states such as chassis state, bmc state, etc, put them into a
    dictionary and return them to the caller.

    Note that all substate values are strings.

    Note: If elapsed_boot_time is included in req_states, it is the caller's
    duty to call set_start_boot_seconds() in order to set global
    start_boot_seconds.  elapsed_boot_time is the current time minus

    Description of argument(s):
    openbmc_host      The DNS name or IP address of the BMC.
                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_HOST}.
    openbmc_username  The username to be used to login to the BMC.
                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}.
    openbmc_password  The password to be used to login to the BMC.
                      This defaults to global ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}.
    os_host           The DNS name or IP address of the operating system.
                      This defaults to global ${OS_HOST}.
    os_username       The username to be used to login to the OS.
                      This defaults to global ${OS_USERNAME}.
    os_password       The password to be used to login to the OS.
                      This defaults to global ${OS_PASSWORD}.
    req_states        This is a list of states whose values are being requested
                      by the caller.
    quiet             Indicates whether status details (e.g. curl commands)
                      should be written to the console.
                      Defaults to either global value of ${QUIET} or to 1.

    quiet = int(gp.get_var_value(quiet, 0))

    # Set parm defaults where necessary and validate all parms.
    if openbmc_host == "":
        openbmc_host = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_HOST}")
    error_message = gv.valid_value(openbmc_host, invalid_values=[None, ""])
    if error_message != "":

    if openbmc_username == "":
        openbmc_username = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_USERNAME}")
    error_message = gv.valid_value(openbmc_username, invalid_values=[None, ""])
    if error_message != "":

    if openbmc_password == "":
        openbmc_password = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}")
    error_message = gv.valid_value(openbmc_password, invalid_values=[None, ""])
    if error_message != "":

    # NOTE: OS parms are optional.
    if os_host == "":
        os_host = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_HOST}")
        if os_host is None:
            os_host = ""

    if os_username is "":
        os_username = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_USERNAME}")
        if os_username is None:
            os_username = ""

    if os_password is "":
        os_password = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OS_PASSWORD}")
        if os_password is None:
            os_password = ""

    invalid_req_states = [sub_state for sub_state in req_states
                          if sub_state not in valid_req_states]
    if len(invalid_req_states) > 0:
        error_message = "The following req_states are not supported:\n" +\

    # Initialize all substate values supported by this function.
    ping = 0
    packet_loss = ''
    uptime = ''
    epoch_seconds = ''
    elapsed_boot_time = ''
    rest = ''
    chassis = ''
    requested_chassis = ''
    bmc = ''
    requested_bmc = ''
    boot_progress = ''
    operating_system = ''
    host = ''
    requested_host = ''
    attempts_left = ''

    # Get the component states.
    if 'ping' in req_states:
        # See if the OS pings.
        rc, out_buf = gc.shell_cmd("ping -c 1 -w 2 " + openbmc_host,
                                   print_output=0, show_err=0,
        if rc == 0:
            ping = 1

    if 'packet_loss' in req_states:
        # See if the OS pings.
        cmd_buf = "ping -c 5 -w 5 " + openbmc_host +\
            " | egrep 'packet loss' | sed -re 's/.* ([0-9]+)%.*/\\1/g'"
        rc, out_buf = gc.shell_cmd(cmd_buf,
                                   print_output=0, show_err=0,
        if rc == 0:
            packet_loss = out_buf.rstrip("\n")

    if 'uptime' in req_states:
        # Sometimes reading uptime results in a blank value. Call with
        # wait_until_keyword_succeeds to ensure a non-blank value is obtained.
        remote_cmd_buf = "read uptime filler 2>/dev/null < /proc/uptime" +\
            " && [ ! -z \"${uptime}\" ] && echo ${uptime}"
        cmd_buf = ["BMC Execute Command",
                   re.sub('\\$', '\\$', remote_cmd_buf), 'quiet=1',
        gp.qprint_issuing(cmd_buf, 0)
        gp.qprint_issuing(remote_cmd_buf, 0)
            stdout, stderr, rc =\
                BuiltIn().wait_until_keyword_succeeds("10 sec", "0 sec",
            if rc == 0 and stderr == "":
                uptime = stdout
        except AssertionError as my_assertion_error:

    if 'epoch_seconds' in req_states or 'elapsed_boot_time' in req_states:
        date_cmd_buf = "date -u +%s"
        if USE_BMC_EPOCH_TIME:
            cmd_buf = ["BMC Execute Command", date_cmd_buf, 'quiet=${1}']
            if not quiet:
            status, ret_values = \
            if status == "PASS":
                stdout, stderr, rc = ret_values
                if rc == 0 and stderr == "":
                    epoch_seconds = stdout.rstrip("\n")
            shell_rc, out_buf = gc.cmd_fnc_u(date_cmd_buf,
            if shell_rc == 0:
                epoch_seconds = out_buf.rstrip("\n")

    if 'elapsed_boot_time' in req_states:
        global start_boot_seconds
        elapsed_boot_time = int(epoch_seconds) - start_boot_seconds

    master_req_rest = ['rest', 'host', 'requested_host', 'operating_system',
                       'attempts_left', 'boot_progress', 'chassis',
                       'requested_chassis' 'bmc' 'requested_bmc']

    req_rest = [sub_state for sub_state in req_states if sub_state in
    need_rest = (len(req_rest) > 0)
    state = DotDict()
    if need_rest:
        cmd_buf = ["Read Properties", SYSTEM_STATE_URI + "enumerate",
                   "quiet=${" + str(quiet) + "}"]
        status, ret_values = \
        if status == "PASS":
            state['rest'] = '1'
            state['rest'] = '0'

        if int(state['rest']):
            for url_path in ret_values:
                for attr_name in ret_values[url_path]:
                    # Create a state key value based on the attr_name.
                        ret_values[url_path][attr_name] = \
                            re.sub(r'.*\.', "",
                    except TypeError:
                    # Do some key name manipulations.
                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'^Current|(State|Transition)$',
                                           "", attr_name)
                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'BMC', r'Bmc', new_attr_name)
                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'([A-Z][a-z])', r'_\1',
                    new_attr_name = new_attr_name.lower().lstrip("_")
                    new_attr_name = re.sub(r'power', r'chassis', new_attr_name)
                    if new_attr_name in req_states:
                        state[new_attr_name] = ret_values[url_path][attr_name]

    for sub_state in req_states:
        if sub_state in state:
        if sub_state.startswith("os_"):
            # We pass "os_" requests on to get_os_state.
        cmd_buf = "state['" + sub_state + "'] = str(" + sub_state + ")"

    if os_host == "":
        # The caller has not specified an os_host so as far as we're concerned,
        # it doesn't exist.
        return state

    os_req_states = [sub_state for sub_state in req_states
                     if sub_state.startswith('os_')]

    if len(os_req_states) > 0:
        # The caller has specified an os_host and they have requested
        # information on os substates.

        # Based on the information gathered on bmc, we'll try to make a
        # determination of whether the os is even up.  We'll pass the result
        # of that assessment to get_os_state to enhance performance.
        os_up_match = DotDict()
        for sub_state in master_os_up_match:
            if sub_state in req_states:
                os_up_match[sub_state] = master_os_up_match[sub_state]
        os_up = compare_states(state, os_up_match)
        os_state = get_os_state(os_host=os_host,
        # Append os_state dictionary to ours.

    return state
コード例 #2
def set_ffdc_defaults(ffdc_dir_path=None, ffdc_prefix=None):
    Set a default value for ffdc_dir_path and ffdc_prefix if they don't
    already have values.  Return both values.

    Description of arguments:
    ffdc_dir_path  The dir path where FFDC data should be put.
    ffdc_prefix    The prefix to be given to each FFDC file name generated.

    NOTE: If global variable ffdc_dir_path_style is set to ${1}, this function
    will create default values in a newer way.  Otherwise, its behavior
    will remain unchanged.

    # Note: Several subordinate functions like 'Get Test Dir and Name' and
    # 'Header Message' expect global variable FFDC_TIME to be set.
    cmd_buf = ["Get Current Time Stamp"]
    FFDC_TIME = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)
    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_TIME}", FFDC_TIME)

    ffdc_dir_path_style = BuiltIn().get_variable_value(

    if ffdc_dir_path is None:
        if ffdc_dir_path_style:
                ffdc_dir_path = os.environ['FFDC_DIR_PATH']
            except KeyError:
                ffdc_dir_path = os.path.dirname(
                    BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_FILE}")) + "/"
            FFDC_LOG_PATH = os.getcwd() + "/logs/"
            if FFDC_LOG_PATH is None:
                FFDC_LOG_PATH = ""
            if FFDC_LOG_PATH == "":
                FFDC_LOG_PATH = os.path.dirname(
                    BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_FILE}")) + "/"
            error_message = gv.valid_value(FFDC_LOG_PATH,
            if error_message != "":
                error_message = gp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
            FFDC_LOG_PATH = os.path.normpath(FFDC_LOG_PATH) + os.sep

            cmd_buf = ["Get Test Dir and Name"]
            suitename, testname = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)

            ffdc_dir_path = FFDC_LOG_PATH + suitename + "/" + testname + "/"

    # Add trailing slash.
    ffdc_dir_path = os.path.normpath(ffdc_dir_path) + os.sep

    if ffdc_prefix is None:
        FFDC_TIME = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${FFDC_TIME}")
        if ffdc_prefix is None:
            if ffdc_dir_path_style:
                OPENBMC_HOST = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${OPENBMC_HOST}")
                OPENBMC_NICKNAME = BuiltIn().get_variable_value(
                    "${OPENBMC_NICKNAME}", default=OPENBMC_HOST)
                ffdc_prefix = OPENBMC_NICKNAME + "." + FFDC_TIME[2:8] + "." +\
                    FFDC_TIME[8:14] + "."
                ffdc_prefix = FFDC_TIME + "_"

    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_DIR_PATH}", ffdc_dir_path)
    BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_PREFIX}", ffdc_prefix)

    return ffdc_dir_path, ffdc_prefix
コード例 #3
def rprocess_plug_in_packages(plug_in_packages_list=None,
    Call the external process_plug_in_packages.py to process the plug-in packages.  Return the following:
    rc                              The return code - 0 = PASS, 1 = FAIL.
    shell_rc                        The shell return code returned by process_plug_in_packages.py.
    failed_plug_in_name             The failed plug in name (if any).

    Description of arguments:
    plug_in_packages_list           A python list of plug-in directory paths.
    call_point                      The call point program to be called for each plug-in package (e.g.
                                    post_boot).  This name should not include the "cp_" prefix.
    shell_rc                        The user may supply a value other than zero to indicate an acceptable
                                    non-zero return code.  For example, if this value equals 0x00000200, it
                                    means that for each plug-in call point that runs, a 0x00000200 will not
                                    be counted as a failure.
    stop_on_plug_in_failure         If this parameter is set to 1, this program will stop and return non-zero
                                    if the call point program from any plug-in directory fails.  Conversely,
                                    if it is set to false, this program will run the call point program from
                                    each and every plug-in directory regardless of their return values.
                                    Typical example cases where you'd want to run all plug-in call points
                                    regardless of success or failure would be "cleanup" or "ffdc" call points.
    stop_on_non_zero_rc             If this parm is set to 1 and a plug-in call point program returns a valid
                                    non-zero return code (see "shell_rc" parm above), this program will stop
                                    processing and return 0 (success).  Since this constitutes a successful
                                    exit, this would normally be used where the caller wishes to stop
                                    processing if one of the plug-in directory call point programs returns a
                                    special value indicating that some special case has been found.  An
                                    example might be in calling some kind of "check_errl" call point program.
                                    Such a call point program might return a 2 (i.e. 0x00000200) to indicate
                                    that a given error log entry was found in an "ignore" list and is
                                    therefore to be ignored.  That being the case, no other "check_errl" call
                                    point program would need to be called.
    release_type                    The type of release being tested (e.g. "obmc", "op", "fips").  This
                                    influences which integrated plug-ins are selected.
    quiet                           If quiet is set to 1, this function will NOT write status messages to
                                    stdout.  This will default to the global quiet program parm or to 0.
    debug                           If this parameter is set to 1, this function will print additional debug
                                    information.  This is mainly to be used by the developer of this
                                    function.  This will default to the global quiet program parm or to 0.
    return_history                  In addition to rc, shell_rc and failed_plug_in_name, return a list
                                    containing historical output that looks like the following:

      history[0]:                   #(CDT) 2018/10/30 12:25:49 - Running OBMC_Sample/cp_post_stack

    rc = 0

    plug_in_packages_list = gp.get_var_value(plug_in_packages_list, [])

    # If there are no plug-in packages to process, return successfully.
    if len(plug_in_packages_list) == 0:
        if return_history:
            return 0, 0, "", []
            return 0, 0, ""

    quiet = int(gp.get_var_value(quiet, 0))
    debug = int(gp.get_var_value(debug, 0))

    # Create string from list.
    plug_in_dir_paths = ':'.join(plug_in_packages_list)

    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    temp_file_path = temp.name
    temp2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    temp_properties_file_path = temp2.name

    if debug:
        os.environ["PERF_TRACE"] = "1"
        debug_string = " --quiet=0"
        debug_string = ""

    loc_shell_rc = 0

    sub_cmd_buf = "process_plug_in_packages.py" + debug_string +\
                  " --call_point=" + call_point + " --allow_shell_rc=" +\
                  str(shell_rc) + " --stop_on_plug_in_failure=" +\
                  str(stop_on_plug_in_failure) + " --stop_on_non_zero_rc=" +\
                  str(stop_on_non_zero_rc) + " " + plug_in_dir_paths
    if quiet:
        cmd_buf = sub_cmd_buf + " > " + temp_file_path + " 2>&1"
        cmd_buf = "set -o pipefail ; " + sub_cmd_buf + " 2>&1 | tee " +\
        if debug:
            gp.print_timen("Processing " + call_point +
                           " call point programs.")

    sub_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_buf, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
    proc_plug_pkg_rc = sub_proc.returncode

    if return_history:
        # Get the "Running" statements from the output.
        regex = " Running [^/]+/cp_"
        cmd_buf = "egrep '" + regex + "' " + temp_file_path
        _, history = gc.shell_cmd(cmd_buf,
                                  quiet=(not debug),
        history = [x + "\n" for x in filter(None, history.split("\n"))]
        history = []

    # As process_plug_in_packages.py help text states, it will print the values of failed_plug_in_name and
    # shell_rc in the following format:
    # failed_plug_in_name:               <failed plug-in value, if any>
    # shell_rc:                          <shell return code value of last call point program>

    # We want to obtain those values from the output.  To make the task simpler, we'll start by grepping the
    # output for lines that might fit such a format:
    # A valid bash variable against the left margin followed by...
    # - A colon followed by...
    # - Zero or more spaces
    bash_var_regex = "[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*"
    regex = "^" + bash_var_regex + ":[ ]*"
    cmd_buf = "egrep '" + regex + "' " + temp_file_path + " > " +\
    grep_rc = os.system(cmd_buf)

    # Next we call my_parm_file to create a properties dictionary.
    properties = gm.my_parm_file(temp_properties_file_path)

    # Finally, we access the 2 values that we need.
    shell_rc = int(properties.get('shell_rc', '0x0000000000000000'), 16)
    failed_plug_in_name = properties.get('failed_plug_in_name', '')

    if proc_plug_pkg_rc != 0:
        if quiet:
            os.system("cat " + temp_file_path + " >&2")
        if grep_rc != 0:
            gp.print_var(grep_rc, gp.hexa())
        gp.print_var(proc_plug_pkg_rc, gp.hexa())
        gp.print_timen("Re-cap of plug-in failures:")
        gc.cmd_fnc_u("egrep -A 1 '^failed_plug_in_name:[ ]+' " +
                     temp_properties_file_path + " | egrep -v '^\\--'",
        rc = 1

    if return_history:
        return rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name, history
        return rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name
コード例 #4
def shell_cmd(command_string,
    Run the given command string in a shell and return a tuple consisting of
    the shell return code and the output.

    Description of argument(s):
    command_string                  The command string to be run in a shell
                                    (e.g. "ls /tmp").
    quiet                           If set to 0, this function will print
                                    "Issuing: <cmd string>" to stdout.  When
                                    the quiet argument is set to None, this
                                    function will assign a default value by
                                    searching upward in the stack for the
                                    quiet variable value.  If no such value is
                                    found, quiet is set to 0.
    print_output                    If this is set, this function will print
                                    the stdout/stderr generated by the shell
                                    command to stdout.
    show_err                        If show_err is set, this function will
                                    print a standardized error report if the
                                    shell command fails (i.e. if the shell
                                    command returns a shell_rc that is not in
                                    allowed_shell_rcs).  Note: Error text is
                                    only printed if ALL attempts to run the
                                    command_string fail.  In other words, if
                                    the command execution is ultimately
                                    successful, initial failures are hidden.
    test_mode                       If test_mode is set, this function will
                                    not actually run the command.  If
                                    print_output is also set, this function
                                    will print "(test_mode) Issuing: <cmd
                                    string>" to stdout.  A caller should call
                                    shell_cmd directly if they wish to have
                                    the command string run unconditionally.
                                    They should call the t_shell_cmd wrapper
                                    (defined below) if they wish to run the
                                    command string only if the prevailing
                                    test_mode variable is set to 0.
    time_out                        A time-out value expressed in seconds.  If
                                    the command string has not finished
                                    executing within <time_out> seconds, it
                                    will be halted and counted as an error.
    max_attempts                    The max number of attempts that should be
                                    made to run the command string.
    retry_sleep_time                The number of seconds to sleep between
    allowed_shell_rcs               A list of integers indicating which
                                    shell_rc values are not to be considered
    ignore_err                      Ignore error means that a failure
                                    encountered by running the command string
                                    will not be raised as a python exception.
                                    When the ignore_err argument is set to
                                    None, this function will assign a default
                                    value by searching upward in the stack for
                                    the ignore_err variable value.  If no such
                                    value is found, ignore_err is set to 1.
    return_stderr                   If return_stderr is set, this function
                                    will process the stdout and stderr streams
                                    from the shell command separately.  In
                                    such a case, the tuple returned by this
                                    function will consist of three values
                                    rather than just two: rc, stdout, stderr.
    fork                            Run the command string asynchronously
                                    (i.e. don't wait for status of the child
                                    process and don't try to get

    # Assign default values to some of the arguments to this function.
    quiet = int(gm.dft(quiet, gp.get_stack_var('quiet', 0)))
    print_output = int(gm.dft(print_output, not quiet))
    show_err = int(show_err)
    global_ignore_err = gp.get_var_value(ignore_err, 1)
    stack_ignore_err = gp.get_stack_var('ignore_err', global_ignore_err)
    ignore_err = int(gm.dft(ignore_err, gm.dft(stack_ignore_err, 1)))

    err_msg = gv.valid_value(command_string)
    if err_msg != "":
        raise ValueError(err_msg)

    if not quiet:
        gp.print_issuing(command_string, test_mode)

    if test_mode:
        if return_stderr:
            return 0, "", ""
            return 0, ""

    # Convert each list entry to a signed value.
    allowed_shell_rcs = fa.source_to_object(allowed_shell_rcs)
    allowed_shell_rcs = [gm.to_signed(x) for x in allowed_shell_rcs]

    if return_stderr:
        stderr = subprocess.PIPE
        stderr = subprocess.STDOUT

    shell_rc = 0
    out_buf = ""
    err_buf = ""
    # Write all output to func_history_stdout rather than directly to stdout.
    # This allows us to decide what to print after all attempts to run the
    # command string have been made.  func_history_stdout will contain the
    # complete stdout history from the current invocation of this function.
    func_history_stdout = ""
    for attempt_num in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
        sub_proc = subprocess.Popen(command_string,
        out_buf = ""
        err_buf = ""
        # Output from this loop iteration is written to func_stdout for later
        # processing.
        func_stdout = ""
        if fork:
        command_timed_out = False
        if time_out is not None:
            # Designate a SIGALRM handling function and set alarm.
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, shell_cmd_timed_out)
            if return_stderr:
                for line in sub_proc.stderr:
                        err_buf += line
                    except TypeError:
                        line = line.decode("utf-8")
                        err_buf += line
                    if not print_output:
                    func_stdout += line
            for line in sub_proc.stdout:
                    out_buf += line
                except TypeError:
                    line = line.decode("utf-8")
                    out_buf += line
                if not print_output:
                func_stdout += line
        except IOError:
            command_timed_out = True
        shell_rc = sub_proc.returncode
        # Restore the original SIGALRM handler and clear the alarm.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_sigalrm_handler)
        if shell_rc in allowed_shell_rcs:
        err_msg = "The prior shell command failed.\n"
        if quiet:
            err_msg += gp.sprint_var(command_string)
        if command_timed_out:
            err_msg += gp.sprint_var(command_timed_out)
            err_msg += gp.sprint_var(time_out)
            err_msg += gp.sprint_varx("child_pid", sub_proc.pid)
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(attempt_num)
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(shell_rc, gp.hexa())
        err_msg += gp.sprint_var(allowed_shell_rcs, gp.hexa())
        if not print_output:
            if return_stderr:
                err_msg += "err_buf:\n" + err_buf
            err_msg += "out_buf:\n" + out_buf
        if show_err:
            func_stdout += gp.sprint_error_report(err_msg)
        func_history_stdout += func_stdout
        if attempt_num < max_attempts:
            func_history_stdout += gp.sprint_issuing("time.sleep(" +
                                                     str(retry_sleep_time) +

    if shell_rc not in allowed_shell_rcs:
        func_stdout = func_history_stdout


    if shell_rc not in allowed_shell_rcs:
        if not ignore_err:
            if robot_env:
                raise ValueError("The prior shell command failed.\n")

    if return_stderr:
        return shell_rc, out_buf, err_buf
        return shell_rc, out_buf
コード例 #5
def my_run_keywords(lib_file_path, keyword_string, quiet=0, test_mode=0):
    Run the keywords in the keyword string.

    Description of arguments:
    lib_file_path   The path to a library or resource needed to run the
                    keywords.  This may contain a colon-delimited list of
                    library/resource paths.
    keyword_string  The keyword string to be run by this function.  If this
                    keyword string contains " ; " anywhere, it will be taken to
                    be multiple keyword strings.  Each keyword may also include
                    a variable assignment.  Example:
                    ${my_var}=  My Keyword
    quiet           If this parameter is set to "1", this program will print
                    only essential information, i.e. it will not echo
                    parameters, echo commands, print the total run time, etc.
    test_mode       This means that this program should go through all the
                    motions but not actually do anything substantial.

    # NOTE: During code review the following question was raised: Why support
    # 1) variable assignments 2) multiple keywords?  Couldn't a user simply
    # call this program twice to get what they need.  If necessary, the user
    # could take the output of the first call and specify it as a literal on
    # the second call.
    # However, this approach would not work in all cases.  The following case
    # would be such an example:
    # Let's say the first keyword string is as follows:
    # Create Dictionary  foo=bar
    # You wish to take the output of that call and specify it as a literal
    # value when running the following:
    # Want Dictionary  parm=<literal dictionary specification>
    # The problem is that there is no way to specify a dictionary as a
    # literal in Robot Framework.
    # By having this program support variable assignments and multiple
    # keywords, the user can invoke it with the following keyword string.
    # ${my_dict}=  Create Dictionary  foo=bar ; Want Dictionary  ${my_dict}

    # The user can pass multiple lib/resource paths by separating them with a
    # colon.
    lib_file_path_list = lib_file_path.split(":")
    # Get rid of empty entry if it exists.
    if lib_file_path_list[0] == "":
        del lib_file_path_list[0]
    for lib_file_path in lib_file_path_list:
        if lib_file_path.endswith(".py"):
            gp.dprint_issuing("import_library(\"" + lib_file_path + "\")")
            gp.dprint_issuing("my_import_resource(\"" + lib_file_path + "\")")

    # The user can pass multiple keyword strings by separating them with " ; ".
    keyword_list = keyword_string.split(" ; ")
    for keyword_string in keyword_list:
        cmd_buf = keyword_string.split("  ")
        if re.match(r"\$\{", cmd_buf[0]):
            # This looks like an assignment (e.g. ${var}=  <keyword>).
            # We'll extract the variable name, remove element 0 from
            # cmd_buf and set the global variable with the results
            # after running the keyword.
            var_name = cmd_buf[0].strip("${}=")
            del cmd_buf[0]
            var_name = ""

        if not quiet:
            gp.print_issuing(cmd_buf, test_mode)
        if test_mode:

        output = BuiltIn().run_keyword(*cmd_buf)

        if var_name != "":
            BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${" + var_name + "}", output)
            if output is not None: