コード例 #1
def remove_all_cleanup_files(signal, rc=0, *args):

    # This function deletes all files in the cleanup_file_list. This function is
    # always the first thing pushed onto the cleanup stack, so that it will occur
    # if the program exits erroneously. It is also called by gen_exit_function.
    # The programmer can populate this list with
    #   gexit.add_cleanup_file(file_name)
    # or
    #   gexit.cleanup_file_list.append(file_name)

    if not g.quiet:

    global cleanup_file_list

    # The main cleanup loop.
    while cleanup_file_list != []:
        cleanup_file = cleanup_file_list.pop()
            # Try deleting the file.
        except OSError:
            # File deletion failed for some reason.
            if not quiet_del:
                g.print_error("Cannot delete file " + filename + ".")
            rc = 1

    return rc
コード例 #2
def process_error_message():

  # This may be added in later. This is the last gen_bash_print_funcs to
  # convert.

  g.print_error("process_error_message is not implemented.")
コード例 #3
def gen_func_cleanup(signo, rc=0):

    # This function is designed to execute when a SIGINT or SIGTERM occurs. It
    # will go through a global function stack, executing and popping each one in
    # turn, before finally exiting the program with a given return code.
    # Each cleanup function needs to be capable of accepting signo and rc as
    # defined parameters, as well as one last *args parameter that may contain
    # something or nothing.

    global global_cleanup_stack
    global saved_signal_list

    # Save the current signal set.
    if saved_signal_list == []:
        saved_signal_list = gsig.save_signals()
            "Possible programmer error. Attempting to save signals to saved_signal_list in gen_func_cleanup, but signals have already been saved."

    # We're going to start by capturing and ignoring SIGINT and SIGTERM, so they
    # don't ruin our cleanup functions.
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, gsig.ignore_signals)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, gsig.ignore_signals)

    # Pop off all the functions in the global_cleanup_stack.
    while global_cleanup_stack != []:
        pop_cleanup_func(signo, rc)

    # Restore the previously saved signal set.

    # Now exit, which we wanted to do in the first place.
コード例 #4
def remove_all_cleanup_files(signal,rc=0,*args):

  # This function deletes all files in the cleanup_file_list. This function is
  # always the first thing pushed onto the cleanup stack, so that it will occur
  # if the program exits erroneously. It is also called by gen_exit_function.
  # The programmer can populate this list with
  #   gexit.add_cleanup_file(file_name)
  # or
  #   gexit.cleanup_file_list.append(file_name)

  if not g.quiet:

  global cleanup_file_list

  # The main cleanup loop.
  while cleanup_file_list != []:
    cleanup_file = cleanup_file_list.pop()
      # Try deleting the file.
    except OSError:
      # File deletion failed for some reason.
      if not quiet_del:
        g.print_error("Cannot delete file " + filename + ".")
      rc = 1

  return rc
コード例 #5
def gen_timeout_function(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs):

  # This function is used as a way to add timeout to a function when the
  # timeout value will not be known until runtime. It will return None if the
  # timeout occurred, or the function's return value otherwise.

  # Error check.
    timeout = int(timeout)
  except ValueError:
    g.print_error(str(timeout) + ", provided as timeout for " + func.__name__ + " is not a valid timeout value.")
    return None

  original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,gen_timeout_handler)

    rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
  except GeneralTimeout:
    g.print_error("Function " + func.__name__ + " timed out after " + str(timeout) + " seconds.")
    rv = None


  return rv
コード例 #6
def process_error_message():

    # This may be added in later. This is the last gen_bash_print_funcs to
    # convert.

    g.print_error("process_error_message is not implemented.")
コード例 #7
def gen_func_cleanup(signo, rc=0):

  # This function is designed to execute when a SIGINT or SIGTERM occurs. It
  # will go through a global function stack, executing and popping each one in
  # turn, before finally exiting the program with a given return code.
  # Each cleanup function needs to be capable of accepting signo and rc as
  # defined parameters, as well as one last *args parameter that may contain
  # something or nothing.

  global global_cleanup_stack
  global saved_signal_list

  # Save the current signal set.
  if saved_signal_list == []:
    saved_signal_list = gsig.save_signals()
    g.print_error("Possible programmer error. Attempting to save signals to saved_signal_list in gen_func_cleanup, but signals have already been saved.")

  # We're going to start by capturing and ignoring SIGINT and SIGTERM, so they
  # don't ruin our cleanup functions.
  signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, gsig.ignore_signals)
  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, gsig.ignore_signals)

  # Pop off all the functions in the global_cleanup_stack.
  while global_cleanup_stack != []:
    pop_cleanup_func(signo, rc)

  # Restore the previously saved signal set.

  # Now exit, which we wanted to do in the first place.
コード例 #8
def release_signals(reraise=True):

    # This function restores all the old signal handlers of signals that were
    # trapped by trap_signal. If reraise is True, then all of the signals are
    # re-raised in turn; otherwise, the signals are discarded.

    global global_trapped_signals
    global global_received_signals

    # Restore signal handlers.
    for signo, handler in global_trapped_signals:
            signal.signal(signo, handler)
        except RuntimeError:
                "Cannot release signal " + str(signo) +
                ". Python does not allow this signal handler to be changed.")

    global_trapped_signals = []

    # We need to copy the list of received signals into another list, or else
    # it's never actually going to be cleared, since we're firing off signals
    # and all that.
    local_received_signals = list(global_received_signals)
    global_received_signals = []

    # Re-raise received signals.
    if reraise:
        for sig in local_received_signals:
            os.kill(g.system_parms["pid"], sig)

    return 0
コード例 #9
    def time_wrapped_func(timeout_arg, *args, **kwargs):
        # Test our timeout_arg in a scope where we know the function name.
            timeout_int = int(timeout_arg)
        except ValueError:
                "Programmer error: function " + func.__name__ +
                " decorated with invalid timeout value in gen_timeout_decorator."
            return None

        original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, gen_timeout_handler)

            rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
        except GeneralTimeout:
            g.print_error("Function " + func.__name__ + " timed out after " +
                          str(timeout_int) + " seconds.")
            rv = None

        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler)

        return rv
コード例 #10
def gen_timeout_function(timeout, func, *args, **kwargs):

    # This function is used as a way to add timeout to a function when the
    # timeout value will not be known until runtime. It will return None if the
    # timeout occurred, or the function's return value otherwise.

    # Error check.
        timeout = int(timeout)
    except ValueError:
            str(timeout) + ", provided as timeout for " + func.__name__ +
            " is not a valid timeout value.")
        return None

    original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, gen_timeout_handler)

        rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except GeneralTimeout:
        g.print_error("Function " + func.__name__ + " timed out after " +
                      str(timeout) + " seconds.")
        rv = None

    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler)

    return rv
コード例 #11
def release_signals(reraise=True):

  # This function restores all the old signal handlers of signals that were
  # trapped by trap_signal. If reraise is True, then all of the signals are
  # re-raised in turn; otherwise, the signals are discarded.

  global global_trapped_signals
  global global_received_signals

  # Restore signal handlers.
  for signo, handler in global_trapped_signals:
      signal.signal(signo, handler)
    except RuntimeError:
      g.print_error("Cannot release signal " + str(signo) + ". Python does not allow this signal handler to be changed.")

  global_trapped_signals = []

  # We need to copy the list of received signals into another list, or else
  # it's never actually going to be cleared, since we're firing off signals
  # and all that.
  local_received_signals = list(global_received_signals)
  global_received_signals = []

  # Re-raise received signals.
  if reraise:
    for sig in local_received_signals:
      os.kill(g.system_parms["pid"], sig)

  return 0
コード例 #12
def add_bool_flag(flagname, default_val=False, alt_var=None):

  # Create an argument-free option flag.
  # Creates a boolean variable associated with the flag.
  # Using this flag on the command line sets the value of var to the opposite of
  # default_val.

  global boolopts

  # Convert the default value to 0 or 1.
  default_val = bool_convert(default_val)

  # Create a new variable in global_vars and assign its value.
  var = flagname
  if alt_var != None:
    var = str(alt_var)
  g.global_vars[var] = default_val

  # Add it to our options list.
  retval, flagstr = add_opt_flag(flagname, False)
  if retval == 1:
    g.print_error("Option " + flagname + " already exists in program, cannot be added again.")
    return 1
  boolopts += [[flagstr, var, default_val, False]]

  return 0
コード例 #13
def valid_write_dir(dir_path):

  # This function returns True if dir_path is an existing directory and can be
  # written to.

  if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
    g.print_error("Directory \"" + dir_path + "\" does not exist.")
    return False
  elif not os.access(dir_path, os.W_OK | os.X_OK):
    g.print_error("Directory \"" + dir_path + "\" is not writeable for your userid.")
    return False

  return True
コード例 #14
def get_status_file_start_end_time(file_path, use_end_time_entry=True):

  # This function looks through a provided status file, obtaining the earliest
  # and latest time stamps from it. If use_end_time_entry is False, the
  # modification time of the file is used instead.

  date_re = re.compile(valid_status_date_regex)
  start_time = None
  end_time = None

  # Open up the file for reading.
    fd = open(file_path,"r")

    # Look through every line for a date timestamp, and place that into
    # start_time.
    for line in fd:
      date_match = date_re.match(line)
      if date_match != None:
        start_time = date_match.string[date_match.start():date_match.end()]

    # If we didn't find any timestamps at all, then we need to use the
    # modification time for both the start and end.
    if start_time == None:
      use_end_time_entry = False

    # Now get the ending time stamp. The first way is to look through the file
    # some more, recording every instance, so the last one is saved.
    if use_end_time_entry:
      for line in fd:
        date_match = date_re.match(line)
        if date_match != None:
          end_time = date_match.string[date_match.start():date_match.end()]

    # In case we're using the modification time instead.
      modtime = os.path.getmtime(file_path)
      end_time = seconds_to_date(modtime)
    g.print_error("Error reading data from \"" + file_path + "\".")
    return (None, None)

  # With the file read, we make our final decisions about what to do. By this
  # point, one of these two variables has to be set.
  if start_time == None:
    start_time = end_time
  elif end_time == None:
    end_time = start_time

  return (start_time, end_time)
コード例 #15
    def time_wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
      original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,gen_timeout_handler)

        rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
      except GeneralTimeout:
        g.print_error("Function " + func.__name__ + " timed out after " + str(timeout_int) + " seconds.")
        rv = None


      return rv
コード例 #16
def change_signal(signo, newhandler, siglist):

  # This function will change the handler of signo to newhandler, storing the
  # old handler in siglist. The main advantage of using this function over
  # signal.signal is that if you're changing the handler of many different
  # signals, you can use restore_signals to change them all back at once.

    original_handler = signal.signal(signo, newhandler)
    siglist.append((signo, original_handler))
  except RuntimeError:
    g.print_error("Cannot trap signal " + str(signo) + ". Python does not allow this signal handler to be changed.")

  return siglist
コード例 #17
def print_opt(optname, desc, exvals="", default=True, loc_col1_indent=2, loc_col1_width=33):

  # This function automatically prints out help information for a given option.
  # exvals allows the programmer to specify example values for the option; if
  # the option was specified as boolean by using add_bool_option, <y/n> will
  # be printed automatically unless another value is passed in. Setting default
  # to False will suppress the printout of the default value.

  # First we search for the parameter name in our list. If it's not there, throw
  # an error.
  option = opt_search(optname)
  if option == None:
    g.print_error("Programmer error: attempting to print help for option " + optname + " but this option does not exist.")
    return 1

  # Determine what kind of option this is, by its length.
  is_bool = len(option) == 4
  is_var = len(option) == 3
  is_func = len(option) == 2

  # Get the appropriate data out of the thing.
  flag = option[0]
  if is_func:
    default_val = ""
    default = False
    default_val = option[2]

  # Add example values, if necessary.
  if exvals != "":
    flag += "=<" + exvals + ">"
  elif is_bool:
    flag += "=<y/n>"

  descfooter = ""
  # Print out the default value, if necessary.
  if default:
    if is_bool:
      if default_val == 0:
        descfooter += " The default value is \"n\"."
        descfooter += " The default value is \"y\"."
      descfooter += " The default value is \"" + str(default_val) + "\"."

  format_string = "%" + str(loc_col1_indent) + "s%-" + str(loc_col1_width) + "s%s"
  print format_string % ("", flag, desc + descfooter)

  return 0
コード例 #18
def add_func_flag(flagname, func):

  # Creates an argument-free option flag.
  # Associates a function with this flag, to be executed if the flag is present.

  global funcopts

  # Add it to our options list. There's no variable to assign since there's no
  # single value to store.
  retval, flagstr = add_opt_flag(flagname, False)
  if retval == 1:
    g.print_error("Option " + flagname + " already exists in program, cannot be added again.")
    return 1
  funcopts += [[flagstr, func]]

  return 0
コード例 #19
def change_signal(signo, newhandler, siglist):

    # This function will change the handler of signo to newhandler, storing the
    # old handler in siglist. The main advantage of using this function over
    # signal.signal is that if you're changing the handler of many different
    # signals, you can use restore_signals to change them all back at once.

        original_handler = signal.signal(signo, newhandler)
        siglist.append((signo, original_handler))
    except RuntimeError:
            "Cannot trap signal " + str(signo) +
            ". Python does not allow this signal handler to be changed.")

    return siglist
コード例 #20
    def read_obj(self, file_path=None, validate=True):

        # This function will look through a file and prepare for reading the file
        # into this object. The actual reading in of data needs to be handled by
        # each subclass of GenPythonObject, but they can call this superclass
        # function to handle some of the validation. That's less typing for us.

        if file_path == None:
            file_path = "/tmp/" + g.system_parms["username"] + "/" + self.obj_name

        if validate:
            if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
                g.print_error(file_path + " is not a valid file.")
                return None

        return file_path
コード例 #21
    def read_obj(self, file_path=None, validate=True):

        # This function will look through a file and prepare for reading the file
        # into this object. The actual reading in of data needs to be handled by
        # each subclass of GenPythonObject, but they can call this superclass
        # function to handle some of the validation. That's less typing for us.

        if file_path == None:
            file_path = "/tmp/" + g.system_parms[
                "username"] + "/" + self.obj_name

        if validate:
            if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
                g.print_error(file_path + " is not a valid file.")
                return None

        return file_path
コード例 #22
        def time_wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
            original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,

                rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
            except GeneralTimeout:
                g.print_error("Function " + func.__name__ +
                              " timed out after " + str(timeout_int) +
                              " seconds.")
                rv = None

            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler)

            return rv
コード例 #23
  def time_wrapped_func(timeout_arg, *args, **kwargs):
    # Test our timeout_arg in a scope where we know the function name.
      timeout_int = int(timeout_arg)
    except ValueError:
      g.print_error("Programmer error: function " + func.__name__ + " decorated with invalid timeout value in gen_timeout_decorator.")
      return None

    original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,gen_timeout_handler)

      rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except GeneralTimeout:
      g.print_error("Function " + func.__name__ + " timed out after " + str(timeout_int) + " seconds.")
      rv = None


    return rv
コード例 #24
def add_var_option(flagname, default_val=None, alt_var=None):

  # Creates an argument-accepting option flag.
  # Creates a general variable associated with the flag.

  global varopts

  # Create a new variable in global_vars and assign its value.
  var = flagname
  if alt_var != None:
    var = str(alt_var)
  g.global_vars[var] = default_val

  # Add it to our options list.
  retval, flagstr = add_opt_flag(flagname, True)
  if retval == 1:
    g.print_error("Option " + flagname + " already exists in program, cannot be added again.")
    return 1
  varopts += [[flagstr, var, default_val]]

  return 0
コード例 #25
def trap_signal(signo):

  # This function will change the signal handler of the provided signal, so that
  # it will be sent to trap_signal_handler and added to whatever list we're
  # storing signals in. We store the signal number along with its original
  # handler, so it can be restored later.
  # Only use this function if you want to block all signals and then reuse or
  # discard them later. If you just want to easily change a signal handler,
  # use change_signal.

  global global_trapped_signals

    original_handler = signal.signal(signo, trap_signal_handler)
    global_trapped_signals.append((signo, original_handler))
  except RuntimeError:
    g.print_error("Cannot trap signal " + str(signo) + ". Python does not allow this signal handler to be changed.")
    return 1

  return 0
コード例 #26
def print_parm(paramname, desc, exvals="", default=True, loc_col1_indent=2, loc_col1_width=33):

  # This function automatically prints out help information for a given
  # parameter. exvals allows the programmer to specify example values for the
  # parameter. Setting default to False will suppress the printout of the
  # default value. The program automatically determines the number of arguments
  # it takes, and whether or not it's optional.

  # First we search for the parameter name in our list. If it's not there, throw
  # an error.
  parm, opt = parm_search(paramname)
  if parm == None:
    g.print_error("Programmer error: attempting to print help for parameter " + paramname + " but this parameter does not exist.")
    return 1

  # Add example values, if necessary.
  if exvals != "":
    paramname += " (ex: " + exvals + ")"

  descheader = ""
  # Is the parameter optional?
#  if opt:
#    descheader += "Optional. "

  # Does this parameter take multiple arguments?
  if parm[1] == 0:
    descheader += "Takes all remaining arguments in the command line. "
  elif parm[1] != 1:
    descheader += "Takes " + str(parm[1]) + " arguments. "

  descfooter = ""
  # Print out the default value, if necessary.
  if default:
    descfooter += " The default value is \"" + str(parm[2]) + "\"."

  format_string = "%" + str(loc_col1_indent) + "s%-" + str(loc_col1_width) + "s%s"
  print format_string % ("", paramname, descheader + desc + descfooter)

  return 0
コード例 #27
def remove_cleanup_file(filename, quiet_del=False):

    # This function will search through the cleanup_file_list for the given
    # filename. If it exists, the file is deleted from the system and then
    # removed from the list. If the file is not in the cleanup list for some
    # reason, it is not deleted from the system as a failsafe.

    global cleanup_file_list

    # First, we should check to see if the file is in our list. If not, no big
    # deal. Just move on.
    except ValueError:
        # The file wasn't in our list.
        if not quiet_del:
            print_time("File " + filename + " not found in cleanup list.")

    # Next, we should check to see if the file exists at all. If not, then that
    # counts as success, because it's possible an earlier attempt at this
    # function deleted it.
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        if not quiet_del:
            print_time("Attempted to delete file " + filename +
                       " but the file does not exist. Proceeding with script.")
        return 0

    # If the file does exist, try to delete it. If we fail to, return a
    # failure.
    except OSError:
        # The file was in our list, but we failed to delete it for some reason.
        if not quiet_del:
            g.print_error("Cannot delete file " + filename + ".")
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #28
def trap_signal(signo):

    # This function will change the signal handler of the provided signal, so that
    # it will be sent to trap_signal_handler and added to whatever list we're
    # storing signals in. We store the signal number along with its original
    # handler, so it can be restored later.
    # Only use this function if you want to block all signals and then reuse or
    # discard them later. If you just want to easily change a signal handler,
    # use change_signal.

    global global_trapped_signals

        original_handler = signal.signal(signo, trap_signal_handler)
        global_trapped_signals.append((signo, original_handler))
    except RuntimeError:
            "Cannot trap signal " + str(signo) +
            ". Python does not allow this signal handler to be changed.")
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #29
def remove_cleanup_file(filename, quiet_del=False):

  # This function will search through the cleanup_file_list for the given
  # filename. If it exists, the file is deleted from the system and then
  # removed from the list. If the file is not in the cleanup list for some
  # reason, it is not deleted from the system as a failsafe.

  global cleanup_file_list

  # First, we should check to see if the file is in our list. If not, no big
  # deal. Just move on.
  except ValueError:
    # The file wasn't in our list.
    if not quiet_del:
      print_time("File " + filename + " not found in cleanup list.")

  # Next, we should check to see if the file exists at all. If not, then that
  # counts as success, because it's possible an earlier attempt at this
  # function deleted it.
  if not os.path.isfile(filename):
    if not quiet_del:
      print_time("Attempted to delete file " + filename + " but the file does not exist. Proceeding with script.")
    return 0

  # If the file does exist, try to delete it. If we fail to, return a
  # failure.
  except OSError:
    # The file was in our list, but we failed to delete it for some reason.
    if not quiet_del:
      g.print_error("Cannot delete file " + filename + ".")
    return 1

  return 0
コード例 #30
def print_file_attributes(file_var_prefix, file_path, loc_file_var_suffixes=None):

  g.print_error("print_file_attributes is not implemented.")
コード例 #31
def comment_help_text(loc_indent, headers):

  # This function prints out some help text about comments.

  g.print_error("comment_help_text is not implemented.")
コード例 #32
def get_file_attributes(file_var_prefix, file_path):

  g.print_error("get_file_attributes is not implemented.")
コード例 #33
def extract_date_from_status_line(line):

  g.print_error("extract_date_from_status_line is not implemented.")
  # return loc_date
コード例 #34
def my_read(save_IFS, IFS):

  g.print_error("my_read is not implemented.")
  # return read_buffer
コード例 #35
def directional_egrep(file_path, line_num, search_direction):

  g.print_error("directional_egrep is not implemented.")
  # return egrep_result
コード例 #36
def convert_secs_to_dhms(seconds, unit="days", include_units=False):

  # This function takes a given number of seconds and converts it to another
  # unit (days, hours, minutes, or just seconds again). If include_units is
  # true, the unit will be provided at the end of the printed string. The
  # function returns a string as well as a full unit breakdown in numbers.

  # 60*60*24
  secs_per_day = 86400
  # 60*60
  secs_per_hour = 3600

  total_days = int(seconds) / secs_per_day
  days_remainder = int(seconds) % secs_per_day

  total_hours = days_remainder / secs_per_hour
  hours_remainder = days_remainder % secs_per_hour

  total_minutes = hours_remainder / 60
  total_seconds = hours_remainder % 60

  # Instead of a switch statement, which doesn't actually exist in Python,
  # we will use a dictionary of functions to decide what our output will be.

  # Case "days".
  def days_func():
    total_time = "%s %s:%s:%s" % (str(total_days).zfill(2), str(total_hours).zfill(2), str(total_minutes).zfill(2), str(total_seconds).zfill(2))
    if include_units:
      if total_days == 1:
        total_time += " day"
        total_time += " days"
    return (total_time, total_days, total_hours, total_minutes, total_seconds)

  # Case "hours".
  def hours_func():
    total_hours += total_days * 24
    total_time = "%s:%s:%s" % (str(total_hours).zfill(2), str(total_minutes).zfill(2), str(total_seconds).zfill(2))
    if include_units:
      if total_days == 1:
        total_time += " hour"
        total_time += " hours"
    return (total_time, total_hours, total_minutes, total_seconds)

  # Case "minutes".
  def minutes_func():
    total_hours += total_days * 24
    total_minutes += total_hours * 60
    total_time = "%s:%s" % (str(total_minutes).zfill(2), str(total_seconds).zfill(2))
    if include_units:
      if total_days == 1:
        total_time += " minute"
        total_time += " minutes"
    return (total_time, total_minutes, total_seconds)

  # Case "seconds".
  def seconds_func():
    total_hours += total_days * 24
    total_minutes += total_hours * 60
    total_seconds += total_minutes * 60
    total_time = "%s" % str(total_seconds).zfill(2)
    if include_units:
      if total_days == 1:
        total_time += " second"
        total_time += " seconds"
    return (total_time, total_seconds)

  func_dict = {"days" : days_func, "hours" : hours_func, "minutes" : minutes_func, "seconds" : seconds_func}

  # Now look up and execute the correct function, then return the value given.
    retvalue = func_dict[unit]()
  except KeyError:
    g.print_error("Programmer error. Incorrect unit provided to convert_secs_to_dhms().")
    return None

  return retvalue
コード例 #37
def exec_cmd(
    cmd_buf, stat=False, out=False, err=False, time_out=0, max_attempts=1, sleep_time=1, debug=False, bash=False

    # This is an advanced function for executing a string as a command. It has
    # the capacity to save the output and return it, time the command out, retry
    # the function and sleep between attempts. The rmt_cmd option has been
    # removed, as the "rcmd" function now has a "-rrc" flag that will set the
    # return code automatically. This is less typing for the programmer, so just
    # do that.

    # stat: if this is set, an "issuing" message will be printed prior to
    #   execution.
    # out: if this is set, the output from the command will be printed to the
    #   screen.
    # err: if this is set, a failure message will be printed if the command fails.
    # time_out: if this is non-zero, the function will be timed out after the
    #   specified number of seconds.
    # max_attempts: the total number of times to attempt the command.
    # sleep_time: the number of seconds to wait between each attempt.
    # debug: if this is set, debug information will be printed.
    # bash: if this is set, the function will execute a Bash command instead of
    #   a Python command.

    # This function doesn't use parms in the exact same way as the bash version,
    # but just writing "param=value" works equally well in the function call,
    # i.e. exec_cmd(cmd_buf, param1=value1, param2=value2)

    stat = gopt.bool_convert(stat)
    out = gopt.bool_convert(out)
    err = gopt.bool_convert(err)
    debug = gopt.bool_convert(debug)
    current_attempt = 0

    # Print debug information, if necessary.
    if debug:
        gprint.print_time("Printing debug information for exec_cmd.")
        g.print_var("cmd_buf", cmd_buf)
        g.print_var("stat", stat)
        g.print_var("out", out)
        g.print_var("err", err)
        g.print_var("time_out", time_out)
        g.print_var("max_attempts", max_attempts)
        g.print_var("sleep_time", sleep_time)
        g.print_var("debug", debug)

    # If we're using a time-out variable, then we need to set up a time-out
    # signal handler. No need to fork processes.
    if time_out != 0:
        original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, gsig.gen_timeout_handler)

    # Print out an issuing message if needed.
    if stat and bash:
        if max_attempts == 0:
            gprint.print_time("max_attempts is zero so the preceding command will not actually be executed.")

    # Now let's begin the execution.
    status = 0
    output = ""
    while current_attempt < max_attempts:
        status = 0
        if time_out == 0:
            # If we're not timing it out, just run the command.

            status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd_buf)
            if out:
                print output
            # Otherwise, we need to set an alarm and catch a time-out.
            # We'll actually catch all exceptions, since it's possible we can
            # be executing a Python command.
                # In the Bash case.
                if bash:
                    status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd_buf)
                    if out:
                        print output
                # In the Python case.
                    if out:
                        exec (cmd_buf)
                        sys.stdout = os.devnull
                        exec (cmd_buf)
                        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
                # Restore stdout just in case.
                sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
                status = 1

        # We need to check the status of the command to see if it failed.
        # Note that status is set to 1 upon time-out.
        if status == 0:
            current_attempt += 1
            if sleep_time != 0 and current_attempt < max_attempts:

    # Check to see if we ultimately failed the command.
    if status != 0:
        if err:
            g.print_error("The following command failed to execute: " + cmd_buf)
            if output != "":
                print "Command output:"
                print output

    # Reset the alarm handler.
    if time_out != 0:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler)

    return status
コード例 #38
def get_nearest_time_stamp(file_path, line_num, search_direction):

  g.print_error("get_nearest_time_stamp is not implemented.")
  # return time_var
コード例 #39
def exec_cmd(cmd_buf,

    # This is an advanced function for executing a string as a command. It has
    # the capacity to save the output and return it, time the command out, retry
    # the function and sleep between attempts. The rmt_cmd option has been
    # removed, as the "rcmd" function now has a "-rrc" flag that will set the
    # return code automatically. This is less typing for the programmer, so just
    # do that.

    # stat: if this is set, an "issuing" message will be printed prior to
    #   execution.
    # out: if this is set, the output from the command will be printed to the
    #   screen.
    # err: if this is set, a failure message will be printed if the command fails.
    # time_out: if this is non-zero, the function will be timed out after the
    #   specified number of seconds.
    # max_attempts: the total number of times to attempt the command.
    # sleep_time: the number of seconds to wait between each attempt.
    # debug: if this is set, debug information will be printed.
    # bash: if this is set, the function will execute a Bash command instead of
    #   a Python command.

    # This function doesn't use parms in the exact same way as the bash version,
    # but just writing "param=value" works equally well in the function call,
    # i.e. exec_cmd(cmd_buf, param1=value1, param2=value2)

    stat = gopt.bool_convert(stat)
    out = gopt.bool_convert(out)
    err = gopt.bool_convert(err)
    debug = gopt.bool_convert(debug)
    current_attempt = 0

    # Print debug information, if necessary.
    if debug:
        gprint.print_time("Printing debug information for exec_cmd.")
        g.print_var("cmd_buf", cmd_buf)
        g.print_var("stat", stat)
        g.print_var("out", out)
        g.print_var("err", err)
        g.print_var("time_out", time_out)
        g.print_var("max_attempts", max_attempts)
        g.print_var("sleep_time", sleep_time)
        g.print_var("debug", debug)

    # If we're using a time-out variable, then we need to set up a time-out
    # signal handler. No need to fork processes.
    if time_out != 0:
        original_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM,

    # Print out an issuing message if needed.
    if stat and bash:
        if max_attempts == 0:
                "max_attempts is zero so the preceding command will not actually be executed."

    # Now let's begin the execution.
    status = 0
    output = ""
    while current_attempt < max_attempts:
        status = 0
        if time_out == 0:
            # If we're not timing it out, just run the command.

            status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd_buf)
            if out:
                print output
            # Otherwise, we need to set an alarm and catch a time-out.
            # We'll actually catch all exceptions, since it's possible we can
            # be executing a Python command.
                # In the Bash case.
                if bash:
                    status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd_buf)
                    if out:
                        print output
                # In the Python case.
                    if out:
                        sys.stdout = os.devnull
                        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
                # Restore stdout just in case.
                sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
                status = 1

        # We need to check the status of the command to see if it failed.
        # Note that status is set to 1 upon time-out.
        if status == 0:
            current_attempt += 1
            if sleep_time != 0 and current_attempt < max_attempts:

    # Check to see if we ultimately failed the command.
    if status != 0:
        if err:
            g.print_error("The following command failed to execute: " +
            if output != "":
                print "Command output:"
                print output

    # Reset the alarm handler.
    if time_out != 0:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, original_handler)

    return status
コード例 #40
def sort_by_last_time_stamp(parm_list):

  g.print_error("sort_by_last_time_stamp is not implemented.")
  # return parm_list
コード例 #41
def cleanup_temp_file(file_list, remove_from_global_list=False):

  g.print_error("cleanup_temp_file is not implemented.")
  # return rc
コード例 #42
def get_options(args):

  # The main function to parse options. Many of these are generated
  # automatically from a few values provided.

  global shortopts
  global longopts
  global boolopts
  global varopts
  global funcopts
  global posparms
  global optparms

    opts, parms = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortopts, longopts)
  except getopt.GetoptError:
    g.print_error("Invalid option flag(s) specified.")
    return 1

  # Process command line options. We have some short-circuiting present.
  for opt, arg in opts:
    found = False
    if opt == "--help":
      return 2
    if boolopts != []:
      # Process all boolean options here.
      for flagname, var, default_val, needarg in boolopts:
        if opt == flagname:
          if needarg:
            g.global_vars[var] = bool_convert(arg)
            g.global_vars[var] = not default_val
          found = True
    if not found and varopts != []:
      # Process all variable-setting options here.
      for flagname, var, default_val in varopts:
        if opt == flagname:
          g.global_vars[var] = arg
          found = True
    if not found and funcopts != []:
      # Process all function-executing options here.
      for flagname, func in funcopts:
        if opt == flagname:

  # Process command line parameters. We used to pop arguments from these lists,
  # but keeping track of positions with integers is way faster.
  argn = 0; amax = len(parms); parmn = 0; pmax = len(posparms)
  while argn < amax and parmn < pmax:
    # Go through the designated parms in order and assign values.
    varname, varlen, default_val = posparms[parmn]
    if varlen == 1:
      g.global_vars[varname] = parms[argn]
    elif varlen == 0:
      g.global_vars[varname] = parms[argn:amax]
      g.global_vars[varname] = parms[argn:argn+varlen]
    if varlen == 0:
      argn = amax
      # Checking for a programmer error.
      if parmn+1 < pmax or optparms != []:
        print "Programmer error: cannot allow additional parameters after a parm list takes all remaining arguments."
        return 1
      argn += varlen
    parmn += 1

  # If there are any mandatory parameters that have gone unassigned,
  # raise an error.
  if parmn < pmax:
    g.print_error("Mandatory parameter not specified.")
    return 1

  # Process optional command line parameters.
  parmn = 0; pmax = len(optparms)
  while argn < amax and parmn < pmax:
    # Go through the designated parms in order and assign values.
    varname, varlen, default_val = optparms[parmn]
    if varlen == 1:
      g.global_vars[varname] = parms[argn]
    elif varlen == 0:
      g.global_vars[varname] = parms[argn:amax]
      g.global_vars[varname] = parms[argn:argn+varlen]
    if varlen == 0:
      argn = amax
      # Checking for a programmer error.
      if parmn+1 < pmax:
        g.print_error("Programmer error: cannot allow additional parameters after a parm list takes all remaining arguments.")
        return 1
      argn += varlen
    parmn += 1

  # If there are any command line parameters left, not a problem, just don't
  # use them.

  return 0
コード例 #43
def check_pts_group_membership(group_name, group_cell, userid, print_err):

  g.print_error("check_pts_group_membership is not implemented.")
  # return rc
コード例 #44
def get_real_caller_func():

  g.print_error("get_real_caller_func is not implemented.")
  # return funcname
コード例 #45
def build_cmd_buf(our_parms, additional_parms, cmd_buf):

  g.print_error("build_cmd_buf is not implemented.")
  # return cmd_buf