コード例 #1
def date_to_seconds(date_str):

  # A function that converts our preferred date format to seconds since the
  # epoch.

  # First, we need to munch on our date_str to get the information we need.
  timezone, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_str, "#() ")
  year, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_rem,"/")
  month, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_rem,"/")
  day, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_rem," ")
  hour, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_rem,":")
  minute, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_rem,":")
  second, date_rem = gstr.munch(date_rem,".")

  # Convert to integers.
  year = int(year) ; month = int(month) ; day = int(day)
  hour = int(hour) ; minute = int(minute) ; second = int(second)

  # We need to determine the day of the week and of the year, which we can do
  # quickly with datetime. date_tuple[6] and [7] contain those data.
  date_tuple = datetime.date(year,month,day).timetuple()

  # Now we use that, along with our previously known values, to create the
  # full time tuple. The final -1 means we don't know the DST status, so
  # Python will figure it out for us.
  time_tuple = (date_tuple[0], date_tuple[1], date_tuple[2], hour, minute, second, date_tuple[6], date_tuple[7], -1)

  # Now getting the epoch seconds is easy.
  seconds = time.mktime(time_tuple)

  return seconds
コード例 #2
def std_to_sql_date(std_date):

  # This function converts a date string in our preferred format into a SQL
  # format.
  # STD: 2014/07/03 13:22:13
  # SQL: 2014-07-03-

  # Some munching will extract the relevant numbers so we can place them
  # into a different string.
  year, std_rem = gstr.munch(std_date, "/ ")
  month, std_rem = gstr.munch(std_rem, "/")
  day, std_rem = gstr.munch(std_rem, " ")
  hour, std_rem = gstr.munch(std_rem, ":")
  minute, std_rem = gstr.munch(std_rem, ":")
  second, std_rem = gstr.munch(std_rem, ". \n\t\r")

  sql_date = "%s-%s-%s-%s.%s.%s.000000" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

  return sql_date
コード例 #3
def sql_date_to_std(sql_date):

  # This function converts a SQL-formatted date string into our preferred
  # format.
  # SQL: 2014-07-03-
  # STD: 2014/07/03 13:22:13

  # Some munching will extract the relevant numbers so we can place them
  # into a different string.
  year, sql_rem = gstr.munch(sql_date, "- ")
  month, sql_rem = gstr.munch(sql_rem, "-")
  day, sql_rem = gstr.munch(sql_rem, "-")
  hour, sql_rem = gstr.munch(sql_rem, ".")
  minute, sql_rem = gstr.munch(sql_rem, ".")
  second, sql_rem = gstr.munch(sql_rem, ". \n\t\r")

  std_date = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

  return std_date