コード例 #1
def view_list(request):
    """View the list of all personas"""

    if len(graph) == 0:
        return render_to_response('geneaprove/firsttime.html',

    styles = Styles(style_rules, graph=graph, decujus=1)  # ??? Why "1"
    all = extended_personas(nodes=None,

    all = [p for p in all.itervalues()]
    all.sort(key=lambda x: x.surname)

    all = [{
        'surname': p.surname,
        'given_name': p.given_name,
        'birth': p.birth,
        'death': p.death,
        'marriage': p.marriage
    } for p in all]

    data = {
        'persons': all,

    return HttpResponse(to_json(data), content_type='application/json')
コード例 #2
ファイル: pedigree.py プロジェクト: a59/geneapro
def __get_json_sosa_tree(graph, id, max_levels, style_rules,
                  maxdepthDescendants=1, last_gen_known=-1):
        :param last_gen_known: is the number of the last generation for which the
            client already has data, and thus do not need to be sent again. -1
            to retrieve all.
        :param maxdepthDescendants:
            The number of generations for which we compute the children.

    decujus = graph.node_from_id(id)
    styles = Styles(style_rules, graph, decujus=decujus.main_id)

    distance = dict()
    ancestors = graph.people_in_tree(
        id=decujus.main_id, maxdepthAncestors=max_levels - 1,
        maxdepthDescendants=0, distance=distance)
    ancestors = [a for a in ancestors if distance[a] >= last_gen_known]

    descendants = graph.people_in_tree(
        id=decujus.main_id, maxdepthAncestors=0,
        distance=distance, maxdepthDescendants=maxdepthDescendants)
    descendants = [
        a for a in descendants
        if a != decujus and distance[a] >= last_descendant_known]

    sosa_tree = dict()
    marriage = dict()
    children = {}

    persons = {}
    all_person_nodes = set(ancestors).union(descendants)
    if all_person_nodes:
        persons = extended_personas(
            all_person_nodes, styles,
            event_types=event_types_for_pedigree, graph=graph)

    def add_parents(p):
        p.generation = distance[graph.node_from_id(p.id)]
        if p.generation >= max_levels:

        fathers = graph.fathers(p.id)
        mothers = graph.mothers(p.id)
        p.parents = [
            None if not fathers else persons.get(fathers[0].main_id, None),
            None if not mothers else persons.get(mothers[0].main_id, None)]

        for pa in p.parents:
            if pa:

    def add_children(p, gen):
        p.children = []
        sorted = [(persons[node.main_id] if node.main_id in persons else None,
                  for node in graph.children(p.id)]
            key=lambda c: c[0].birth.Date if c[0] and c[0].birth else None)
        for c in sorted:
            if c[0]:
                c[0].generation = -gen # distance[c[1]]
                if gen < maxdepthDescendants:
                    add_children(c[0], gen + 1)

    main = persons[decujus.main_id]
    add_children(main, gen=1)

    # We will however return a simpler version of the information computed
    # above (which includes all known events for the persons)

    show_age = False
    def person_to_json_for_pedigree(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, models.Persona):
            d = obj.death
            if show_age and obj.birth:
                if d:
                    if d.Date:
                        d.Date += " (age %s)" % (
                            str(d.Date.years_since(obj.birth.Date)), )
                    d = {Date: " (age %s)" % (
                       str(DateRange.today().years_since(obj.birth.Date)), )}

            return {
                'id':   obj.id,
                'givn': obj.given_name,
                'surn': obj.surname,
                'sex':  obj.sex,
                'generation': obj.generation,
                'parents': obj.parents if hasattr(obj, 'parents') else None,
                'children': obj.children if hasattr(obj, 'children') else None,
                'style': obj.styles,
                'birth': obj.birth,
                'marriage': obj.marriage,
                'death': d}

    return to_json(
        obj= {'generations': max_levels,
              'descendants': maxdepthDescendants,
              'decujus':     main, 
              'styles':      styles.all_styles()},
コード例 #3
ファイル: pedigree.py プロジェクト: HairyDude/geneapro
def get_sosa_tree(graph, id, max_levels, style_rules,
                  maxdepthDescendants=1, last_gen_known=-1):
       :param last_gen_known: is the number of the last generation for which the
           client already has data, and thus do not need to be sent again. -1
           to retrieve all.
       :param maxdepthDescendants:
           The number of generations for which we compute the children.

   decujus = graph.node_from_id(id)

   styles = Styles(style_rules, graph, decujus=decujus.main_id)

   distance = dict()
   ancestors = graph.people_in_tree(
       id=decujus.main_id, maxdepthAncestors=max_levels - 1,
       maxdepthDescendants=0, distance=distance)
   ancestors = [a for a in ancestors if distance[a] >= last_gen_known]

   descendants = graph.people_in_tree(
       id=decujus.main_id, maxdepthAncestors=0,
       distance=distance, maxdepthDescendants=maxdepthDescendants)
   descendants = [a for a in descendants if distance[a] >= last_descendant_known]

   sosa_tree = dict()
   marriage = dict()
   children = {}
   persons = {}

   all_person_nodes = set(ancestors).union(descendants)
   if all_person_nodes:
       persons = extended_personas(
           all_person_nodes, styles,
           event_types=event_types_for_pedigree, graph=graph)

       def build_sosa_tree(sosa_tree, marriage, sosa, id):
           # A person might not be in 'persons', and yet its parent be there,
           # in case we have filtered out earlier generations.
           if id in persons:
               sosa_tree[sosa] = id
               persons[id].generation = distance[graph.node_from_id(id)]
               if persons[id].marriage:
                   marriage[sosa] = persons[id].marriage
           fathers = graph.fathers(id)
           if fathers:
               build_sosa_tree(sosa_tree, marriage, sosa * 2, fathers[0].main_id)
           mothers = graph.mothers(id)
           if mothers:
                   sosa_tree, marriage, sosa * 2 + 1, mothers[0].main_id)

       def build_children_tree(children, id, gen):
           if id in persons:
               children[id] = []
           sorted = [(persons[node.main_id] if node.main_id in persons else None, node)
                     for node in graph.children(id)]
           sorted.sort(key=lambda p: p[0].birth.Date if p[0] and p[0].birth else None)
           for p in sorted:
               if p[0]:
                   p[0].generation = -distance[p[1]]
                   if id in persons:
               if gen < maxdepthDescendants:
                   build_children_tree(children, id=p[0].id, gen=gen + 1)

       build_sosa_tree(sosa_tree, marriage, 1, decujus.main_id)
       build_children_tree(children, id=decujus.main_id, gen=1)

   return {'generations': max_levels,
           'descendants': maxdepthDescendants,
           'persons':     persons,    # All persons indexed by id
           'sosa':        sosa_tree,  # sosa_number -> person_id
           'children':    children,   # personId -> [children_id*]
           'marriage':    marriage,   # sosa_number -> marriage info
           'styles':      styles.all_styles()}
コード例 #4
    def get_json(self, params, id):
        # ??? Should lock until the view has been generated

        max_levels = int(params.get("gens", 5))
        last_descendant_known = int(params.get("desc_known", -1))

        # The number of generations for which we compute the children.
        maxdepthDescendants = int(params.get("descendant_gens", 1))

        # the number of the last generation for which the client already has
        # data, and thus do not need to be sent again. -1 to retrieve all.
        last_gen_known = int(params.get("gens_known", -1))

        # Whether to show full dates or only the year
        self.year_only = params.get('year_only', '') == 'true'

        decujus = graph.node_from_id(id)
        styles = Styles(style_rules, graph, decujus=decujus.main_id)

        distance = dict()
        people = graph.people_in_tree(
            maxdepthAncestors=max_levels - 1,
        ancestors = [a for a in people
                     if distance[a] >= 0 and distance[a] >= last_gen_known]
        descendants = [a for a in people
                       if a != decujus and distance[a] < 0
                       and distance[a] <= -last_descendant_known]

        sosa_tree = dict()
        marriage = dict()
        children = {}

        persons = {}
        all_person_nodes = set(ancestors).union(descendants)
        if all_person_nodes:
            persons = extended_personas(
                all_person_nodes, styles,
                event_types=event_types_for_pedigree, graph=graph)

        def add_parents(p):
            p.generation = distance[graph.node_from_id(p.id)]
            if p.generation >= max_levels:

            fathers = graph.fathers(p.id)
            mothers = graph.mothers(p.id)
            p.parents = [
                None if not fathers else persons.get(fathers[0].main_id, None),
                None if not mothers else persons.get(mothers[0].main_id, None)]

            for pa in p.parents:
                if pa:

        def add_children(p, gen):
            p.children = []
            sorted = [(persons[node.main_id] if node.main_id in persons else None,
                      for node in graph.children(p.id)]
                key=lambda c: c[0].birth.Date if c[0] and c[0].birth else None)
            for c in sorted:
                if c[0]:
                    c[0].generation = -gen # distance[c[1]]
                    if gen < maxdepthDescendants:
                        add_children(c[0], gen + 1)

        main = persons[decujus.main_id]
        add_children(main, gen=1)
        return {'generations': max_levels,
                'descendants': maxdepthDescendants,
                'decujus':     main, 
                'styles':      styles.all_styles()}
コード例 #5
ファイル: pedigree.py プロジェクト: sam-m888/geneapro
    def get_json(self, params, id):
        # ??? Should lock until the view has been generated

        max_levels = int(params.get("gens", 5))
        last_descendant_known = int(params.get("desc_known", -1))

        # The number of generations for which we compute the children.
        maxdepthDescendants = int(params.get("descendant_gens", 1))

        # the number of the last generation for which the client already has
        # data, and thus do not need to be sent again. -1 to retrieve all.
        last_gen_known = int(params.get("gens_known", -1))

        self.year_only = params.get('year_only', '') == 'true'

        decujus = global_graph.node_from_id(id)

        styles = Styles(style_rules(), global_graph, decujus=decujus.main_id)
        styles = None  # disabled for now

        distance = dict()
        people = global_graph.people_in_tree(
            maxdepthAncestors=max_levels - 1,
        ancestors = [a for a in people
                     if distance[a] >= 0 and distance[a] >= last_gen_known]
        descendants = [a for a in people
                       if a != decujus and distance[a] < 0 and
                       distance[a] <= -last_descendant_known]

        sosa_tree = dict()
        marriage = dict()
        children = {}

        persons = {}
        all_person_nodes = set(ancestors).union(descendants)
        if all_person_nodes:
            persons = extended_personas(
                all_person_nodes, styles,
                event_types=event_types_for_pedigree(), graph=global_graph)

        def add_parents(p):
            p.generation = distance[global_graph.node_from_id(p.id)]
            if p.generation >= max_levels:

            fathers = global_graph.fathers(p.id)
            mothers = global_graph.mothers(p.id)
            p.parents = [
                None if not fathers else fathers[0].main_id,
                None if not mothers else mothers[0].main_id]

            if fathers and fathers[0].main_id in persons:
            if mothers and mothers[0].main_id in persons:

        def add_children(p, gen):
            p.children = []
            sorted = [
                (persons[node.main_id] if node.main_id in persons else None,
                for node in global_graph.children(p.id)]
            for c in sorted:
                if c[0]:
                    c[0].generation = -gen  # distance[c[1]]
                    if gen < maxdepthDescendants:
                        add_children(c[0], gen + 1)

        main = persons[decujus.main_id]
        add_children(main, gen=1)
        main = persons[decujus.main_id]

        layout = {}
        for p in persons.values():
            layout[p.id] = {'children': getattr(p, 'children', None),
                            'parents': getattr(p, 'parents', None)}

        return {'generations': max_levels,
                'descendants': maxdepthDescendants,
                'decujus':     decujus.main_id,
                'persons':     list(persons.values()),
                'layout':      layout,
                'styles':      styles.all_styles() if styles is not None else None}