コード例 #1
def image_histogram_mapping_segmentation(*x, uv=False, normalize=False, reg_head=True, weighted=False, multioutput=False, clustering=False, correct=True):
    mask = x[1]
    img = x[0]
    gt = tf.cast(x[-1], dtype=tf.float32)
    if gt != None and correct:
        gt1 = tf.reshape(gt, (-1, 3))
        img = img / gt1[0]
        gt = gt1[1] / gt1[0]
        gt = tf.reshape(gt, (3,))
    h = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(img)[..., 0]
    img_uv, Iy = histogram.to_uv(img)

    Iy = tf.where(Iy < 0.01, 0., Iy)
    if normalize:
        Iy = tf.image.per_image_standardization(Iy[:, :, tf.newaxis])
        Iy = Iy[..., 0]

    img_hy = tf.stack([Iy, h, Iy], axis=-1)
    img_uv = tf.stack([Iy, img_uv[..., 0], img_uv[..., 1]], axis=-1)
    img = img_uv if uv else img

    if multioutput:
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)

        if weighted:
            return features, mask, gt, tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.), tf.ones((1,))
        return features, mask, gt

    elif clustering:
        gt1, gt2 = gt[:3], gt[3:]
        gt1 = gt1 / (tf.linalg.norm(gt1, axis=-1, ord=2, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)
        gt2 = gt2 / (tf.linalg.norm(gt2, axis=-1, ord=2, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)
        gt1 = visualizer.create_mask(gt1, sz =img.shape[-3:-1])
        gt2 = visualizer.create_mask(gt2, sz =img.shape[-3:-1])
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy, gt1, gt2), axis=-1)
        # gt_mask = mask[..., :3]
        # gt_mask = gt_mask / (tf.linalg.norm(gt_mask, axis=-1, ord=2, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)

        # mask = mask[..., -1:]

        if weighted:
            return features, mask, tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.)
        return features, mask

    elif reg_head:
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)
        gt_uv, gty = histogram.to_uv(tf.reshape(gt, (-1, 3)))
        gt_uv = tf.reshape(gt_uv, (2,))
        gt = gt_uv if uv else gt
        gt = [mask, gt] if multioutput else tf.concat([mask, tf.broadcast_to(gt, (*mask.shape[:-1], *gt.shape))], axis=-1)
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)
        gt = x[1]
    if weighted:
        return features, gt, tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.)
    return features, gt
コード例 #2
    def __single_loss__(self, e, y_pred, y_true):
        if y_true.shape[-1] == 3:
            y_true, _ = histogram.to_uv(y_true)

        # ytrue: (bs x 2)

        y_true = tf.map_fn(self.__bn__, y_true)
        # print(y_true.shape)
        index_true = tf.cast(y_true, tf.int32)
            'Target tensor must not contain nan or inf values',

        rgb_true = tf.gather(self.color_table_flat, index_true)
        if len(rgb_true.shape) == 3 and rgb_true.shape[1] == 1:
            rgb_true = rgb_true[:, 0, :]

        cos = create_loss_ct(rgb_true, self.os, self.depth,
                             self.color_table_flat)  #/ 3.14 * 180
        l = cos * y_pred

        if e == None:
            e = tf.reduce_sum(l)
            e = e + tf.reduce_sum(l)
        return e
コード例 #3
def multi_ese_mapping(*x, corrected_input=False, repeat_gt2=False, invert_mask=False):
    mask = x[1]
    img = x[0]
    gt = x[-1]
    gt = tf.reshape(gt, (-1,3))

    gt = tf.nn.l2_normalize(gt, axis=-1)

    h = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(img)[..., 0]
    _, Iy = histogram.to_uv(img)

    Iy = tf.where(Iy < 0.01, 0., Iy)
    img_hy = tf.stack([Iy, h, Iy], axis=-1)

    masks = mask
    masks_weights = tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.)
    gts = tf.reshape(gt, (-1,))
    gt_weights = tf.ones((1,))

    if corrected_input:
        img_cor = img / gt[0]
        features = tf.concat((img, img_cor, img_hy), axis=-1)
        return features, \
               mask, gts, \
               tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.), tf.ones((1,))
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)
        return (features, \
                gt[0], masks, gts, \
                gt_weights, masks_weights, gt_weights)
コード例 #4
def multi_segmentation_mapping(*x, rb=False, clustering=False, regression=False):
    mask = x[1]
    img = x[0]
    gt = x[-1]
    gt = tf.reshape(gt, (-1,3))
    gt = tf.nn.l2_normalize(gt, axis=-1)
    gt = tf.reshape(gt, (-1,))

    h = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(img)[..., 0]
    if rb:
        _, Iy = histogram.to_rb(img)
        # img = tf.stack([img[..., 0], img[..., 1], Iy],axis=-1)
        gt, _ = histogram.to_rb(gt)
        _, Iy = histogram.to_uv(img)

    Iy = tf.where(Iy < 0.01, 0., Iy)
    img_hy = tf.stack([Iy, h, Iy], axis=-1)

    if clustering:
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)
        gt = visualizer.create_mask(gt, sz =img.shape[-3:-1])
        mask = tf.concat([tf.cast(mask, float), gt], axis=-1)
    elif regression:
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)
        mask = mask / (tf.linalg.norm(mask, axis=-1, ord=2, keepdims=True) + 1e-7)
        img_cor = img / gt[0]
        features = tf.concat((img_cor, img_hy), axis=-1)

    return features, \
           mask, \
           tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.)
コード例 #5
def process_path_regression(file_path, type, uv, map_fn, sz):
    mask = get_mask(file_path)
    # load the raw data from the file as a string
    img = get_image(file_path)
    if type == TRAIN:
        img = augmentations.augment(img)[0]
    img = tf.image.resize(img, sz)

    if uv:
        img, Iy = histogram.to_uv(img)
        img = tf.stack([Iy, img[..., 0], img[..., 1]], axis=-1)
        mask = tf.reshape(mask, (-1, 3))
        mask, masky = histogram.to_uv(mask)
        mask = tf.reshape(mask, (-1, ))

    return map_fn(img, mask)
コード例 #6
def process_path_regression(file_path, ind, type, uv, gts, map_fn, sz, mi):
    gt = get_mask(ind, gts)
    # load the raw data from the file as a string
    img = get_image(file_path)
    if type == TRAIN:
        img = augmentations.augment(img, mask_image=True)[0]
    img = tf.image.resize(img, sz)

    if uv:
        img, Iy = histogram.to_uv(img)
        img = tf.stack([Iy, img[...,0], img[...,1]], axis=-1)
        gt = tf.reshape(gt, (-1, 3))
        gt, masky = histogram.to_uv(gt)
        gt = tf.reshape(gt, (-1,))

    if mi:
        return map_fn(img, tf.ones_like(img) * 0.5, gt)
    return map_fn(img, gt)
コード例 #7
def ese_mapping(*x, corrected_input=False, pivot_gt=None, repeat_gt2=False, invert_mask=False, rb=False):
    mask = x[1]
    img = x[0]
    gt = tf.cast(x[-1], dtype=tf.float32)
    gt = tf.reshape(gt, (-1,3))

    gt = tf.nn.l2_normalize(gt, axis=-1)

    h = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(img)[..., 0]
    if rb:
        _, Iy = histogram.to_rb(img)
        # img = tf.stack([img[..., 0], img[..., 1], Iy],axis=-1)
        gt, _ = histogram.to_rb(gt)
        _, Iy = histogram.to_uv(img)

    Iy = tf.where(Iy < 0.01, 0., Iy)
    img_hy = tf.stack([Iy, h, Iy], axis=-1)

    if pivot_gt is not None:
        pivot_gt = tf.constant(pivot_gt)
        c1 = cosine_similarity(gt[0], pivot_gt)
        c2 = cosine_similarity(gt[1], pivot_gt)
        if c2 < c1:
            gt = tf.stack([gt[1], gt[0]], axis=0)
            mask = tf.ones_like(mask) - mask

    masks = [mask] if not invert_mask else [mask,  tf.ones_like(mask) - mask]
    masks_weights = [tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.)] if not invert_mask else [tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.), tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.)]
    gts = [gt[0]] if not repeat_gt2 else [gt[0], gt[1]]
    gt_weights = [tf.ones((1,))] if not repeat_gt2 else [tf.ones((1,)), tf.ones((1,))]

    if corrected_input:
        img_cor = img / gt[0]
        features = tf.concat((img, img_cor, img_hy), axis=-1)
        return features, \
               mask, gt[0], gt[1], \
               tf.where(Iy == 0., 0., 1.), tf.ones((1,)), tf.ones((1,))
        features = tf.concat((img, img_hy), axis=-1)
        return (features, \
                *gts, *masks, gt[0], gt[1], \
                *gt_weights, *masks_weights, tf.ones((1,)), tf.ones((1,)))
コード例 #8
    def __multi_loss__(self, e, y_pred, y_true):
        if y_true.shape[-1] == 6:
            y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, (-1, 2, 3))
            y_true, _ = histogram.to_uv(y_true)
        elif y_true.shape[-1] == 4:
            y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, (-1, 2, 2))

        # ytrue: (bs x 2 x 2)

        y_true = tf.map_fn(
            lambda x: tf.stack((self.__bn__(x[0]), self.__bn__(x[1]))), y_true)
        # print(y_true.shape)
        index_true = tf.cast(y_true, tf.int32)

            'Target tensor must not contain nan or inf values',
        rgb_true = tf.gather(self.color_table_flat, index_true)

        cos1 = create_loss_ct(rgb_true[:, 0, :], self.os, self.depth,
        cos2 = create_loss_ct(rgb_true[:, 1, :], self.os, self.depth,
        cos = 2 / (1 / cos1 + 1 / cos2)

        # l1 = tf.sqrt(cos1) * y_pred
        # l2 = tf.sqrt(cos2) * y_pred
        l = cos * y_pred
                                       'Loss must not have nan values',
        # l = l1 + l2

        if e == None:
            e = tf.reduce_sum(l)
            e = e + tf.reduce_sum(l)
        return e  # + self.cc(y_true, y_pred)
コード例 #9
        return np.concatenate(([0 for k in range(n - 1)], mv))

    with tf.device('/device:cpu:0'):
        img_path = 'D:/fax/Cube2/outdoor/canon_550d/outdoor1/4'
        inpt = tf.ones((1, 100, 100, 5))
        inpt2 = tf.random.uniform((1, 100, 100, 5))
        inpt = tf.concat((inpt, inpt2), axis=0)
        d = 256
        hist = DiffHist(d, (0, 1), w_init=1 / d)
        inpt = Cube2Dataset.get_image(img_path, 'img.png', 256, 512)
        inpt = tf.expand_dims(inpt, axis=0)
        # inpt = dp.__process_images__(inpt, [1, 4])
        inpt_rg = tf.math.divide_no_nan(inpt[..., 0], inpt[..., 1])
        inpt_bg = tf.math.divide_no_nan(inpt[..., 2], inpt[..., 1])
        inpt_rb = tf.stack((inpt_rg, inpt_bg), axis=-1)
        inpt_uv, Iy = histogram.to_uv(inpt)
        inpt_hsv = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(inpt)
        inpt_h = inpt_hsv[..., 0:1]

        # inpt_rb = tf.expand_dims(inpt_rb, axis=0)
        # inpt_rb = tf.concat((inpt_rb[:,0,:,:,:], inpt_rb[:,1,:,:,:]), axis=-1)
        # Iy = tf.transpose(Iy, (1, 2, 0))

        Iy = tf.where(Iy < 0.05, 0., Iy)
        w = tf.where(Iy == 0., Iy, tf.ones_like(Iy))
        y = hist(inpt_h)
        y = y * tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(w, axis=-1), axis=-1)
        y = tf.reduce_sum(y, axis=[1, 2])
        y = tf.sqrt(y / tf.reduce_sum(y, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
        rb = tf.argmax(y, axis=-1)
コード例 #10
 def f(img):
     return histogram.to_uv(img)[0]