コード例 #1
    def get_observation(self, x):
        obs_sample = Sample(meta_data=params, T=2)

        ### collision
        coll_time = self.coll_callback.get()
        is_coll = coll_time is not None
        obs_sample.set_O([int(is_coll)], t=0, sub_obs='collision')

        ### camera
        image_msgs = self.image_callback.get()
        assert(len(image_msgs) > 0)
        ### keep only those before the collision
        if is_coll:
            image_msgs_filt = [im for im in image_msgs if im.header.stamp.to_sec() < coll_time.to_sec()]
            if len(image_msgs_filt) == 0:
                image_msgs_filt = [image_msgs[-1]]
            image_msgs = image_msgs_filt
        image_msg = image_msgs[-1]
        im = AgentBebop2d.process_image(image_msg, self.cv_bridge)
        # im = np.zeros((params['O']['camera']['height'], params['O']['camera']['width']), dtype=np.float32)
        obs_sample.set_O(im.ravel(), t=0, sub_obs='camera')
        ### publish image for debugging
        self.im_debug_pub.publish(self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg((255. * im).astype(np.uint8), 'mono8'))

        return obs_sample.get_O(t=0)
コード例 #2
    def get_observation(self, x):
        obs_sample = Sample(meta_data=params, T=2)

        if self.sim:
            is_coll = self.sim_coll
            image_msg = self.sim_image
            depth_msg = self.sim_depth
            back_image_msg = self.sim_back_image
            back_depth_msg = self.sim_back_depth
            ### collision
            coll_time = self.coll_callback.get()
            is_coll = coll_time is not None

            ### camera
            image_msgs = self.image_callback.get()
            assert (len(image_msgs) > 0)
            ### keep only those before the collision
            if is_coll:
                image_msgs_filt = [
                    im for im in image_msgs
                    if im.header.stamp.to_sec() < coll_time.to_sec()
                if len(image_msgs_filt) == 0:
                    image_msgs_filt = [image_msgs[-1]]
                image_msgs = image_msgs_filt
            image_msg = image_msgs[-1]

        if params['O'].get('use_depth', False):
            im = AgentRCcar.process_depth(depth_msg, self.cv_bridge)
            back_im = AgentRCcar.process_depth(back_depth_msg, self.cv_bridge)
            im = AgentRCcar.process_image(image_msg, self.cv_bridge)
            back_im = AgentRCcar.process_image(back_image_msg, self.cv_bridge)

        ros_image = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(im, "mono8")
        obs_sample.set_O(im.ravel(), t=0, sub_obs='camera')
        obs_sample.set_O(back_im.ravel(), t=0, sub_obs='back_camera')
        obs_sample.set_O([int(is_coll)], t=0, sub_obs='collision')
        return obs_sample.get_O(t=0)