コード例 #1
ファイル: dead_simple.py プロジェクト: Lucretiel/SignServer
def send():
    params = bottle.request.query

    if 'text' not in params:
        raise HTTPError(400, 'Need text to send!')

    if 'label' in params:
        label = params.label.lower()
        label = 'A'

    text = params.text
    color = constants.get_color(params.get('color', 'NONE'))
    mode = constants.get_mode(params.get('mode', 'COMPRESSED_ROTATE'))

    text = color + text
    text = general.parse_colors(text)

    if label == 'A':
        text = parse_labels(text)

    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(read_raw_memory_table(), label)
    if len(text) >= memory_entry['size']:
        raise HTTPError(400, 'Not enough space allocated. Need at least %s bytes.' % (len(text) + 1))

    if label == 'A':
        sign.write(alphasign.Text(text, label=label, mode=mode))
        sign.write(alphasign.String(text, label=label))

    return {'result': 'Sucessfully sent text'}
コード例 #2
def send():
    params = bottle.request.query

    if 'text' not in params:
        raise HTTPError(400, 'Need text to send!')

    if 'label' in params:
        label = params.label.lower()
        label = 'A'

    text = params.text
    color = constants.get_color(params.get('color', 'NONE'))
    mode = constants.get_mode(params.get('mode', 'COMPRESSED_ROTATE'))

    text = color + text
    text = general.parse_colors(text)

    if label == 'A':
        text = parse_labels(text)

    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(read_raw_memory_table(), label)
    if len(text) >= memory_entry['size']:
        raise HTTPError(
            400, 'Not enough space allocated. Need at least %s bytes.' %
            (len(text) + 1))

    if label == 'A':
        sign.write(alphasign.Text(text, label=label, mode=mode))
        sign.write(alphasign.String(text, label=label))

    return {'result': 'Sucessfully sent text'}
コード例 #3
ファイル: hud.py プロジェクト: bricks42/BrutalRL
def draw_messages(player, start_pos = 0):
	X, Y, W, H = 30, 40, 50, 10
	libtcod.console_set_background_color(0, libtcod.black)
	libtcod.console_rect(0, X, Y, W, H, True, libtcod.BKGND_SET)
	libtcod.console_set_foreground_color(0, libtcod.white)
	if start_pos > 0:
		offset = 1
		libtcod.console_print_left(0, X + 1, Y + 0, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, '? Too many messages; [any] to see more')
		offset = 0
		for m, message in enumerate(player.message_log[start_pos:]):
			color = message.has_seen and libtcod.grey or libtcod.white
			libtcod.console_set_foreground_color(0, color)
			wrapped = wrap_text(message.text, W - 3, subsequent_indent = ' ')
			for line, text in enumerate(wrapped):
				if line == 0:
					if message.symbol1:
						libtcod.console_put_char_ex( 0, X + ((message.symbol2 is None) and 1 or 0), Y + offset, message.symbol1[0], message.symbol1[1] * (message.has_seen and 0.5 or 1), message.symbol1[2] * (message.has_seen and 0.5 or 1))
					if message.symbol2:
						libtcod.console_put_char_ex( 0, X + 1, Y + offset, message.symbol2[0], message.symbol2[1] * (message.has_seen and 0.5 or 1), message.symbol2[2] * (message.has_seen and 0.5 or 1))
				parsed_text, parse_data = parse_colors(text)
				libtcod.console_print_left(0, X + 3, Y + offset, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, parsed_text%parse_data)
				offset += 1
				if offset >= H:
					if (not message.has_seen and line + 1 < len(wrapped)) or (m + 1 < len(player.message_log) and not player.message_log[start_pos+m+1].has_seen):
						raise TooManyMessages()
						raise LogIsFull()
	except LogIsFull:
	except TooManyMessages:
		draw_messages(player, start_pos + 1)
	for message in player.message_log[start_pos:]:
		message.has_seen = True
	if start_pos > 0:
		key = libtcod.console_wait_for_keypress(True)
コード例 #4
ファイル: sign_direct.py プロジェクト: danielchang/SignServer
def write_file(request, label):
    memory_table = read_raw_memory_table()

    if 'type' in request:
        general.validate_label(label, request['type'], memory_table)

    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(memory_table, label)
    memory_table = sign.parse_raw_memory_table(memory_table)

    file_type = memory_entry['type']

    if file_type == 'TEXT' or file_type == 'STRING':
        data = request['text']

        #Prepend color. Ignore invalid colors.
        data = constants.get_color(request.get('color', 'NO_COLOR')) + data

        #parse colors
        data = general.parse_colors(data)

        #text-specific processing
        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            data = general.parse_labels(data, memory_table)

        #check size
        if len(data) > memory_entry['size']:
            raise HTTPError(
                'Not enough memory allocated. Requires %s, only %s allocated.'
                % (len(data), memory_entry['size']))

        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            mode = constants.get_mode(request.get('mode', 'HOLD'))
            obj = alphasign.Text(data, label=label, mode=mode)
        elif file_type == 'STRING':
            obj = alphasign.String(data, label=label)

    elif file_type == 'DOTS':
        data = request['data']
        rows = memory_entry['rows']
        columns = memory_entry['columns']

        obj = alphasign.Dots(rows, columns, label=label)

        for i, row in enumerate(data[:rows]):
            obj.set_row(i, row)

    return {'result': 'memory written successfully'}
コード例 #5
ファイル: help.py プロジェクト: bricks42/BrutalRL
def display_help():
	help_menu_console = libtcod.console_new(80, 50)
	while True:
		for line, text in enumerate(HELP_TEXT):
			parsed_text, parse_data = parse_colors(text)
			libtcod.console_print_left(help_menu_console, 0, line, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, parsed_text%parse_data)
		libtcod.console_blit(help_menu_console, 0, 0, 80, 50, 0, 0, 0)
		key = libtcod.console_wait_for_keypress(True)
		if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE or key.c == ord('?'):
コード例 #6
ファイル: sign_direct.py プロジェクト: Lucretiel/SignServer
def write_file(request, label):        
    memory_table = read_raw_memory_table()
    if 'type' in request:
        general.validate_label(label, request['type'], memory_table)
    memory_entry = sign.find_entry(memory_table, label)
    memory_table = sign.parse_raw_memory_table(memory_table)
    file_type = memory_entry['type']
    if file_type == 'TEXT' or file_type == 'STRING':
        data = request['text']
        #Prepend color. Ignore invalid colors.
        data = constants.get_color(request.get('color', 'NO_COLOR')) + data
        #parse colors
        data = general.parse_colors(data)
        #text-specific processing
        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            data = general.parse_labels(data, memory_table)
        #check size
        if len(data) > memory_entry['size']:
            raise HTTPError(400, 'Not enough memory allocated. Requires %s, only %s allocated.' % (len(data), memory_entry['size']))
        if file_type == 'TEXT':
            mode = constants.get_mode(request.get('mode', 'HOLD'))
            obj = alphasign.Text(data, label=label, mode=mode)
        elif file_type == 'STRING':
            obj = alphasign.String(data, label=label)
    elif file_type == 'DOTS':
        data = request['data']
        rows = memory_entry['rows']
        columns = memory_entry['columns']
        obj = alphasign.Dots(rows, columns, label=label)
        for i, row in enumerate(data[:rows]):
            obj.set_row(i, row)
    return {'result': 'memory written successfully'}
コード例 #7
ファイル: messagelog.py プロジェクト: bricks42/BrutalRL
def display_message_log(player):
	message_log_console = libtcod.console_new(80, 40)
	start_on_line = 0
	focus = 0
	n_messages = len(player.message_log)
	while True:
		# draw the log
		libtcod.console_set_foreground_color(message_log_console, libtcod.white)
		libtcod.console_print_center(message_log_console, 40, 1, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, 'Message Log')
		offset = 3
		line_n = 0
		focus_age = player.message_log[focus].age
		focus_drawn = False
			for n, message in enumerate(player.message_log):
				for line, text in enumerate(wrap_text(message.text, 75, subsequent_indent = ' ')):
					if line_n < start_on_line:
						line_n += 1
						if n == focus:
							raise FocusAboveScreen()
					if message.age == focus_age:
						shade = 1
						shade = 0.5
					libtcod.console_set_foreground_color(message_log_console, libtcod.white * shade)
					if line == 0:
						if n == focus:
							libtcod.console_put_char_ex( message_log_console, 0, offset, libtcod.CHAR_ARROW_E, libtcod.white, libtcod.black)
						if message.symbol1:
							libtcod.console_put_char_ex( message_log_console, (message.symbol2 is None) and 2 or 1, offset, message.symbol1[0], message.symbol1[1] * shade, message.symbol1[2] * shade )
						if message.symbol2:
							libtcod.console_put_char_ex( message_log_console, 2, offset, message.symbol2[0], message.symbol2[1] * shade, message.symbol2[2] * shade )
					parsed_text, parse_data = parse_colors(text)
					libtcod.console_print_left(message_log_console, 4, offset, libtcod.BKGND_NONE, parsed_text%parse_data)
					offset += 1
					if offset >= 39:
						if focus_drawn:
							raise LogIsFull()
							raise FocusBelowScreen()
				if n == focus:
					focus_drawn = True
		except LogIsFull:
		except FocusAboveScreen:
			start_on_line = max(0, start_on_line - 35)
		except FocusBelowScreen:
			start_on_line += 35
		libtcod.console_blit(message_log_console, 0, 0, 80, 40, 0, 0, 0)
		# wait for input
		key = libtcod.console_wait_for_keypress(True)
		if key.vk == libtcod.KEY_ESCAPE or key.c == ord('m'):
		elif key.vk in DIRECTION_KEYS and DIRECTION_KEYS[key.vk][0] == 0:
			focus += DIRECTION_KEYS[key.vk][1]
			focus %= n_messages