def __init__(self, center, from_optic, **extras): my=quadrupler optics={} ent=optics[my.ENTRANCE]=mir("quadrupler entrance") exit=optics[my.EXIT]=null_optic("quadrupler exit", (0,0,-1.0)) l1=optics[my.L1]=lens("quadrupler telescope 1", f=+0.300) l2=optics[my.L2]=lens("quadrupler telescope 2", f=-0.150).place_between(ent, exit, 0.111).tilt_off_axis(4.0) #print l2.strength green=optics[my.DOUBLE]=null_optic("green crystal").place_between(l2, exit, 0.1) optics[my.QUADRUPLE]=null_optic("UV crystal").place_between(green, exit, 0.1) order=(my.L1, my.ENTRANCE, my.L2, my.DOUBLE, my.QUADRUPLE, my.EXIT) composite_optic.init(self, "quadrupler", optics, order, (0,0,0), center, 0, extras=extras ) l1.place_between(from_optic, ent, -0.04)
def __init__(self, **extras): inch=0.0254 entrance_y=5.0*inch y0=2.5*inch #height of main line off table) my=blue_through_ylf optics={} #first, list all mirrors, and point them at each other optics[my.UVM1]=mir("UVM1", (13*inch, entrance_y, 7.5*inch)) optics[my.UVM2]=mir("UVM2", (7.5*inch, entrance_y, 7.5*inch)) optics[my.PS1u]=mir("Blue Peri 1 upper", (8*inch, entrance_y, 37*inch)) optics[my.PS1d]=mir("Blue Peri 1 lower", (8*inch, y0, 37*inch)) optics[my.UVM3]=mir("UVM3", (36*inch, y0, 38*inch)) optics[my.UVM4]=mir("UVM4", (36*inch, y0, 137.5*inch)) optics[my.UVM5]=mir("UVM5", (43.5*inch, y0, 49.5*inch)) optics[my.UVM6]=mir("UVM6", (46.5*inch, y0, 137.5*inch)) optics[my.UVM7]=mir("UVM7", (38*inch, y0, 38*inch)) optics[my.UVM8]=mir("UVM8", (41.5*inch, y0, 136*inch)) optics[my.UVM9]=mir("UVM9", (53*inch, y0, 136*inch)) optics[my.UVM10]=mir("UVM10", (53*inch, y0, 41*inch)) optics[my.UVM11]=mir("UVM11", (48*inch, y0, 41*inch)) optics[my.UVM12]=mir("YLF retro", (48*inch, y0,80.5*inch)) optics[my.YLF_SPLIT]=mir("YLF exit splitter", (48*inch, y0, 47.8*inch)) optics[my.UVL1]=lens("UVL1", f=+0.75).place_between(optics[my.UVM3], optics[my.UVM4], 4.0*inch) optics[my.UVL2]=lens("UVL2", f=+1.00).place_between(optics[my.UVL1], optics[my.UVM4], 83*inch-0.0*inch) optics[my.DEMAG1]=lens("UVL3", f=+0.75).place_between(optics[my.UVM9], optics[my.UVM10], 23.0*inch) optics[my.DEMAG2]=lens("UVL4", f=+1.00).place_between(optics[my.DEMAG1], optics[my.UVM10], 1.7+5.0*inch) optics[my.SERR]=null_optic("Serr. Aperture", width=1.0*inch, thickness=0.1*inch).place_between(optics[my.DEMAG1], optics[my.DEMAG2], 3*inch) optics[my.FILTER]=null_optic("Filter Aperture", width=1.0*inch, thickness=0.1*inch).place_between(optics[my.DEMAG1], optics[my.DEMAG2], 0.75) looks=[my.UVM1, my.UVM2, my.PS1u, my.PS1d, my.UVM3, my.UVM4, my.UVM5, my.UVM6, my.UVM7, my.UVM8, my.UVM9, my.UVM10, my.UVM11, my.UVM12, my.YLF_SPLIT] #align all mirrors for i in range(1, len(looks)-1): optics[looks[i]].set_direction(optics[looks[i-1]], optics[looks[i+1]]) order=[my.UVM1, my.UVM2, my.PS1u, my.PS1d, my.UVM3, my.UVL1, my.UVL2, my.UVM4, my.UVM5, my.UVM6, my.UVM7, my.UVM8, my.UVM9, my.DEMAG1, my.SERR, my.FILTER, my.DEMAG2, my.UVM10, my.UVM11, my.UVM12, my.YLF_SPLIT] #specify center and reference as (0,0,0) to make our coordinates absolute composite_optic.init(self, "blue line", optics, order, (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0, extras=extras )
def __init__(self, center, from_optic, **extras): my = quadrupler optics = {} ent = optics[my.ENTRANCE] = mir("quadrupler entrance") exit = optics[my.EXIT] = null_optic("quadrupler exit", (0, 0, -1.0)) l1 = optics[my.L1] = lens("quadrupler telescope 1", f=+0.300) l2 = optics[my.L2] = lens("quadrupler telescope 2", f=-0.150).place_between( ent, exit, 0.111).tilt_off_axis(4.0) # print l2.strength green = optics[my.DOUBLE] = null_optic("green crystal").place_between( l2, exit, 0.1) optics[my.QUADRUPLE] = null_optic("UV crystal").place_between( green, exit, 0.1) order = (my.L1, my.ENTRANCE, my.L2, my.DOUBLE, my.QUADRUPLE, my.EXIT) composite_optic.init(self, "quadrupler", optics, order, (0, 0, 0), center, 0, extras=extras) l1.place_between(from_optic, ent, -0.04)
def show_table(): inch = 0.0254 lambda0 = 1.054e-6 spitfire_exit = Numeric.array((2 * inch, 5 * inch, -0.65)) compressor_entrance = Numeric.array((45.5 * inch, 2.5 * inch, 46.5 * inch)) optics = {} BLUELINE = 'bl' SPLIT = 'split' START = 'start' COMP = 'compressor' QUAD = 'quadrupler' IR = 'ir' IR_COMP = 'ir compressor' BE_TURN = 'be_turn' IZ_SCREEN = 'iz' optics[START] = null_optic("start", spitfire_exit) optics[BLUELINE] = blueline = blue_through_ylf() optics[SPLIT] = split1 = reflector("splitter1", center=(2 * inch, 5 * inch, 3 * inch)) optics[IR] = irline = ir_line() comp = optics[COMP] = blue_compressor(38.5, 1.28, lambda0, center=compressor_entrance, angle=270) mainbeam = beam(spitfire_exit, qtens(lambda0, spitfire.q0), lambda0) # print mainbeam.q split1.set_direction(spitfire_exit, blueline) blueline.set_entrance_direction(split1) blueline.set_exit_direction(comp) comp.rotate_to_axis(blueline) q = optics[QUAD] = quadrupler(center=(40 * inch, 2.5 * inch, 34.5 * inch), from_optic=comp[blue_compressor.TM1]) comp.set_exit_direction(q) q.set_entrance_direction(comp) blue_sys = composite_optic("blue_sys", optics, [START, SPLIT, BLUELINE, COMP, QUAD], (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0) irline.set_entrance_direction(spitfire_exit) # align compressor table to output of main IR line ir_sys = composite_optic("ir_sys", optics, [START, IR], (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0).clone() pointer = trace_path(ir_sys, mainbeam.clone())[-1] pointer.free_drift(1.0) optics[IR_COMP] = ircomp = ir_compressor(center=pointer.x0, angle=math.atan(0.2) / deg) ircomp.set_entrance_direction(irline) # now, align IZ ir_sys = composite_optic("ir_sys", optics, [START, IR, IR_COMP], (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0).clone() pointer = trace_path(ir_sys, mainbeam.clone())[-1] pointer.free_drift(1.0) bemir = optics[BE_TURN] = reflector("be turn mirror", center=pointer.x0, angle=45.0) bemir.transport_to_here(pointer).transform(pointer) pointer.free_drift(0.1) dz = pointer.q.next_waist() pointer.free_drift(dz) optics[IZ_SCREEN] = null_optic("IZ", pointer.x0) ir_sys = composite_optic("ir_sys", optics, [START, IR, IR_COMP, BE_TURN, IZ_SCREEN], (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0) whole_table = composite_optic( "whole table", optics, [START, SPLIT, BLUELINE, COMP, QUAD, IR, IR_COMP, BE_TURN, IZ_SCREEN], (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0) ir_trace = trace_path(ir_sys, mainbeam.clone()) ir_trace.color = blue_trace = trace_path(blue_sys, mainbeam.clone()) blue_trace.color = if table_layout: g = draw_everything({"sys": whole_table}, ir_trace, (-.25, 5), (0, 2.5), three_d=0) draw_trace(g, blue_trace) #g=draw_everything({"sys":sys}, trace, (0.5,1.1), (0.8,1.1), three_d=0) #g=draw_everything({"sys":sys}, trace, (0.7,1.3), (0.9,1.2), three_d=0) if show_qd: graphite.genOutput(g, 'QD', canvasname="Compressor layout", size=(900, 500)) if show_pdf: graphite.genOutput(g, 'PDF', canvasname="Tablelayout", size=(900, 500)) # print trace[0] plotq(blue_trace) if 0: glabel = ircomp.mark_label(ircomp.INPUT) m = ir_trace[(glabel, 0)] print("\n\n**start**\n\n") print(m.incoming_direction, m.direction()) print(m.incoming_q) print(m.incoming_q.qi_moments()[1:3]) print(m.incoming_q.q_moments()[1:3]) print(m.incoming_q.qit, "\n") print(m.localize_transform_tensor) print(m.footprint_q) print(m.footprint_q.qi_moments()[1:3]) print(m.footprint_q.q_moments()[1:3]) print(m.footprint_q.qit, "\n") print(m.globalize_transform_tensor) print(m.q) print(m.q.qi_moments()[1:3]) print(m.q.q_moments()[1:3]) print(m.q.qit, "\n") glabel = ircomp.mark_label(ircomp.INPUT) # endpoint=ir_trace[(glabel,0)] #get first hit on optic <glabel> endpoint = ir_trace[-1] q = endpoint.q t, qx0, qy0 = q.qi_moments() theta = math.atan2(t[0, 1].real, t[0, 0].real) / deg qxx, qyy = endpoint.transform_q_to_table(q) dzx, dzy = (1e6 / qxx).real, (1e6 / qyy).real print(( "qxx = %.1f, dzx = %.0f, qyy=%.1f, dzy=%.0f, (in um), theta=%.1f deg" % ([1] * 1e6, dzx,[1] * 1e6, dzy, theta)))
def doit_bc(theta1, clen, lambda0, drawit=0): print("\n\n***start blue line trace***\n") grating_offset = -0.075 exit_height = 0 exit_z = -0.3 eta1 = 0.0 optics = {} END = 'end' optics[END] = null_optic("end", (0.15, exit_height, 0), 0) START = 'start' optics[START] = null_optic("start", (0, 0, -0.85)) tracebeam = basebeam.clone() system_center = Numeric.array((-0.1, 0, -0.85)) basebeam = beam(system_center, qtens(lambda0, q=spitfire.q0), lambda0) tracebeam.free_drift(-0.2) COMP = 'comp' comp = optics[COMP] = blue_compressor(theta1, clen, lambda0, center=system_center, angle=rotation) TM2 = 'turn2' optics[TM2] = reflector("output turn 2", angle=0, center=(0.15, exit_height, -0.6), width=.025) optics[COMP].set_exit_direction(optics[TM2]) optics[TM2].set_direction(optics[COMP], optics[END]) sys_order = (START, COMP, TM2, DEMAG1, DEMAG2, END) GRATE = comp.mark_label(blue_compressor.GRATE) IR1 = comp.mark_label(blue_compressor.IR1) IR2 = comp.mark_label(blue_compressor.IR2) optic_sys = composite_optic("system", optics, sys_order, center=optics[START].center) trace0 = trace_path(optic_sys, tracebeam.shift_lambda(0)) trace0.color = trace1 = trace_path(optic_sys, tracebeam.shift_lambda(-0.5e-9)) trace1.color = trace2 = trace_path(optic_sys, tracebeam.shift_lambda(+0.5e-9)) trace2.color = try: # if one of the traces failed, this may not work print("Theta1=%.3f eta=%.3f len=%.3f lambda=%.4f" % (theta1, eta1, clen, lambda0 * 1e6)) d0 = trace0[-1]['total_drift'] d1 = trace1[-1]['total_drift'] d2 = trace2[-1]['total_drift'] print(( "d(lambda0-0.5nm)=%.3f m, d(lambda0+0.5nm)=%.3f m, dt/dl=%.0f ps/nm, " % (d1, d2, (d2 - d1) * 1e12 / clight)), end=' ') print("d2t/dl2 = %.2f ps/nm^2" % ((d2 + d1 - 2.0 * d0) * (1e12 / clight) * 4)) spot1info = trace0[(GRATE, 0)] spot2info = trace0[(GRATE, 1)] ir1info = trace0[(IR1, 0)] ir2info = trace0[(IR2, 0)] spot_offset = spot2info['position'] - spot1info['position'] retro_offset = ir2info['position'] - ir1info['position'] print("Grating offset = %.3f, retro_offset=%.3f" % (vec_mag(spot_offset), vec_mag(retro_offset))) print("measured vertex length = %.3f" % vec_mag(comp[GRATE].center - comp[IR1].center)) print("dispersion offset on grating = %.3f m / nm" % vec_mag(trace2[(GRATE, 1)]['position'] - trace1[(GRATE, 1)]['position'])) print("final q = ", trace0[-1]['q']) except: traceback.print_exc() pass if drawit: g = draw_everything({"sys": optic_sys}, trace0, (-.9, .1), (-.5, .5), three_d=0) #g=draw_everything(optics, trace0, (-2, 2), (-2, 2)) draw_trace(g, trace1) draw_trace(g, trace2) graphite.genOutput(g, 'QD', canvasname="Compressor layout", size=(600, 500))
def __init__(self, **extras): inch = 0.0254 entrance_y = 5.0 * inch exit_y = 13.5 * inch my = ir_line optics = {} # first, list all mirrors, and point them at each other optics[my.M1] = mir("M1", (2 * inch, entrance_y, 10 * inch)) optics[my.M2] = mir("M2", (4 * inch, entrance_y, 10 * inch)) optics[my.TrM1] = mir("TrM1", (4 * inch, entrance_y, 96 * inch)) optics[my.TrM2] = mir("TrM2", (6 * inch, entrance_y, 96 * inch)) optics[my.TrM3] = mir("TrM3", (6 * inch, entrance_y, 82.5 * inch)) optics[my.TrM4] = mir("TrM4", (2 * inch, entrance_y, 82.5 * inch)) optics[my.M3] = mir("M3", (4 * inch, entrance_y, 135 * inch)) optics[my.M4] = mir("M4", (12 * inch, entrance_y, 135 * inch)) optics[my.M5] = mir("M5", (13 * inch, entrance_y, 105 * inch)) optics[my.M6] = mir("M6", (14 * inch, entrance_y, 105 * inch)) optics[my.M7] = mir("M7", (16.5 * inch, entrance_y, 3 * inch)) optics[my.M8] = mir("M8", (24 * inch, entrance_y, 3 * inch)) optics[my.M9] = mir("M9", (23 * inch, entrance_y, 135 * inch)) optics[my.M10] = mir("M10", (33 * inch, entrance_y, 134.5 * inch)) optics[my.M11] = mir("M11", (33 * inch, entrance_y, -6 * inch)) optics[my.BP4] = PL_brewster_filter("BP4", (33 * inch, entrance_y, 27 * inch), reversed=1) optics[my.M12] = mir("M12", (20 * inch, entrance_y, 33 * inch)) optics[my.M13] = mir("M13", (20 * inch, entrance_y, 12 * inch)) optics[my.M14] = mir("M14", (8.5 * inch, entrance_y, 11.5 * inch)) optics[my.M15] = mir("M15", (8.5 * inch, exit_y, 11.5 * inch)) optics[my.EXIT] = sys_exit = null_optic( "exit", (10.0 * inch, exit_y, 142.0 * inch)) optics[my.L1] = lens("L1", f=+0.400).place_between(optics[my.M2], optics[my.TrM1], 12.0 * inch) optics[my.L2] = lens("L2", f=+0.800).place_between(optics[my.L1], optics[my.TrM1], 1.30) optics[my.L3] = lens("L3", f=+0.750).place_between(optics[my.M6], optics[my.M7], 10 * inch) optics[my.L4] = lens("L4", f=+1.500).place_between(optics[my.L3], optics[my.M7], 2.25) optics[my.L5] = lens("L5", f=+0.750).place_between(optics[my.M10], optics[my.M11], 5 * inch) optics[my.L6] = lens("L6", f=+1.500).place_between(optics[my.L5], optics[my.M11], 95.5 * inch) optics[my.L7] = lens("L7", f=+0.750).place_between(optics[my.M15], sys_exit, 4.5 * inch) optics[my.L8] = lens("L8", f=+2.500, width=6 * inch, thickness=0.25 * inch).place_between( optics[my.M15], sys_exit, -1 * inch).tilt_off_axis((0, 45, 0)) optics[my.G9a] = laser_head("9mm-1", width=2.0 * inch, thickness=6.0 * inch, rodsize=0.009).\ place_between(optics[my.M4], optics[my.M5], 9 * inch) optics[my.G9b] = laser_head("9mm-2", width=2.0 * inch, thickness=6.0 * inch, rodsize=0.009).\ place_between(optics[my.M4], optics[my.M5], 23 * inch) optics[my.G25a] = laser_head("25mm-1", width=6.0 * inch, thickness=12.0 * inch, rodsize=0.025).\ place_between(optics[my.M8], optics[my.M9], 74 * inch) optics[my.G25b] = laser_head("25mm-2", width=6.0 * inch, thickness=12.0 * inch, rodsize=0.025).\ place_between(optics[my.M8], optics[my.M9], 94 * inch) optics[my.G50] = laser_head("50mm", width=9.0 * inch, thickness=15.0 * inch, rodsize=0.050).\ place_between(optics[my.M10], optics[my.M11], -19 * inch) optics[my.SERR1] = serrated_aperture("serrated aperture", diameter=0.003).\ place_between(optics[my.M2], optics[my.TrM1], 10 * inch) optics[my.SF1] = plain_aperture("spatial filter 1", diameter=0.001).\ place_between(optics[my.M2], optics[my.TrM1], 35 * inch) optics[my.QR1] = halfwave_plate("QR1", width=1 * inch, thickness=0.5 * inch).place_between( optics[my.G9a], optics[my.G9b], 8 * inch).rotate_axis(22.5) optics[my.FR12] = faraday_rotator("FR12", width=0.5 * inch, thickness=6 * inch, rotation=45).\ place_between(optics[my.M6], optics[my.M7], 5 * inch) optics[my.VSF1] = vacuum_spatial_filter("VSF1", thickness=24 * inch, width=2 * inch).\ place_between(optics[my.L3], optics[my.L4], 0.750) optics[my.QR2] = halfwave_plate("QR2", width=1 * inch, thickness=0.5 * inch).place_between( optics[my.G25a], optics[my.G25b], 8 * inch).rotate_axis(22.5) optics[my.BP2] = PL_brewster_filter("BP2", transmit=1).place_between( optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 13 * inch).rotate_axis(90) optics[my.QR3] = halfwave_plate("QR3", width=1 * inch, thickness=0.5 * inch).place_between( optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 19 * inch).rotate_axis(22.5) optics[my.FR25] = faraday_rotator("FR25", width=1.0 * inch, thickness=6.0 * inch, rotation=45).\ place_between(optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 23 * inch) optics[my.BP3] = PL_brewster_filter("BP3", transmit=1).\ place_between(optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 30 * inch).rotate_axis(0) looks = [ my.M1, my.M2, my.TrM1, my.TrM2, my.TrM3, my.TrM4, my.M3, my.M4, my.M5, my.M6, my.M7, my.M8, my.M9, my.M10, my.M11, my.BP4, my.M12, my.M13, my.M14, my.M15, my.EXIT ] # align all mirrors for i in range(1, len(looks) - 1): optics[looks[i]].set_direction(optics[looks[i - 1]], optics[looks[i + 1]]) order = [ my.M1, my.M2, my.SERR1, my.L1, my.SF1, my.L2, my.TrM1, my.TrM2, my.TrM3, my.TrM4, my.M3, my.M4, my.G9a, my.QR1, my.G9b, my.M5, my.M6, my.FR12, my.L3, my.VSF1, my.L4, my.M7, my.M8, my.G25a, my.QR2, my.G25b, my.BP2, my.QR3, my.FR25, my.BP3, my.M9, my.M10, my.L5, my.L6, my.G50, my.M11, my.BP4, my.M12, my.M13, my.M14, my.M15, my.L7, my.L8 ] # specify center and reference as (0,0,0) to make our coordinates absolute composite_optic.init(self, "IR line", optics, order, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0, extras=extras)
def __init__(self, **extras): inch = 0.0254 entrance_y = 5.0 * inch y0 = 2.5 * inch # height of main line off table) my = blue_through_ylf optics = {} # first, list all mirrors, and point them at each other optics[my.UVM1] = mir("UVM1", (13 * inch, entrance_y, 7.5 * inch)) optics[my.UVM2] = mir("UVM2", (7.5 * inch, entrance_y, 7.5 * inch)) optics[my.PS1u] = mir("Blue Peri 1 upper", (8 * inch, entrance_y, 37 * inch)) optics[my.PS1d] = mir("Blue Peri 1 lower", (8 * inch, y0, 37 * inch)) optics[my.UVM3] = mir("UVM3", (36 * inch, y0, 38 * inch)) optics[my.UVM4] = mir("UVM4", (36 * inch, y0, 137.5 * inch)) optics[my.UVM5] = mir("UVM5", (43.5 * inch, y0, 49.5 * inch)) optics[my.UVM6] = mir("UVM6", (46.5 * inch, y0, 137.5 * inch)) optics[my.UVM7] = mir("UVM7", (38 * inch, y0, 38 * inch)) optics[my.UVM8] = mir("UVM8", (41.5 * inch, y0, 136 * inch)) optics[my.UVM9] = mir("UVM9", (53 * inch, y0, 136 * inch)) optics[my.UVM10] = mir("UVM10", (53 * inch, y0, 41 * inch)) optics[my.UVM11] = mir("UVM11", (48 * inch, y0, 41 * inch)) optics[my.UVM12] = mir("YLF retro", (48 * inch, y0, 80.5 * inch)) optics[my.YLF_SPLIT] = mir("YLF exit splitter", (48 * inch, y0, 47.8 * inch)) optics[my.UVL1] = lens("UVL1", f=+0.75).place_between(optics[my.UVM3], optics[my.UVM4], 4.0 * inch) optics[my.UVL2] = lens("UVL2", f=+1.00).place_between(optics[my.UVL1], optics[my.UVM4], 83 * inch - 0.0 * inch) optics[my.DEMAG1] = lens("UVL3", f=+0.75).place_between( optics[my.UVM9], optics[my.UVM10], 23.0 * inch) optics[my.DEMAG2] = lens("UVL4", f=+1.00).place_between( optics[my.DEMAG1], optics[my.UVM10], 1.7 + 5.0 * inch) optics[my.SERR] = null_optic("Serr. Aperture", width=1.0 * inch, thickness=0.1 * inch).place_between( optics[my.DEMAG1], optics[my.DEMAG2], 3 * inch) optics[my.FILTER] = null_optic("Filter Aperture", width=1.0 * inch, thickness=0.1 * inch).place_between( optics[my.DEMAG1], optics[my.DEMAG2], 0.75) looks = [ my.UVM1, my.UVM2, my.PS1u, my.PS1d, my.UVM3, my.UVM4, my.UVM5, my.UVM6, my.UVM7, my.UVM8, my.UVM9, my.UVM10, my.UVM11, my.UVM12, my.YLF_SPLIT ] # align all mirrors for i in range(1, len(looks) - 1): optics[looks[i]].set_direction(optics[looks[i - 1]], optics[looks[i + 1]]) order = [ my.UVM1, my.UVM2, my.PS1u, my.PS1d, my.UVM3, my.UVL1, my.UVL2, my.UVM4, my.UVM5, my.UVM6, my.UVM7, my.UVM8, my.UVM9, my.DEMAG1, my.SERR, my.FILTER, my.DEMAG2, my.UVM10, my.UVM11, my.UVM12, my.YLF_SPLIT ] # specify center and reference as (0,0,0) to make our coordinates absolute composite_optic.init(self, "blue line", optics, order, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), 0, extras=extras)
def show_table(): inch=0.0254 lambda0=1.054e-6 spitfire_exit=Numeric.array((2*inch, 5*inch, -0.65)) compressor_entrance=Numeric.array((45.5*inch, 2.5*inch, 46.5*inch)) optics={} BLUELINE='bl' SPLIT='split' START='start' COMP='compressor' QUAD='quadrupler' IR='ir' IR_COMP='ir compressor' BE_TURN='be_turn' IZ_SCREEN='iz' optics[START]=null_optic("start", spitfire_exit) optics[BLUELINE]=blueline=blue_through_ylf() optics[SPLIT]=split1=reflector("splitter1", center=(2*inch, 5*inch, 3*inch)) optics[IR]=irline=ir_line() comp=optics[COMP]=blue_compressor(38.5, 1.28, lambda0, center=compressor_entrance, angle=270) mainbeam=beam( spitfire_exit, qtens(lambda0, spitfire.q0), lambda0) #print mainbeam.q split1.set_direction(spitfire_exit, blueline) blueline.set_entrance_direction(split1) blueline.set_exit_direction(comp) comp.rotate_to_axis(blueline) q=optics[QUAD]=quadrupler(center=(40*inch, 2.5*inch, 34.5*inch), from_optic=comp[blue_compressor.TM1]) comp.set_exit_direction(q) q.set_entrance_direction(comp) blue_sys=composite_optic("blue_sys", optics, [START, SPLIT, BLUELINE, COMP, QUAD], (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0) irline.set_entrance_direction(spitfire_exit) #align compressor table to output of main IR line ir_sys=composite_optic("ir_sys", optics, [START, IR], (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0).clone() pointer=trace_path(ir_sys, mainbeam.clone())[-1] pointer.free_drift(1.0) optics[IR_COMP]=ircomp=ir_compressor(center=pointer.x0, angle=math.atan(0.2)/deg) ircomp.set_entrance_direction(irline) #now, align IZ ir_sys=composite_optic("ir_sys", optics, [START, IR, IR_COMP], (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0).clone() pointer=trace_path(ir_sys, mainbeam.clone())[-1] pointer.free_drift(1.0) bemir=optics[BE_TURN]=reflector("be turn mirror", center=pointer.x0, angle=45.0) bemir.transport_to_here(pointer).transform(pointer) pointer.free_drift(0.1) dz=pointer.q.next_waist() pointer.free_drift(dz) optics[IZ_SCREEN]=null_optic("IZ", pointer.x0) ir_sys=composite_optic("ir_sys", optics, [START, IR, IR_COMP, BE_TURN, IZ_SCREEN], (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0) whole_table=composite_optic("whole table", optics, [START, SPLIT, BLUELINE, COMP, QUAD, IR, IR_COMP, BE_TURN, IZ_SCREEN], (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0) ir_trace=trace_path(ir_sys, mainbeam.clone()) blue_trace=trace_path(blue_sys, mainbeam.clone()) if table_layout: g=draw_everything({"sys":whole_table}, ir_trace, (-.25,5), (0,2.5), three_d=0) draw_trace(g, blue_trace) #g=draw_everything({"sys":sys}, trace, (0.5,1.1), (0.8,1.1), three_d=0) #g=draw_everything({"sys":sys}, trace, (0.7,1.3), (0.9,1.2), three_d=0) if show_qd: graphite.genOutput(g,'QD',canvasname="Compressor layout", size=(900,500)) if show_pdf: graphite.genOutput(g,'PDF',canvasname="Tablelayout", size=(900,500)) #print trace[0] plotq(blue_trace) if 0: glabel=ircomp.mark_label(ircomp.INPUT) m=ir_trace[(glabel,0)] print "\n\n**start**\n\n" print m.incoming_direction, m.direction() print m.incoming_q print m.incoming_q.qi_moments()[1:3] print m.incoming_q.q_moments()[1:3] print m.incoming_q.qit, "\n" print m.localize_transform_tensor print m.footprint_q print m.footprint_q.qi_moments()[1:3] print m.footprint_q.q_moments()[1:3] print m.footprint_q.qit, "\n" print m.globalize_transform_tensor print m.q print m.q.qi_moments()[1:3] print m.q.q_moments()[1:3] print m.q.qit, "\n" glabel=ircomp.mark_label(ircomp.INPUT) #endpoint=ir_trace[(glabel,0)] #get first hit on optic <glabel> endpoint=ir_trace[-1] q=endpoint.q t, qx0, qy0=q.qi_moments() theta=math.atan2(t[0,1].real, t[0,0].real)/deg qxx, qyy = endpoint.transform_q_to_table(q) dzx, dzy = (1e6/qxx).real, (1e6/qyy).real print ("qxx = %.1f, dzx = %.0f, qyy=%.1f, dzy=%.0f, (in um), theta=%.1f deg" % ([1]*1e6, dzx,[1]*1e6, dzy, theta ) )
def doit_bc(theta1, clen, lambda0, drawit=0): print "\n\n***start blue line trace***\n" grating_offset=-0.075 exit_height=0 exit_z=-0.3 eta1=0.0 optics={} END='end' optics[END]=null_optic("end", (0.15,exit_height,0), 0) START='start' optics[START]=null_optic("start", (0,0,-0.85)) tracebeam=basebeam.clone() system_center=Numeric.array((-0.1, 0, -0.85)) basebeam=beam(system_center, qtens(lambda0, q=spitfire.q0), lambda0) tracebeam.free_drift(-0.2) COMP='comp' comp=optics[COMP]=blue_compressor(theta1, clen, lambda0, center=system_center, angle=rotation) TM2='turn2' optics[TM2]=reflector("output turn 2", angle=0, center=(0.15,exit_height,-0.6), width=.025) optics[COMP].set_exit_direction(optics[TM2]) optics[TM2].set_direction(optics[COMP], optics[END]) sys_order=(START, COMP, TM2, DEMAG1, DEMAG2, END) GRATE=comp.mark_label(blue_compressor.GRATE) IR1=comp.mark_label(blue_compressor.IR1) IR2=comp.mark_label(blue_compressor.IR2) optic_sys=composite_optic("system", optics, sys_order, center=optics[START].center) trace0=trace_path(optic_sys, tracebeam.shift_lambda(0)) trace1=trace_path(optic_sys, tracebeam.shift_lambda(-0.5e-9)) trace2=trace_path(optic_sys, tracebeam.shift_lambda(+0.5e-9)) try: #if one of the traces failed, this may not work print "Theta1=%.3f eta=%.3f len=%.3f lambda=%.4f" % (theta1, eta1, clen, lambda0*1e6) d0=trace0[-1]['total_drift'] d1=trace1[-1]['total_drift'] d2=trace2[-1]['total_drift'] print ("d(lambda0-0.5nm)=%.3f m, d(lambda0+0.5nm)=%.3f m, dt/dl=%.0f ps/nm, " % (d1, d2, (d2-d1)*1e12/clight)), print "d2t/dl2 = %.2f ps/nm^2" % ((d2+d1-2.0*d0)*(1e12/clight)*4) spot1info=trace0[(GRATE,0)] spot2info=trace0[(GRATE,1)] ir1info=trace0[(IR1,0)] ir2info=trace0[(IR2,0)] spot_offset=spot2info['position']-spot1info['position'] retro_offset=ir2info['position']-ir1info['position'] print "Grating offset = %.3f, retro_offset=%.3f" % (vec_mag(spot_offset), vec_mag(retro_offset)) print "measured vertex length = %.3f" % vec_mag(comp[GRATE].center-comp[IR1].center) print "dispersion offset on grating = %.3f m / nm" % vec_mag(trace2[(GRATE,1)]['position']-trace1[(GRATE,1)]['position']) print "final q = ", trace0[-1]['q'] except: traceback.print_exc() pass if drawit: g=draw_everything({"sys":optic_sys}, trace0, (-.9, .1), (-.5, .5), three_d=0) #g=draw_everything(optics, trace0, (-2, 2), (-2, 2)) draw_trace(g, trace1) draw_trace(g, trace2) graphite.genOutput(g,'QD',canvasname="Compressor layout", size=(600,500))
def __init__(self, **extras): inch=0.0254 entrance_y=5.0*inch exit_y=13.5*inch my=ir_line optics={} #first, list all mirrors, and point them at each other optics[my.M1]=mir("M1", (2*inch, entrance_y, 10*inch)) optics[my.M2]=mir("M2", (4*inch, entrance_y, 10*inch)) optics[my.TrM1]=mir("TrM1", (4*inch, entrance_y, 96*inch)) optics[my.TrM2]=mir("TrM2", (6*inch, entrance_y, 96*inch)) optics[my.TrM3]=mir("TrM3", (6*inch, entrance_y, 82.5*inch)) optics[my.TrM4]=mir("TrM4", (2*inch, entrance_y, 82.5*inch)) optics[my.M3]=mir("M3", (4*inch, entrance_y, 135*inch)) optics[my.M4]=mir("M4", (12*inch, entrance_y, 135*inch)) optics[my.M5]=mir("M5", (13*inch, entrance_y, 105*inch)) optics[my.M6]=mir("M6", (14*inch, entrance_y, 105*inch)) optics[my.M7]=mir("M7", (16.5*inch, entrance_y, 3*inch)) optics[my.M8]=mir("M8", (24*inch, entrance_y, 3*inch)) optics[my.M9]=mir("M9", (23*inch, entrance_y, 135*inch)) optics[my.M10]=mir("M10", (33*inch, entrance_y, 134.5*inch)) optics[my.M11]=mir("M11", (33*inch, entrance_y, -6*inch)) optics[my.BP4]=PL_brewster_filter("BP4", (33*inch, entrance_y, 27*inch), reversed=1) optics[my.M12]=mir("M12", (20*inch, entrance_y, 33*inch)) optics[my.M13]=mir("M13", (20*inch, entrance_y, 12*inch)) optics[my.M14]=mir("M14", (8.5*inch, entrance_y, 11.5*inch)) optics[my.M15]=mir("M15", (8.5*inch, exit_y, 11.5*inch)) optics[my.EXIT]=sys_exit=null_optic("exit", (10.0*inch, exit_y, 142.0*inch)) optics[my.L1]=lens("L1", f=+0.400).place_between(optics[my.M2], optics[my.TrM1], 12.0*inch) optics[my.L2]=lens("L2", f=+0.800).place_between(optics[my.L1], optics[my.TrM1], 1.30) optics[my.L3]=lens("L3", f=+0.750).place_between(optics[my.M6], optics[my.M7], 10*inch) optics[my.L4]=lens("L4", f=+1.500).place_between(optics[my.L3], optics[my.M7], 2.25) optics[my.L5]=lens("L5", f=+0.750).place_between(optics[my.M10], optics[my.M11], 5*inch) optics[my.L6]=lens("L6", f=+1.500).place_between(optics[my.L5], optics[my.M11], 95.5*inch) optics[my.L7]=lens("L7", f=+0.750).place_between(optics[my.M15], sys_exit, 4.5*inch) optics[my.L8]=lens("L8", f=+2.500, width=6*inch, thickness=0.25*inch).\ place_between(optics[my.M15], sys_exit, -1*inch).tilt_off_axis((0,45,0)) optics[my.G9a]=laser_head("9mm-1", width=2.0*inch, thickness=6.0*inch, rodsize=0.009).\ place_between(optics[my.M4], optics[my.M5], 9*inch) optics[my.G9b]=laser_head("9mm-2", width=2.0*inch, thickness=6.0*inch, rodsize=0.009).\ place_between(optics[my.M4], optics[my.M5], 23*inch) optics[my.G25a]=laser_head("25mm-1", width=6.0*inch, thickness=12.0*inch, rodsize=0.025).\ place_between(optics[my.M8], optics[my.M9], 74*inch) optics[my.G25b]=laser_head("25mm-2", width=6.0*inch, thickness=12.0*inch, rodsize=0.025).\ place_between(optics[my.M8], optics[my.M9], 94*inch) optics[my.G50]=laser_head("50mm", width=9.0*inch, thickness=15.0*inch, rodsize=0.050).\ place_between(optics[my.M10], optics[my.M11], -19*inch) optics[my.SERR1]=serrated_aperture("serrated aperture", diameter=0.003).\ place_between(optics[my.M2], optics[my.TrM1], 10*inch) optics[my.SF1]=plain_aperture("spatial filter 1", diameter=0.001).\ place_between(optics[my.M2], optics[my.TrM1], 35*inch) optics[my.QR1]=halfwave_plate("QR1", width=1*inch, thickness=0.5*inch).\ place_between(optics[my.G9a], optics[my.G9b], 8*inch).rotate_axis(22.5) optics[my.FR12]=faraday_rotator("FR12", width=0.5*inch, thickness=6*inch, rotation=45).\ place_between(optics[my.M6], optics[my.M7], 5*inch) optics[my.VSF1]=vacuum_spatial_filter("VSF1", thickness=24*inch, width=2*inch).\ place_between(optics[my.L3], optics[my.L4], 0.750) optics[my.QR2]=halfwave_plate("QR2", width=1*inch, thickness=0.5*inch).\ place_between(optics[my.G25a], optics[my.G25b], 8*inch).rotate_axis(22.5) optics[my.BP2]=PL_brewster_filter("BP2", transmit=1).\ place_between(optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 13*inch).rotate_axis(90) optics[my.QR3]=halfwave_plate("QR3", width=1*inch, thickness=0.5*inch).\ place_between(optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 19*inch).rotate_axis(22.5) optics[my.FR25]=faraday_rotator("FR25", width=1.0*inch, thickness=6.0*inch, rotation=45).\ place_between(optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 23*inch) optics[my.BP3]=PL_brewster_filter("BP3", transmit=1).\ place_between(optics[my.G25b], optics[my.M9], 30*inch).rotate_axis(0) looks=[my.M1, my.M2, my.TrM1, my.TrM2, my.TrM3, my.TrM4, my.M3, my.M4, my.M5, my.M6, my.M7, my.M8, my.M9, my.M10, my.M11, my.BP4, my.M12, my.M13, my.M14, my.M15, my.EXIT] #align all mirrors for i in range(1, len(looks)-1): optics[looks[i]].set_direction(optics[looks[i-1]], optics[looks[i+1]]) order=[my.M1, my.M2, my.SERR1, my.L1, my.SF1, my.L2, my.TrM1, my.TrM2, my.TrM3, my.TrM4, my.M3, my.M4, my.G9a, my.QR1, my.G9b, my.M5, my.M6, my.FR12, my.L3, my.VSF1, my.L4, my.M7, my.M8, my.G25a, my.QR2, my.G25b, my.BP2, my.QR3, my.FR25, my.BP3, my.M9, my.M10, my.L5, my.L6, my.G50, my.M11, my.BP4, my.M12, my.M13, my.M14, my.M15, my.L7, my.L8] #specify center and reference as (0,0,0) to make our coordinates absolute composite_optic.init(self, "IR line", optics, order, (0,0,0), (0,0,0), 0, extras=extras )