コード例 #1
class SchoolVOBranch(MappingSchema):
    address = general_rules.Address()
    avg_education_hours_per_student = AverageEducationHours()
    avg_education_hours_per_student_url = SchemaNode(String(), validator=url)
    board = SchemaNode(String(), validator=Length(min=3, max=100))
    board_id = general_rules.board_id
    branch_id = general_rules.branch_id
    brin = general_rules.brin
    building_img_url = SchemaNode(String(), validator=url)
    costs = Costs()
    costs_url = SchemaNode(String(), validator=url)
    denomination = general_rules.denomination
    education_structures = general_rules.EducationStructures()
    email = SchemaNode(String(), validator=Email())
    logo_img_url = SchemaNode(String(), validator=url)
    municipality = general_rules.municipality
    municipality_id = general_rules.municipality_code
    name = general_rules.name
    parent_satisfaction = Satisfactions()
    parent_satisfaction_url = SchemaNode(String(), validator=url)
    phone = general_rules.phone
    profile = SchemaNode(String(), validator=Length(min=3, max=500))
    province = general_rules.province
    schoolkompas_status_id = SchemaNode(Int(), validator=Range(min=0,\
    schoolvo_code = SchemaNode(String(), validator=Length(min=14, max=14))
    student_satisfaction = Satisfactions()
    student_satisfaction_url = SchemaNode(String(), validator=url)
    website = general_rules.website
コード例 #2
class OnderwijsInspectieVoBranch(MappingSchema):

.. table::

    ======================================================= =================================== ========================================================================================================
    Field                                                   Type                                Description
    ======================================================= =================================== ========================================================================================================
    advice_structure_third_year                             array of :ref:`advice_struct_3`     An array of :ref:`advice_struct_3`, representing the distribution of the primary school advices students have in the third year of their education.
    board_id                                                integer                             Identifier (assigned by :ref:`duodata`) of the board of this branch.
    branch_id                                               integer                             Identifier (assigned by :ref:`duodata`) of this branch.
    brin                                                    string                              "Basis Registratie Instellingen-nummer", identifier of the school this branch belongs to. Alphanumeric, four characters long.
    composition_first_year                                  :ref:`first_year_comp`              Composition of the first year of this school, distinguishing between *combined* (students from different education structures partaking in the same courses) and *categorical* (percentage of students from the same education structures).
    exam_average_grades                                     array of :ref:`exam_avg_grades`     Array of :ref:`exam_avg_grades`, showing the average exam grade per course group.
    exam_participation_per_profile                          array of :ref:`exam_part_prof`      Array of :ref:`exam_part_prof`, containing the distribution of sectors (VMBO) and profiles (HAVO/VWO) in students participating in exams.
    first_years_performance                                 :ref:`first_year_perf`              Description of the performance of the school's "onderbouw" (first years).
    meta                                                    :ref:`owinspmeta`                   Metadata, such as date of scrape and whether this item passed validation.
    performance_assessments                                 array of :ref:`perf_ass`            Array of :ref:`perf_ass`, indicating the "Opbrengstenoordeel", a rating given by the Inspectie to each school, based on the performance in the first years ("onderbouw"), final years ("bovenbouw"), grades of the central examinations and the three year average of the difference between "schoolexamens" and central examinations grades.
    reports                                                 array of :ref:`owinspreport`        Array of :ref:`owinspreport`, where each item represents a report of the Onderwijsinspectie [#owinsp]_ in PDF.
    students_from_third_year_to_graduation_without_retaking array of :ref:`straight_grad`       Array of :ref:`straight_grad`, showing the percentage of students that go on to graduation from their third year without retaking a year, per education structure.
    students_in_third_year_without_retaking                 array of :ref:`3yearnoretakes`      Array of :ref:`3yearnoretakes`, showing the percentage of students that reach their third year without retaking a year.
    ======================================================= =================================== ========================================================================================================

    address = general_rules.Address(title="Address of this branch")
    board = general_rules.name(title="The name of the board of this school.")
    board_id = general_rules.board_id(
        "Identifier (assigned by :ref:`duodata`) of the board of this branch.")
    branch_id = general_rules.branch_id(
        title="Identifier (assigned by :ref:`duodata`) of this branch.")
    brin = general_rules.brin(
        "'Basis Registratie Instellingen-nummer', identifier of the school this branch belongs to. Alphanumeric, four characters long."
    current_ratings = CurrentRatings(
        "Array of :ref:`owinspcurrat`, where each item represents the current rating of the Onderwijsinspectie [#owinsp]_."
    denomination = general_rules.denomination(
        "In the Netherlands, schools can be based on a (religious [#denomination]_) conviction, which is denoted here."
    education_structures = general_rules.EducationStructures(
        "An array of strings, where each string represents the level of education [#edu_in_holland]_ (education structure) that is offered at this school."
    name = general_rules.name(title="Name of this branch.")
    rating_history = RatingHistory(
        "Array of :ref:`owinsprathist`, where each item represents a rating the Onderwijsinspectie [#owinsp]_ awarded to this branch."
    reports = Reports(
        "Array of :ref:`owinspreport`, where each item represents a report of the Onderwijsinspectie [#owinsp]_ in PDF."
    result_card_url = general_rules.url(
        title="URL to the result card ('opbrengstenkaart') of this branch.")
    website = general_rules.url(title="Website of this branch (optional).")
コード例 #3
ファイル: owinsp.py プロジェクト: mdxs/openonderwijsdata-api
class OnderwijsInspectieVoBranch(MappingSchema):
    name = general_rules.name
    brin = general_rules.brin
    denomination = general_rules.denomination
    education_structures = general_rules.EducationStructures()
    branch_id = general_rules.branch_id
    board_id = general_rules.board_id
    address = general_rules.Address()
    website = general_rules.url
    result_card_url = general_rules.url
    reports = Reports()
    rating_history = RatingHistory()
    current_ratings = CurrentRatings()
    board = general_rules.name
コード例 #4
class DuoVoBranch(MappingSchema):
    address = general_rules.Address()
    correspondence_address = general_rules.Address()
    name = general_rules.name
    branch_id = general_rules.branch_id
    board_id = general_rules.board_id
    brin = general_rules.brin
    corop_area = general_rules.corop_area
    corop_area_code = general_rules.corop_area_code
    denomination = general_rules.denomination
    education_area = general_rules.education_area
    education_area_code = general_rules.education_area_code
    education_structures = general_rules.EducationStructures()
    graduations = Graduations()
    graduations_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date())
    graduations_reference_url = general_rules.reference_url
    student_residences = StudentResidences()
    student_residences_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date())
    student_residences_reference_url = general_rules.reference_url
    students_by_structure = StudentsByStructure()
    municipality = general_rules.municipality
    municipality_code = general_rules.municipality_code
    nodal_area = general_rules.nodal_area
    nodal_area_code = general_rules.nodal_area_code
    phone = general_rules.phone
    province = general_rules.province
    reference_year = general_rules.reference_year
    rmc_region = general_rules.rmc_region
    rmc_region_code = general_rules.rmc_region_code
    rpa_area = general_rules.rpa_area
    rpa_area_code = general_rules.rpa_area_code
    website = general_rules.url
    wgr_area = general_rules.wgr_area
    wgr_area_code = general_rules.wgr_area_code

    vavo_students_reference_url = general_rules.website
    vavo_students_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date(), missing=True)
    vavo_students = VavoStudents()

    students_by_finegrained_structure_reference_url = general_rules.website
    students_by_finegrained_structure_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date(), missing=True)
    students_by_finegrained_structure = FineGrainedStructureStudents()
コード例 #5
class DuoVoSchool(MappingSchema):
    address = general_rules.Address()
    correspondence_address = general_rules.Address()
    board_id = general_rules.board_id
    brin = general_rules.brin
    denomination = general_rules.denomination
    corop_area = general_rules.corop_area
    corop_area_code = general_rules.corop_area
    dropouts = Dropouts(missing=True)
    dropouts_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date(), missing=True)
    dropouts_reference_url = general_rules.reference_url
    education_area = general_rules.education_area
    education_area_code = general_rules.education_area_code
    education_structures = general_rules.EducationStructures()
    municipality = general_rules.municipality
    municipality_code = general_rules.municipality_code
    nodal_area = general_rules.nodal_area
    nodal_area_code = general_rules.nodal_area_code
    phone = general_rules.phone
    province = general_rules.province
    reference_year = general_rules.reference_year
    rmc_region = general_rules.rmc_region
    rmc_region_code = general_rules.rmc_region_code
    rpa_area = general_rules.rpa_area
    rpa_area_code = general_rules.rpa_area_code
    website = general_rules.url
    wgr_area = general_rules.wgr_area
    wgr_area_code = general_rules.wgr_area_code

    # TODO:
    #students_prognosis = StudentPrognosis()
    students_prognosis_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date(), missing=True)
    students_prognosis_url = general_rules.website

    vo_lo_collaboration_reference_url = general_rules.website
    vo_lo_collaboration_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date(), missing=True)
    vo_lo_collaboration = general_rules.collaboration_id

    pao_collaboration_reference_url = general_rules.website
    pao_collaboration_reference_date = SchemaNode(Date(), missing=True)
    pao_collaboration = general_rules.collaboration_id
コード例 #6
class SchoolVOBranch(MappingSchema):
    address = general_rules.Address(title="Address of the branch.")
    avg_education_hours_per_student = AverageEducationHours(
        "Array of :ref:`eduhours`, representing how many hours of education were planned for a year, and how many are actually realised."
    avg_education_hours_per_student_url = SchemaNode(
        String(), validator=url, title="URL to the *Onderwijstijd* page.")
    board = SchemaNode(String(),
                       validator=Length(min=3, max=100),
                       title="The name of the board of this school.")
    board_id = general_rules.board_id(
        "Identifier (assigned by :ref:`duodata`) of the board of this branch.")
    branch_id = general_rules.branch_id(
        title="Identifier (assigned by :ref:`duodata`) of this branch.")
    brin = general_rules.brin(
        "'Basis Registratie Instellingen-nummer', identifier of the school this branch belongs to. Alphanumeric, four characters long."
    building_img_url = SchemaNode(
        title="URL to a photo of the building of this branch.")
    costs = Costs(
        "Object representing the costs a parent can expect for this branch.")
    costs_url = SchemaNode(String(),
                           title="URL to the *Onderwijskosten* page.")
    denomination = general_rules.denomination(
        "In the Netherlands, schools can be based on a (religious [#denomination]_) conviction, which is denoted here."
    education_structures = general_rules.EducationStructures(
        "An array of strings, where each string represents the level of education [#edu_in_holland]_ (education structure) that is offered at this school."
    email = SchemaNode(String(),
                       title="Email address of this branch.")
    logo_img_url = SchemaNode(
        title="URL to a photo of the logo of the school of this branch.")
    municipality = general_rules.municipality(
        title="The name of the municipality this branch is located in.")
    municipality_id = general_rules.municipality_code()
    name = general_rules.name(title="Name of the branch of this school.")
    parent_satisfaction = Satisfactions(title="Satisfaction polls of parents.")
    parent_satisfaction_url = SchemaNode(
        title="URL to the *Tevredenheid ouders* page.")
    phone = general_rules.phone(
        "Unnormalised string representing the phone number of this branch.")
    profile = SchemaNode(
        validator=Length(min=3, max=500),
        title="Short description of the motto of this branch.")
    province = general_rules.province(
        title="The province [#provinces]_ this branch is situated in.")
    schoolkompas_status_id = SchemaNode(
        validator=Range(min=0, max=1000),
        title="Identifier used at http://schoolkompas.nl. Use unknown.")
    schoolvo_code = SchemaNode(
        validator=Length(min=14, max=14),
        "Identifier used at http://schoolvo.nl. Consists of the board_id, brin and branch_id, separated by dashes. A school page can be accessed at `http://schoolvo.nl/?p_schoolcode=`\ *<schoolvo_code>*."
    student_satisfaction = Satisfactions(
        title="Satisfaction polls of students.")
    student_satisfaction_url = SchemaNode(
        title="URL to the *Tevredenheid leerlingen* page.")
    website = general_rules.website(title="URL of the website of the school.")