curs.execute( "select * FROM flights WHERE direction=%s and dst=%s and date=%s and dep_time=%s and company=%s", (i['direction'], DST, str(i['year']) + "-" + str(i['month']) + "-" + str(i['day']), '00:00', str(company_id))) if (len(curs.fetchall()) > 0): curs.execute( "DELETE FROM flights WHERE direction=%s and dst=%s and date=%s and dep_time=%s and company=%s", (i['direction'], DST, str(i['year']) + "-" + str(i['month']) + "-" + str(i['day']), '00:00', str(company_id))) curs.execute( "INSERT INTO flights (company, scrape_time, direction, dst, price, dep_time, arr_time, date, dur_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (str(company_id), str(scrape_time), i['direction'], DST, int( i['price']), '00:00', '00:00', str(i['year']) + "-" + str(i['month']) + "-" + str(i['day']), get_flight_time(i, DST))) curs.execute( "INSERT INTO archive_flights (company, scrape_time, direction, dst, price, dep_time, arr_time, date, dur_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (str(company_id), str(scrape_time), i['direction'], DST, int( i['price']), '00:00', '00:00', str(i['year']) + "-" + str(i['month']) + "-" + str(i['day']), get_flight_time(i, DST))) if cleandone == 1: curs.execute( "delete from flights where company=%s and dst=%s and date>=%s and date<%s and scrape_time<%s", (str(company_id), DST, str(Start_orig.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), str(Stop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), str(scrape_time))) print "Done!" db.commit() print
print "" if debug_flag: print "Debug: efore clean_dup: Out, Inc: " print flightsList fl2=up.clean_dup_max(flightsList, 1) fl3=up.clean_dup_max(flightsList, 2) fl2.extend(fl3) if debug_flag: print "Debug: After clean_dup: Out, Inc: " for i in fl2: print i #db= psycopg2.connect( host="", database="GabiScrape", user="******", password="******") curs = db.cursor() curs.execute("select id from companies where name='elal'") company_id=curs.fetchone()[0] for i in fl2: curs.execute("select * FROM flights WHERE direction=%s and dst=%s and date=%s and dep_time=%s and company=%s", (i['direction'],DST,str(i['year'])+"-"+str(i['month'])+"-"+str(i['day']), str(i['dep_time']), str(company_id))) if (len(curs.fetchall()) > 0): curs.execute("DELETE FROM flights WHERE direction=%s and dst=%s and date=%s and dep_time=%s and company=%s", (i['direction'],DST,str(i['year'])+"-"+str(i['month'])+"-"+str(i['day']), str(i['dep_time']), str(company_id))) curs.execute("INSERT INTO flights (company, scrape_time, direction, dst, price, dep_time, arr_time, date, dur_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (str(company_id), str(scrape_time), i['direction'], DST, int(i['price']), str(i['dep_time']), str(i['arr_time']), str(i['year'])+"-"+str(i['month'])+"-"+str(i['day']), get_flight_time(i, DST))) curs.execute("INSERT INTO archive_flights (company, scrape_time, direction, dst, price, dep_time, arr_time, date, dur_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (str(company_id), str(scrape_time), i['direction'], DST, int(i['price']), str(i['dep_time']), str(i['arr_time']), str(i['year'])+"-"+str(i['month'])+"-"+str(i['day']), get_flight_time(i, DST))) if cleandone==1: curs.execute("delete from flights where company=%s and dst=%s and date>=%s and date<%s and scrape_time<%s", (str(company_id), DST, str(Start_orig.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), str(Stop.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), str(scrape_time))) print "Done!" db.commit() print