def plot_all_csvs_from_multiple_files_split_diff_datasets(csv_paths_files_list, baseline_st_idx, y_axis): assert len(csv_paths_files_list) == 3, "should have 3 files for 3 bulk experiments" gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3) axis_mat = np.empty([5, 3], dtype=object) fig_arr = [] for i in range(5): fig = define_new_figure(size=(20, 5)) fig.set_facecolor("#FFFFFF") fig_arr.append(fig) for j in range(3): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, j]) axis_mat[i, j] = ax for j, bulk_expr_csv_f in enumerate(csv_paths_files_list): csv_file_paths_list = file_util.readlines(bulk_expr_csv_f) for f_num, f_path in enumerate(csv_file_paths_list): x_ax, x_ax_vals, our_ys, our_lbls, baselines_ys, baselines_lbls = extract_info_from_csv(f_path, baseline_st_idx) plot_experiment_publish_format(axis_mat[f_num, j], x_ax_vals, our_ys, our_lbls, baselines_ys, baselines_lbls, x_ax, y_axis) share_axis_between_rows(axis_mat, axis='y') #plt.tight_layout() csv_file_paths_list = file_util.readlines(csv_paths_files_list[0]) datasets_names = map(lambda p: os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0].split('_')[0], csv_file_paths_list) for i, fig in enumerate(fig_arr): p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(csv_paths_files_list[0])) + "/" + datasets_names[i] + ".pdf" print p save_figure_publishable(fig, p) plt.clf()
def plot_experiment_effect_of_num_of_operators_publishable(expr_fold_path): import csv fig = define_new_figure(size=(10, 5)) fig.set_facecolor("#FFFFFF") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) csv_f_path, all_exprs_data_points = extract_info_from_expr_folder(expr_fold_path) with open(csv_f_path, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') tbl_headers = x_axis = tbl_headers[0] our_labels = [['']] baselines_labels = [] x_axis_vals = [] our_ys = [[]] baselines_ys = [] for line in reader: x_axis_vals.append(int(line[0])) our_ys[0].append(float(line[2])) plot_experiment_publish_format(ax, x_axis_vals, our_ys, our_labels, baselines_ys, baselines_labels, x_axis, 'final accuracy') # print list(csv.reader(open(csv_f_path, 'r'), delimiter='\t'))[1:] baselines_ys = [] plot_experiment_publish_format(ax, x_axis_vals, our_ys, our_labels, baselines_ys, baselines_labels, x_axis, "final accuracy") #plt.tight_layout() # ax.set_ylim(0.55, 0.70) save_figure_publishable(fig, os.path.dirname(csv_f_path) + "/op_num_effect.pdf")
def plot_all_csvs_from_file(fold_paths_file, y_axis): fig = define_new_figure(size=(15, 14)) fig.set_facecolor("#FFFFFF") gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3 * 2, 4 * 3) axis_list = [] for i in range(2): for j in range(2): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i * 2:(i + 1) * 2, j * 2 * 3:(j + 1) * 2 * 3]) axis_list.append(ax) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[4:6, 0:6]) axis_list.append(ax) # fig = define_new_figure(size=(20, 8)) # fig.set_facecolor("#FFFFFF") # # gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2 * 3) # axis_list = [] # for i in range(3): # for j in range(1): # ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, i * 2:(i + 1) * 2]) # axis_list.append(ax) # ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0:2]) # axis_list.append(ax) # ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2:4]) # axis_list.append(ax) titles = ('CMR', 'SUBJ', 'SST', 'HS', 'KS') fold_paths_list = file_util.readlines(fold_paths_file) for f_num, f_path in enumerate(fold_paths_list): csv_path, _ = extract_info_from_expr_folder(f_path) x_ax, x_ax_vals, our_ys, our_lbls, baselines_ys, baselines_lbls = extract_info_from_csv(csv_path, 4) our_lbls = ['US-BS-MQ', 'US-HC-MQ', 'S-MQ'] baselines_lbls = ['IDEAL-RAND', 'WNA', 'RNN-LM'] axis_list[f_num].set_title(titles[f_num], fontsize=32) plot_experiment_publish_format(axis_list[f_num], x_ax_vals, our_ys, our_lbls, baselines_ys[:-1], baselines_lbls[:-1], x_ax, y_axis) #plt.tight_layout(pad=0.3) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.95), loc=2, prop={'size': 25}) save_figure_publishable(fig, os.path.dirname(fold_paths_file) + "/all_plots_publish.png") # eps the format conferences want # for some reason the showed plot is different from the one saved
def plot_all_final_results_from_file_with_error_bars(fold_paths_file): us_hc_scores = [] us_hc_stds = [] us_beam_scores = [] us_beam_stds = [] rand_syn_scores = [] rand_syn_stds = [] wna_scores = [] wna_stds = [] ind = np.arange(5) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.20 # the width of the bars fig = define_new_figure(size=(10, 4.5)) fig.set_facecolor("#FFFFFF") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) exprs_fold_paths = file_util.readlines(fold_paths_file) for f_num, fold_path in enumerate(exprs_fold_paths): csv_path, all_exprs_data_points = extract_info_from_expr_folder(fold_path) x_axis, x_axis_vals, our_ys, our_labels, baselines_ys, baselines_labels = extract_info_from_csv(csv_path, 4) ideal_scr = baselines_ys[0][-1] all_exprs_data_points = map( lambda all_res: map(lambda data_p_lst: [x / ideal_scr for x in data_p_lst], all_res), all_exprs_data_points) all_expr_data_points_std = extract_std_deviation_all_exprs_data_points(all_exprs_data_points) us_beam_scores.append(our_ys[0][-1] / ideal_scr) us_beam_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[0][-1] / 2) us_hc_scores.append(our_ys[1][-1] / ideal_scr) us_hc_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[1][-1] / 2) rand_syn_scores.append(our_ys[2][-1] / ideal_scr) rand_syn_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[2][-1] / 2) wna_scores.append(baselines_ys[1][-1] / ideal_scr) wna_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[4][-1] / 2) # init_score = baselines_ys[0][0] # all_exprs_data_points = map(lambda all_res: map(lambda data_p_lst: [(x-init_score)/(ideal_scr-init_score) for x in data_p_lst], all_res), # all_exprs_data_points) # all_expr_data_points_std = extract_std_deviation_all_exprs_data_points(all_exprs_data_points) # # # us_beam_scores.append((our_ys[0][-1]-init_score)/(ideal_scr-init_score)) # us_beam_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[0][-1] / 2) # us_hc_scores.append((our_ys[1][-1]-init_score)/(ideal_scr-init_score)) # us_hc_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[1][-1] / 2) # rand_syn_scores.append((our_ys[2][-1]-init_score)/(ideal_scr-init_score)) # rand_syn_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[2][-1] / 2) # wna_scores.append((baselines_ys[1][-1]-init_score)/(ideal_scr-init_score)) # wna_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[4][-1] / 2) ax.set_xticks(ind) - 1.5 * width, us_hc_scores, width, yerr=us_hc_stds, color='SkyBlue', label='US-HC-MQ', hatch="-") - 0.5 * width, us_beam_scores, width, yerr=us_beam_stds, color='IndianRed', label='US-BS-MQ', hatch="\\\\") + 0.5 * width, rand_syn_scores, width, yerr=rand_syn_stds, color='gold', label='S-MQ', hatch="//") + 1.5 * width, wna_scores, width, yerr=wna_stds, color='purple', label='WNA') # minlim, maxlim = ax.get_xlim() # ax.plot([minlim, maxlim], [0., 0.], "k--") # ax.set_xlim([minlim, maxlim]) ax.set_ylim(0.5, 1.05) # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc. ax.set_ylabel('IDEAL accuracy ratio') ax.set_xticklabels(('CMR', 'SUBJ', 'SST', 'HS', 'KS')) #plt.tight_layout() ax.legend(loc='best') save_figure_publishable(fig, os.path.dirname(fold_paths_file) + "/final_results_error_bars.png")
def plot_label_switch_difference_publishable(fold_paths_file): us_hc_scores = [] us_hc_stds = [] rand_hc_scores = [] rand_hc_stds = [] rand_syn_scores = [] rand_syn_stds = [] ind = np.arange(5) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.25 # the width of the bars inst_gen_c = 50 # instance gen count fig = define_new_figure(size=(10, 3.5)) fig.set_facecolor("#FFFFFF") ax = fig.add_subplot(111) exprs_fold_paths = file_util.readlines(fold_paths_file) for f_num, fold_path in enumerate(exprs_fold_paths): csv_path, all_exprs_data_points = extract_info_from_expr_folder(fold_path) all_exprs_data_points = map( lambda all_res: map(lambda data_p_lst: [float(x) / inst_gen_c for x in data_p_lst], all_res), all_exprs_data_points) all_expr_data_points_std = extract_std_deviation_all_exprs_data_points(all_exprs_data_points) with open(csv_path, 'rb') as f: csv_lines = list(csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')) cells = map(lambda a: float(a) / inst_gen_c, csv_lines[1]) # line with semantic env 10 us_hc_scores.append(cells[1]) us_hc_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[0][1] / 2) rand_hc_scores.append(cells[2]) rand_hc_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[1][1] / 2) rand_syn_scores.append(cells[3]) rand_syn_stds.append(all_expr_data_points_std[2][1] / 2) rects1 = - width, us_hc_scores, width, hatch='-', # yerr=us_hc_stds, color='SkyBlue', label='US-HC-MQ') rects2 =, rand_hc_scores, width, hatch='\\\\', # yerr=rand_hc_stds, color='IndianRed', label='S-HC-MQ') rects3 = + width, rand_syn_scores, width, hatch='//', # yerr=rand_syn_stds, color='gold', label='S-MQ') # Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc. ax.set_ylabel('% of switched instances') ax.set_xticks(ind) ax.set_xticklabels(('CMR', 'SUBJ', 'SST', 'HS', 'KS')) #plt.tight_layout() ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.22, 1.0), loc='upper left') def autolabel(rects, xpos='center'): """ Attach a text label above each bar in *rects*, displaying its height. *xpos* indicates which side to place the text w.r.t. the center of the bar. It can be one of the following {'center', 'right', 'left'}. """ xpos = xpos.lower() # normalize the case of the parameter ha = {'center': 'center', 'right': 'left', 'left': 'right'} offset = {'center': 0.5, 'right': 0.53, 'left': 0.47} # x_txt = x + w*off for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() * offset[xpos], 1.01 * height, '{0:.2f}'.format(height), ha=ha[xpos], va='bottom') autolabel(rects1, "left") autolabel(rects2, "center") autolabel(rects3, "right") # print os.path.dirname(fold_paths_file) + "/label_switch.pdf" save_figure_publishable(fig, os.path.dirname(fold_paths_file) + "/label_switch.png")